using UnityEngine; namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // structure definition //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [GenerateHLSL] public enum GPULightType { Directional, ProjectorBox, Spot, Point, ProjectorPyramid, // AreaLight Line, // Keep Line lights before Rectangle. This is needed because of a compiler bug (see LightLoop.hlsl) Rectangle, // Currently not supported in real time (just use for reference) // Sphere, // Disk, }; // These structures share between C# and hlsl need to be align on float4, so we pad them. [GenerateHLSL] public struct DirectionalLightData { public Vector3 positionWS; public bool tileCookie; public Vector3 color; public int shadowIndex; // -1 if unused public Vector3 forward; public int cookieIndex; // -1 if unused public Vector3 right; // Rescaled by (2 / shapeLenght) public float specularScale; public Vector3 up; // Rescaled by (2 / shapeWidth) public float diffuseScale; }; [GenerateHLSL] public struct LightData { public Vector3 positionWS; public float invSqrAttenuationRadius; public Vector3 color; public int shadowIndex; // -1 if unused public Vector3 forward; public int cookieIndex; // -1 if unused public Vector3 right; // If spot: rescaled by cot(outerHalfAngle); if projector: rescaled by (2 / shapeLenght) public float specularScale; public Vector3 up; // If spot: rescaled by cot(outerHalfAngle); if projector: rescaled by * (2 / shapeWidth) public float diffuseScale; public float angleScale; // Spot light public float angleOffset; // Spot light public float shadowDimmer; public int unused0; public Vector2 size; // Used by area, frustum projector and spot lights (x = cot(outerHalfAngle)) public GPULightType lightType; public float minRoughness; // This is use to give a small "area" to punctual light, as if we have a light with a radius. }; [GenerateHLSL] public enum EnvShapeType { None, Box, Sphere, Sky }; [GenerateHLSL] public enum EnvConstants { SpecCubeLodStep = 6 } [GenerateHLSL] public struct EnvLightData { public Vector3 positionWS; public EnvShapeType envShapeType; public Vector3 forward; public int envIndex; public Vector3 up; public float blendDistance; // blend transition outside the volume public Vector3 right; public int unused0; public Vector3 innerDistance; // equivalent to volume scale public float unused1; public Vector3 offsetLS; public float unused2; }; // Usage of StencilBits.Lighting on 2 bits. // We support both deferred and forward renderer. Here is the current usage of this 2 bits: // 0. Everything except case below. This include any forward opaque object. No lighting in deferred lighting path. // 1. All deferred opaque object that require split lighting (i.e output both specular and diffuse in two different render target). Typically Subsurface scattering material. // 2. All deferred opaque object. // 3. unused [GenerateHLSL] // Caution: Value below are hardcoded in some shader (because properties doesn't support include). If order or value is change, please update corresponding ".shader" public enum StencilLightingUsage { NoLighting, SplitLighting, RegularLighting } }