Shader "Hidden/HDPipeline/Lighting/ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion" { HLSLINCLUDE #include "../../../Core/ShaderLibrary/Common.hlsl" #include "../../ShaderVariables.hlsl" #define UNITY_MATERIAL_LIT // Needs to be defined before including Material.hlsl #include "../../Material/Material.hlsl" DECLARE_GBUFFER_TEXTURE(_GBufferTexture); // The constant below determines the contrast of occlusion. This allows // users to control over/under occlusion. At the moment, this is not exposed // to the editor because it's rarely useful. static const float kContrast = 0.6; // The constant below controls the geometry-awareness of the bilateral // filter. The higher value, the more sensitive it is. static const float kGeometryCoeff = 0.8; // The constants below are used in the AO estimator. Beta is mainly used // for suppressing self-shadowing noise, and Epsilon is used to prevent // calculation underflow. See the paper (Morgan 2011 // for further details of these constants. static const float kBeta = 0.002; // A small value used for avoiding self-occlusion. static const float kEpsilon = 1e-6; // Interleaved gradient function from Jimenez 2014 float GradientNoise(float2 uv) { uv = floor(uv * _ScreenParams.xy); float f = dot(float2(0.06711056, 0.00583715), uv); return frac(52.9829189 * frac(f)); } // Check if the depth value is valid. bool CheckDepth(float rawDepth) { #if defined(UNITY_REVERSED_Z) return rawDepth > 0.00001; #else return rawDepth < 0.99999; #endif } // AO/normal packed format conversion half4 PackAONormal(half ao, half3 n) { return half4(ao, n * 0.5 + 0.5); } half GetPackedAO(half4 p) { return p.x; } half3 GetPackedNormal(half4 p) { return p.yzw * 2.0 - 1.0; } half3 SampleNormal(uint2 unPositionSS) { float3 unused; BSDFData bsdfData; FETCH_GBUFFER(gbuffer, _GBufferTexture, unPositionSS); DECODE_FROM_GBUFFER(gbuffer, 0xFFFFFFFF, bsdfData, unused); return mul((float3x3)unity_WorldToCamera, bsdfData.normalWS); } // Normal vector comparer (for geometry-aware weighting) half CompareNormal(half3 d1, half3 d2) { return smoothstep(kGeometryCoeff, 1.0, dot(d1, d2)); } // Default vertex shader struct Attributes { uint vertexID : SV_VertexID; }; struct Varyings { float4 positionCS : SV_POSITION; }; Varyings Vert(Attributes input) { Varyings output; output.positionCS = GetFullScreenTriangleVertexPosition(input.vertexID); return output; } ENDHLSL SubShader { Cull Off ZWrite Off ZTest Always // 0: Ambient occlusion estimation Pass { HLSLPROGRAM #pragma vertex Vert #pragma fragment FragAO #include "AOEstimator.hlsl" ENDHLSL } // 1: Denoising (horizontal pass) Pass { HLSLPROGRAM #pragma vertex Vert #pragma fragment FragSeparableFilter #define SSAO_NOISEFILTER_HORIZONTAL #define SSAO_NOISEFILTER_CENTERNORMAL #include "NoiseFilter.hlsl" ENDHLSL } // 2: Denoising (vertical pass) Pass { HLSLPROGRAM #pragma vertex Vert #pragma fragment FragSeparableFilter #define SSAO_NOISEFILTER_VERTICAL #include "NoiseFilter.hlsl" ENDHLSL } // 3: Final filtering Pass { HLSLPROGRAM #pragma vertex Vert #pragma fragment FragFinalFilter #include "NoiseFilter.hlsl" ENDHLSL } } }