using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Linq.Expressions; using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using Object = UnityEngine.Object; namespace UnityEditorInternal { internal class RectUtils { public static bool Contains(Rect a, Rect b) { if (a.xMin > b.xMin) return false; if (a.xMax < b.xMax) return false; if (a.yMin > b.yMin) return false; if (a.yMax < b.yMax) return false; return true; } public static Rect Encompass(Rect a, Rect b) { Rect newRect = a; newRect.xMin = Math.Min(a.xMin, b.xMin); newRect.yMin = Math.Min(a.yMin, b.yMin); newRect.xMax = Math.Max(a.xMax, b.xMax); newRect.yMax = Math.Max(a.yMax, b.yMax); return newRect; } public static Rect Inflate(Rect a, float factor) { return Inflate(a, factor, factor); } public static Rect Inflate(Rect a, float factorX, float factorY) { float newWidth = a.width * factorX; float newHeight = a.height * factorY; float offsetWidth = (newWidth - a.width) / 2.0f; float offsetHeight = (newHeight - a.height) / 2.0f; Rect r = a; r.xMin -= offsetWidth; r.yMin -= offsetHeight; r.xMax += offsetWidth; r.yMax += offsetHeight; return r; } public static bool Intersects(Rect r1, Rect r2) { if (!r1.Overlaps(r2) && !r2.Overlaps(r1)) return false; return true; } public static bool Intersection(Rect r1, Rect r2, out Rect intersection) { if (!r1.Overlaps(r2) && !r2.Overlaps(r1)) { intersection = new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0); return false; } float left = Mathf.Max(r1.xMin, r2.xMin); float top = Mathf.Max(r1.yMin, r2.yMin); float right = Mathf.Min(r1.xMax, r2.xMax); float bottom = Mathf.Min(r1.yMax, r2.yMax); intersection = new Rect(left, top, right - left, bottom - top); return true; } public static bool IntersectsSegment(Rect rect, Vector2 p1, Vector2 p2) { float minX = Mathf.Min(p1.x, p2.x); float maxX = Mathf.Max(p1.x, p2.x); if (maxX > rect.xMax) { maxX = rect.xMax; } if (minX < rect.xMin) { minX = rect.xMin; } if (minX > maxX) { return false; } float minY = Mathf.Min(p1.y, p2.y); float maxY = Mathf.Max(p1.y, p2.y); float dx = p2.x - p1.x; if (Mathf.Abs(dx) > 0.0000001f) { float a = (p2.y - p1.y) / dx; float b = p1.y - a * p1.x; minY = a * minX + b; maxY = a * maxX + b; } if (minY > maxY) { float tmp = maxY; maxY = minY; minY = tmp; } if (maxY > rect.yMax) { maxY = rect.yMax; } if (minY < rect.yMin) { minY = rect.yMin; } if (minY > maxY) { return false; } return true; } public static Rect OffsetX(Rect r, float offsetX) { return Offset(r, offsetX, 0.0f); } public static Rect Offset(Rect r, float offsetX, float offsetY) { Rect nr = r; nr.xMin += offsetX; nr.yMin += offsetY; return nr; } public static Rect Offset(Rect a, Rect b) { Rect nr = a; nr.xMin += b.xMin; nr.yMin += b.yMin; return nr; } public static Rect Move(Rect r, Vector2 delta) { Rect nr = r; nr.xMin += delta.x; nr.yMin += delta.y; nr.xMax += delta.x; nr.yMax += delta.y; return nr; } } internal interface IBounds { Rect boundingRect { get; } } internal class QuadTreeNode where T : IBounds { private Rect m_BoundingRect; private static Color m_DebugFillColor = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.01f); private static Color m_DebugWireColor = new Color(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f); private static Color m_DebugBoxFillColor = new Color(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.01f); private const float kSmallestAreaForQuadTreeNode = 10.0f; List m_Elements = new List(); List> m_ChildrenNodes = new List>(4); public QuadTreeNode(Rect r) { m_BoundingRect = r; } public bool IsEmpty { get { return (m_BoundingRect.width == 0 && m_BoundingRect.height == 0) || m_ChildrenNodes.Count == 0; } } public Rect BoundingRect { get { return m_BoundingRect; } } public int CountItemsIncludingChildren() { return Count (true); } public int CountLocalItems() { return Count(false); } private int Count(bool recursive) { int count = m_Elements.Count; if (recursive) { foreach (QuadTreeNode node in m_ChildrenNodes) count += node.Count(recursive); } return count; } public List GetElementsIncludingChildren() { return Elements (true); } public List GetElements() { return Elements(false); } private List Elements(bool recursive) { List results = new List(); if (recursive) { foreach (QuadTreeNode node in m_ChildrenNodes) results.AddRange(node.Elements(recursive)); } results.AddRange(m_Elements); return results; } public List IntersectsWith(Rect queryArea) { List results = new List(); foreach (T item in m_Elements) { if (RectUtils.Intersects(item.boundingRect, queryArea)) { results.Add(item); } } foreach (QuadTreeNode node in m_ChildrenNodes) { if (node.IsEmpty) continue; if (RectUtils.Intersects(node.BoundingRect, queryArea)) { // the node completely contains the queryArea // recurse down and stop results.AddRange(node.IntersectsWith(queryArea)); break; } } return results; } public List ContainedBy(Rect queryArea) { List results = new List(); foreach (T item in m_Elements) { if (RectUtils.Contains(item.boundingRect, queryArea)) { results.Add(item); } else if (queryArea.Overlaps(item.boundingRect)) { results.Add(item); } } foreach (QuadTreeNode node in m_ChildrenNodes) { if (node.IsEmpty) continue; if (RectUtils.Contains(node.BoundingRect, queryArea)) { // the node completely contains the queryArea // recurse down and stop results.AddRange(node.ContainedBy(queryArea)); break; } if (RectUtils.Contains(queryArea, node.BoundingRect)) { // the queryArea completely contains this node // just add everything under this node, recursively results.AddRange(node.Elements(true)); continue; } if (node.BoundingRect.Overlaps(queryArea)) { // the node intesects // recurse and continue iterating siblings results.AddRange(node.ContainedBy(queryArea)); } } return results; } public void Remove(T item) { m_Elements.Remove(item); foreach (QuadTreeNode node in m_ChildrenNodes) { node.Remove(item); } } public void Insert(T item) { if (!RectUtils.Contains(m_BoundingRect, item.boundingRect)) { Rect intersection = new Rect(); if (!RectUtils.Intersection(item.boundingRect, m_BoundingRect, out intersection)) { // Ignore elements completely outside the quad tree return; } } if (m_ChildrenNodes.Count == 0) Subdivide(); // insert into children nodes foreach (QuadTreeNode node in m_ChildrenNodes) { if (RectUtils.Contains(node.BoundingRect, item.boundingRect)) { node.Insert(item); return; } } // item is not completely contained in any of the children nodes // insert here this.m_Elements.Add(item); } private void Subdivide() { if ((m_BoundingRect.height * m_BoundingRect.width) <= kSmallestAreaForQuadTreeNode) return; float halfWidth = (m_BoundingRect.width / 2f); float halfHeight = (m_BoundingRect.height / 2f); m_ChildrenNodes.Add(new QuadTreeNode(new Rect(m_BoundingRect.position.x, m_BoundingRect.position.y, halfWidth, halfHeight))); m_ChildrenNodes.Add(new QuadTreeNode(new Rect(m_BoundingRect.xMin, m_BoundingRect.yMin + halfHeight, halfWidth, halfHeight))); m_ChildrenNodes.Add(new QuadTreeNode(new Rect(m_BoundingRect.xMin + halfWidth, m_BoundingRect.yMin, halfWidth, halfHeight))); m_ChildrenNodes.Add(new QuadTreeNode(new Rect(m_BoundingRect.xMin + halfWidth, m_BoundingRect.yMin + halfHeight, halfWidth, halfHeight))); } public void DebugDraw(Vector2 offset) { UnityEditor.Experimental.UIHelpers.ApplyWireMaterial(); Rect screenSpaceRect = m_BoundingRect; screenSpaceRect.x += offset.x; screenSpaceRect.y += offset.y; Handles.DrawSolidRectangleWithOutline(screenSpaceRect, m_DebugFillColor, m_DebugWireColor); foreach (QuadTreeNode node in m_ChildrenNodes) { node.DebugDraw(offset); } foreach (IBounds i in Elements(false)) { Rect o = i.boundingRect; o.x += offset.x; o.y += offset.y; Handles.DrawSolidRectangleWithOutline(o, m_DebugBoxFillColor, Color.yellow); } } }; internal class QuadTree where T : IBounds { private QuadTreeNode m_Root = null; private Rect m_Rectangle; private Vector2 m_ScreenSpaceOffset =; public QuadTree() { Clear(); } public Vector2 screenSpaceOffset { get { return m_ScreenSpaceOffset; } set { m_ScreenSpaceOffset = value; } } public Rect rectangle { get { return m_Rectangle; } } public void Clear() { SetSize(new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1)); } public void SetSize(Rect rectangle) { m_Root = null; m_Rectangle = rectangle; m_Root = new QuadTreeNode(m_Rectangle); } public int Count { get { return m_Root.CountItemsIncludingChildren(); } } public void Insert(List items) { foreach (T i in items) { Insert(i); } } public void Insert(T item) { m_Root.Insert(item); } public void Remove(T item) { m_Root.Remove(item); } public List IntersectsWith(Rect area) { area.x -= m_ScreenSpaceOffset.x; area.y -= m_ScreenSpaceOffset.y; return m_Root.IntersectsWith(area); } public List ContainedBy(Rect area) { area.x -= m_ScreenSpaceOffset.x; area.y -= m_ScreenSpaceOffset.y; return m_Root.ContainedBy(area); } public List Elements() { return m_Root.GetElementsIncludingChildren(); } public void DebugDraw() { m_Root.DebugDraw(m_ScreenSpaceOffset); } } }