using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using UnityEditor.Graphing; using UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.Drawing.Controls; using UnityEngine; namespace UnityEditor.ShaderGraph { [Title("Channel", "Swizzle")] public class SwizzleNode : AbstractMaterialNode, IGeneratesBodyCode { public SwizzleNode() { name = "Swizzle"; UpdateNodeAfterDeserialization(); } public override string documentationURL { get { return ""; } } const int InputSlotId = 0; const int OutputSlotId = 1; const string kInputSlotName = "In"; const string kOutputSlotName = "Out"; public override bool hasPreview { get { return true; } } public sealed override void UpdateNodeAfterDeserialization() { AddSlot(new DynamicVectorMaterialSlot(InputSlotId, kInputSlotName, kInputSlotName, SlotType.Input,; AddSlot(new Vector4MaterialSlot(OutputSlotId, kOutputSlotName, kOutputSlotName, SlotType.Output,; RemoveSlotsNameNotMatching(new[] { InputSlotId, OutputSlotId }); } static Dictionary s_ComponentList = new Dictionary { {TextureChannel.Red, "r" }, {TextureChannel.Green, "g" }, {TextureChannel.Blue, "b" }, {TextureChannel.Alpha, "a" }, }; [SerializeField] TextureChannel m_RedChannel; [ChannelEnumControl("Red Out")] public TextureChannel redChannel { get { return m_RedChannel; } set { if (m_RedChannel == value) return; m_RedChannel = value; Dirty(ModificationScope.Node); } } [SerializeField] TextureChannel m_GreenChannel; [ChannelEnumControl("Green Out")] public TextureChannel greenChannel { get { return m_GreenChannel; } set { if (m_GreenChannel == value) return; m_GreenChannel = value; Dirty(ModificationScope.Node); } } [SerializeField] TextureChannel m_BlueChannel; [ChannelEnumControl("Blue Out")] public TextureChannel blueChannel { get { return m_BlueChannel; } set { if (m_BlueChannel == value) return; m_BlueChannel = value; Dirty(ModificationScope.Node); } } [SerializeField] TextureChannel m_AlphaChannel; [ChannelEnumControl("Alpha Out")] public TextureChannel alphaChannel { get { return m_AlphaChannel; } set { if (m_AlphaChannel == value) return; m_AlphaChannel = value; Dirty(ModificationScope.Node); } } void ValidateChannelCount() { var channelCount = SlotValueHelper.GetChannelCount(FindInputSlot(InputSlotId).concreteValueType); if ((int)redChannel >= channelCount) redChannel = TextureChannel.Red; if ((int)greenChannel >= channelCount) greenChannel = TextureChannel.Red; if ((int)blueChannel >= channelCount) blueChannel = TextureChannel.Red; if ((int)alphaChannel >= channelCount) alphaChannel = TextureChannel.Red; } public void GenerateNodeCode(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) { ValidateChannelCount(); var outputSlotType = FindOutputSlot(OutputSlotId).concreteValueType.ToString(precision); var outputName = GetVariableNameForSlot(OutputSlotId); var inputValue = GetSlotValue(InputSlotId, generationMode); var inputValueType = FindInputSlot(InputSlotId).concreteValueType; if (inputValueType == ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector1) visitor.AddShaderChunk(string.Format("{0} {1} = {2};", outputSlotType, outputName, inputValue), false); else if (generationMode == GenerationMode.ForReals) visitor.AddShaderChunk(string.Format("{0} {1} = {2}.{3}{4}{5}{6};", outputSlotType, outputName, inputValue, s_ComponentList[m_RedChannel].ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), s_ComponentList[m_GreenChannel].ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), s_ComponentList[m_BlueChannel].ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), s_ComponentList[m_AlphaChannel].ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), false); else visitor.AddShaderChunk(string.Format("{0} {1} = {0}({3}[((int){2} >> 0) & 3], {3}[((int){2} >> 2) & 3], {3}[((int){2} >> 4) & 3], {3}[((int){2} >> 6) & 3]);", outputSlotType, outputName, GetVariableNameForNode(), // Name of the uniform we encode swizzle values into inputValue), false); } public override void CollectShaderProperties(PropertyCollector properties, GenerationMode generationMode) { base.CollectShaderProperties(properties, generationMode); if (generationMode != GenerationMode.Preview) return; properties.AddShaderProperty(new Vector1ShaderProperty { overrideReferenceName = GetVariableNameForNode(), generatePropertyBlock = false }); } public override void CollectPreviewMaterialProperties(List properties) { base.CollectPreviewMaterialProperties(properties); // Encode swizzle values into an integer var value = ((int)redChannel) | ((int)greenChannel << 2) | ((int)blueChannel << 4) | ((int)alphaChannel << 6); properties.Add(new PreviewProperty(PropertyType.Vector1) { name = GetVariableNameForNode(), floatValue = value }); } } }