// Copyright (c) Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ====================================================================================================== #ifndef VALVE_VR_LIGHTING_INCLUDED #define VALVE_VR_LIGHTING_INCLUDED #include "UnityCG.cginc" #include "UnityStandardBRDF.cginc" #define Tex2DLevel( name, uv, flLevel ) name.SampleLevel( sampler##name, ( uv ).xy, flLevel ) #define Tex2DLevelFromSampler( texturename, samplername, uv, flLevel ) texturename.SampleLevel( sampler##samplername, ( uv ).xy, flLevel ) //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define DEBUG_SHADOWS_SPLIT 0 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define MAX_LIGHTS 10 #define MAX_SHADOWMAP_PER_LIGHTS 6 #define MAX_DIRECTIONAL_SPLIT 4 #define LIGHT_TYPE_SPOT 0 #define LIGHT_TYPE_DIRECTIONAL 1 #define LIGHT_TYPE_POINT 2 #define CUBEMAPFACE_POSITIVE_X 0 #define CUBEMAPFACE_NEGATIVE_X 1 #define CUBEMAPFACE_POSITIVE_Y 2 #define CUBEMAPFACE_NEGATIVE_Y 3 #define CUBEMAPFACE_POSITIVE_Z 4 #define CUBEMAPFACE_NEGATIVE_Z 5 CBUFFER_START(ValveVrLighting) int g_nNumLights; bool g_bIndirectLightmaps = false; float4 g_vLightColor[MAX_LIGHTS]; float4 g_vLightPosition_flInvRadius[MAX_LIGHTS]; float4 g_vLightDirection[MAX_LIGHTS]; float4 g_vLightShadowIndex_vLightParams[MAX_LIGHTS]; // x = Shadow index, y = Light cookie index, z = Diffuse enabled, w = Specular enabled float4 g_vLightFalloffParams[MAX_LIGHTS]; // x = Linear falloff, y = Quadratic falloff, z = Radius squared for culling, w = type float4 g_vSpotLightInnerOuterConeCosines[MAX_LIGHTS]; float4 g_vDirShadowSplitSpheres[MAX_DIRECTIONAL_SPLIT]; //float4x4 g_matWorldToLightCookie[ MAX_LIGHTS ]; float4x4 g_matWorldToShadow[MAX_LIGHTS * MAX_SHADOWMAP_PER_LIGHTS]; float4 g_vShadow3x3PCFTerms0; float4 g_vShadow3x3PCFTerms1; float4 g_vShadow3x3PCFTerms2; float4 g_vShadow3x3PCFTerms3; CBUFFER_END // Override lightmap sampler2D g_tOverrideLightmap; uniform float3 g_vOverrideLightmapScale; float g_flCubeMapScalar = 1.0; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct LightingTerms_t { float3 vDiffuse; float3 vSpecular; float3 vIndirectDiffuse; float3 vIndirectSpecular; float3 vTransmissiveSunlight; }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- float CalculateGeometricRoughnessFactor(float3 vGeometricNormalWs) { float3 vNormalWsDdx = ddx(vGeometricNormalWs.xyz); float3 vNormalWsDdy = ddy(vGeometricNormalWs.xyz); float flGeometricRoughnessFactor = pow(saturate(max(dot(vNormalWsDdx.xyz, vNormalWsDdx.xyz), dot(vNormalWsDdy.xyz, vNormalWsDdy.xyz))), 0.333); return flGeometricRoughnessFactor; } float2 AdjustRoughnessByGeometricNormal(float2 vRoughness, float3 vGeometricNormalWs) { float flGeometricRoughnessFactor = CalculateGeometricRoughnessFactor(vGeometricNormalWs.xyz); //if ( Blink( 1.0 ) ) //vRoughness.xy = min( vRoughness.xy + flGeometricRoughnessFactor.xx, float2( 1.0, 1.0 ) ); //else vRoughness.xy = max(vRoughness.xy, flGeometricRoughnessFactor.xx); return vRoughness.xy; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RoughnessEllipseToScaleAndExp(float2 vRoughness, out float2 o_vDiffuseExponentOut, out float2 o_vSpecularExponentOut, out float2 o_vSpecularScaleOut) { o_vDiffuseExponentOut.xy = ((1.0 - vRoughness.xy) * 0.8) + 0.6; // 0.8 and 0.6 are magic numbers o_vSpecularExponentOut.xy = exp2(pow(float2(1.0, 1.0) - vRoughness.xy, float2(1.5, 1.5)) * float2(14.0, 14.0)); // Outputs 1-16384 o_vSpecularScaleOut.xy = 1.0 - saturate(vRoughness.xy * 0.5); // This is an energy conserving scalar for the roughness exponent. } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Used for ( N.H^k ) * ( N.L ) //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- float BlinnPhongModifiedNormalizationFactor(float k) { float flNumer = (k + 2.0) * (k + 4.0); float flDenom = 8 * (exp2(-k * 0.5) + k); return flNumer / flDenom; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- float DistanceFalloff(float flDistToLightSq, float flLightInvRadius, float2 vFalloffParams) { // AV - My approximation to Unity's falloff function (I'll experiment with putting this into a texture later) return lerp(1.0, (1.0 - pow(flDistToLightSq * flLightInvRadius * flLightInvRadius, 0.175)), vFalloffParams.x); // AV - This is the VR Aperture Demo falloff function //flDistToLightSq = max( flDistToLightSq, 8.0f ); // Can't be inside the light source (assuming radius^2 == 8.0f) // //float2 vInvRadiusAndInvRadiusSq = float2( flLightInvRadius, flLightInvRadius * flLightInvRadius ); //float2 vLightDistAndLightDistSq = float2( sqrt( flDistToLightSq ), flDistToLightSq ); // //float flTruncation = dot( vFalloffParams.xy, vInvRadiusAndInvRadiusSq.xy ); // Constant amount to subtract to ensure that the light is zero past the light radius //float flFalloff = dot( vFalloffParams.xy, vLightDistAndLightDistSq.xy ); // //return saturate( ( 1.0f / flFalloff ) - flTruncation ); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Anisotropic diffuse and specular lighting based on 2D tangent-space axis-aligned roughness //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- float4 ComputeDiffuseAndSpecularTerms(bool bDiffuse, bool bSpecular, float3 vNormalWs, float3 vEllipseUWs, float3 vEllipseVWs, float3 vPositionToLightDirWs, float3 vPositionToCameraDirWs, float2 vDiffuseExponent, float2 vSpecularExponent, float2 vSpecularScale, float3 vReflectance, float flFresnelExponent) { float flNDotL = ClampToPositive(dot(vNormalWs.xyz, vPositionToLightDirWs.xyz)); // Diffuse float flDiffuseTerm = 0.0; if (bDiffuse) { /* Disabling anisotropic diffuse until we have a need for it. Isotropic diffuse should be enough. // Project light vector onto each tangent plane float3 vDiffuseNormalX = vPositionToLightDirWs.xyz - ( vEllipseUWs.xyz * dot( vPositionToLightDirWs.xyz, vEllipseUWs.xyz ) ); // Not normalized on purpose float3 vDiffuseNormalY = vPositionToLightDirWs.xyz - ( vEllipseVWs.xyz * dot( vPositionToLightDirWs.xyz, vEllipseVWs.xyz ) ); // Not normalized on purpose float flNDotLX = ClampToPositive( dot( vDiffuseNormalX.xyz, vPositionToLightDirWs.xyz ) ); flNDotLX = pow( flNDotLX, vDiffuseExponent.x * 0.5 ); float flNDotLY = ClampToPositive( dot( vDiffuseNormalY.xyz, vPositionToLightDirWs.xyz ) ); flNDotLY = pow( flNDotLY, vDiffuseExponent.y * 0.5 ); flDiffuseTerm = flNDotLX * flNDotLY; flDiffuseTerm *= ( ( vDiffuseExponent.x * 0.5 + vDiffuseExponent.y * 0.5 ) + 1.0 ) * 0.5; flDiffuseTerm *= flNDotL; //*/ float flDiffuseExponent = (vDiffuseExponent.x + vDiffuseExponent.y) * 0.5; flDiffuseTerm = pow(flNDotL, flDiffuseExponent) * ((flDiffuseExponent + 1.0) * 0.5); } // Specular float3 vSpecularTerm = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); [branch] if (bSpecular) { float3 vHalfAngleDirWs = normalize(vPositionToLightDirWs.xyz + vPositionToCameraDirWs.xyz); float flSpecularTerm = 0.0; #if ( S_ANISOTROPIC_GLOSS ) // Adds 34 asm instructions compared to isotropic spec in #else below { float3 vSpecularNormalX = vHalfAngleDirWs.xyz - (vEllipseUWs.xyz * dot(vHalfAngleDirWs.xyz, vEllipseUWs.xyz)); // Not normalized on purpose float3 vSpecularNormalY = vHalfAngleDirWs.xyz - (vEllipseVWs.xyz * dot(vHalfAngleDirWs.xyz, vEllipseVWs.xyz)); // Not normalized on purpose float flNDotHX = ClampToPositive(dot(vSpecularNormalX.xyz, vHalfAngleDirWs.xyz)); float flNDotHkX = pow(flNDotHX, vSpecularExponent.x * 0.5); flNDotHkX *= vSpecularScale.x; float flNDotHY = ClampToPositive(dot(vSpecularNormalY.xyz, vHalfAngleDirWs.xyz)); float flNDotHkY = pow(flNDotHY, vSpecularExponent.y * 0.5); flNDotHkY *= vSpecularScale.y; flSpecularTerm = flNDotHkX * flNDotHkY; } #else { float flNDotH = saturate(dot(vNormalWs.xyz, vHalfAngleDirWs.xyz)); float flNDotHk = pow(flNDotH, dot(vSpecularExponent.xy, float2(0.5, 0.5))); flNDotHk *= dot(vSpecularScale.xy, float2(0.33333, 0.33333)); // The 0.33333 is to match the spec of the aniso algorithm above with isotropic roughness values flSpecularTerm = flNDotHk; } #endif flSpecularTerm *= flNDotL; // This makes it modified Blinn-Phong flSpecularTerm *= BlinnPhongModifiedNormalizationFactor(vSpecularExponent.x * 0.5 + vSpecularExponent.y * 0.5); float flLDotH = ClampToPositive(dot(vPositionToLightDirWs.xyz, vHalfAngleDirWs.xyz)); float3 vMaxReflectance = vReflectance.rgb / (Luminance(vReflectance.rgb) + 0.0001); float3 vFresnel = lerp(vReflectance.rgb, vMaxReflectance.rgb, pow(1.0 - flLDotH, flFresnelExponent)); vSpecularTerm.rgb = flSpecularTerm * vFresnel.rgb; } return float4(flDiffuseTerm, vSpecularTerm.rgb); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Filter weights: 20 33 20 // 33 55 33 // 20 33 20 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define VALVE_DECLARE_SHADOWMAP( tex ) Texture2D tex; SamplerComparisonState sampler##tex #define VALVE_SAMPLE_SHADOW( tex, coord ) tex.SampleCmpLevelZero( sampler##tex, (coord).xy, (coord).z ) VALVE_DECLARE_SHADOWMAP(g_tShadowBuffer); float ComputeShadow_PCF_3x3_Gaussian(float3 vPositionWs, float4x4 matWorldToShadow) { float4 vPositionTextureSpace = mul(float4(vPositionWs.xyz, 1.0), matWorldToShadow); vPositionTextureSpace.xyz /= vPositionTextureSpace.w; float2 shadowMapCenter = vPositionTextureSpace.xy; //if ( ( frac( shadowMapCenter.x ) != shadowMapCenter.x ) || ( frac( shadowMapCenter.y ) != shadowMapCenter.y ) ) if ((shadowMapCenter.x < 0.0f) || (shadowMapCenter.x > 1.0f) || (shadowMapCenter.y < 0.0f) || (shadowMapCenter.y > 1.0f)) return 1.0f; //float objDepth = saturate( vPositionTextureSpace.z - 0.000001 ); float objDepth = (vPositionTextureSpace.z); /* // Depth texture visualization if ( 1 ) { #define NUM_SAMPLES 128.0 float flSum = 0.0; for ( int j = 0; j < NUM_SAMPLES; j++ ) { flSum += ( 1.0 / NUM_SAMPLES ) * ( VALVE_SAMPLE_SHADOW( g_tShadowBuffer, float3( shadowMapCenter.xy, j / NUM_SAMPLES ) ).r ); } return flSum; } //*/ //float flTexelEpsilonX = 1.0 / 4096.0; //float flTexelEpsilonY = 1.0 / 4096.0; //g_vShadow3x3PCFTerms0 = float4( 20.0 / 267.0, 33.0 / 267.0, 55.0 / 267.0, 0.0 ); //g_vShadow3x3PCFTerms1 = float4( flTexelEpsilonX, flTexelEpsilonY, -flTexelEpsilonX, -flTexelEpsilonY ); //g_vShadow3x3PCFTerms2 = float4( flTexelEpsilonX, flTexelEpsilonY, 0.0, 0.0 ); //g_vShadow3x3PCFTerms3 = float4( -flTexelEpsilonX, -flTexelEpsilonY, 0.0, 0.0 ); float4 v20Taps; v20Taps.x = VALVE_SAMPLE_SHADOW(g_tShadowBuffer, float3(shadowMapCenter.xy + g_vShadow3x3PCFTerms1.xy, objDepth)).x; // 1 1 v20Taps.y = VALVE_SAMPLE_SHADOW(g_tShadowBuffer, float3(shadowMapCenter.xy + g_vShadow3x3PCFTerms1.zy, objDepth)).x; // -1 1 v20Taps.z = VALVE_SAMPLE_SHADOW(g_tShadowBuffer, float3(shadowMapCenter.xy + g_vShadow3x3PCFTerms1.xw, objDepth)).x; // 1 -1 v20Taps.w = VALVE_SAMPLE_SHADOW(g_tShadowBuffer, float3(shadowMapCenter.xy + g_vShadow3x3PCFTerms1.zw, objDepth)).x; // -1 -1 float flSum = dot(v20Taps.xyzw, float4(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25)); if ((flSum == 0.0) || (flSum == 1.0)) return flSum; flSum *= g_vShadow3x3PCFTerms0.x * 4.0; float4 v33Taps; v33Taps.x = VALVE_SAMPLE_SHADOW(g_tShadowBuffer, float3(shadowMapCenter.xy + g_vShadow3x3PCFTerms2.xz, objDepth)).x; // 1 0 v33Taps.y = VALVE_SAMPLE_SHADOW(g_tShadowBuffer, float3(shadowMapCenter.xy + g_vShadow3x3PCFTerms3.xz, objDepth)).x; // -1 0 v33Taps.z = VALVE_SAMPLE_SHADOW(g_tShadowBuffer, float3(shadowMapCenter.xy + g_vShadow3x3PCFTerms3.zy, objDepth)).x; // 0 -1 v33Taps.w = VALVE_SAMPLE_SHADOW(g_tShadowBuffer, float3(shadowMapCenter.xy + g_vShadow3x3PCFTerms2.zy, objDepth)).x; // 0 1 flSum += dot(v33Taps.xyzw, g_vShadow3x3PCFTerms0.yyyy); flSum += VALVE_SAMPLE_SHADOW(g_tShadowBuffer, float3(shadowMapCenter.xy, objDepth)).x * g_vShadow3x3PCFTerms0.z; return flSum; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- float3 ComputeOverrideLightmap(float2 vLightmapUV) { float4 vLightmapTexel = tex2D(g_tOverrideLightmap, vLightmapUV.xy); // This path looks over-saturated //return g_vOverrideLightmapScale * ( unity_Lightmap_HDR.x * pow( vLightmapTexel.a, unity_Lightmap_HDR.y ) ) * vLightmapTexel.rgb; // This path looks less broken return g_vOverrideLightmapScale * (unity_Lightmap_HDR.x * vLightmapTexel.a) * sqrt(vLightmapTexel.rgb); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Gets the cascade weights based on the world position of the fragment and the positions of the split spheres for each cascade. * Returns an invalid split index if past shadowDistance (ie 4 is invalid for cascade) */ float GetSplitSphereIndexForDirshadows(float3 wpos) { float3 fromCenter0 = wpos.xyz - g_vDirShadowSplitSpheres[0].xyz; float3 fromCenter1 = wpos.xyz - g_vDirShadowSplitSpheres[1].xyz; float3 fromCenter2 = wpos.xyz - g_vDirShadowSplitSpheres[2].xyz; float3 fromCenter3 = wpos.xyz - g_vDirShadowSplitSpheres[3].xyz; float4 distances2 = float4(dot(fromCenter0, fromCenter0), dot(fromCenter1, fromCenter1), dot(fromCenter2, fromCenter2), dot(fromCenter3, fromCenter3)); float4 vDirShadowSplitSphereSqRadii; vDirShadowSplitSphereSqRadii.x = g_vDirShadowSplitSpheres[0].w; vDirShadowSplitSphereSqRadii.y = g_vDirShadowSplitSpheres[1].w; vDirShadowSplitSphereSqRadii.z = g_vDirShadowSplitSpheres[2].w; vDirShadowSplitSphereSqRadii.w = g_vDirShadowSplitSpheres[3].w; fixed4 weights = float4(distances2 < vDirShadowSplitSphereSqRadii); weights.yzw = saturate(weights.yzw - weights.xyz); return 4 - dot(weights, float4(4, 3, 2, 1)); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void OverrideLightColorWithSplitDebugInfo(inout float3 lightColor, int shadowSplitIndex) { #if DEBUG_SHADOWS_SPLIT // Slightly intensified colors of ShadowCascadeSplitGUI + 2 new for point light (ie splitIndex 4 and 5) const fixed3 kSplitColors[6] = { fixed3(0.5, 0.5, 0.7), fixed3(0.5, 0.7, 0.5), fixed3(0.7, 0.7, 0.5), fixed3(0.7, 0.5, 0.5), fixed3(0.7, 0.5, 0.7), fixed3(0.5, 0.7, 0.7), }; lightColor = kSplitColors[shadowSplitIndex]; #endif } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LightingTerms_t ComputeLighting(float3 vPositionWs, float3 vNormalWs, float3 vTangentUWs, float3 vTangentVWs, float2 vRoughness, float3 vReflectance, float flFresnelExponent, float4 vLightmapUV) { LightingTerms_t o; o.vDiffuse = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); o.vSpecular = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); o.vIndirectDiffuse = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); o.vIndirectSpecular = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); o.vTransmissiveSunlight = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // Convert roughness to scale and exp float2 vDiffuseExponent; float2 vSpecularExponent; float2 vSpecularScale; RoughnessEllipseToScaleAndExp(vRoughness.xy, vDiffuseExponent.xy, vSpecularExponent.xy, vSpecularScale.xy); // Get positions between the clip planes of the frustum in 0..1 coordinates //float3 vPositionCs = float3( vPosition4Cs.xy / vPosition4Cs.w, vPosition4Cs.z ); //vPositionCs.xy = ( vPositionCs.xy * 0.5 ) + 0.5; float3 vPositionToCameraDirWs = CalculatePositionToCameraDirWs(vPositionWs.xyz); // Compute tangent frame relative to per-pixel normal float3 vEllipseUWs = normalize(cross(vTangentVWs.xyz, vNormalWs.xyz)); float3 vEllipseVWs = normalize(cross(vNormalWs.xyz, vTangentUWs.xyz)); //-------------------------------------// // Point, spot, and directional lights // //-------------------------------------// int nNumLightsUsed = 0; [loop] for (int i = 0; i < g_nNumLights; i++) { float3 vPositionToLightRayWs = g_vLightPosition_flInvRadius[i].xyz - vPositionWs.xyz; float flDistToLightSq = dot(vPositionToLightRayWs.xyz, vPositionToLightRayWs.xyz); if (flDistToLightSq > g_vLightFalloffParams[i].z) // .z stores radius squared of light { // Outside light range continue; } if (dot(vNormalWs.xyz, vPositionToLightRayWs.xyz) <= 0.0) { // Backface cull pixel to this light continue; } float3 vPositionToLightDirWs = normalize(vPositionToLightRayWs.xyz); float flOuterConeCos = g_vSpotLightInnerOuterConeCosines[i].y; float flTemp = dot(vPositionToLightDirWs.xyz, -g_vLightDirection[i].xyz) - flOuterConeCos; if (flTemp <= 0.0) { // Outside spotlight cone continue; } float3 vSpotAtten = saturate(flTemp * g_vSpotLightInnerOuterConeCosines[i].z).xxx; nNumLightsUsed++; //[branch] if ( g_vLightShadowIndex_vLightParams[ i ].y != 0 ) // If has light cookie //{ // // Light cookie // float4 vPositionTextureSpace = mul( float4( vPositionWs.xyz, 1.0 ), g_matWorldToLightCookie[ i ] ); // vPositionTextureSpace.xyz /= vPositionTextureSpace.w; // vSpotAtten.rgb = Tex3DLevel( g_tVrLightCookieTexture, vPositionTextureSpace.xyz, 0.0 ).rgb; //} float flLightFalloff = DistanceFalloff(flDistToLightSq, g_vLightPosition_flInvRadius[i].w, g_vLightFalloffParams[i].xy); float flShadowScalar = 1.0; int shadowSplitIndex = 0; if (g_vLightShadowIndex_vLightParams[i].x != 0.0) { if (g_vLightFalloffParams[i].w == LIGHT_TYPE_DIRECTIONAL) { shadowSplitIndex = GetSplitSphereIndexForDirshadows(vPositionWs); } if (g_vLightFalloffParams[i].w == LIGHT_TYPE_POINT) { float3 absPos = abs(vPositionToLightDirWs); shadowSplitIndex = (vPositionToLightDirWs.z > 0) ? CUBEMAPFACE_NEGATIVE_Z : CUBEMAPFACE_POSITIVE_Z; if (absPos.x > absPos.y) { if (absPos.x > absPos.z) { shadowSplitIndex = (vPositionToLightDirWs.x > 0) ? CUBEMAPFACE_NEGATIVE_X : CUBEMAPFACE_POSITIVE_X; } } else { if (absPos.y > absPos.z) { shadowSplitIndex = (vPositionToLightDirWs.y > 0) ? CUBEMAPFACE_NEGATIVE_Y : CUBEMAPFACE_POSITIVE_Y; } } } flShadowScalar = ComputeShadow_PCF_3x3_Gaussian(vPositionWs.xyz, g_matWorldToShadow[i * MAX_SHADOWMAP_PER_LIGHTS + shadowSplitIndex]); if (flShadowScalar <= 0.0) continue; } float4 vLightingTerms = ComputeDiffuseAndSpecularTerms(g_vLightShadowIndex_vLightParams[i].z != 0.0, g_vLightShadowIndex_vLightParams[i].w != 0.0, vNormalWs.xyz, vEllipseUWs.xyz, vEllipseVWs.xyz, vPositionToLightDirWs.xyz, vPositionToCameraDirWs.xyz, vDiffuseExponent.xy, vSpecularExponent.xy, vSpecularScale.xy, vReflectance.rgb, flFresnelExponent); float3 vLightColor = g_vLightColor[i].rgb; OverrideLightColorWithSplitDebugInfo(vLightColor, shadowSplitIndex); float3 vLightMask = vLightColor.rgb * flShadowScalar * flLightFalloff * vSpotAtten.rgb; o.vDiffuse.rgb += vLightingTerms.xxx * vLightMask.rgb; o.vSpecular.rgb += vLightingTerms.yzw * vLightMask.rgb; } /* // Visualize number of lights for the first 7 as RGBCMYW if ( nNumLightsUsed == 0 ) o.vDiffuse.rgb = float3( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); else if ( nNumLightsUsed == 1 ) o.vDiffuse.rgb = float3( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); else if ( nNumLightsUsed == 2 ) o.vDiffuse.rgb = float3( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ); else if ( nNumLightsUsed == 3 ) o.vDiffuse.rgb = float3( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ); else if ( nNumLightsUsed == 4 ) o.vDiffuse.rgb = float3( 0.0, 1.0, 1.0 ); else if ( nNumLightsUsed == 5 ) o.vDiffuse.rgb = float3( 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 ); else if ( nNumLightsUsed == 6 ) o.vDiffuse.rgb = float3( 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ); else o.vDiffuse.rgb = float3( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ); o.vDiffuse.rgb *= float3( 2.0, 2.0, 2.0 ); o.vSpecular.rgb = float3( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); return o; //*/ // Apply specular reflectance to diffuse term (specular term already accounts for this in the fresnel equation) o.vDiffuse.rgb *= (float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - vReflectance.rgb); //------------------// // Indirect diffuse // //------------------// #if ( S_OVERRIDE_LIGHTMAP ) { o.vIndirectDiffuse.rgb += ComputeOverrideLightmap(vLightmapUV.xy); } #elif ( LIGHTMAP_ON ) { // Baked lightmaps float4 bakedColorTex = Tex2DLevel(unity_Lightmap, vLightmapUV.xy, 0.0); float3 bakedColor = DecodeLightmap(bakedColorTex); #if ( DIRLIGHTMAP_OFF ) // Directional Mode = Non Directional { o.vIndirectDiffuse.rgb += bakedColor.rgb; //o_gi.indirect.diffuse = bakedColor; // //#ifdef SHADOWS_SCREEN // o_gi.indirect.diffuse = MixLightmapWithRealtimeAttenuation (o_gi.indirect.diffuse, data.atten, bakedColorTex); //#endif // SHADOWS_SCREEN } #elif ( DIRLIGHTMAP_COMBINED ) // Directional Mode = Directional { //o.vIndirectDiffuse.rgb = float3( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ); float4 bakedDirTex = Tex2DLevelFromSampler(unity_LightmapInd, unity_Lightmap, vLightmapUV.xy, 0.0); //float flHalfLambert = dot( vNormalWs.xyz, bakedDirTex.xyz - 0.5 ) + 0.5; //o.vIndirectDiffuse.rgb += bakedColor.rgb * flHalfLambert / bakedDirTex.w; float flHalfLambert = dot(vNormalWs.xyz, normalize(bakedDirTex.xyz - 0.5));// + ( 1.0 - length( bakedDirTex.xyz - 0.5 ) ); o.vIndirectDiffuse.rgb += bakedColor.rgb * flHalfLambert / (bakedDirTex.w); //#ifdef SHADOWS_SCREEN // o_gi.indirect.diffuse = MixLightmapWithRealtimeAttenuation (o_gi.indirect.diffuse, data.atten, bakedColorTex); //#endif // SHADOWS_SCREEN } #elif ( DIRLIGHTMAP_SEPARATE ) // Directional Mode = Directional Specular { // Left halves of both intensity and direction lightmaps store direct light; right halves store indirect. float2 vUvDirect = vLightmapUV.xy; float2 vUvIndirect = vLightmapUV.xy + float2(0.5, 0.0); // Direct Diffuse float4 bakedDirTex = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); if (!g_bIndirectLightmaps) { bakedDirTex = Tex2DLevelFromSampler(unity_LightmapInd, unity_Lightmap, vUvDirect.xy, 0.0); //float flHalfLambert = dot( vNormalWs.xyz, bakedDirTex.xyz - 0.5 ) + 0.5; //o.vDiffuse.rgb += bakedColor.rgb * flHalfLambert / bakedDirTex.w; float flHalfLambert = ClampToPositive(dot(vNormalWs.xyz, normalize(bakedDirTex.xyz - 0.5)));// + ( 1.0 - length( bakedDirTex.xyz - 0.5 ) ); o.vDiffuse.rgb += bakedColor.rgb * flHalfLambert / (bakedDirTex.w); } // Indirect Diffuse float4 bakedIndirTex = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); float3 vBakedIndirectColor = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); if (1) { vBakedIndirectColor.rgb = DecodeLightmap(Tex2DLevel(unity_Lightmap, vUvIndirect.xy, 0.0)); bakedIndirTex = Tex2DLevelFromSampler(unity_LightmapInd, unity_Lightmap, vUvIndirect.xy, 0.0); //float flHalfLambert = dot( vNormalWs.xyz, bakedIndirTex.xyz - 0.5 ) + 0.5; //o.vIndirectDiffuse.rgb += vBakedIndirectColor.rgb * flHalfLambert / bakedIndirTex.w; float flHalfLambert = dot(vNormalWs.xyz, normalize(bakedIndirTex.xyz - 0.5));// + ( 1.0 - length( bakedIndirTex.xyz - 0.5 ) ); o.vIndirectDiffuse.rgb += vBakedIndirectColor.rgb * flHalfLambert / (bakedIndirTex.w); } // Direct Specular if (!g_bIndirectLightmaps) { UnityLight o_light; o.vIndirectDiffuse.rgb += DecodeDirectionalSpecularLightmap(bakedColor, bakedDirTex, vNormalWs, false, 0, o_light); float4 vLightingTerms = ComputeDiffuseAndSpecularTerms(false, true, vNormalWs.xyz, vEllipseUWs.xyz, vEllipseVWs.xyz, o_light.dir.xyz, vPositionToCameraDirWs.xyz, vDiffuseExponent.xy, vSpecularExponent.xy, vSpecularScale.xy, vReflectance.rgb, flFresnelExponent); float3 vLightColor = o_light.color; float3 vLightMask = vLightColor.rgb; o.vSpecular.rgb += vLightingTerms.yzw * vLightMask.rgb; } // Indirect Specular //if ( 1 ) //{ // UnityLight o_light; // o.vIndirectSpecular.rgb += DecodeDirectionalSpecularLightmap( vBakedIndirectColor, bakedIndirTex, vNormalWs, false, 0, o_light ); //} } #endif } #elif ( UNITY_SHOULD_SAMPLE_SH ) { // Light probe o.vIndirectDiffuse.rgb += ShadeSH9(float4(vNormalWs.xyz, 1.0)); } #endif #if ( DYNAMICLIGHTMAP_ON ) { float4 realtimeColorTex = Tex2DLevel(unity_DynamicLightmap, vLightmapUV.zw, 0.0); float3 realtimeColor = DecodeRealtimeLightmap(realtimeColorTex); #if ( DIRLIGHTMAP_OFF ) { o.vIndirectDiffuse.rgb += realtimeColor.rgb; } #elif ( DIRLIGHTMAP_COMBINED ) { float4 realtimeDirTex = Tex2DLevelFromSampler(unity_DynamicDirectionality, unity_DynamicLightmap, vLightmapUV.zw, 0.0); o.vIndirectDiffuse.rgb += DecodeDirectionalLightmap(realtimeColor, realtimeDirTex, vNormalWs); } #elif ( DIRLIGHTMAP_SEPARATE ) { float4 realtimeDirTex = Tex2DLevelFromSampler(unity_DynamicDirectionality, unity_DynamicLightmap, vLightmapUV.zw, 0.0); o.vIndirectDiffuse.rgb += DecodeDirectionalLightmap(realtimeColor, realtimeDirTex, vNormalWs); UnityLight o_light; float4 realtimeNormalTex = Tex2DLevelFromSampler(unity_DynamicNormal, unity_DynamicLightmap, vLightmapUV.zw, 0.0); o.vIndirectSpecular.rgb += DecodeDirectionalSpecularLightmap(realtimeColor, realtimeDirTex, vNormalWs, true, realtimeNormalTex, o_light); float4 vLightingTerms = ComputeDiffuseAndSpecularTerms(false, true, vNormalWs.xyz, vEllipseUWs.xyz, vEllipseVWs.xyz, o_light.dir.xyz, vPositionToCameraDirWs.xyz, vDiffuseExponent.xy, vSpecularExponent.xy, vSpecularScale.xy, vReflectance.rgb, flFresnelExponent); float3 vLightColor = o_light.color; float3 vLightMask = vLightColor.rgb; o.vSpecular.rgb += vLightingTerms.yzw * vLightMask.rgb; } #endif } #endif //-------------------// // Indirect specular // //-------------------// #if ( 1 ) { float flRoughness = dot(vRoughness.xy, float2(0.5, 0.5)); float3 vReflectionDirWs = CalculateCameraReflectionDirWs(vPositionWs.xyz, vNormalWs.xyz); float3 vReflectionDirWs0 = vReflectionDirWs.xyz; #if ( UNITY_SPECCUBE_BOX_PROJECTION ) { vReflectionDirWs0.xyz = BoxProjectedCubemapDirection(vReflectionDirWs.xyz, vPositionWs.xyz, unity_SpecCube0_ProbePosition, unity_SpecCube0_BoxMin, unity_SpecCube0_BoxMax); } #endif float3 vEnvMap0 = max(0.0, Unity_GlossyEnvironment(UNITY_PASS_TEXCUBE(unity_SpecCube0), unity_SpecCube0_HDR, vReflectionDirWs0, flRoughness)); #if ( 0 ) { const float flBlendFactor = 0.99999; float flBlendLerp = saturate(unity_SpecCube0_BoxMin.w); UNITY_BRANCH if (flBlendLerp < flBlendFactor) { float3 vReflectionDirWs1 = vReflectionDirWs.xyz; #if ( UNITY_SPECCUBE_BOX_PROJECTION ) { vReflectionDirWs1.xyz = BoxProjectedCubemapDirection(vReflectionDirWs.xyz, vPositionWs.xyz, unity_SpecCube1_ProbePosition, unity_SpecCube1_BoxMin, unity_SpecCube1_BoxMax); } #endif float3 vEnvMap1 = max(0.0, Unity_GlossyEnvironment(UNITY_PASS_TEXCUBE(unity_SpecCube1), unity_SpecCube1_HDR, vReflectionDirWs1, flRoughness)); o.vIndirectSpecular.rgb += lerp(vEnvMap1.rgb, vEnvMap0.rgb, flBlendLerp); } else { o.vIndirectSpecular.rgb += vEnvMap0.rgb; } } #else { o.vIndirectSpecular.rgb += vEnvMap0.rgb; } #endif } #endif // Apply fresnel to indirect specular float flVDotN = saturate(dot(vPositionToCameraDirWs.xyz, vNormalWs.xyz)); float3 vMaxReflectance = vReflectance.rgb / (Luminance(vReflectance.rgb) + 0.0001); float3 vFresnel = lerp(vReflectance.rgb, vMaxReflectance.rgb, pow(1.0 - flVDotN, flFresnelExponent)); o.vIndirectSpecular.rgb *= vFresnel.rgb; o.vIndirectSpecular.rgb *= g_flCubeMapScalar; // !!! FIXME: This also contains lightmap spec // Since we have indirect specular, apply reflectance to indirect diffuse o.vIndirectDiffuse.rgb *= (float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - vReflectance.rgb); return o; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LightingTerms_t ComputeLightingDiffuseOnly(float3 vPositionWs, float3 vNormalWs, float3 vTangentUWs, float3 vTangentVWs, float2 vRoughness, float4 vLightmapUV) { LightingTerms_t lightingTerms = ComputeLighting(vPositionWs, vNormalWs, vTangentUWs, vTangentVWs, vRoughness, 0.0, 1.0, vLightmapUV.xyzw); lightingTerms.vSpecular = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); lightingTerms.vIndirectSpecular = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); return lightingTerms; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- float3 CubeMapBoxProjection(float3 vPositionCubemapLocal, float3 vNormalCubemapLocal, float3 vCameraPositionCubemapLocal, float3 vBoxMins, float3 vBoxMaxs) { float3 vCameraToPositionRayCubemapLocal = vPositionCubemapLocal.xyz - vCameraPositionCubemapLocal.xyz; float3 vCameraToPositionRayReflectedCubemapLocal = reflect(vCameraToPositionRayCubemapLocal.xyz, vNormalCubemapLocal.xyz); float3 vIntersectA = (vBoxMaxs.xyz - vPositionCubemapLocal.xyz) / vCameraToPositionRayReflectedCubemapLocal.xyz; float3 vIntersectB = (vBoxMins.xyz - vPositionCubemapLocal.xyz) / vCameraToPositionRayReflectedCubemapLocal.xyz; float3 vIntersect = max(vIntersectA.xyz, vIntersectB.xyz); float flDistance = min(vIntersect.x, min(vIntersect.y, vIntersect.z)); float3 vReflectDirectionWs = vPositionCubemapLocal.xyz + vCameraToPositionRayReflectedCubemapLocal.xyz * flDistance; return vReflectDirectionWs; } #endif