using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; using System.IO; using UnityEditor; using NUnit.Framework; using UnityEngine.TestTools; namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering { public class TestFrameworkTools { public static int compareTileSize = 32; public static float compareThreshold = 0.01f; public static int frameWait = 100; public enum ComparisonMethod { RMSE, Jzazbz, Lab } public static ComparisonMethod comparisonMethod = ComparisonMethod.Lab; public static readonly string s_RootPath = Directory.GetParent(Directory.GetFiles(Application.dataPath, "SRPMARKER", SearchOption.AllDirectories).First()).ToString(); // path where the tests live public static string[] s_Path = { "Tests", "GraphicsTests", "RenderPipeline" }; public static Dictionary renderPipelineAssets = new Dictionary() { { "HDRP", "HDRenderPipeline/CommonAssets/RP_Assets/HDRP_Test_Def.asset" }, { "LWRP", "LightweightPipeline/LightweightPipelineAsset.asset" } }; // Renderpipeline assets used for the tests public static Dictionary renderPipelineScenesFolder = new Dictionary() { { "HDRP", "HDRenderPipeline/Scenes" }, { "LWRP", "LightweightPipeline/Scenes" } }; // info that gets generated for use // in a dod way public struct TestInfo { public string name; public string comment; public float threshold; public string relativePath; public string templatePath; public int frameWait; public int sceneListIndex; public override string ToString() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(comment)) return name; else return string.Format("{0}: {1}", name, comment); } } // Get additionalSceneInfo public static Dictionary GetAdditionalInfos(string path) { Dictionary o = new Dictionary(); AdditionalTestSceneInfos additionalTestSceneInfos = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(path); if (additionalTestSceneInfos != null) { for (int i = 0; i < additionalTestSceneInfos.additionalInfos.Length; ++i) { o[additionalTestSceneInfos.additionalInfos[i].name] = additionalTestSceneInfos.additionalInfos[i]; } } return o; } // collect the scenes that we can use public static class CollectScenes { public static IEnumerable HDRP { get { return GetScenesForPipelineID("HDRP"); } } public static IEnumerable HDRP_Params { get { return GetScenesForPipelineID("HDRP", true); } } public static IEnumerable LWRP { get { return GetScenesForPipelineID("LWRP"); } } public static IEnumerable GetScenesForPipelineID(string _pipelineID, bool fixtureParam = false) { return GetScenesForPipeline(renderPipelineScenesFolder[_pipelineID]); } public static IEnumerable GetScenesForPipeline(string _pipelinePath, bool fixtureParam = false) { var absoluteScenesPath = s_Path.Aggregate(s_RootPath, Path.Combine); var filesPath = Path.Combine(absoluteScenesPath, _pipelinePath); // find all the scenes var allPaths = Directory.GetFiles(filesPath, "*.unity", SearchOption.AllDirectories); // Convert to List for easy sorting in alphabetical order List allPaths_List = new List(allPaths); allPaths_List.Sort(); // Get the play mode scenes List playModeScenes = new List(); foreach (TestInfo ti in CollectScenesPlayMode.GetScenesForPipeline(_pipelinePath)) { playModeScenes.Add(ti.templatePath); } // Get the additional infos var additionalInfos = GetAdditionalInfos("Assets" + Path.Combine(filesPath.Replace(Application.dataPath, ""), "AdditionalTestSceneInfos.asset")); // construct all the needed test infos for (int i = 0; i < allPaths_List.Count; ++i) { var path = allPaths_List[i]; var p = new FileInfo(path); var split = s_Path.Aggregate("", Path.Combine); split = string.Format("{0}{1}", split, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); var splitPaths = p.FullName.Split(new[] { split }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); // Filter out play mode tests from the list if (playModeScenes.Contains(splitPaths.Last())) continue; string sceneNum = p.Name.Split("_"[0])[0]; TestInfo testInfo = new TestInfo() { name = p.Name, comment = additionalInfos.ContainsKey(sceneNum) ? additionalInfos[sceneNum].comment : null, relativePath = splitPaths.Last(), templatePath = splitPaths.Last(), threshold = compareThreshold, frameWait = frameWait }; if (fixtureParam) yield return new TestFixtureData(testInfo); else yield return testInfo; } } } public static class CollectScenesPlayMode { public static IEnumerable HDRP { get { return GetScenesForPipelineID("HDRP"); } } public static IEnumerable HDRP_Param { get { return GetScenesForPipelineID("HDRP", true); } } public static IEnumerable LWRP { get { return GetScenesForPipelineID("LWRP"); } } public static IEnumerable GetScenesForPipelineID(string _pipelineID, bool fixtureParam = false) { return GetScenesForPipeline(renderPipelineScenesFolder[_pipelineID]); } public static IEnumerable GetScenesForPipeline(string _pipelinePath, bool fixtureParam = false) { #if UNITY_EDITOR string absoluteScenesPath = s_Path.Aggregate(s_RootPath, Path.Combine); string assetScenesPath = absoluteScenesPath.Substring(absoluteScenesPath.IndexOf("Assets")); string filesPath = Path.Combine(assetScenesPath, _pipelinePath); string listFilePath = Path.Combine(filesPath, "EditorPlayModeTests.asset"); EditorPlayModeTests listFile = (EditorPlayModeTests)AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath(listFilePath); if (listFile == null) { AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(), listFilePath); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); yield return null; } else { // Get the additional infos var additionalInfos = GetAdditionalInfos(Path.Combine(filesPath, "AdditionalTestSceneInfos.asset")); for (int i = 0; i < listFile.scenesPath.Length; ++i) { string path = listFile.scenesPath[i]; var p = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(filesPath, path)); var split = s_Path.Aggregate("", Path.Combine); split = string.Format("{0}{1}", split, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); var splitPaths = p.FullName.Split(new[] { split }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string sceneNum = p.Name.Split("_"[0])[0]; TestInfo testInfo = new TestInfo { name = p.Name, comment = additionalInfos.ContainsKey(sceneNum) ? additionalInfos[sceneNum].comment : null, relativePath = p.ToString(), templatePath = splitPaths.Last(), threshold = compareThreshold, frameWait = frameWait, sceneListIndex = i }; if (fixtureParam) yield return new TestFixtureData(testInfo); else yield return testInfo; } } #else yield return "null"; #endif } } // compare textures, use by tile Jzazbz perceptual color difference: 5.2 of public static bool CompareTextures(Texture2D fromDisk, Texture2D captured, float threshold) { /* Get Min/Max colorspace values for full rgb range Vector3 vMin = new Vector3(float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue); Vector3 vMax = new Vector3(float.MinValue, float.MinValue, float.MinValue); Vector3 vTmp; for (float r = 0f; r<=1f ; r+=0.01f) { for (float g = 0f; g<=1f ; g+=0.01f) { for (float b = 0f; b<=1f ; b+=0.01f) { vTmp = RGB2JzAzBz(new Color(r, g, b, 1f)); vMin.x = Mathf.Min(vMin.x, vTmp.x); vMin.y = Mathf.Min(vMin.y, vTmp.y); vMin.z = Mathf.Min(vMin.z, vTmp.z); vMax.x = Mathf.Max(vMax.x, vTmp.x); vMax.y = Mathf.Max(vMax.y, vTmp.y); vMax.z = Mathf.Max(vMax.z, vTmp.z); } } } Debug.Log("ColorRange min/max: "+vMin+" / "+vMax); // */ if (fromDisk == null || captured == null) return false; if (fromDisk.width != captured.width || fromDisk.height != captured.height) return false; var pixels1 = fromDisk.GetPixels(); var pixels2 = captured.GetPixels(); if (pixels1.Length != pixels2.Length) return false; for (int y = 0; y < captured.height; y += compareTileSize) { for (int x = 0; x < captured.width; x += compareTileSize) { int numberOfPixels = 0; float sumOffData = 0f; for (int y2 = y; y2 < Mathf.Min(captured.height, y + compareTileSize); ++y2) { for (int x2 = x; x2 < Mathf.Min(captured.width, x + compareTileSize); ++x2) { Color p1 = pixels1[y2 * captured.width + x2]; Color p2 = pixels2[y2 * captured.width + x2]; Color diff; switch (comparisonMethod) { case ComparisonMethod.Jzazbz: sumOffData += JzAzBzDiff(RGB2JzAzBz(p1), RGB2JzAzBz(p2)); break; case ComparisonMethod.Lab: diff = p1 - p2; Vector3 vDiff = new Vector3(diff.r, diff.g, diff.b); vDiff.x /= 100f; // L range is [0-100] sumOffData += vDiff.magnitude; break; default: diff = p1 - p2; diff = diff * diff; sumOffData += (diff.r + diff.g + diff.b) / 3.0f; break; } ++numberOfPixels; } } float result = sumOffData / numberOfPixels; if (result > threshold) return false; } } return true; /* int numberOfPixels = pixels1.Length; float sumOfSquaredColorDistances = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPixels; i++) { Color p1 = pixels1[i]; Color p2 = pixels2[i]; Color diff = p1 - p2; diff = diff * diff; sumOfSquaredColorDistances += (diff.r + diff.g + diff.b) / 3.0f; } float rmse = Mathf.Sqrt(sumOfSquaredColorDistances / numberOfPixels); return rmse < threshold; */ } public static Texture2D RenderSetupToTexture(SetupSceneForRenderPipelineTest _testSetup) { // Setup Render Target Camera testCamera = _testSetup.cameraToUse; var rtDesc = new RenderTextureDescriptor( _testSetup.width, _testSetup.height, (_testSetup.hdr && testCamera.allowHDR) ? RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf : RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32, 24); #if UNITY_EDITOR rtDesc.sRGB = PlayerSettings.colorSpace == ColorSpace.Linear; #endif rtDesc.msaaSamples = _testSetup.msaaSamples; // render the scene var tempTarget = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(rtDesc); var oldTarget = _testSetup.cameraToUse.targetTexture; _testSetup.cameraToUse.targetTexture = tempTarget; _testSetup.cameraToUse.Render(); _testSetup.cameraToUse.targetTexture = oldTarget; // Readback the rendered texture var oldActive =; = tempTarget; var captured = new Texture2D(tempTarget.width, tempTarget.height, TextureFormat.RGB24, false); captured.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, _testSetup.width, _testSetup.height), 0, 0); = oldActive; return captured; } public static bool FindReferenceImage(TestInfo _testInfo, ref Texture2D _fromDisk, Texture2D _captured, ref string _dumpFileLocation) { var templatePath = Path.Combine(s_RootPath, "ImageTemplates"); // find the reference image _dumpFileLocation = Path.Combine(templatePath, string.Format("{0}.{1}", _testInfo.templatePath, "png")); //Debug.Log("Template file at: " + _dumpFileLocation); if (!File.Exists(_dumpFileLocation)) { // no reference exists, create it var fileInfo = new FileInfo(_dumpFileLocation); fileInfo.Directory.Create(); var generated = _captured.EncodeToPNG(); File.WriteAllBytes(_dumpFileLocation, generated); return false; } var template = File.ReadAllBytes(_dumpFileLocation); _fromDisk.LoadImage(template, false); return true; } public static Texture2D GetTemplateImage(string _templatePath) { string templatePath = Path.Combine(s_RootPath, "ImageTemplates"); templatePath = Path.Combine(templatePath, string.Format("{0}.{1}", _templatePath, "png")); if (File.Exists(templatePath)) { byte[] template = File.ReadAllBytes(templatePath); Texture2D o = new Texture2D(4, 4); return o.LoadImage(template, false) ? o : null; } else return null; } public static Texture2D GetTemplateImage(TestInfo _testInfo) { return GetTemplateImage(_testInfo.templatePath); } #if UNITY_EDITOR public static Texture2D GetTemplateImage(UnityEngine.Object _sceneAsset, ref string path) { string _scenePath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(_sceneAsset); var p = new FileInfo(_scenePath); var split = s_Path.Aggregate("", Path.Combine); split = string.Format("{0}{1}", split, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); var splitPaths = p.FullName.Split(new[] { split }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); path = splitPaths.Last(); TestInfo testInfo = new TestInfo { name = p.Name, relativePath = p.ToString(), templatePath = splitPaths.Last(), threshold = 0.02f, frameWait = 100, }; return GetTemplateImage(testInfo); } #endif public static class AssertFix { public static void TestWithMessages(bool? _comparison, string _fail = "Test failed", string _pass = null) { if (_comparison.HasValue) { if (_comparison.Value) NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(true, _pass); else throw new System.Exception(_fail); } else throw new System.Exception("Test comparison is null."); } } // Folowing color conversion code source : // RGB to XYZ 100 : file:///C:/Users/Remy/Downloads/srgb.pdf static Vector3 RGB2XYZ(Color color) { return new Vector3( color.r * 0.4124564f + color.g * 0.3575761f + color.b * 0.1804375f, color.r * 0.2126729f + color.g * 0.7151522f + color.b * 0.0721750f, color.r * 0.0193339f + color.g * 0.1191920f + color.b * 0.9503041f ) * 100; } // JzAzBz color conversion : static Vector3 RGB2JzAzBz(Color color) { Vector3 xyz = RGB2XYZ(color); float b = 1.15f; float g = 0.66f; float c1 = 0.8359375f; // 3424f / 2^12 float c2 = 18.8515625f; // 2413f / 2^7 float c3 = 18.6875f; // 2392f / 2^7 float n = 0.15930175781f; // 2610/2^14 float p = 134.034375f; // 1.7*2523/2^5 float d = -0.56f; float d0 = 1.6295499532821566E-11f; float x2 = b * xyz.x - (b - 1) * xyz.z; float y2 = g * xyz.y - (g - 1) * xyz.x; Vector3 lms = new Vector3( 0.41478372f * x2 + 0.579999f * y2 + 0.0146480f * xyz.z, -0.2015100f * x2 + 1.120649f * y2 + 0.0531008f * xyz.z, -0.0166008f * x2 + 0.264800f * y2 + 0.6684799f * xyz.z ); Vector3 lmsPowN = Vec3Pow(lms / 10000f, n); Vector3 tmp = Vec3Divide( * c1 + c2 * lmsPowN , + c3 * lmsPowN ); Vector3 lms2 = Vec3Pow(tmp , p); Vector3 jab = new Vector3( 0.5f * lms2.x + 0.5f * lms2.y, 3.524000f * lms2.x + -4.066708f * lms2.y + 0.542708f * lms2.z, 0.199076f * lms2.x + 1.096799f * lms2.y + -1.295875f * lms2.z ); jab.x = (((1f + d) * jab.x) / (1f + d * jab.x)) - d0; return jab; } static float JzAzBzDiff(Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2) { float c1 = Mathf.Sqrt(v1.y * v1.y + v1.z * v1.z); float c2 = Mathf.Sqrt(v2.y * v2.y + v2.z * v2.z); float h1 = Mathf.Atan(v1.z / v1.y); float h2 = Mathf.Atan(v2.z / v2.y); float deltaH = 2 * Mathf.Sqrt(c1 * c2) * Mathf.Sin((h1 - h2) / 2f); return Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Pow(v1.x - v2.x , 2f) + Mathf.Pow(c1 - c2, 2f) + deltaH * deltaH); } static Vector3 RGB2Lab(Color color) { Vector3 xyz = RGB2XYZ(color); float xn = 95.047f; float yn = 100f; float zn = 108.883f; return new Vector3( 116f * XYZ2LabFunc(xyz.y / yn) - 16f, 500f * (XYZ2LabFunc(xyz.x / xn) - XYZ2LabFunc(xyz.y / yn)), 200f * (XYZ2LabFunc(xyz.y / yn) - XYZ2LabFunc(xyz.z / zn)) ); } static float XYZ2LabFunc(float f) { float delta = 6f / 29f; if (f > delta) return Mathf.Pow(f, 1f / 3f); else return f / (3 * delta * delta) + 4f / 29f; } static Vector3 Vec3Pow(Vector3 v, float p) { return new Vector3( Mathf.Pow(v.x, p), Mathf.Pow(v.y, p), Mathf.Pow(v.z, p) ); } static Vector3 Vec3Divide(Vector3 a, Vector3 b) { return new Vector3(a.x / b.x, a.y / b.y, a.z / b.z); } } }