using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.RMGUI; using UnityEngine.RMGUI.StyleSheets; namespace RMGUI.GraphView { [StyleSheet("Assets/NewUI/Editor/Views/GraphView.uss")] public abstract class GraphView : DataWatchContainer, ISelection { private IGraphElementDataSource m_DataSource; public IGraphElementDataSource dataSource { get { return m_DataSource; } set { if (m_DataSource == value) return; RemoveWatch(); m_DataSource = value; OnDataChanged(); AddWatch(); } } class ContentiewContainer : VisualContainer { public override bool Overlaps(Rect r) { return true; } } protected GraphViewDataMapper dataMapper { get; set; } public VisualContainer contentViewContainer{ get; private set; } public VisualContainer viewport { get { return this; } } bool m_FrameAnimate = false; public enum FrameType { All = 0, Selection = 1, Origin = 2 } protected GraphView() { selection = new List(); clipChildren = true; contentViewContainer = new ContentiewContainer { name = "contentViewContainer", clipChildren = false, position = new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0) }; // make it absolute and 0 sized so it acts as a transform to move children to and fro AddChild(contentViewContainer); dataMapper = new GraphViewDataMapper(); dataMapper[typeof(EdgeData)] = typeof(Edge); } public override void OnDataChanged() { if (m_DataSource == null) return; // process removals var current = contentViewContainer.children.OfType().ToList(); current.AddRange(children.OfType()); foreach (var c in current) { // been removed? if (!m_DataSource.elements.Contains(c.dataProvider)) { c.parent.RemoveChild(c); } } // process additions var elements = contentViewContainer.children.OfType().ToList(); elements.AddRange(children.OfType().ToList()); foreach (var elementData in m_DataSource.elements) { // been added? var found = false; // TODO what the heck is a "dc" anyway? foreach (var dc in elements) { if (dc != null && dc.dataProvider == elementData) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) InstanciateElement(elementData); } } protected override object toWatch { get { return dataSource; } } // ISelection implementation public List selection { get; protected set; } // functions to ISelection extensions public void AddToSelection(ISelectable selectable) { var graphElement = selectable as GraphElement; if (graphElement != null && graphElement.dataProvider != null) graphElement.dataProvider.selected = true; selection.Add(selectable); contentViewContainer.Touch(ChangeType.Repaint); } public void RemoveFromSelection(ISelectable selectable) { var graphElement = selectable as GraphElement; if (graphElement != null && graphElement.dataProvider != null) graphElement.dataProvider.selected = false; selection.Remove(selectable); contentViewContainer.Touch(ChangeType.Repaint); } public void ClearSelection() { foreach (var graphElement in selection.OfType()) { if (graphElement.dataProvider != null) graphElement.dataProvider.selected = false; } selection.Clear(); contentViewContainer.Touch(ChangeType.Repaint); } private void InstanciateElement(GraphElementData elementData) { // call factory GraphElement newElem = dataMapper.Create(elementData); if (newElem == null) { return; } newElem.SetPosition(elementData.position); newElem.dataProvider = elementData; if ((elementData.capabilities & Capabilities.Resizable) != 0) { var resizable = new Resizer(); newElem.AddManipulator(resizable); newElem.AddDecorator(resizable); newElem.borderBottom = 6; } bool attachToContainer = (elementData.capabilities & Capabilities.Floating) == 0; if (attachToContainer) contentViewContainer.AddChild(newElem); else AddChild(newElem); } protected EventPropagation DeleteSelection() { // and DeleteSelection would call that method. var nodesContentViewData = dataSource as GraphViewDataSource; if (nodesContentViewData == null) return EventPropagation.Stop; var elementsToRemove = new HashSet(); foreach (var selectedElement in selection.Cast() .Where(e => e != null && e.dataProvider != null)) { if ((selectedElement.dataProvider.capabilities & Capabilities.Deletable) == 0) continue; elementsToRemove.Add(selectedElement.dataProvider); var connectorColl = selectedElement.dataProvider as IConnectorCollection; if (connectorColl == null) continue; elementsToRemove.UnionWith(connectorColl.inputConnectors.SelectMany(c => c.connections) .Cast() .Where(d => (d.capabilities & Capabilities.Deletable) != 0)); elementsToRemove.UnionWith(connectorColl.outputConnectors.SelectMany(c => c.connections) .Cast() .Where(d => (d.capabilities & Capabilities.Deletable) != 0)); } // Notify the ends of connections that the connection is going way. foreach (var connection in elementsToRemove.OfType()) { if (connection.output != null) { connection.output.Disconnect(connection); } if (connection.input != null) { connection.input.Disconnect(connection); } } foreach (var b in elementsToRemove) nodesContentViewData.RemoveElement(b); return EventPropagation.Stop; } protected EventPropagation FrameAll() { return Frame(FrameType.All); } protected EventPropagation FrameSelection() { return Frame(FrameType.Selection); } protected EventPropagation FrameOrigin() { return Frame(FrameType.Origin); } EventPropagation Frame(FrameType frameType) { // Reset container translation, scale and position contentViewContainer.transform *= contentViewContainer.transform.inverse; Rect p = contentViewContainer.position; p.x = 0; p.y = 0; contentViewContainer.position = p; if (frameType == FrameType.Origin) { return EventPropagation.Stop; } Rect rectToFit = contentViewContainer.position; if (frameType == FrameType.Selection) { // Now calculate rectangle to fit all selected elements if (selection.Count == 0) { return EventPropagation.Continue; } var graphElement = selection[0] as GraphElement; if (graphElement != null) { rectToFit = graphElement.localBound; } rectToFit = selection.OfType() .Aggregate(rectToFit, (current, e) => RectUtils.Encompass(current, e.localBound)); } else /*if (frameType == FrameType.All)*/ { bool reachedFirstChild = false; foreach (VisualElement child in contentViewContainer.children) { var graphElement = child as GraphElement; if (graphElement == null || (graphElement.dataProvider.capabilities & Capabilities.Floating) != 0 || (graphElement.dataProvider is EdgeData)) { continue; } if (!reachedFirstChild) { rectToFit = graphElement.localBound; reachedFirstChild = true; } else { rectToFit = RectUtils.Encompass(rectToFit, graphElement.localBound); } } } Vector3 frameTranslation; Vector3 frameScaling; CalculateFrameTransform(rectToFit, out frameTranslation, out frameScaling); if (m_FrameAnimate) { // TODO Animate framing // RMAnimation animation = new RMAnimation(); // parent.Animate(parent) // .Lerp(new string[] {"m_Scale", "m_Translation"}, // new object[] {parent.scale, parent.translation}, // new object[] {frameScaling, frameTranslation}, 0.08f); } else { Matrix4x4 t = Matrix4x4.identity; t *= Matrix4x4.TRS(frameTranslation, Quaternion.identity, frameScaling); contentViewContainer.transform = t; } contentViewContainer.Touch(ChangeType.Repaint); return EventPropagation.Stop; } void CalculateFrameTransform(Rect rectToFit, out Vector3 frameTranslation, out Vector3 frameScaling) { // Give it full width/height Rect clientRect = position; // bring slightly smaller screen rect into GUI space var screenRect = new Rect { xMin = 30, xMax = clientRect.width - 30, yMin = 30, yMax = clientRect.height - 30 }; Matrix4x4 m = GUI.matrix; GUI.matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(, Quaternion.identity,; Rect identity = GUIUtility.ScreenToGUIRect(screenRect); // measure zoom level necessary to fit the canvas rect into the screen rect float zoomLevel = Math.Min(identity.width / rectToFit.width, identity.height / rectToFit.height); // clamp zoomLevel = Mathf.Clamp(zoomLevel, 0.08f, 1.0f); var cachedScale = new Vector3(transform.GetColumn(0).magnitude, transform.GetColumn(1).magnitude, transform.GetColumn(2).magnitude); Vector4 cachedTranslation = transform.GetColumn(3); transform = Matrix4x4.TRS(, Quaternion.identity, new Vector3(zoomLevel, zoomLevel, 1.0f)); var edge = new Vector2(clientRect.width, clientRect.height); var origin = new Vector2(0, 0); var r = new Rect { min = origin, max = edge }; var parentScale = new Vector3(transform.GetColumn(0).magnitude, transform.GetColumn(1).magnitude, transform.GetColumn(2).magnitude); Vector2 offset = - ( * parentScale.x); // Update output values before leaving frameTranslation = new Vector3(offset.x, offset.y, 0.0f); frameScaling = parentScale; transform = Matrix4x4.TRS(cachedTranslation, Quaternion.identity, cachedScale); GUI.matrix = m; } } }