using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline { [ExecuteInEditMode] public class BakingSky : MonoBehaviour { [SerializeField] VolumeProfile m_Profile; [SerializeField] int m_BakingSkyUniqueID = 0; // We need to keep a reference in order to unregister it upon change. SkySettings m_BakingSky = null; List m_VolumeSkyList = new List(); public VolumeProfile profile { get { return m_Profile; } set { // Changing the volume is considered a destructive operation => reset the baking sky. if (value != m_Profile) { m_BakingSkyUniqueID = 0; } m_Profile = value; } } public int bakingSkyUniqueID { get { return m_BakingSkyUniqueID; } set { m_BakingSkyUniqueID = value; UpdateCurrentBakingSky(); } } void UpdateCurrentBakingSky() { SkySettings newBakingSky = GetSkyFromIDAndVolume(m_BakingSkyUniqueID, m_Profile); if (newBakingSky != m_BakingSky) { SkyManager.UnRegisterBakingSky(m_BakingSky); if (newBakingSky != null) SkyManager.RegisterBakingSky(newBakingSky); m_BakingSky = newBakingSky; } } SkySettings GetSkyFromIDAndVolume(int skyUniqueID, VolumeProfile profile) { if (profile != null && skyUniqueID != 0) { m_VolumeSkyList.Clear(); if (m_Profile.TryGetAllSubclassOf(typeof(SkySettings), m_VolumeSkyList)) { foreach (var sky in m_VolumeSkyList) { if (skyUniqueID == SkySettings.GetUniqueID(sky.GetType())) { return sky; } } } } return null; } // All actions done in this method are because Editor won't go through setters so we need to manually check consistency of our data. void OnValidate() { if (!isActiveAndEnabled) return; // If we detect that the profile has been removed we need to reset the baking sky. if (m_Profile == null) { m_BakingSkyUniqueID = 0; } // If we detect that the profile has changed, we need to reset the baking sky. // We have to do that manually because PropertyField won't go through setters. if (profile != null && m_BakingSky != null) { if (!profile.components.Find(x => x == m_BakingSky)) { m_BakingSkyUniqueID = 0; } } UpdateCurrentBakingSky(); } void OnEnable() { UpdateCurrentBakingSky(); } void OnDisable() { SkyManager.UnRegisterBakingSky(m_BakingSky); m_BakingSky = null; } } }