using System; using UnityEngine.Rendering; namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline { [Serializable] public struct DensityVolumeParameters { public Color albedo; // Single scattering albedo [0, 1]. Alpha is ignored public float meanFreePath; // In meters [1, inf]. Should be chromatic - this is an optimization! public float asymmetry; // Only used if (isLocal == false) public Texture3D volumeMask; public int textureIndex; public Vector3 textureScrollingSpeed; public Vector3 textureTiling; private Vector3 volumeScrollingAmount; public DensityVolumeParameters(Color color, float _meanFreePath, float _asymmetry) { albedo = color; meanFreePath = _meanFreePath; asymmetry = _asymmetry; volumeMask = null; textureIndex = -1; textureScrollingSpeed =; textureTiling =; volumeScrollingAmount = textureScrollingSpeed; } public void Update(bool animate, float time) { //Update scrolling based on deltaTime if (volumeMask != null) { float animationTime = animate ? time : 0.0f; volumeScrollingAmount = (textureScrollingSpeed * animationTime); // Switch from right-handed to left-handed coordinate system. volumeScrollingAmount.x = -volumeScrollingAmount.x; volumeScrollingAmount.y = -volumeScrollingAmount.y; } } public void Constrain() { albedo.r = Mathf.Clamp01(albedo.r); albedo.g = Mathf.Clamp01(albedo.g); albedo.b = Mathf.Clamp01(albedo.b); albedo.a = 1.0f; meanFreePath = Mathf.Clamp(meanFreePath, 1.0f, float.MaxValue); asymmetry = Mathf.Clamp(asymmetry, -1.0f, 1.0f); volumeScrollingAmount =; } public DensityVolumeData GetData() { DensityVolumeData data = new DensityVolumeData(); data.extinction = VolumeRenderingUtils.ExtinctionFromMeanFreePath(meanFreePath); data.scattering = VolumeRenderingUtils.ScatteringFromExtinctionAndAlbedo(data.extinction, (Vector3)(Vector4)albedo); data.textureIndex = textureIndex; data.textureScroll = volumeScrollingAmount; data.textureTiling = textureTiling; return data; } } // class DensityVolumeParameters [ExecuteInEditMode] [AddComponentMenu("Rendering/Density Volume", 1100)] public class DensityVolume : MonoBehaviour { public DensityVolumeParameters parameters = new DensityVolumeParameters(Color.white, 10.0f, 0.0f); private Texture3D previousVolumeMask = null; public Action OnTextureUpdated; //Gather and Update any parameters that may have changed public void PrepareParameters(bool animate, float time) { //Texture has been updated notify the manager if (previousVolumeMask != parameters.volumeMask) { NotifyUpdatedTexure(); previousVolumeMask = parameters.volumeMask; } parameters.Update(animate, time); } private void NotifyUpdatedTexure() { if (OnTextureUpdated != null) { OnTextureUpdated(); } } private void Awake() { } private void OnEnable() { DensityVolumeManager.manager.RegisterVolume(this); } private void OnDisable() { DensityVolumeManager.manager.DeRegisterVolume(this); } private void Update() { } private void OnValidate() { parameters.Constrain(); } void OnDrawGizmos() { Gizmos.color = parameters.albedo; Gizmos.matrix = transform.localToWorldMatrix; Gizmos.DrawWireCube(,; } } } // UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline