namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.LightweightPipeline { public class SetupForwardRenderingPass : ScriptableRenderPass { public override void Execute(LightweightForwardRenderer renderer, ref ScriptableRenderContext context, ref CullResults cullResults, ref RenderingData renderingData) { // SetupCameraProperties does the following: // Setup Camera RenderTarget and Viewport // VR Camera Setup and SINGLE_PASS_STEREO props // Setup camera view, proj and their inv matrices. // Setup properties: _WorldSpaceCameraPos, _ProjectionParams, _ScreenParams, _ZBufferParams, unity_OrthoParams // Setup camera world clip planes props // setup HDR keyword // Setup global time properties (_Time, _SinTime, _CosTime) context.SetupCameraProperties(, renderingData.cameraData.isStereoEnabled); } } }