#ifndef FILE_ATMOSPHERICSCATTERING #define FILE_ATMOSPHERICSCATTERING #define ATMOSPHERICS_DBG_NONE 0 #define ATMOSPHERICS_DBG_SCATTERING 1 #define ATMOSPHERICS_DBG_OCCLUSION 2 #define ATMOSPHERICS_DBG_OCCLUDEDSCATTERING 3 #define ATMOSPHERICS_DBG_RAYLEIGH 4 #define ATMOSPHERICS_DBG_MIE 5 #define ATMOSPHERICS_DBG_HEIGHT 6 uniform int _AtmosphericsDebugMode; uniform float3 _SunDirection; uniform float _ShadowBias; uniform float _ShadowBiasIndirect; uniform float _ShadowBiasClouds; uniform float2 _ShadowBiasSkyRayleighMie; uniform float _OcclusionDepthThreshold; uniform float4 _OcclusionTexture_TexelSize; uniform float4 _DepthTextureScaledTexelSize; uniform float _WorldScaleExponent; uniform float _WorldNormalDistanceRcp; uniform float _WorldRayleighNearScatterPush; uniform float _WorldMieNearScatterPush; uniform float _WorldRayleighDensity; uniform float _WorldMieDensity; uniform float3 _RayleighColorM20; uniform float3 _RayleighColorM10; uniform float3 _RayleighColorO00; uniform float3 _RayleighColorP10; uniform float3 _RayleighColorP20; uniform float3 _RayleighColorP45; uniform float3 _MieColorM20; uniform float3 _MieColorO00; uniform float3 _MieColorP20; uniform float3 _MieColorP45; uniform float _HeightNormalDistanceRcp; uniform float _HeightMieNearScatterPush; uniform float _HeightRayleighNearScatterPush; uniform float _HeightRayleighDensity; uniform float _HeightMieDensity; uniform float _HeightSeaLevel; uniform float3 _HeightPlaneShift; uniform float _HeightDistanceRcp; uniform float4 _HeightRayleighColor; uniform float _HeightExtinctionFactor; uniform float2 _RayleighInScatterPct; uniform float _RayleighExtinctionFactor; uniform float _MiePhaseAnisotropy; uniform float _MieExtinctionFactor; SAMPLER2D(sampler_MainDepthTexture); #define SRL_BilinearSampler sampler_MainDepthTexture // Used for all textures TEXTURE2D_FLOAT(_MainDepthTexture); TEXTURE2D(_OcclusionTexture); float HenyeyGreensteinPhase(float g, float cosTheta) { float gSqr = g * g; float a1 = (1.f - gSqr); float a2 = (2.f + gSqr); float b1 = 1.f + cosTheta * cosTheta; float b2 = pow(abs(1.f + gSqr - 2.f * g * cosTheta), 1.5f); return (a1 / a2) * (b1 / b2); } float RayleighPhase(float cosTheta) { const float f = 3.f / (16.f * PI); return f + f * cosTheta * cosTheta; } float MiePhase(float cosTheta, float anisotropy) { const float f = 3.f / (8.f * PI); return f * HenyeyGreensteinPhase(anisotropy, cosTheta); } float HeightDensity(float h, float H) { return exp(-h/H); } float3 WorldScale(float3 p) { p.xz = sign(p.xz) * pow(abs(p.xz), _WorldScaleExponent); return p; } void VolundTransferScatter(float3 worldPos, out float4 coords1, out float4 coords2, out float4 coords3) { const float3 scaledWorldPos = WorldScale(worldPos); const float3 worldCamPos = WorldScale(_CameraPosWS.xyz); const float c_MieScaleHeight = 1200.f; const float worldRayleighDensity = 1.f; const float worldMieDensity = HeightDensity(scaledWorldPos.y, c_MieScaleHeight); const float3 worldVec = scaledWorldPos.xyz - worldCamPos.xyz; const float worldVecLen = length(worldVec); const float3 worldDir = worldVec / worldVecLen; const float3 worldDirUnscaled = normalize(worldPos - _CameraPosWS.xyz); const float viewSunCos = dot(worldDirUnscaled, _SunDirection); const float rayleighPh = min(1.f, RayleighPhase(viewSunCos) * 12.f); const float miePh = MiePhase(viewSunCos, _MiePhaseAnisotropy); const float angle20 = 0.324f / 1.5f; const float angle10 = 0.174f / 1.5f; const float angleY = worldDir.y * saturate(worldVecLen / 250.0); float3 rayleighColor; if(angleY >= angle10) rayleighColor = lerp(_RayleighColorP10, _RayleighColorP20, saturate((angleY - angle10) / (angle20 - angle10))); else if(angleY >= 0.f) rayleighColor = lerp(_RayleighColorO00, _RayleighColorP10, angleY / angle10); else if(angleY >= -angle10) rayleighColor = lerp(_RayleighColorM10, _RayleighColorO00, (angleY + angle10) / angle10); else rayleighColor = lerp(_RayleighColorM20, _RayleighColorM10, saturate((angleY + angle20) / (angle20 - angle10))); float3 mieColor; if(angleY >= 0.f) mieColor = lerp(_MieColorO00, _MieColorP20, saturate(angleY / angle20)); else mieColor = lerp(_MieColorM20, _MieColorO00, saturate((angleY + angle20) / angle20)); const float pushedMieDistance = max(0.f, worldVecLen + _WorldMieNearScatterPush); const float pushedRayleighDistance = max(0.f, worldVecLen + _WorldRayleighNearScatterPush); const float pushedMieDensity = /*HeightDensity **/ pushedMieDistance /** exp(-scaledWorldPos.y / 8000.f)*/; const float pushedRayleighDensity = /*HeightDensity **/ pushedRayleighDistance /** exp(-scaledWorldPos.y / 8000.f)*/; const float rayleighScatter = (1.f - exp(_WorldRayleighDensity * pushedRayleighDensity)) * rayleighPh; #ifdef IS_RENDERING_SKY const float mieScatter = (1.f - exp(_WorldMieDensity * pushedMieDensity)); #else const float mieScatter = (1.f - exp(_WorldMieDensity * pushedMieDensity)) * miePh; #endif const float heightShift = dot(worldVec, _HeightPlaneShift); const float heightScaledOffset = (scaledWorldPos.y - heightShift - _HeightSeaLevel) * _HeightDistanceRcp; const float HeightDensity = exp(-heightScaledOffset); const float pushedRayleighHeightDistance = max(0.f, worldVecLen + _HeightRayleighNearScatterPush); const float pushedMieHeightDistance = max(0.f, worldVecLen + _HeightMieNearScatterPush); const float heightRayleighScatter = (1.f - exp(_HeightRayleighDensity * pushedRayleighHeightDistance)) * HeightDensity; #ifdef IS_RENDERING_SKY const float heightMieScatter = (1.f - exp(_HeightMieDensity * pushedMieHeightDistance)) * HeightDensity; #else const float heightMieScatter = (1.f - exp(_HeightMieDensity * pushedMieHeightDistance)) * HeightDensity * miePh; #endif rayleighColor = lerp(Luminance(rayleighColor).rrr, rayleighColor, saturate(pushedRayleighDistance * _WorldNormalDistanceRcp)); float3 heightRayleighColor = lerp(Luminance(_HeightRayleighColor.xyz).rrr, _HeightRayleighColor.xyz, saturate(pushedRayleighHeightDistance * _HeightNormalDistanceRcp)); coords1.rgb = rayleighScatter * rayleighColor; coords1.a = rayleighScatter; coords3.rgb = saturate(heightRayleighScatter) * heightRayleighColor; coords3.a = heightRayleighScatter; coords2.rgb = mieScatter * mieColor + saturate(heightMieScatter) * mieColor; coords2.a = mieScatter; } void VolundTransferScatter(float3 worldPos, out float4 coords1) { float4 c1, c2, c3; VolundTransferScatter(worldPos, c1, c2, c3); #ifdef IS_RENDERING_SKY coords1.rgb = c3.rgb; coords1.a = max(0.f, 1.f - c3.a * _HeightExtinctionFactor); #else coords1.rgb = c1.rgb; coords1.rgb += c3.rgb; coords1.a = max(0.f, 1.f - c1.a * _RayleighExtinctionFactor - c3.a * _HeightExtinctionFactor); #endif coords1.rgb += c2.rgb; coords1.a *= max(0.f, 1.f - c2.a * _MieExtinctionFactor); #ifdef ATMOSPHERICS_DEBUG if(_AtmosphericsDebugMode == ATMOSPHERICS_DBG_RAYLEIGH) coords1.rgb = c1.rgb; else if(_AtmosphericsDebugMode == ATMOSPHERICS_DBG_MIE) coords1.rgb = c2.rgb; else if(_AtmosphericsDebugMode == ATMOSPHERICS_DBG_HEIGHT) coords1.rgb = c3.rgb; #endif } float2 UVFromPos(float2 pos) { #if defined(UNITY_PASS_FORWARDBASE) return pos; #else return pos * _ScreenSize.zw; #endif } float3 VolundApplyScatter(float4 coords1, float2 pos, float3 color) { #ifdef ATMOSPHERICS_DEBUG if(_AtmosphericsDebugMode == ATMOSPHERICS_DBG_OCCLUSION) return 1; else if(_AtmosphericsDebugMode == ATMOSPHERICS_DBG_SCATTERING || _AtmosphericsDebugMode == ATMOSPHERICS_DBG_OCCLUDEDSCATTERING) return coords1.rgb; else if(_AtmosphericsDebugMode == ATMOSPHERICS_DBG_RAYLEIGH || _AtmosphericsDebugMode == ATMOSPHERICS_DBG_MIE || _AtmosphericsDebugMode == ATMOSPHERICS_DBG_HEIGHT) return coords1.rgb; #endif return color * coords1.a + coords1.rgb; } float3 VolundApplyScatterAdd(float coords1, float3 color) { return color * coords1; } void VolundTransferScatterOcclusion(float3 worldPos, out float4 coords1, out float3 coords2) { float4 c1, c2, c3; VolundTransferScatter(worldPos, c1, c2, c3); coords1.rgb = c1.rgb * _RayleighInScatterPct.x; coords1.a = max(0.f, 1.f - c1.a * _RayleighExtinctionFactor - c3.a * _HeightExtinctionFactor); coords1.rgb += c2.rgb; coords1.a *= max(0.f, 1.f - c2.a * _MieExtinctionFactor); coords2.rgb = c3.rgb + c1.rgb * _RayleighInScatterPct.y; #ifdef ATMOSPHERICS_DEBUG if(_AtmosphericsDebugMode == ATMOSPHERICS_DBG_RAYLEIGH) coords1.rgb = c1.rgb; else if(_AtmosphericsDebugMode == ATMOSPHERICS_DBG_MIE) coords1.rgb = c2.rgb; else if(_AtmosphericsDebugMode == ATMOSPHERICS_DBG_HEIGHT) coords1.rgb = c3.rgb; #endif } float VolundSampleScatterOcclusion(float2 pos) { #if defined(ATMOSPHERICS_OCCLUSION) float2 uv = UVFromPos(pos); #if defined(ATMOSPHERICS_OCCLUSION_EDGE_FIXUP) float4 baseUV = float4(uv.x, uv.y, 0.f, 0.f); float cDepth = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_LOD(_CMainDepthTexture, SRL_BilinearSampler, baseUV, 0.f).r; cDepth = LinearEyeDepth(cDepth, _ZBufferParams); float4 xDepth; baseUV.xy = uv + _DepthTextureScaledTexelSize.zy; xDepth.x = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_LOD(_MainDepthTexture, SRL_BilinearSampler, baseUV); baseUV.xy = uv + _DepthTextureScaledTexelSize.xy; xDepth.y = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_LOD(_MainDepthTexture, SRL_BilinearSampler, baseUV); baseUV.xy = uv + _DepthTextureScaledTexelSize.xw; xDepth.z = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_LOD(_MainDepthTexture, SRL_BilinearSampler, baseUV); baseUV.xy = uv + _DepthTextureScaledTexelSize.zw; xDepth.w = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_LOD(_MainDepthTexture, SRL_BilinearSampler, baseUV); xDepth.x = LinearEyeDepth(xDepth.x, _ZBufferParams); xDepth.y = LinearEyeDepth(xDepth.y, _ZBufferParams); xDepth.z = LinearEyeDepth(xDepth.z, _ZBufferParams); xDepth.w = LinearEyeDepth(xDepth.w, _ZBufferParams); float4 diffDepth = xDepth - cDepth.rrrr; float4 maskDepth = abs(diffDepth) < _OcclusionDepthThreshold; float maskWeight = dot(maskDepth, maskDepth); UNITY_BRANCH if(maskWeight == 4.f || maskWeight == 0.f) { return SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_LOD(_OcclusionTexture, SRL_BilinearSampler, uv, 0.f).r; } else { float4 occ = GATHER_TEXTURE2D(_OcclusionTexture, SRL_BilinearSampler, uv); float4 fWeights; fWeights.xy = frac(uv * _OcclusionTexture_TexelSize.zw - 0.5f); fWeights.zw = float2(1.f, 1.f) - fWeights.xy; float4 mfWeights = float4(fWeights.z * fWeights.y, fWeights.x * fWeights.y, fWeights.x * fWeights.w, fWeights.z * fWeights.w); return dot(occ, mfWeights * maskDepth) / dot(mfWeights, maskDepth); } #else return SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_OcclusionTexture, SRL_BilinearSampler, uv).r; #endif #else //defined(ATMOSPHERICS_OCCLUSION) return 1.f; #endif //defined(ATMOSPHERICS_OCCLUSION) } float3 VolundApplyScatterOcclusion(float4 coords1, float3 coords2, float2 pos, float3 color) { float occlusion = VolundSampleScatterOcclusion(pos); #ifdef ATMOSPHERICS_DEBUG if(_AtmosphericsDebugMode == ATMOSPHERICS_DBG_SCATTERING) return coords1.rgb + coords2.rgb; else if(_AtmosphericsDebugMode == ATMOSPHERICS_DBG_OCCLUSION) return occlusion; else if(_AtmosphericsDebugMode == ATMOSPHERICS_DBG_OCCLUDEDSCATTERING) return coords1.rgb * min(1.f, occlusion + _ShadowBias) + coords2.rgb * min(1.f, occlusion + _ShadowBiasIndirect); else if(_AtmosphericsDebugMode == ATMOSPHERICS_DBG_RAYLEIGH || _AtmosphericsDebugMode == ATMOSPHERICS_DBG_MIE || _AtmosphericsDebugMode == ATMOSPHERICS_DBG_HEIGHT) return coords1.rgb; #endif return color * coords1.a + coords1.rgb * min(1.f, occlusion + _ShadowBias) + coords2.rgb * min(1.f, occlusion + _ShadowBiasIndirect); ; } float VolundCloudOcclusion(float2 pos) { #if defined(ATMOSPHERICS_OCCLUSION) return min(1.f, VolundSampleScatterOcclusion(pos) + _ShadowBiasClouds); #else return 1.f; #endif } float4 VolundApplyCloudScatter(float4 coords1, float4 color) { #if defined(DBG_ATMOSPHERICS_SCATTERING) || defined(DBG_ATMOSPHERICS_OCCLUDEDSCATTERING) return float4(coords1.rgb, color.a); #elif defined(DBG_ATMOSPHERICS_OCCLUSION) return 1; #endif color.rgb = color.rgb * coords1.a + coords1.rgb; return color; } float4 VolundApplyCloudScatterOcclusion(float4 coords1, float3 coords2, float2 pos, float4 color) { float occlusion = VolundSampleScatterOcclusion(pos); #ifdef ATMOSPHERICS_OCCLUSION_DEBUG2 color.rgb = coords1.rgb * min(1.f, occlusion + _ShadowBias) + coords2.rgb * min(1.f, occlusion + _ShadowBiasIndirect); return color; #endif #ifdef ATMOSPHERICS_OCCLUSION_DEBUG return occlusion; #endif color.rgb = color.rgb * coords1.a + coords1.rgb * min(1.f, occlusion + _ShadowBias) + coords2.rgb * min(1.f, occlusion + _ShadowBiasIndirect); float cloudOcclusion = min(1.f, occlusion + _ShadowBiasClouds); color.a *= cloudOcclusion; return color; } // Original vert/frag macros #if defined(ATMOSPHERICS_OCCLUSION) #define VOLUND_SCATTER_COORDS(idx1, idx2) float4 scatterCoords1 : TEXCOORD##idx1; float3 scatterCoords2 : TEXCOORD##idx2; #if defined(ATMOSPHERICS_PER_PIXEL) #define VOLUND_TRANSFER_SCATTER(pos, o) o.scatterCoords1 = pos.xyzz; o.scatterCoords2 = pos.xyz; #define VOLUND_APPLY_SCATTER(i, color) VolundTransferScatterOcclusion(i.scatterCoords1.xyz, i.scatterCoords1, i.scatterCoords2); color = VolundApplyScatterOcclusion(i.scatterCoords1, i.scatterCoords2, i.pos.xy, color) #define VOLUND_CLOUD_SCATTER(i, color) VolundTransferScatterOcclusion(i.scatterCoords1.xyz, i.scatterCoords1, i.scatterCoords2); color = VolundApplyCloudScatterOcclusion(i.scatterCoords1, i.scatterCoords2, i.pos.xy, color) #else #define VOLUND_TRANSFER_SCATTER(pos, o) VolundTransferScatterOcclusion(pos, o.scatterCoords1, o.scatterCoords2) #define VOLUND_APPLY_SCATTER(i, color) color = VolundApplyScatterOcclusion(i.scatterCoords1, i.scatterCoords2, i.pos.xy, color) #define VOLUND_CLOUD_SCATTER(i, color) color = VolundApplyCloudScatterOcclusion(i.scatterCoords1, i.scatterCoords2, i.pos.xy, color) #endif #else #define VOLUND_SCATTER_COORDS(idx1, idx2) float4 scatterCoords1 : TEXCOORD##idx1; #if defined(ATMOSPHERICS_PER_PIXEL) #define VOLUND_TRANSFER_SCATTER(pos, o) o.scatterCoords1 = pos.xyzz; #define VOLUND_APPLY_SCATTER(i, color) VolundTransferScatter(i.scatterCoords1.xyz, i.scatterCoords1); color = VolundApplyScatter(i.scatterCoords1, i.pos.xy, color); #define VOLUND_CLOUD_SCATTER(i, color) VolundTransferScatter(i.scatterCoords1.xyz, i.scatterCoords1); color = VolundApplyCloudScatter(i.scatterCoords1, color); #else #define VOLUND_TRANSFER_SCATTER(pos, o) VolundTransferScatter(pos, o.scatterCoords1) #define VOLUND_APPLY_SCATTER(i, color) color = VolundApplyScatter(i.scatterCoords1, i.pos.xy, color) #define VOLUND_CLOUD_SCATTER(i, color) color = VolundApplyCloudScatter(i.scatterCoords1, color) #endif #endif #if !defined(SURFACE_SCATTER_COORDS) /* surface shader analysis currently forces us to include stuff even when unused */ /* we also have to convince the analyzer to not optimize out stuff we need */ #define SURFACE_SCATTER_COORDS float3 worldPos; float4 scatterCoords1; float3 scatterCoords2; #define SURFACE_SCATTER_TRANSFER(pos, o) o.scatterCoords1.r = o.scatterCoords2.r = pos.x; #define SURFACE_SCATTER_APPLY(i, color) color += (i.worldPos + i.scatterCoords1.xyz + i.scatterCoords2.xyz) * 0.000001f #endif #endif //FILE_ATMOSPHERICSCATTERING