#ifndef UNITY_SCREEN_SPACE_TRACING_INCLUDED #define UNITY_SCREEN_SPACE_TRACING_INCLUDED // ------------------------------------------------- // Algorithm uniform parameters // ------------------------------------------------- const float DepthPlaneBias = 1E-5; // ------------------------------------------------- // Output // ------------------------------------------------- struct ScreenSpaceRayHit { uint2 positionSS; // Position of the hit point (SS) float2 positionNDC; // Position of the hit point (NDC) float linearDepth; // Linear depth of the hit point #ifdef DEBUG_DISPLAY float3 debugOutput; #endif }; struct ScreenSpaceHiZRaymarchInput { float3 rayOriginWS; // Ray origin (WS) float3 rayDirWS; // Ray direction (WS) uint maxIterations; // Number of iterations before failing #ifdef DEBUG_DISPLAY bool debug; #endif }; struct ScreenSpaceProxyRaycastInput { float3 rayOriginWS; // Ray origin (WS) float3 rayDirWS; // Ray direction (WS) EnvLightData proxyData; #ifdef DEBUG_DISPLAY bool debug; #endif }; // ------------------------------------------------- // Utilities // ------------------------------------------------- // Calculate the ray origin and direction in SS // out positionSS : (x, y, 1/depth) // out raySS : (x, y, 1/depth) void CalculateRaySS( float3 rayOriginWS, float3 rayDirWS, uint2 bufferSize, out float3 positionSS, out float3 raySS ) { float3 positionWS = rayOriginWS; float3 rayEndWS = rayOriginWS + rayDirWS * 10; float4 positionCS = ComputeClipSpacePosition(positionWS, GetWorldToHClipMatrix()); float4 rayEndCS = ComputeClipSpacePosition(rayEndWS, GetWorldToHClipMatrix()); float2 positionNDC = ComputeNormalizedDeviceCoordinates(positionWS, GetWorldToHClipMatrix()); float2 rayEndNDC = ComputeNormalizedDeviceCoordinates(rayEndWS, GetWorldToHClipMatrix()); float3 rayStartSS = float3( positionNDC.xy * bufferSize, 1.0 / positionCS.w); // Screen space depth interpolate properly in 1/z float3 rayEndSS = float3( rayEndNDC.xy * bufferSize, 1.0 / rayEndCS.w); // Screen space depth interpolate properly in 1/z positionSS = rayStartSS; raySS = rayEndSS - rayStartSS; } // Check whether the depth of the ray is above the sampled depth // Arguments are inversed linear depth bool IsPositionAboveDepth(float rayDepth, float invLinearDepth) { // as depth is inverted, we must invert the check as well // rayZ > HiZ <=> 1/rayZ < 1/HiZ return rayDepth > invLinearDepth; } // Sample the Depth buffer at a specific mip and linear depth float LoadDepth(float2 positionSS, int level) { float pyramidDepth = LOAD_TEXTURE2D_LOD(_DepthPyramidTexture, int2(positionSS.xy) >> level, level).r; float linearDepth = LinearEyeDepth(pyramidDepth, _DepthBufferParams); return linearDepth; } // Sample the Depth buffer at a specific mip and return 1/linear depth float LoadInvDepth(float2 positionSS, int level) { float linearDepth = LoadDepth(positionSS, level); float invLinearDepth = 1 / linearDepth; return invLinearDepth; } bool CellAreEquals(int2 cellA, int2 cellB) { return cellA.x == cellB.x && cellA.y == cellB.y; } // Calculate intersection between the ray and the depth plane // positionSS.z is 1/depth // raySS.z is 1/depth float3 IntersectDepthPlane(float3 positionSS, float3 raySS, float invDepth) { // The depth of the intersection with the depth plane is: positionSS.z + raySS.z * t = invDepth float t = (invDepth - positionSS.z) / raySS.z; // (t<0) When the ray is going away from the depth plane, // put the intersection away. // Instead the intersection with the next tile will be used. // (t>=0) Add a small distance to go through the depth plane. t = t >= 0.0f ? (t + DepthPlaneBias) : 1E5; // Return the point on the ray return positionSS + raySS * t; } // Calculate intersection between a ray and a cell float3 IntersectCellPlanes( float3 positionSS, float3 raySS, float2 invRaySS, int2 cellId, uint2 cellSize, int2 cellPlanes, float2 crossOffset ) { const float SQRT_2 = sqrt(2); const float CellPlaneBias = 1E-2; // Planes to check int2 planes = (cellId + cellPlanes) * cellSize; // Hit distance to each planes float2 distanceToCellAxes = float2(planes - positionSS.xy) * invRaySS; // (distance to x axis, distance to y axis) float t = min(distanceToCellAxes.x, distanceToCellAxes.y) // Offset by 1E-3 to ensure cell boundary crossing // This assume that length(raySS.xy) == 1; + CellPlaneBias; // Interpolate screen space to get next test point float3 testHitPositionSS = positionSS + raySS * t; return testHitPositionSS; } #ifdef DEBUG_DISPLAY // ------------------------------------------------- // Debug Utilities // ------------------------------------------------- void DebugComputeCommonOutput( float3 rayDirWS, bool hitSuccessful, inout ScreenSpaceRayHit hit ) { switch (_DebugLightingSubMode) { case DEBUGSCREENSPACETRACING_RAY_DIR_WS: hit.debugOutput = rayDirWS * 0.5 + 0.5; break; case DEBUGSCREENSPACETRACING_HIT_DEPTH: hit.debugOutput = frac(hit.linearDepth * 0.1); break; case DEBUGSCREENSPACETRACING_HIT_SUCCESS: hit.debugOutput = hitSuccessful; break; } } void DebugComputeHiZOutput( int iteration, float3 startPositionSS, float3 rayDirSS, int maxIterations, int maxUsedLevel, int maxMipLevel, int intersectionKind, inout ScreenSpaceRayHit hit ) { switch (_DebugLightingSubMode) { case DEBUGSCREENSPACETRACING_HI_ZPOSITION_NDC: hit.debugOutput = float3(float2(startPositionSS.xy) * _ScreenSize.zw, 0); break; case DEBUGSCREENSPACETRACING_HI_ZITERATION_COUNT: hit.debugOutput = float(iteration) / float(maxIterations); break; case DEBUGSCREENSPACETRACING_HI_ZRAY_DIR_NDC: hit.debugOutput = float3(rayDirSS.xy * 0.5 + 0.5, frac(0.1 / rayDirSS.z)); break; case DEBUGSCREENSPACETRACING_HI_ZMAX_USED_MIP_LEVEL: hit.debugOutput = float(maxUsedLevel) / float(maxMipLevel); break; case DEBUGSCREENSPACETRACING_HI_ZINTERSECTION_KIND: hit.debugOutput = GetIndexColor(intersectionKind); break; } } #endif #endif // ------------------------------------------------- // Algorithm: Proxy raycast // ------------------------------------------------- #ifdef SSRTID #define SSRT_SETTING(name, SSRTID) _SS ## SSRTID ## name #define SSRT_FUNC(name, SSRTID) name ## SSRTID CBUFFER_START(SSRT_FUNC(UnityScreenSpaceRaymarching, SSRTID)) int SSRT_SETTING(RayMinLevel, SSRTID); int SSRT_SETTING(RayMaxLevel, SSRTID); int SSRT_SETTING(RayMaxIterations, SSRTID); float SSRT_SETTING(RayDepthSuccessBias, SSRTID); CBUFFER_END bool SSRT_FUNC(ScreenSpaceProxyRaycast, SSRTID)( ScreenSpaceProxyRaycastInput input, out ScreenSpaceRayHit hit ) { ZERO_INITIALIZE(ScreenSpaceRayHit, hit); float3x3 worldToPS = WorldToProxySpace(input.proxyData); float3 rayOriginPS = WorldToProxyPosition(input.proxyData, worldToPS, input.rayOriginWS); float3 rayDirPS = mul(input.rayDirWS, worldToPS); float projectionDistance = 0.0; switch(input.proxyData.influenceShapeType) { case ENVSHAPETYPE_SPHERE: case ENVSHAPETYPE_SKY: { projectionDistance = IntersectSphereProxy(input.proxyData, rayDirPS, rayOriginPS); break; } case ENVSHAPETYPE_BOX: projectionDistance = IntersectBoxProxy(input.proxyData, rayDirPS, rayOriginPS); break; } float3 hitPositionWS = input.rayOriginWS + input.rayDirWS * projectionDistance; float4 hitPositionCS = ComputeClipSpacePosition(hitPositionWS, GetWorldToHClipMatrix()); float4 rayOriginCS = ComputeClipSpacePosition(input.rayOriginWS, GetWorldToHClipMatrix()); float2 hitPositionNDC = ComputeNormalizedDeviceCoordinates(hitPositionWS, GetWorldToHClipMatrix()); uint2 hitPositionSS = uint2(hitPositionNDC *_ScreenSize.xy); float hitLinearDepth = hitPositionCS.w; hit.positionNDC = hitPositionNDC; hit.positionSS = hitPositionSS; hit.linearDepth = hitLinearDepth; bool hitSuccessful = true; #ifdef DEBUG_DISPLAY DebugComputeCommonOutput(input.rayDirWS, hitSuccessful, hit); if (input.debug) { ScreenSpaceTracingDebug debug; ZERO_INITIALIZE(ScreenSpaceTracingDebug, debug); float2 rayOriginNDC = ComputeNormalizedDeviceCoordinates(input.rayOriginWS, GetWorldToHClipMatrix()); uint2 rayOriginSS = uint2(rayOriginNDC * _ScreenSize.xy); debug.tracingModel = REFRACTIONSSRAYMODEL_PROXY; debug.loopStartPositionSSX = rayOriginSS.x; debug.loopStartPositionSSY = rayOriginSS.y; debug.loopStartLinearDepth = rayOriginCS.w; debug.endHitSuccess = hitSuccessful; debug.endLinearDepth = hitLinearDepth; debug.endPositionSSX = hitPositionSS.x; debug.endPositionSSY = hitPositionSS.y; debug.proxyShapeType = input.proxyData.influenceShapeType; debug.projectionDistance = projectionDistance; _DebugScreenSpaceTracingData[0] = debug; } #endif return hitSuccessful; } // ------------------------------------------------- // Algorithm: HiZ raymarching // ------------------------------------------------- // Based on Yasin Uludag, 2014. "Hi-Z Screen-Space Cone-Traced Reflections", GPU Pro5: Advanced Rendering Techniques bool SSRT_FUNC(ScreenSpaceHiZRaymarch, SSRTID)( ScreenSpaceHiZRaymarchInput input, out ScreenSpaceRayHit hit ) { const float2 CROSS_OFFSET = float2(1, 1); // Initialize loop ZERO_INITIALIZE(ScreenSpaceRayHit, hit); bool hitSuccessful = true; uint iteration = 0u; int minMipLevel = max(SSRT_SETTING(RayMinLevel, SSRTID), 0); int maxMipLevel = min(SSRT_SETTING(RayMaxLevel, SSRTID), int(_DepthPyramidScale.z)); uint2 bufferSize = uint2(_DepthPyramidSize.xy); uint maxIterations = min(input.maxIterations, SSRT_SETTING(RayMaxIterations, SSRTID)); float3 startPositionSS; float3 raySS; CalculateRaySS( input.rayOriginWS, input.rayDirWS, bufferSize, startPositionSS, raySS ); #ifdef DEBUG_DISPLAY // Initialize debug variables int debugLoopMipMaxUsedLevel = minMipLevel; int debugIterationMipLevel = minMipLevel; uint2 debugIterationCellSize = uint2(0u, 0u); float3 debugIterationPositionSS = float3(0, 0, 0); uint debugIteration = 0u; uint debugIterationIntersectionKind = 0u; float debugIterationLinearDepthBuffer = 0; #endif int intersectionKind = 0; float raySSLength = length(raySS.xy); raySS /= raySSLength; // Initialize raymarching float2 invRaySS = float2(1, 1) / raySS.xy; // Calculate planes to intersect for each cell int2 cellPlanes = sign(raySS.xy); float2 crossOffset = CROSS_OFFSET * cellPlanes; cellPlanes = clamp(cellPlanes, 0, 1); int currentLevel = minMipLevel; uint2 cellCount = bufferSize >> currentLevel; uint2 cellSize = uint2(1, 1) << currentLevel; float3 positionSS = startPositionSS; float invHiZDepth = 0; while (currentLevel >= minMipLevel) { if (iteration >= maxIterations) { hitSuccessful = false; break; } cellCount = bufferSize >> currentLevel; cellSize = uint2(1, 1) << currentLevel; #ifdef DEBUG_DISPLAY // Fetch pre iteration debug values if (input.debug && _DebugStep >= iteration) debugIterationMipLevel = currentLevel; #endif // Go down in HiZ levels by default int mipLevelDelta = -1; // Sampled as 1/Z so it interpolate properly in screen space. invHiZDepth = LoadInvDepth(positionSS.xy, currentLevel); intersectionKind = HIZINTERSECTIONKIND_NONE; if (IsPositionAboveDepth(positionSS.z, invHiZDepth)) { float3 candidatePositionSS = IntersectDepthPlane(positionSS, raySS, invHiZDepth); intersectionKind = HIZINTERSECTIONKIND_DEPTH; const int2 cellId = int2(positionSS.xy) / cellSize; const int2 candidateCellId = int2(candidatePositionSS.xy) / cellSize; // If we crossed the current cell if (!CellAreEquals(cellId, candidateCellId)) { candidatePositionSS = IntersectCellPlanes( positionSS, raySS, invRaySS, cellId, cellSize, cellPlanes, crossOffset); intersectionKind = HIZINTERSECTIONKIND_CELL; // Go up a level to go faster mipLevelDelta = 1; } positionSS = candidatePositionSS; } currentLevel = min(currentLevel + mipLevelDelta, maxMipLevel); #ifdef DEBUG_DISPLAY // Fetch post iteration debug values if (input.debug && _DebugStep >= iteration) { debugLoopMipMaxUsedLevel = max(debugLoopMipMaxUsedLevel, currentLevel); debugIterationPositionSS = positionSS; debugIterationLinearDepthBuffer = 1 / invHiZDepth; debugIteration = iteration; debugIterationIntersectionKind = intersectionKind; debugIterationCellSize = cellSize; } #endif // Check if we are out of the buffer if (any(int2(positionSS.xy) > int2(bufferSize)) || any(positionSS.xy < 0) ) { hitSuccessful = false; break; } ++iteration; } hit.linearDepth = 1 / positionSS.z; hit.positionNDC = float2(positionSS.xy) / float2(bufferSize); hit.positionSS = uint2(positionSS.xy); if (hit.linearDepth > (1 / invHiZDepth) + SSRT_SETTING(RayDepthSuccessBias, SSRTID)) hitSuccessful = false; #ifdef DEBUG_DISPLAY DebugComputeCommonOutput(input.rayDirWS, hitSuccessful, hit); DebugComputeHiZOutput( iteration, startPositionSS, raySS, SSRT_SETTING(RayMaxIterations, SSRTID), debugLoopMipMaxUsedLevel, maxMipLevel, intersectionKind, hit ); if (input.debug) { // Build debug structure ScreenSpaceTracingDebug debug; ZERO_INITIALIZE(ScreenSpaceTracingDebug, debug); debug.tracingModel = REFRACTIONSSRAYMODEL_HI_Z; debug.loopStartPositionSSX = uint(startPositionSS.x); debug.loopStartPositionSSY = uint(startPositionSS.y); debug.loopStartLinearDepth = 1 / startPositionSS.z; debug.loopRayDirectionSS = raySS; debug.loopMipLevelMax = debugLoopMipMaxUsedLevel; debug.loopIterationMax = iteration; debug.iterationPositionSS = debugIterationPositionSS; debug.iterationMipLevel = debugIterationMipLevel; debug.iteration = debugIteration; debug.iterationLinearDepthBuffer = debugIterationLinearDepthBuffer; debug.iterationIntersectionKind = debugIterationIntersectionKind; debug.iterationCellSizeW = debugIterationCellSize.x; debug.iterationCellSizeH = debugIterationCellSize.y; debug.endHitSuccess = hitSuccessful; debug.endLinearDepth = hit.linearDepth; debug.endPositionSSX = hit.positionSS.x; debug.endPositionSSY = hit.positionSS.y; _DebugScreenSpaceTracingData[0] = debug; } #endif return hitSuccessful; } #undef SSRT_SETTING #undef SSRT_FUNC #endif