#ifndef LIGHTWEIGHT_PIPELINE_CORE_INCLUDED #define LIGHTWEIGHT_PIPELINE_CORE_INCLUDED #include "UnityCG.cginc" #if defined(UNITY_COLORSPACE_GAMMA) #define LIGHTWEIGHT_GAMMA_TO_LINEAR(gammaColor) gammaColor * gammaColor #define LIGHTWEIGHT_LINEAR_TO_GAMMA(linColor) sqrt(color) #define OUTPUT_COLOR(color) return half4(LIGHTWEIGHT_LINEAR_TO_GAMMA(color.rgb), color.a) #else #define LIGHTWEIGHT_GAMMA_TO_LINEAR(color) color #define LIGHTWEIGHT_LINEAR_TO_GAMMA(color) color #define OUTPUT_COLOR(color) color #endif half _Pow4(half x) { return x * x * x * x; } half _LerpOneTo(half b, half t) { half oneMinusT = 1 - t; return oneMinusT + b * t; } half3 SafeNormalize(half3 inVec) { half dp3 = max(1.e-4h, dot(inVec, inVec)); return inVec * rsqrt(dp3); } half3 UnpackNormalScale(half4 packednormal, half bumpScale) { #if defined(UNITY_NO_DXT5nm) half3 normal = packednormal.xyz * 2 - 1; #if (SHADER_TARGET >= 30) // SM2.0: instruction count limitation // SM2.0: normal scaler is not supported normal.xy *= bumpScale; #endif return normal; #else // This do the trick packednormal.x *= packednormal.w; half3 normal; normal.xy = (packednormal.xy * 2 - 1); #if (SHADER_TARGET >= 30) // SM2.0: instruction count limitation // SM2.0: normal scaler is not supported normal.xy *= bumpScale; #endif normal.z = sqrt(1.0 - saturate(dot(normal.xy, normal.xy))); return normal; #endif } half3 EvaluateSHPerVertex(half3 normalWS) { #if defined(EVALUATE_SH_VERTEX) return max(half3(0, 0, 0), ShadeSH9(half4(normalWS, 1.0))); #elif defined(EVALUATE_SH_MIXED) // no max since this is only L2 contribution return SHEvalLinearL2(half4(normalWS, 1.0)); #endif // Fully per-pixel. Nothing to compute. return half3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } half3 EvaluateSHPerPixel(half3 normalWS) { return max(half3(0, 0, 0), ShadeSH9(half4(normalWS, 1.0))); } half3 EvaluateSHPerPixel(half3 normalWS, half3 L2Term) { #ifdef EVALUATE_SH_MIXED return = max(half3(0, 0, 0), L2Term + SHEvalLinearL0L1(half4(normalWS, 1.0))); #endif // Default: Evaluate SH fully per-pixel return max(half3(0, 0, 0), ShadeSH9(half4(normalWS, 1.0))); } half3 SampleLightmap(float2 lightmapUV, half3 normalWS) { half4 encodedBakedColor = UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2D(unity_Lightmap, lightmapUV); half3 bakedColor = DecodeLightmap(encodedBakedColor); #if DIRLIGHTMAP_COMBINED half4 bakedDirection = UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2D_SAMPLER(unity_LightmapInd, unity_Lightmap, lightmapUV); bakedColor = DecodeDirectionalLightmap(bakedColor, bakedDirection, normalWS); #endif return bakedColor; } void OutputTangentToWorld(half4 vertexTangent, half3 vertexNormal, out half3 tangentWS, out half3 binormalWS, out half3 normalWS) { half sign = vertexTangent.w * unity_WorldTransformParams.w; normalWS = normalize(UnityObjectToWorldNormal(vertexNormal)); tangentWS = normalize(mul((half3x3)unity_ObjectToWorld, vertexTangent.xyz)); binormalWS = cross(normalWS, tangentWS) * sign; } half3 TangentToWorldNormal(half3 normalTangent, half3 tangent, half3 binormal, half3 normal) { half3x3 tangentToWorld = half3x3(tangent, binormal, normal); return normalize(mul(normalTangent, tangentToWorld)); } float ComputeFogFactor(float z) { float clipZ_01 = UNITY_Z_0_FAR_FROM_CLIPSPACE(z); #if defined(FOG_LINEAR) // factor = (end-z)/(end-start) = z * (-1/(end-start)) + (end/(end-start)) float fogFactor = saturate(clipZ_01 * unity_FogParams.z + unity_FogParams.w); return half(fogFactor); #elif defined(FOG_EXP) // factor = exp(-density*z) float unityFogFactor = unity_FogParams.y * clipZ_01; return half(saturate(exp2(-unityFogFactor))); #elif defined(FOG_EXP2) // factor = exp(-(density*z)^2) float unityFogFactor = unity_FogParams.x * clipZ_01; return half(saturate(exp2(-unityFogFactor*unityFogFactor))); #else return 0.0h; #endif } void ApplyFog(inout half3 color, half fogFactor) { #if defined(FOG_LINEAR) || defined(FOG_EXP) || defined(FOG_EXP2) color = lerp(unity_FogColor, color, fogFactor); #endif } #endif