using System; using UnityEngine.Rendering; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline { [GenerateHLSL] public struct DensityVolumeData { public Vector3 scattering; // [0, 1], prefer sRGB public float extinction; // [0, 1], prefer sRGB public static DensityVolumeData GetNeutralValues() { DensityVolumeData data; data.scattering =; data.extinction = 0; return data; } } // struct VolumeProperties public class VolumeRenderingUtils { public static float MeanFreePathFromExtinction(float extinction) { return 1.0f / extinction; } public static float ExtinctionFromMeanFreePath(float meanFreePath) { return 1.0f / meanFreePath; } public static Vector3 AbsorptionFromExtinctionAndScattering(float extinction, Vector3 scattering) { return new Vector3(extinction, extinction, extinction) - scattering; } public static Vector3 ScatteringFromExtinctionAndAlbedo(float extinction, Vector3 albedo) { return extinction * albedo; } public static Vector3 AlbedoFromMeanFreePathAndScattering(float meanFreePath, Vector3 scattering) { return meanFreePath * scattering; } } [Serializable] public struct DensityVolumeParameters { public Color albedo; // Single scattering albedo [0, 1]. Alpha is ignored public float meanFreePath; // In meters [1, inf]. Should be chromatic - this is an optimization! public float asymmetry; // Only used if (isLocal == false) public void Constrain() { albedo.r = Mathf.Clamp01(albedo.r); albedo.g = Mathf.Clamp01(albedo.g); albedo.b = Mathf.Clamp01(albedo.b); albedo.a = 1.0f; meanFreePath = Mathf.Clamp(meanFreePath, 1.0f, float.MaxValue); asymmetry = Mathf.Clamp(asymmetry, -1.0f, 1.0f); } public DensityVolumeData GetData() { DensityVolumeData data = new DensityVolumeData(); data.extinction = VolumeRenderingUtils.ExtinctionFromMeanFreePath(meanFreePath); data.scattering = VolumeRenderingUtils.ScatteringFromExtinctionAndAlbedo(data.extinction, (Vector3)(Vector4)albedo); return data; } } // class VolumeParameters public struct DensityVolumeList { public List bounds; public List density; } public class VolumetricLightingSystem { public enum VolumetricLightingPreset { Off, Normal, Ultra, Count } class VBuffer { const int k_IndexDensity = 0; const int k_IndexIntegral = 1; const int k_IndexHistory = 2; // Depends on frame ID const int k_IndexFeedback = 3; // Depends on frame ID long m_ViewID = -1; // -1 is invalid; positive for Game Views, 0 otherwise RenderTexture[] m_Textures = null; RenderTargetIdentifier[] m_Identifiers = null; public RenderTargetIdentifier GetDensityBuffer() { Debug.Assert(m_ViewID >= 0); return m_Identifiers[k_IndexDensity]; } public RenderTargetIdentifier GetLightingIntegralBuffer() // Of the current frame { Debug.Assert(m_ViewID >= 0); return m_Identifiers[k_IndexIntegral]; } public RenderTargetIdentifier GetLightingHistoryBuffer() // From the previous frame { Debug.Assert(m_ViewID > 0); // Game View only return m_Identifiers[k_IndexHistory + (Time.renderedFrameCount & 1)]; } public RenderTargetIdentifier GetLightingFeedbackBuffer() // For the next frame { Debug.Assert(m_ViewID > 0); // Game View only return m_Identifiers[k_IndexFeedback - (Time.renderedFrameCount & 1)]; } public void Create(long viewID, int w, int h, int d) { Debug.Assert(viewID >= 0); Debug.Assert(w > 0 && h > 0 && d > 0); // Clean up first. Destroy(); // Only Game Views need history and feedback buffers. bool isGameView = viewID > 0; int n = isGameView ? 4 : 2; m_ViewID = viewID; m_Textures = new RenderTexture[n]; m_Identifiers = new RenderTargetIdentifier[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { m_Textures[i] = new RenderTexture(w, h, 0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf, RenderTextureReadWrite.Linear); m_Textures[i].hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave; m_Textures[i].filterMode = FilterMode.Trilinear; // Custom m_Textures[i].dimension = TextureDimension.Tex3D; // TODO: request the thick 3D tiling layout m_Textures[i].volumeDepth = d; m_Textures[i].enableRandomWrite = true; m_Textures[i].name = CoreUtils.GetRenderTargetAutoName(w, h, RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf, String.Format("VBuffer{0}", i)); m_Textures[i].Create(); // TODO: clear the texture. Clearing 3D textures does not appear to work right now. m_Identifiers[i] = new RenderTargetIdentifier(m_Textures[i]); } } public void Destroy() { if (m_Textures != null) { for (int i = 0, n = m_Textures.Length; i < n; i++) { if (m_Textures[i] != null) { m_Textures[i].Release(); } } } m_ViewID = -1; m_Textures = null; m_Identifiers = null; } public void GetResolution(ref int w, ref int h, ref int d) { Debug.Assert(m_Textures != null); Debug.Assert(m_Textures[0] != null); Debug.Assert(m_Identifiers != null); w = m_Textures[0].width; h = m_Textures[0].height; d = m_Textures[0].volumeDepth; } public long GetViewID() { return m_ViewID; } public bool IsValid() { return m_ViewID >= 0 && m_Textures != null && m_Textures[0] != null; } } // class VBuffer public VolumetricLightingPreset preset { get { return (VolumetricLightingPreset)Math.Min(ShaderConfig.s_VolumetricLightingPreset, (int)VolumetricLightingPreset.Count); } } ComputeShader m_VolumeVoxelizationCS = null; ComputeShader m_VolumetricLightingCS = null; List m_VBuffers = null; List m_VisibleVolumeBounds = null; List m_VisibleVolumeData = null; public const int k_MaxVisibleVolumeCount = 512; // Static keyword is required here else we get a "DestroyBuffer can only be called from the main thread" static ComputeBuffer s_VisibleVolumeBoundsBuffer = null; static ComputeBuffer s_VisibleVolumeDataBuffer = null; float m_VBufferNearPlane = 0.5f; // Distance in meters; dynamic modifications not handled by reprojection float m_VBufferFarPlane = 64.0f; // Distance in meters; dynamic modifications not handled by reprojection const float k_LogScale = 0.5f; // Tweak constant, controls the logarithmic depth distribution public void Build(HDRenderPipelineAsset asset) { if (preset == VolumetricLightingPreset.Off) return; m_VolumeVoxelizationCS = asset.renderPipelineResources.volumeVoxelizationCS; m_VolumetricLightingCS = asset.renderPipelineResources.volumetricLightingCS; m_VBuffers = new List(); m_VisibleVolumeBounds = new List(); m_VisibleVolumeData = new List(); s_VisibleVolumeBoundsBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(k_MaxVisibleVolumeCount, System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(OrientedBBox))); s_VisibleVolumeDataBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(k_MaxVisibleVolumeCount, System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(DensityVolumeData))); } public void Cleanup() { if (preset == VolumetricLightingPreset.Off) return; m_VolumeVoxelizationCS = null; m_VolumetricLightingCS = null; for (int i = 0, n = m_VBuffers.Count; i < n; i++) { m_VBuffers[i].Destroy(); } m_VBuffers = null; m_VisibleVolumeBounds = null; m_VisibleVolumeData = null; CoreUtils.SafeRelease(s_VisibleVolumeBoundsBuffer); CoreUtils.SafeRelease(s_VisibleVolumeDataBuffer); } public void ResizeVBuffer(HDCamera camera, int screenWidth, int screenHeight) { if (preset == VolumetricLightingPreset.Off) return; long viewID = camera.GetViewID(); Debug.Assert(viewID >= 0); int w = 0, h = 0, d = 0; ComputeVBufferResolutionAndScale(preset, screenWidth, screenHeight, ref w, ref h, ref d); VBuffer vBuffer = FindVBuffer(viewID); if (vBuffer != null) { int width = 0, height = 0, depth = 0; vBuffer.GetResolution(ref width, ref height, ref depth); // Found, check resolution. if (w == width && h == height && d == depth) { // Everything matches, nothing to do here. return; } } else { // Not found - grow the array. vBuffer = new VBuffer(); m_VBuffers.Add(vBuffer); } vBuffer.Create(viewID, w, h, d); } VBuffer FindVBuffer(long viewID) { Debug.Assert(viewID >= 0); VBuffer vBuffer = null; if (m_VBuffers != null) { int n = m_VBuffers.Count; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { // Check whether domain reload killed it... if (viewID == m_VBuffers[i].GetViewID() && m_VBuffers[i].IsValid()) { vBuffer = m_VBuffers[i]; } } } return vBuffer; } static int ComputeVBufferTileSize(VolumetricLightingPreset preset) { switch (preset) { case VolumetricLightingPreset.Normal: return 8; case VolumetricLightingPreset.Ultra: return 4; case VolumetricLightingPreset.Off: return 0; default: Debug.Assert(false, "Encountered an unexpected VolumetricLightingPreset."); return 0; } } static int ComputeVBufferSliceCount(VolumetricLightingPreset preset) { switch (preset) { case VolumetricLightingPreset.Normal: return 64; case VolumetricLightingPreset.Ultra: return 128; case VolumetricLightingPreset.Off: return 0; default: Debug.Assert(false, "Encountered an unexpected VolumetricLightingPreset."); return 0; } } // Since a single voxel corresponds to a tile (e.g. 8x8) of pixels, // the VBuffer can potentially extend past the boundaries of the viewport. // The function returns the fraction of the {width, height} of the VBuffer visible on screen. // Note: for performance reasons, scale is unused (implicitly 1). The error is typically under 1%. static Vector2 ComputeVBufferResolutionAndScale(VolumetricLightingPreset preset, int screenWidth, int screenHeight, ref int w, ref int h, ref int d) { int t = ComputeVBufferTileSize(preset); // Ceil(ScreenSize / TileSize). w = (screenWidth + t - 1) / t; h = (screenHeight + t - 1) / t; d = ComputeVBufferSliceCount(preset); return new Vector2((float)screenWidth / (float)(w * t), (float)screenHeight / (float)(h * t)); } // See EncodeLogarithmicDepthGeneralized(). static Vector4 ComputeLogarithmicDepthEncodingParams(float nearPlane, float farPlane, float c) { Vector4 depthParams = new Vector4(); float n = nearPlane; float f = farPlane; depthParams.x = Mathf.Log(c, 2) * (1.0f / Mathf.Log(c * (f - n) + 1, 2)); depthParams.y = 1.0f / Mathf.Log(c * (f - n) + 1, 2); depthParams.z = n - 1.0f / c; // Same depthParams.w = 0.0f; return depthParams; } // See DecodeLogarithmicDepthGeneralized(). static Vector4 ComputeLogarithmicDepthDecodingParams(float nearPlane, float farPlane, float c) { Vector4 depthParams = new Vector4(); float n = nearPlane; float f = farPlane; depthParams.x = 1.0f / c; depthParams.y = c * (f - n) + 1; depthParams.z = n - 1.0f / c; // Same depthParams.w = 0.0f; return depthParams; } void SetPreconvolvedAmbientLightProbe(CommandBuffer cmd, float asymmetry) { SphericalHarmonicsL2 probeSH = SphericalHarmonicMath.UndoCosineRescaling(RenderSettings.ambientProbe); ZonalHarmonicsL2 phaseZH = ZonalHarmonicsL2.GetCornetteShanksPhaseFunction(asymmetry); SphericalHarmonicsL2 finalSH = SphericalHarmonicMath.PremultiplyCoefficients(SphericalHarmonicMath.Convolve(probeSH, phaseZH)); cmd.SetGlobalVectorArray(HDShaderIDs._AmbientProbeCoeffs, SphericalHarmonicMath.PackCoefficients(finalSH)); } float CornetteShanksPhasePartConstant(float asymmetry) { float g = asymmetry; return (1.0f / (4.0f * Mathf.PI)) * 1.5f * (1.0f - g * g) / (2.0f + g * g); } public void PushGlobalParams(HDCamera camera, CommandBuffer cmd) { if (preset == VolumetricLightingPreset.Off) return; // Modify the near plane. // Warning: it can screw up the reprojection. However, we have to do it in order for clustered lighting to work correctly. m_VBufferNearPlane =; VBuffer vBuffer = FindVBuffer(camera.GetViewID()); Debug.Assert(vBuffer != null); int w = 0, h = 0, d = 0; vBuffer.GetResolution(ref w, ref h, ref d); // Get the interpolated asymmetry value. var fog = VolumeManager.instance.stack.GetComponent(); SetPreconvolvedAmbientLightProbe(cmd, fog.asymmetry); cmd.SetGlobalVector( HDShaderIDs._VBufferResolution, new Vector4(w, h, 1.0f / w, 1.0f / h)); cmd.SetGlobalVector( HDShaderIDs._VBufferSliceCount, new Vector4(d, 1.0f / d)); cmd.SetGlobalVector( HDShaderIDs._VBufferDepthEncodingParams, ComputeLogarithmicDepthEncodingParams(m_VBufferNearPlane, m_VBufferFarPlane, k_LogScale)); cmd.SetGlobalVector( HDShaderIDs._VBufferDepthDecodingParams, ComputeLogarithmicDepthDecodingParams(m_VBufferNearPlane, m_VBufferFarPlane, k_LogScale)); cmd.SetGlobalTexture(HDShaderIDs._VBufferLighting, vBuffer.GetLightingIntegralBuffer()); } public DensityVolumeList PrepareVisibleDensityVolumeList(HDCamera camera, CommandBuffer cmd) { DensityVolumeList densityVolumes = new DensityVolumeList(); if (preset == VolumetricLightingPreset.Off) return densityVolumes; var visualEnvironment = VolumeManager.instance.stack.GetComponent(); if (visualEnvironment.fogType != FogType.Volumetric) return densityVolumes; using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "Prepare Visible Density Volume List")) { Vector3 camPosition =; Vector3 camOffset =; // World-origin-relative if (ShaderConfig.s_CameraRelativeRendering != 0) { camOffset = camPosition; // Camera-relative } m_VisibleVolumeBounds.Clear(); m_VisibleVolumeData.Clear(); // Collect all visible finite volume data, and upload it to the GPU. HomogeneousDensityVolume[] volumes = Object.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(HomogeneousDensityVolume)) as HomogeneousDensityVolume[]; for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(volumes.Length, k_MaxVisibleVolumeCount); i++) { HomogeneousDensityVolume volume = volumes[i]; // Only test active finite volumes. if (volume.enabled) { // TODO: cache these? var obb = OrientedBBox.Create(volume.transform); // Handle camera-relative rendering. -= camOffset; // Frustum cull on the CPU for now. TODO: do it on the GPU. if (GeometryUtils.Overlap(obb, camera.frustum, 6, 8)) { // TODO: cache these? var data = volume.parameters.GetData(); m_VisibleVolumeBounds.Add(obb); m_VisibleVolumeData.Add(data); } } } s_VisibleVolumeBoundsBuffer.SetData(m_VisibleVolumeBounds); s_VisibleVolumeDataBuffer.SetData(m_VisibleVolumeData); // Fill the struct with pointers in order to share the data with the light loop. densityVolumes.bounds = m_VisibleVolumeBounds; densityVolumes.density = m_VisibleVolumeData; return densityVolumes; } } public void VolumeVoxelizationPass(DensityVolumeList densityVolumes, HDCamera camera, CommandBuffer cmd, FrameSettings settings) { if (preset == VolumetricLightingPreset.Off) return; using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "Volume Voxelization")) { int numVisibleVolumes = m_VisibleVolumeBounds.Count; if (numVisibleVolumes == 0) { // Clear the render target instead of running the shader. // CoreUtils.SetRenderTarget(cmd, vBuffer.GetDensityBuffer(), ClearFlag.Color, CoreUtils.clearColorAllBlack); // return; // Clearing 3D textures does not seem to work! // Use the workaround by running the full shader with 0 density. } VBuffer vBuffer = FindVBuffer(camera.GetViewID()); Debug.Assert(vBuffer != null); int w = 0, h = 0, d = 0; vBuffer.GetResolution(ref w, ref h, ref d); bool enableClustered = settings.lightLoopSettings.enableTileAndCluster; int kernel = m_VolumeVoxelizationCS.FindKernel(enableClustered ? "VolumeVoxelizationClustered" : "VolumeVoxelizationBruteforce"); float vFoV = * Mathf.Deg2Rad; Vector4 resolution = new Vector4(w, h, 1.0f / w, 1.0f / h); Matrix4x4 transform = HDUtils.ComputePixelCoordToWorldSpaceViewDirectionMatrix(vFoV, resolution, camera.viewMatrix, false); cmd.SetComputeTextureParam(m_VolumeVoxelizationCS, kernel, HDShaderIDs._VBufferDensity, vBuffer.GetDensityBuffer()); cmd.SetComputeBufferParam( m_VolumeVoxelizationCS, kernel, HDShaderIDs._VolumeBounds, s_VisibleVolumeBoundsBuffer); cmd.SetComputeBufferParam( m_VolumeVoxelizationCS, kernel, HDShaderIDs._VolumeData, s_VisibleVolumeDataBuffer); // TODO: set the constant buffer data only once. cmd.SetComputeMatrixParam( m_VolumeVoxelizationCS, HDShaderIDs._VBufferCoordToViewDirWS, transform); cmd.SetComputeIntParam( m_VolumeVoxelizationCS, HDShaderIDs._NumVisibleDensityVolumes, numVisibleVolumes); // The shader defines GROUP_SIZE_1D = 8. cmd.DispatchCompute(m_VolumeVoxelizationCS, kernel, (w + 7) / 8, (h + 7) / 8, 1); } } // Ref: // The returned {x, y} coordinates (and all spheres) are all within the (-0.5, 0.5)^2 range. // The pattern has been rotated by 15 degrees to maximize the resolution along X and Y: // static Vector2[] GetHexagonalClosePackedSpheres7() { Vector2[] coords = new Vector2[7]; float r = 0.17054068870105443882f; float d = 2 * r; float s = r * Mathf.Sqrt(3); // Try to keep the weighted average as close to the center (0.5) as possible. // (7)(5) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )(o) ( )(x) (o)(x) (x)(x) // (2)(1)(3) ( )(o)( ) (o)(x)( ) (x)(x)(o) (x)(x)(x) (x)(x)(x) (x)(x)(x) (x)(x)(x) (x)(x)(x) // (4)(6) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) (o)( ) (x)( ) (x)(o) (x)(x) (x)(x) coords[0] = new Vector2( 0, 0); coords[1] = new Vector2(-d, 0); coords[2] = new Vector2( d, 0); coords[3] = new Vector2(-r, -s); coords[4] = new Vector2( r, s); coords[5] = new Vector2( r, -s); coords[6] = new Vector2(-r, s); // Rotate the sampling pattern by 15 degrees. const float cos15 = 0.96592582628906828675f; const float sin15 = 0.25881904510252076235f; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { Vector2 coord = coords[i]; coords[i].x = coord.x * cos15 - coord.y * sin15; coords[i].y = coord.x * sin15 + coord.y * cos15; } return coords; } public void VolumetricLightingPass(HDCamera camera, CommandBuffer cmd, FrameSettings settings) { if (preset == VolumetricLightingPreset.Off) return; using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "Volumetric Lighting")) { var visualEnvironment = VolumeManager.instance.stack.GetComponent(); if (visualEnvironment.fogType != FogType.Volumetric) { // Clear the render target instead of running the shader. // CoreUtils.SetRenderTarget(cmd, vBuffer.GetDensityBuffer(), ClearFlag.Color, CoreUtils.clearColorAllBlack); // return; // Clearing 3D textures does not seem to work! // Use the workaround by running the full shader with 0 density. } VBuffer vBuffer = FindVBuffer(camera.GetViewID()); Debug.Assert(vBuffer != null); // Only available in the Play Mode because all the frame counters in the Edit Mode are broken. bool enableClustered = settings.lightLoopSettings.enableTileAndCluster; bool enableReprojection = Application.isPlaying && == CameraType.Game; int kernel; if (enableReprojection) { kernel = m_VolumetricLightingCS.FindKernel(enableClustered ? "VolumetricLightingClusteredReproj" : "VolumetricLightingBruteforceReproj"); } else { kernel = m_VolumetricLightingCS.FindKernel(enableClustered ? "VolumetricLightingClustered" : "VolumetricLightingBruteforce"); } int w = 0, h = 0, d = 0; vBuffer.GetResolution(ref w, ref h, ref d); // Compose the matrix which allows us to compute the world space view direction. float vFoV = * Mathf.Deg2Rad; Vector4 resolution = new Vector4(w, h, 1.0f / w, 1.0f / h); Matrix4x4 transform = HDUtils.ComputePixelCoordToWorldSpaceViewDirectionMatrix(vFoV, resolution, camera.viewMatrix, false); Vector2[] xySeq = GetHexagonalClosePackedSpheres7(); // This is a sequence of 7 equidistant numbers from 1/14 to 13/14. // Each of them is the centroid of the interval of length 2/14. // They've been rearranged in a sequence of pairs {small, large}, s.t. (small + large) = 1. // That way, the running average position is close to 0.5. // | 6 | 2 | 4 | 1 | 5 | 3 | 7 | // | | | | o | | | | // | | o | | x | | | | // | | x | | x | | o | | // | | x | o | x | | x | | // | | x | x | x | o | x | | // | o | x | x | x | x | x | | // | x | x | x | x | x | x | o | // | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | float[] zSeq = {7.0f/14.0f, 3.0f/14.0f, 11.0f/14.0f, 5.0f/14.0f, 9.0f/14.0f, 1.0f/14.0f, 13.0f/14.0f}; int rfc = Time.renderedFrameCount; int sampleIndex = rfc % 7; Vector4 offset = new Vector4(xySeq[sampleIndex].x, xySeq[sampleIndex].y, zSeq[sampleIndex], rfc); // Get the interpolated asymmetry value. var fog = VolumeManager.instance.stack.GetComponent(); // TODO: set 'm_VolumetricLightingPreset'. // TODO: set the constant buffer data only once. cmd.SetComputeMatrixParam( m_VolumetricLightingCS, HDShaderIDs._VBufferCoordToViewDirWS, transform); cmd.SetComputeVectorParam( m_VolumetricLightingCS, HDShaderIDs._VBufferSampleOffset, offset); cmd.SetComputeFloatParam( m_VolumetricLightingCS, HDShaderIDs._CornetteShanksConstant, CornetteShanksPhasePartConstant(fog.asymmetry)); cmd.SetComputeTextureParam(m_VolumetricLightingCS, kernel, HDShaderIDs._VBufferDensity, vBuffer.GetDensityBuffer()); // Read cmd.SetComputeTextureParam(m_VolumetricLightingCS, kernel, HDShaderIDs._VBufferLightingIntegral, vBuffer.GetLightingIntegralBuffer()); // Write if (enableReprojection) { cmd.SetComputeTextureParam(m_VolumetricLightingCS, kernel, HDShaderIDs._VBufferLightingFeedback, vBuffer.GetLightingFeedbackBuffer()); // Write cmd.SetComputeTextureParam(m_VolumetricLightingCS, kernel, HDShaderIDs._VBufferLightingHistory, vBuffer.GetLightingHistoryBuffer()); // Read } // The shader defines GROUP_SIZE_1D = 8. cmd.DispatchCompute(m_VolumetricLightingCS, kernel, (w + 7) / 8, (h + 7) / 8, 1); } } } // class VolumetricLightingModule } // namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline