#ifndef __LIGHTINGTEMPLATE_H__ #define __LIGHTINGTEMPLATE_H__ #include "UnityCG.cginc" #include "UnityStandardBRDF.cginc" #include "UnityStandardUtils.cginc" #include "UnityPBSLighting.cginc" uniform uint g_nNumDirLights; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TODO: clean up.. -va #define MAX_SHADOW_LIGHTS 10 #define MAX_SHADOWMAP_PER_LIGHT 6 #define MAX_DIRECTIONAL_SPLIT 4 #define CUBEMAPFACE_POSITIVE_X 0 #define CUBEMAPFACE_NEGATIVE_X 1 #define CUBEMAPFACE_POSITIVE_Y 2 #define CUBEMAPFACE_NEGATIVE_Y 3 #define CUBEMAPFACE_POSITIVE_Z 4 #define CUBEMAPFACE_NEGATIVE_Z 5 // The function of the shader library are stateless, no uniform decalare in it. // Any function that require an explicit precision, use float or half qualifier, when the function can support both, it use real (see below) // If a function require to have both a half and a float version, then both need to be explicitly define #ifndef real #ifdef SHADER_API_MOBILE #define real half #define real2 half2 #define real3 half3 #define real4 half4 #define real2x2 half2x2 #define real2x3 half2x3 #define real3x2 half3x2 #define real3x3 half3x3 #define real3x4 half3x4 #define real4x3 half4x3 #define real4x4 half4x4 #define REAL_MIN HALF_MIN #define REAL_MAX HALF_MAX #define TEMPLATE_1_REAL TEMPLATE_1_HALF #define TEMPLATE_2_REAL TEMPLATE_2_HALF #define TEMPLATE_3_REAL TEMPLATE_3_HALF #else #define real float #define real2 float2 #define real3 float3 #define real4 float4 #define real2x2 float2x2 #define real2x3 float2x3 #define real3x2 float3x2 #define real3x3 float3x3 #define real3x4 float3x4 #define real4x3 float4x3 #define real4x4 float4x4 #define REAL_MIN FLT_MIN #define REAL_MAX FLT_MAX #define TEMPLATE_1_REAL TEMPLATE_1_FLT #define TEMPLATE_2_REAL TEMPLATE_2_FLT #define TEMPLATE_3_REAL TEMPLATE_3_FLT #endif // SHADER_API_MOBILE #endif // #ifndef real #if defined(SHADER_API_D3D11) # include "CoreRP/ShaderLibrary/API/D3D11.hlsl" #elif defined(SHADER_API_PSSL) # include "CoreRP/ShaderLibrary/API/PSSL.hlsl" #elif defined(SHADER_API_XBOXONE) # include "CoreRP/ShaderLibrary/API/D3D11.hlsl" # include "CoreRP/ShaderLibrary/API/D3D11_1.hlsl" #elif defined(SHADER_API_METAL) # include "CoreRP/ShaderLibrary/API/Metal.hlsl" #else # error unsupported shader api #endif #include "CoreRP/ShaderLibrary/API/Validate.hlsl" #include "Shadow.hlsl" CBUFFER_START(ShadowLightData) float4 g_vShadow3x3PCFTerms0; float4 g_vShadow3x3PCFTerms1; float4 g_vShadow3x3PCFTerms2; float4 g_vShadow3x3PCFTerms3; float4 g_vDirShadowSplitSpheres[MAX_DIRECTIONAL_SPLIT]; float4x4 g_matWorldToShadow[MAX_SHADOW_LIGHTS * MAX_SHADOWMAP_PER_LIGHT]; CBUFFER_END //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //UNITY_DECLARE_TEX2D(_LightTextureB0); sampler2D _LightTextureB0; UNITY_DECLARE_TEX2DARRAY(_spotCookieTextures); UNITY_DECLARE_ABSTRACT_CUBE_ARRAY(_pointCookieTextures); StructuredBuffer g_dirLightData; float3 ExecuteLightList(uint start, uint numLights, float3 vP, float3 vPw, float3 Vworld) { UnityIndirect ind; UNITY_INITIALIZE_OUTPUT(UnityIndirect, ind); ind.diffuse = 0; ind.specular = 0; ShadowContext shadowContext = InitShadowContext(); float3 ints = 0; for (int i = 0; i < g_nNumDirLights; i++) { DirectionalLight lightData = g_dirLightData[i]; float atten = 1; UnityLight light; light.dir.xyz = mul((float3x3) g_mViewToWorld, -lightData.lightAxisZ).xyz; int shadowIdx = asint(lightData.shadowLightIndex); UNITY_BRANCH if (shadowIdx >= 0) { float shadow = GetDirectionalShadowAttenuation(shadowContext, vPw, 0.0.xxx, shadowIdx, normalize(light.dir.xyz)); atten *= shadow; } light.color.xyz = lightData.color.xyz * atten; ints += EvalMaterial(light, ind); } uint l=0; // don't need the outer loop since the lights are sorted by volume type //while(l0) { uint uIndex = l0.0); // finally apply this to the dist att. UnityLight light; light.dir.xyz = mul((float3x3) g_mViewToWorld, vL).xyz; //unity_CameraToWorld int shadowIdx = asint(lgtDat.shadowLightIndex); UNITY_BRANCH if (shadowIdx >= 0) { float shadow = GetPunctualShadowAttenuation(shadowContext, vPw, 0.0.xxx, shadowIdx, normalize(light.dir.xyz), dist); atten *= shadow; } light.color.xyz = lgtDat.color.xyz*atten*angularAtt.xyz; ints += EvalMaterial(light, ind); ++l; uIndex = l= 0) { float shadow = GetPunctualShadowAttenuation(shadowContext, vPw, 0.0.xxx, shadowIdx, vLw, dist); atten *= shadow; } UnityLight light; light.color.xyz = lgtDat.color.xyz*atten*cookieColor.xyz; light.dir.xyz = vLw; ints += EvalMaterial(light, ind); ++l; uIndex = l