using System; using UnityEngine; using System.Linq; namespace UnityEditor.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline { internal class LayeredLitGUI : LitGUI { public enum VertexColorMode { None, Multiply, Add } private class StylesLayer { public readonly Color[] layerColors = { Color.white,,, }; public readonly GUIContent[] layerLabels = { new GUIContent("Main layer"), new GUIContent("Layer 1"), new GUIContent("Layer 2"), new GUIContent("Layer 3"), }; public readonly GUIStyle[] layerLabelColors = { new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.foldout), new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.foldout), new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.foldout), new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.foldout) }; public readonly GUIContent syncAllButtonText = new GUIContent("Re-Synchronize", "Re-synchronize all layers material properties with the referenced Materials"); public readonly GUIContent syncAllButUVButtonText = new GUIContent("Re-Synchronize Without UV Mapping", "Re-synchronize all but UV Mapping properties with the referenced Materials"); public readonly GUIContent layersText = new GUIContent("Inputs"); public readonly GUIContent emissiveText = new GUIContent("Emissive"); public readonly GUIContent layerMapMaskText = new GUIContent("Layer Mask", "Layer mask"); public readonly GUIContent layerInfluenceMapMaskText = new GUIContent("Layer Influence Mask", "Layer mask"); public readonly GUIContent vertexColorModeText = new GUIContent("Vertex Color Mode", "Mode multiply: vertex color is multiply with the mask. Mode additive: vertex color values are remapped between -1 and 1 and added to the mask (neutral at 0.5 vertex color)."); public readonly GUIContent layerCountText = new GUIContent("Layer Count", "Number of layers."); public readonly GUIContent objectScaleAffectTileText = new GUIContent("Lock layers 0123 tiling with object Scale", "Tiling of each layers will be affected by the object scale."); public readonly GUIContent objectScaleAffectTileText2 = new GUIContent("Lock layers 123 tiling with object Scale", "Tiling of each influenced layers (all except main layer) will be affected by the object scale."); public readonly GUIContent layerTexWorldScaleText = new GUIContent("World Scale", "Tiling factor applied to Planar/Trilinear mapping"); public readonly GUIContent UVBlendMaskText = new GUIContent("BlendMask UV Mapping", "Base UV Mapping mode of the layer."); public readonly GUIContent layeringOptionText = new GUIContent("Layering Options"); public readonly GUIContent useHeightBasedBlendText = new GUIContent("Use Height Based Blend", "Layer will be blended with the underlying layer based on the height."); public readonly GUIContent useMainLayerInfluenceModeText = new GUIContent("Main Layer Influence", "Switch between regular layers mode and base/layers mode"); public readonly GUIContent opacityAsDensityText = new GUIContent("Use Opacity map as Density map", "Use opacity map as (alpha channel of base color) as Density map."); public readonly GUIContent inheritBaseNormalText = new GUIContent("Normal influence", "Inherit the normal from the base layer."); public readonly GUIContent inheritBaseHeightText = new GUIContent("Heightmap influence", "Inherit the height from the base layer."); public readonly GUIContent inheritBaseColorText = new GUIContent("BaseColor influence", "Inherit the base color from the base layer."); public readonly GUIContent heightOffset = new GUIContent("Height Offset", "Offset applied to the height before layering."); public readonly GUIContent heightTransition = new GUIContent("Height Transition", "Size in world units of the smooth transition between layers."); public readonly GUIContent perPixelDisplacementLayersWarning = new GUIContent("For pixel displacement to work correctly, all layers with a heightmap must use the same UV mapping"); public readonly GUIContent materialReferencesText = new GUIContent("Material References"); public StylesLayer() { layerLabelColors[0].normal.textColor = layerColors[0]; layerLabelColors[1].normal.textColor = layerColors[1]; layerLabelColors[2].normal.textColor = layerColors[2]; layerLabelColors[3].normal.textColor = layerColors[3]; } } static StylesLayer s_Styles = null; private static StylesLayer styles { get { if (s_Styles == null) s_Styles = new StylesLayer(); return s_Styles; } } // Needed for json serialization to work [Serializable] internal struct SerializeableGUIDs { public string[] GUIDArray; } const int kSyncButtonWidth = 58; public LayeredLitGUI() { m_LayerCount = 4; m_PropertySuffixes[0] = "0"; m_PropertySuffixes[1] = "1"; m_PropertySuffixes[2] = "2"; m_PropertySuffixes[3] = "3"; } Material[] m_MaterialLayers = new Material[kMaxLayerCount]; // Layer options MaterialProperty layerCount = null; const string kLayerCount = "_LayerCount"; MaterialProperty layerMaskMap = null; const string kLayerMaskMap = "_LayerMaskMap"; MaterialProperty layerInfluenceMaskMap = null; const string kLayerInfluenceMaskMap = "_LayerInfluenceMaskMap"; MaterialProperty vertexColorMode = null; const string kVertexColorMode = "_VertexColorMode"; MaterialProperty objectScaleAffectTile = null; const string kObjectScaleAffectTile = "_ObjectScaleAffectTile"; MaterialProperty UVBlendMask = null; const string kUVBlendMask = "_UVBlendMask"; MaterialProperty UVMappingMaskBlendMask = null; const string kUVMappingMaskBlendMask = "_UVMappingMaskBlendMask"; MaterialProperty texWorldScaleBlendMask = null; const string kTexWorldScaleBlendMask = "_TexWorldScaleBlendMask"; MaterialProperty useMainLayerInfluence = null; const string kkUseMainLayerInfluence = "_UseMainLayerInfluence"; MaterialProperty useHeightBasedBlend = null; const string kUseHeightBasedBlend = "_UseHeightBasedBlend"; // Density/opacity mode MaterialProperty[] opacityAsDensity = new MaterialProperty[kMaxLayerCount]; const string kOpacityAsDensity = "_OpacityAsDensity"; // Influence MaterialProperty[] inheritBaseNormal = new MaterialProperty[kMaxLayerCount - 1]; const string kInheritBaseNormal = "_InheritBaseNormal"; MaterialProperty[] inheritBaseHeight = new MaterialProperty[kMaxLayerCount - 1]; const string kInheritBaseHeight = "_InheritBaseHeight"; MaterialProperty[] inheritBaseColor = new MaterialProperty[kMaxLayerCount - 1]; const string kInheritBaseColor = "_InheritBaseColor"; // Height blend MaterialProperty[] heightOffset = new MaterialProperty[kMaxLayerCount]; const string kHeightOffset = "_HeightOffset"; MaterialProperty heightTransition = null; const string kHeightTransition = "_HeightTransition"; // UI MaterialProperty showMaterialReferences = null; const string kShowMaterialReferences = "_ShowMaterialReferences"; MaterialProperty[] showLayer = new MaterialProperty[kMaxLayerCount]; const string kShowLayer = "_ShowLayer"; protected override void FindMaterialProperties(MaterialProperty[] props) { base.FindMaterialLayerProperties(props); base.FindMaterialEmissiveProperties(props); layerCount = FindProperty(kLayerCount, props); layerMaskMap = FindProperty(kLayerMaskMap, props); layerInfluenceMaskMap = FindProperty(kLayerInfluenceMaskMap, props); vertexColorMode = FindProperty(kVertexColorMode, props); objectScaleAffectTile = FindProperty(kObjectScaleAffectTile, props); UVBlendMask = FindProperty(kUVBlendMask, props); UVMappingMaskBlendMask = FindProperty(kUVMappingMaskBlendMask, props); texWorldScaleBlendMask = FindProperty(kTexWorldScaleBlendMask, props); useMainLayerInfluence = FindProperty(kkUseMainLayerInfluence, props); useHeightBasedBlend = FindProperty(kUseHeightBasedBlend, props); heightTransition = FindProperty(kHeightTransition, props); showMaterialReferences = FindProperty(kShowMaterialReferences, props); for (int i = 0; i < kMaxLayerCount; ++i) { // Density/opacity mode opacityAsDensity[i] = FindProperty(string.Format("{0}{1}", kOpacityAsDensity, i), props); heightOffset[i] = FindProperty(string.Format("{0}{1}", kHeightOffset, i), props); showLayer[i] = FindProperty(string.Format("{0}{1}", kShowLayer, i), props); if (i != 0) { // Influence inheritBaseNormal[i - 1] = FindProperty(string.Format("{0}{1}", kInheritBaseNormal, i), props); inheritBaseHeight[i - 1] = FindProperty(string.Format("{0}{1}", kInheritBaseHeight, i), props); inheritBaseColor[i - 1] = FindProperty(string.Format("{0}{1}", kInheritBaseColor, i), props); } } } int numLayer { set { layerCount.floatValue = (float)value; } get { return (int)layerCount.floatValue; } } // This function is call by a script to help artists to ahve up to date material // that why it is static public static void SynchronizeAllLayers(Material material) { int layerCount = (int)material.GetFloat(kLayerCount); AssetImporter materialImporter = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(material.GetInstanceID())); Material[] layers = null; InitializeMaterialLayers(materialImporter, ref layers); // We could have no userData in the assets, so test if we have load something if (layers != null) { for (int i = 0; i < layerCount; ++i) { SynchronizeLayerProperties(material, layers, i, true); } } } void SynchronizeAllLayersProperties(bool excludeUVMappingProperties) { for (int i = 0; i < numLayer; ++i) { SynchronizeLayerProperties( as Material, m_MaterialLayers, i, excludeUVMappingProperties); } } // This function will look for all referenced lit material, and assign value from Lit to layered lit layers. // This is based on the naming of the variables, i.E BaseColor will match BaseColor0, if a properties shouldn't be override // put the name in the exclusionList below static void SynchronizeLayerProperties(Material material, Material[] layers, int layerIndex, bool excludeUVMappingProperties) { Material layerMaterial = layers[layerIndex]; string[] exclusionList = { kTexWorldScale, kUVBase, kUVMappingMask, kUVDetail, kUVDetailsMappingMask }; if (layerMaterial != null) { Shader layerShader = layerMaterial.shader; int propertyCount = ShaderUtil.GetPropertyCount(layerShader); for (int i = 0; i < propertyCount; ++i) { string propertyName = ShaderUtil.GetPropertyName(layerShader, i); string layerPropertyName = propertyName + layerIndex; if (!exclusionList.Contains(propertyName) || !excludeUVMappingProperties) { if (material.HasProperty(layerPropertyName)) { ShaderUtil.ShaderPropertyType type = ShaderUtil.GetPropertyType(layerShader, i); switch (type) { case ShaderUtil.ShaderPropertyType.Color: { material.SetColor(layerPropertyName, layerMaterial.GetColor(propertyName)); break; } case ShaderUtil.ShaderPropertyType.Float: case ShaderUtil.ShaderPropertyType.Range: { material.SetFloat(layerPropertyName, layerMaterial.GetFloat(propertyName)); break; } case ShaderUtil.ShaderPropertyType.Vector: { material.SetVector(layerPropertyName, layerMaterial.GetVector(propertyName)); break; } case ShaderUtil.ShaderPropertyType.TexEnv: { material.SetTexture(layerPropertyName, layerMaterial.GetTexture(propertyName)); if(!excludeUVMappingProperties) { material.SetTextureOffset(layerPropertyName, layerMaterial.GetTextureOffset(propertyName)); material.SetTextureScale(layerPropertyName, layerMaterial.GetTextureScale(propertyName)); } break; } } } } } } } // We use the user data to save a string that represent the referenced lit material // so we can keep reference during serialization static void InitializeMaterialLayers(AssetImporter materialImporter, ref Material[] layers) { if (materialImporter.userData != string.Empty) { SerializeableGUIDs layersGUID = JsonUtility.FromJson(materialImporter.userData); if (layersGUID.GUIDArray.Length > 0) { layers = new Material[layersGUID.GUIDArray.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < layersGUID.GUIDArray.Length; ++i) { layers[i] = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(layersGUID.GUIDArray[i]), typeof(Material)) as Material; } } } } void SaveMaterialLayers(AssetImporter materialImporter) { SerializeableGUIDs layersGUID; layersGUID.GUIDArray = new string[m_MaterialLayers.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < m_MaterialLayers.Length; ++i) { if (m_MaterialLayers[i] != null) layersGUID.GUIDArray[i] = AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(m_MaterialLayers[i].GetInstanceID())); } materialImporter.userData = JsonUtility.ToJson(layersGUID); } bool DoLayerGUI(AssetImporter materialImporter, int layerIndex) { bool result = false; showLayer[layerIndex].floatValue = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(showLayer[layerIndex].floatValue != 0.0f, styles.layerLabels[layerIndex], styles.layerLabelColors[layerIndex]) ? 1.0f : 0.0f; if (showLayer[layerIndex].floatValue == 0.0f) return false; ; Material material = as Material; bool mainLayerInfluenceEnable = useMainLayerInfluence.floatValue > 0.0f; bool heightBasedBlend = useHeightBasedBlend.floatValue > 0.0f; EditorGUILayout.LabelField(styles.layeringOptionText, EditorStyles.boldLabel); EditorGUI.indentLevel++; // Main layer does not have any options but height base blend. if (layerIndex > 0) { int paramIndex = layerIndex - 1; m_MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty(opacityAsDensity[layerIndex], styles.opacityAsDensityText); if (mainLayerInfluenceEnable) { m_MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty(inheritBaseColor[paramIndex], styles.inheritBaseColorText); m_MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty(inheritBaseNormal[paramIndex], styles.inheritBaseNormalText); // Main height influence is only available if the shader use the heightmap for displacement (per vertex or per level) // We always display it as it can be tricky to know when per pixel displacement is enabled or not m_MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty(inheritBaseHeight[paramIndex], styles.inheritBaseHeightText); } } else { if (!useMainLayerInfluence.hasMixedValue && useMainLayerInfluence.floatValue != 0.0f) { m_MaterialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(styles.layerInfluenceMapMaskText, layerInfluenceMaskMap); } } if (heightBasedBlend) { m_MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty(heightOffset[layerIndex], styles.heightOffset); } EditorGUI.indentLevel--; EditorGUILayout.Space(); DoLayerGUI(material, layerIndex); if (layerIndex == 0) EditorGUILayout.Space(); return result; } void DoLayeringInputGUI() { EditorGUI.indentLevel++; GUILayout.Label(styles.layersText, EditorStyles.boldLabel); EditorGUI.showMixedValue = layerCount.hasMixedValue; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); int newLayerCount = EditorGUILayout.IntSlider(styles.layerCountText, (int)layerCount.floatValue, 2, 4); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { Material material = as Material; Undo.RecordObject(material, "Change layer count"); layerCount.floatValue = (float)newLayerCount; } m_MaterialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(styles.layerMapMaskText, layerMaskMap); EditorGUI.indentLevel++; m_MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty(UVBlendMask, styles.UVBlendMaskText); UVBaseMapping uvBlendMask = (UVBaseMapping)UVBlendMask.floatValue; float X, Y, Z, W; X = (uvBlendMask == UVBaseMapping.UV0) ? 1.0f : 0.0f; Y = (uvBlendMask == UVBaseMapping.UV1) ? 1.0f : 0.0f; Z = (uvBlendMask == UVBaseMapping.UV2) ? 1.0f : 0.0f; W = (uvBlendMask == UVBaseMapping.UV3) ? 1.0f : 0.0f; UVMappingMaskBlendMask.colorValue = new Color(X, Y, Z, W); if (((UVBaseMapping)UVBlendMask.floatValue == UVBaseMapping.Planar) || ((UVBaseMapping)UVBlendMask.floatValue == UVBaseMapping.Triplanar)) { m_MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty(texWorldScaleBlendMask, styles.layerTexWorldScaleText); } m_MaterialEditor.TextureScaleOffsetProperty(layerMaskMap); EditorGUI.indentLevel--; m_MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty(vertexColorMode, styles.vertexColorModeText); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); EditorGUI.showMixedValue = useMainLayerInfluence.hasMixedValue; bool mainLayerModeInfluenceEnable = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(styles.useMainLayerInfluenceModeText, useMainLayerInfluence.floatValue > 0.0f); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { useMainLayerInfluence.floatValue = mainLayerModeInfluenceEnable ? 1.0f : 0.0f; } EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); EditorGUI.showMixedValue = useHeightBasedBlend.hasMixedValue; bool enabled = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(styles.useHeightBasedBlendText, useHeightBasedBlend.floatValue > 0.0f); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { useHeightBasedBlend.floatValue = enabled ? 1.0f : 0.0f; } if (enabled) { EditorGUI.indentLevel++; m_MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty(heightTransition, styles.heightTransition); EditorGUI.indentLevel--; } m_MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty(objectScaleAffectTile, mainLayerModeInfluenceEnable ? styles.objectScaleAffectTileText2 : styles.objectScaleAffectTileText); EditorGUI.indentLevel--; } bool DoMaterialReferencesGUI(AssetImporter materialImporter) { showMaterialReferences.floatValue = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(showMaterialReferences.floatValue != 0.0f, styles.materialReferencesText, styles.layerLabelColors[0]) ? 1.0f : 0.0f; if (showMaterialReferences.floatValue == 0.0f) return false; bool layersChanged = false; Material material = as Material; Color originalContentColor = GUI.contentColor; for (int layerIndex = 0; layerIndex < numLayer; ++layerIndex) { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); GUI.contentColor = styles.layerColors[layerIndex]; m_MaterialLayers[layerIndex] = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(styles.layerLabels[layerIndex], m_MaterialLayers[layerIndex], typeof(Material), true) as Material; if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { Undo.RecordObject(materialImporter, "Change layer material"); SynchronizeLayerProperties(material, m_MaterialLayers, layerIndex, true); layersChanged = true; } GUI.contentColor = originalContentColor; GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); if (GUILayout.Button(styles.syncAllButUVButtonText)) { SynchronizeLayerProperties(material, m_MaterialLayers, layerIndex, true); layersChanged = true; } if (GUILayout.Button(styles.syncAllButtonText)) { SynchronizeLayerProperties(material, m_MaterialLayers, layerIndex, false); layersChanged = true; } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } return layersChanged; } bool DoLayersGUI(AssetImporter materialImporter) { bool layerChanged = false; GUI.changed = false; DoLayeringInputGUI(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); layerChanged |= DoMaterialReferencesGUI(materialImporter); EditorGUILayout.Space(); for (int i = 0; i < numLayer; i++) { layerChanged |= DoLayerGUI(materialImporter, i); } EditorGUILayout.Space(); layerChanged |= GUI.changed; GUI.changed = false; return layerChanged; } protected override bool ShouldEmissionBeEnabled(Material mat) { return mat.GetFloat(kEmissiveIntensity) > 0.0f; } protected override void SetupMaterialKeywordsAndPassInternal(Material material) { SetupMaterialKeywordsAndPass(material); } static public void SetupLayersMappingKeywords(Material material) { // object scale affect tile SetKeyword(material, "_LAYER_TILING_COUPLED_WITH_UNIFORM_OBJECT_SCALE", material.GetFloat(kObjectScaleAffectTile) > 0.0f); // Blend mask UVBaseMapping UVBlendMaskMapping = (UVBaseMapping)material.GetFloat(kUVBlendMask); SetKeyword(material, "_LAYER_MAPPING_PLANAR_BLENDMASK", UVBlendMaskMapping == UVBaseMapping.Planar); SetKeyword(material, "_LAYER_MAPPING_TRIPLANAR_BLENDMASK", UVBlendMaskMapping == UVBaseMapping.Triplanar); int numLayer = (int)material.GetFloat(kLayerCount); // Layer if (numLayer == 4) { SetKeyword(material, "_LAYEREDLIT_4_LAYERS", true); SetKeyword(material, "_LAYEREDLIT_3_LAYERS", false); } else if (numLayer == 3) { SetKeyword(material, "_LAYEREDLIT_4_LAYERS", false); SetKeyword(material, "_LAYEREDLIT_3_LAYERS", true); } else { SetKeyword(material, "_LAYEREDLIT_4_LAYERS", false); SetKeyword(material, "_LAYEREDLIT_3_LAYERS", false); } const string kLayerMappingPlanar = "_LAYER_MAPPING_PLANAR"; const string kLayerMappingTriplanar = "_LAYER_MAPPING_TRIPLANAR"; // We have to check for each layer if the UV2 or UV3 is needed. bool needUV3 = false; bool needUV2 = false; for (int i = 0; i < numLayer; ++i) { string layerUVBaseParam = string.Format("{0}{1}", kUVBase, i); UVBaseMapping layerUVBaseMapping = (UVBaseMapping)material.GetFloat(layerUVBaseParam); string currentLayerMappingPlanar = string.Format("{0}{1}", kLayerMappingPlanar, i); SetKeyword(material, currentLayerMappingPlanar, layerUVBaseMapping == UVBaseMapping.Planar); string currentLayerMappingTriplanar = string.Format("{0}{1}", kLayerMappingTriplanar, i); SetKeyword(material, currentLayerMappingTriplanar, layerUVBaseMapping == UVBaseMapping.Triplanar); string uvBase = string.Format("{0}{1}", kUVBase, i); string uvDetail = string.Format("{0}{1}", kUVDetail, i); if (((UVDetailMapping)material.GetFloat(uvDetail) == UVDetailMapping.UV2) || ((UVBaseMapping)material.GetFloat(uvBase) == UVBaseMapping.UV2)) { needUV2 = true; } if (((UVDetailMapping)material.GetFloat(uvDetail) == UVDetailMapping.UV3) || ((UVBaseMapping)material.GetFloat(uvBase) == UVBaseMapping.UV3)) { needUV3 = true; break; // If we find it UV3 let's early out } } if (needUV3) { material.DisableKeyword("_REQUIRE_UV2"); material.EnableKeyword("_REQUIRE_UV3"); } else if (needUV2) { material.EnableKeyword("_REQUIRE_UV2"); material.DisableKeyword("_REQUIRE_UV3"); } else { material.DisableKeyword("_REQUIRE_UV2"); material.DisableKeyword("_REQUIRE_UV3"); } } // All Setup Keyword functions must be static. It allow to create script to automatically update the shaders with a script if code change static new public void SetupMaterialKeywordsAndPass(Material material) { SetupBaseLitKeywords(material); SetupBaseLitMaterialPass(material); SetupLayersMappingKeywords(material); for (int i = 0; i < kMaxLayerCount; ++i) { NormalMapSpace normalMapSpace = ((NormalMapSpace)material.GetFloat(kNormalMapSpace + i)); SetKeyword(material, "_NORMALMAP_TANGENT_SPACE" + i, normalMapSpace == NormalMapSpace.TangentSpace); if (normalMapSpace == NormalMapSpace.TangentSpace) { SetKeyword(material, "_NORMALMAP" + i, material.GetTexture(kNormalMap + i) || material.GetTexture(kDetailMap + i)); SetKeyword(material, "_BENTNORMALMAP" + i, material.GetTexture(kBentNormalMap + i)); } else { SetKeyword(material, "_NORMALMAP" + i, material.GetTexture(kNormalMapOS + i) || material.GetTexture(kDetailMap + i)); SetKeyword(material, "_BENTNORMALMAP" + i, material.GetTexture(kBentNormalMapOS + i)); } SetKeyword(material, "_MASKMAP" + i, material.GetTexture(kMaskMap + i)); SetKeyword(material, "_DETAIL_MAP" + i, material.GetTexture(kDetailMap + i)); SetKeyword(material, "_HEIGHTMAP" + i, material.GetTexture(kHeightMap + i)); } SetKeyword(material, "_INFLUENCEMASK_MAP", material.GetTexture(kLayerInfluenceMaskMap) && material.GetFloat(kkUseMainLayerInfluence) != 0.0f); SetKeyword(material, "_EMISSIVE_COLOR_MAP", material.GetTexture(kEmissiveColorMap)); SetKeyword(material, "_ENABLESPECULAROCCLUSION", material.GetFloat(kEnableSpecularOcclusion) > 0.0f); SetKeyword(material, "_MAIN_LAYER_INFLUENCE_MODE", material.GetFloat(kkUseMainLayerInfluence) != 0.0f); VertexColorMode VCMode = (VertexColorMode)material.GetFloat(kVertexColorMode); if (VCMode == VertexColorMode.Multiply) { SetKeyword(material, "_LAYER_MASK_VERTEX_COLOR_MUL", true); SetKeyword(material, "_LAYER_MASK_VERTEX_COLOR_ADD", false); } else if (VCMode == VertexColorMode.Add) { SetKeyword(material, "_LAYER_MASK_VERTEX_COLOR_MUL", false); SetKeyword(material, "_LAYER_MASK_VERTEX_COLOR_ADD", true); } else { SetKeyword(material, "_LAYER_MASK_VERTEX_COLOR_MUL", false); SetKeyword(material, "_LAYER_MASK_VERTEX_COLOR_ADD", false); } bool useHeightBasedBlend = material.GetFloat(kUseHeightBasedBlend) != 0.0f; SetKeyword(material, "_HEIGHT_BASED_BLEND", useHeightBasedBlend); bool useDensityModeEnable = false; for (int i = 0; i < material.GetInt(kLayerCount); ++i ) { useDensityModeEnable |= material.GetFloat(kOpacityAsDensity + i) != 0.0f; } SetKeyword(material, "_DENSITY_MODE", useDensityModeEnable); } private void DoEmissiveGUI(Material material) { EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(Styles.lightingText, EditorStyles.boldLabel); m_MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty(enableSpecularOcclusion, Styles.enableSpecularOcclusionText); // TODO: display warning if we don't have bent normal (either OS or TS) and ambient occlusion //if (enableSpecularOcclusion.floatValue > 0.0f) { // EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(Styles.specularOcclusionWarning.text, MessageType.Error); } EditorGUI.indentLevel++; m_MaterialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(Styles.emissiveText, emissiveColorMap, emissiveColor); m_MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty(emissiveIntensity, Styles.emissiveIntensityText); m_MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty(albedoAffectEmissive, Styles.albedoAffectEmissiveText); EditorGUI.indentLevel--; } public override void OnGUI(MaterialEditor materialEditor, MaterialProperty[] props) { FindBaseMaterialProperties(props); FindMaterialProperties(props); m_MaterialEditor = materialEditor; // We should always do this call at the beginning m_MaterialEditor.serializedObject.Update(); Material material = as Material; AssetImporter materialImporter = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(material.GetInstanceID())); InitializeMaterialLayers(materialImporter, ref m_MaterialLayers); bool optionsChanged = false; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); { BaseMaterialPropertiesGUI(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); VertexAnimationPropertiesGUI(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); } if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { optionsChanged = true; } // In case of pixel displacement and layered shader, all layers must used the same texture mapping for layer that have a heightmap // (Else the algorithm will not work correctly) if ((DisplacementMode)displacementMode.floatValue == DisplacementMode.Pixel) { float compareValue = -1.0f; bool match = true; if (material.GetTexture(kHeightMap + 0)) { compareValue = UVBase[0].floatValue; } if (material.GetTexture(kHeightMap + 1)) { if (compareValue == -1.0f) compareValue = UVBase[1].floatValue; else if (compareValue != UVBase[1].floatValue) match = false; } if (material.GetTexture(kHeightMap + 2)) { if (compareValue == -1.0f) compareValue = UVBase[2].floatValue; else if (compareValue != UVBase[2].floatValue) match = false; } if (material.GetTexture(kHeightMap + 3)) { if (compareValue == -1.0f) compareValue = UVBase[3].floatValue; else if (compareValue != UVBase[3].floatValue) match = false; } if (!match) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(styles.perPixelDisplacementLayersWarning.text, MessageType.Warning); } } bool layerChanged = DoLayersGUI(materialImporter); DoEmissiveGUI(material); DoEmissionArea(material); EditorGUI.indentLevel--; m_MaterialEditor.EnableInstancingField(); if (layerChanged || optionsChanged) { foreach (var obj in m_MaterialEditor.targets) { SetupMaterialKeywordsAndPassInternal((Material)obj); } // SaveAssetsProcessor the referenced material in the users data SaveMaterialLayers(materialImporter); } // We should always do this call at the end m_MaterialEditor.serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } } } // namespace UnityEditor