using System; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering { public class DebugMenuManager { private static DebugMenuManager s_Instance = null; static public DebugMenuManager instance { get { if (s_Instance == null) { s_Instance = new DebugMenuManager(); } return s_Instance; } } List m_DebugPanels = new List(); DebugPanel m_PersistentDebugPanel = null; DebugMenuUI m_DebugMenuUI = null; public int panelCount { get { return m_DebugPanels.Count; } } public DebugMenuUI menuUI { get { return m_DebugMenuUI; } } private DebugMenuState m_DebugMenuState = null; private bool m_DebugMenuStateDirty = false; DebugMenuManager() { m_PersistentDebugPanel = new DebugPanel("Persistent"); m_DebugMenuUI = new DebugMenuUI(this); LookUpDebugPanelClasses(); var updater = GameObject.Find("DebugMenuUpdater"); if (updater == null) { GameObject go = new GameObject("DebugMenuUpdater"); go.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave; go.AddComponent(); } } public DebugPanel GetDebugPanel(int index) { if (index < m_DebugPanels.Count) return m_DebugPanels[index]; else return null; } public DebugPanel GetPersistentDebugPanel() { return m_PersistentDebugPanel; } void LookUpDebugPanelClasses() { // Prepare all debug menus var types = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(DebugPanel)).GetTypes() .Where(t => t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(DebugPanel))); m_DebugPanels.Clear(); foreach (var type in types) { if(!type.IsGenericTypeDefinition) AddDebugPanel((DebugPanel)Activator.CreateInstance(type)); } } T GetDebugPanel() where T:DebugPanel { foreach(DebugPanel menu in m_DebugPanels) { if (menu is T) return menu as T; } return null; } public DebugPanel GetDebugPanel(string name) { foreach(DebugPanel menu in m_DebugPanels) { if ( == name) return menu; } return null; } public void Update() { if(m_DebugMenuState != null && m_DebugMenuStateDirty) { m_DebugMenuStateDirty = false; m_DebugMenuState.UpdateAllDebugItems(); } m_DebugMenuUI.Update(); } private void AddDebugPanel(DebugPanel panel) { m_DebugPanels.Add(panel); m_DebugMenuUI.AddDebugPanel(panel); } public void AddDebugItem(string name, Func getter, Action setter = null, DebugItemFlag flags = DebugItemFlag.None, DebugItemHandler handler = null) where DebugPanelType : DebugPanel { DebugPanelType debugPanel = GetDebugPanel(); if (debugPanel != null) { debugPanel.AddDebugItem(name, getter, setter, flags, handler); } m_DebugMenuStateDirty = true; } public void AddDebugItem(string debugPanelName, string name, Func getter, Action setter = null, DebugItemFlag flags = DebugItemFlag.None, DebugItemHandler handler = null) { DebugPanel debugPanel = GetDebugPanel(debugPanelName); // If the menu does not exist, create a generic one. This way, users don't have to explicitely create a new DebugMenu class if they don't need any particular overriding of default behavior. if(debugPanel == null) { debugPanel = new DebugPanel(debugPanelName); AddDebugPanel(debugPanel); } if (debugPanel != null) { debugPanel.AddDebugItem(name, getter, setter, flags, handler); } m_DebugMenuStateDirty = true; } public void SetDebugMenuState(DebugMenuState state) { m_DebugMenuStateDirty = true; m_DebugMenuState = state; } } }