#ifndef UNITY_SAMPLING_INCLUDED #define UNITY_SAMPLING_INCLUDED //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sample generator //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Ref: http://holger.dammertz.org/stuff/notes_HammersleyOnHemisphere.html uint ReverseBits32(uint bits) { #if 1 // Shader model 5 return reversebits(bits); #else bits = (bits << 16) | (bits >> 16); bits = ((bits & 0x00ff00ff) << 8) | ((bits & 0xff00ff00) >> 8); bits = ((bits & 0x0f0f0f0f) << 4) | ((bits & 0xf0f0f0f0) >> 4); bits = ((bits & 0x33333333) << 2) | ((bits & 0xcccccccc) >> 2); bits = ((bits & 0x55555555) << 1) | ((bits & 0xaaaaaaaa) >> 1); return bits; #endif } float RadicalInverse_VdC(uint bits) { return float(ReverseBits32(bits)) * 2.3283064365386963e-10; // 0x100000000 } float2 Hammersley2d(uint i, uint maxSampleCount) { return float2(float(i) / float(maxSampleCount), RadicalInverse_VdC(i)); } float Hash(uint s) { s = s ^ 2747636419u; s = s * 2654435769u; s = s ^ (s >> 16); s = s * 2654435769u; s = s ^ (s >> 16); s = s * 2654435769u; return float(s) / 4294967295.0; } float2 InitRandom(float2 input) { float2 r; r.x = Hash(uint(input.x * 4294967295.0)); r.y = Hash(uint(input.y * 4294967295.0)); return r; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sampling function // Reference : http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~jdl/bib/globillum/mis/shirley96.pdf + PBRT // Caution: Our light point backward (-Z), these sampling function follow this convention //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- float3 UniformSampleSphere(float u1, float u2) { float phi = TWO_PI * u2; float cosTheta = 1.0 - 2.0 * u1; float sinTheta = sqrt(max(0.0, 1.0 - cosTheta * cosTheta)); return float3(sinTheta * cos(phi), sinTheta * sin(phi), cosTheta); // Light point backward (-Z) } float3 UniformSampleHemisphere(float u1, float u2) { float phi = TWO_PI * u2; float cosTheta = u1; float sinTheta = sqrt(max(0.0, 1.0 - cosTheta * cosTheta)); return float3(sinTheta * cos(phi), sinTheta * sin(phi), cosTheta); // Light point backward (-Z) } float3 UniformSampleDisk(float u1, float u2) { float r = sqrt(u1); float phi = TWO_PI * u2; return float3(r * cos(phi), r * sin(phi), 0); // Generate in XY plane as light point backward (-Z) } void SampleSphere( float2 u, float4x4 localToWorld, float radius, out float lightPdf, out float3 P, out float3 Ns) { float u1 = u.x; float u2 = u.y; Ns = UniformSampleSphere(u1, u2); // Transform from unit sphere to world space P = radius * Ns + localToWorld[3].xyz; // pdf is inverse of area lightPdf = 1.0 / (FOUR_PI * radius * radius); } void SampleHemisphere( float2 u, float4x4 localToWorld, float radius, out float lightPdf, out float3 P, out float3 Ns) { float u1 = u.x; float u2 = u.y; // Random point at hemisphere surface Ns = -UniformSampleHemisphere(u1, u2); // We want the y down hemisphere P = radius * Ns; // Transform to world space P = mul(float4(P, 1.0), localToWorld).xyz; Ns = mul(Ns, (float3x3)(localToWorld)); // pdf is inverse of area lightPdf = 1.0 / (TWO_PI * radius * radius); } // Note: The cylinder has no end caps (i.e. no disk on the side) void SampleCylinder(float2 u, float4x4 localToWorld, float radius, float width, out float lightPdf, out float3 P, out float3 Ns) { float u1 = u.x; float u2 = u.y; // Random point at cylinder surface float t = (u1 - 0.5) * width; float theta = 2.0 * PI * u2; float cosTheta = cos(theta); float sinTheta = sin(theta); // Cylinder are align on the right axis P = float3(t, radius * cosTheta, radius * sinTheta); Ns = normalize(float3(0.0, cosTheta, sinTheta)); // Transform to world space P = mul(float4(P, 1.0), localToWorld).xyz; Ns = mul(Ns, (float3x3)(localToWorld)); // pdf is inverse of area lightPdf = 1.0 / (TWO_PI * radius * width); } void SampleRectangle( float2 u, float4x4 localToWorld, float width, float height, out float lightPdf, out float3 P, out float3 Ns) { // Random point at rectangle surface P = float3((u.x - 0.5) * width, (u.y - 0.5) * height, 0); Ns = float3(0, 0, -1); // Light point backward (-Z) // Transform to world space P = mul(float4(P, 1.0), localToWorld).xyz; Ns = mul(Ns, (float3x3)(localToWorld)); // pdf is inverse of area lightPdf = 1.0 / (width * height); } void SampleDisk(float2 u, float4x4 localToWorld, float radius, out float lightPdf, out float3 P, out float3 Ns) { // Random point at disk surface P = UniformSampleDisk(u.x, u.y) * radius; Ns = float3(0.0, 0.0, -1.0); // Light point backward (-Z) // Transform to world space P = mul(float4(P, 1.0), localToWorld).xyz; Ns = mul(Ns, (float3x3)(localToWorld)); // pdf is inverse of area lightPdf = 1.0 / (PI * radius * radius); } #endif // UNITY_SAMPLING_INCLUDED