using System; using UnityEditor.Experimental.UIElements.GraphView; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements; using UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements.StyleEnums; namespace UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.Drawing { class Blackboard : GraphElement { private const int k_DefaultWidth = 200; private const float k_DefaultHeight = 400; private VisualElement m_MainContainer; private VisualElement m_Root; private Label m_TitleLabel; private Label m_SubTitleLabel; private ScrollView m_ScrollView; private VisualElement m_ContentContainer; private VisualElement m_HeaderItem; private Button m_AddButton; private bool m_Scrollable = true; public Action addItemRequested { get; set; } public Action moveItemRequested { get; set; } public Action editTextRequested { get; set; } public string title { get { return m_TitleLabel.text; } set { m_TitleLabel.text = value; } } public string subTitle { get { return m_SubTitleLabel.text; } set { m_SubTitleLabel.text = value; } } public override VisualElement contentContainer { get { return m_ContentContainer; } } public bool scrollable { get { return m_Scrollable; } set { if (m_Scrollable == value) return; m_Scrollable = value; if (m_Scrollable) { if (m_ScrollView == null) { m_ScrollView = new ScrollView(); // m_ScrollView.stretchContentWidth = true; } // Remove the sections container from the content item and add it to the scrollview m_ContentContainer.RemoveFromHierarchy(); m_Root.Add(m_ScrollView); m_ScrollView.Add(m_ContentContainer); style.positionType = PositionType.Manual; // As both the width and height can be changed by the user using a resizer // If the current the current geometry is invalid then set a default size if (layout.width == 0 || layout.height == 0) { layout = new Rect(layout.x, layout.y, layout.width == 0 ? k_DefaultWidth : layout.width, layout.height == 0 ? k_DefaultHeight : layout.height); } AddToClassList("scrollable"); } else { if (m_ScrollView != null) { // Remove the sections container from the scrollview and add it to the content item style.positionType = PositionType.Absolute; // As the height is automatically computed from the content but the width can be changed by the user using a resizer m_ScrollView.RemoveFromHierarchy(); m_ContentContainer.RemoveFromHierarchy(); m_Root.Add(m_ContentContainer); } RemoveFromClassList("scrollable"); } } } public Blackboard() { AddStyleSheetPath("Styles/Blackboard"); var tpl = Resources.Load("UXML/GraphView/Blackboard"); m_MainContainer = tpl.CloneTree(null); m_MainContainer.AddToClassList("mainContainer"); m_Root = m_MainContainer.Q("content"); m_HeaderItem = m_MainContainer.Q("header"); m_HeaderItem.AddToClassList("blackboardHeader"); m_AddButton = m_MainContainer.Q(name: "addButton") as Button; m_AddButton.clickable.clicked += () => { if (addItemRequested != null) { addItemRequested(this); } }; m_TitleLabel = m_MainContainer.Q