using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine.Rendering; namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering { public partial class RTHandleSystem { public class RTHandle { internal RTHandleSystem m_Owner; internal RenderTexture[] m_RTs = new RenderTexture[2]; internal RenderTargetIdentifier[] m_NameIDs = new RenderTargetIdentifier[2]; internal bool m_EnableMSAA = false; internal bool m_EnableRandomWrite = false; internal string m_Name; internal Vector2 scaleFactor =; internal ScaleFunc scaleFunc; public bool useScaling { get; internal set; } public Vector2Int referenceSize {get; internal set; } public RenderTexture rt { get { if (!useScaling) { return m_EnableMSAA ? m_RTs[(int)RTCategory.MSAA] : m_RTs[(int)RTCategory.Regular]; } else { var category = (m_EnableMSAA && m_Owner.m_ScaledRTCurrentCategory == RTCategory.MSAA) ? RTCategory.MSAA : RTCategory.Regular; CreateIfNeeded(category); return m_RTs[(int)category]; } } } public RenderTargetIdentifier nameID { get { if (!useScaling) { return m_EnableMSAA ? m_NameIDs[(int)RTCategory.MSAA] : m_RTs[(int)RTCategory.Regular]; } else { var category = (m_EnableMSAA && m_Owner.m_ScaledRTCurrentCategory == RTCategory.MSAA) ? RTCategory.MSAA : RTCategory.Regular; CreateIfNeeded(category); return m_NameIDs[(int)category]; } } } // Keep constructor private internal RTHandle(RTHandleSystem owner) { m_Owner = owner; } public static implicit operator RenderTexture(RTHandle handle) { return handle.rt; } public static implicit operator RenderTargetIdentifier(RTHandle handle) { return handle.nameID; } internal void SetRenderTexture(RenderTexture rt, RTCategory category) { m_RTs[(int)category] = rt; m_NameIDs[(int)category] = new RenderTargetIdentifier(rt); } void CreateIfNeeded(RTCategory category) { // If a RT was first created for MSAA then the regular one might be null, in this case we create it. // That's why we never test the MSAA version: It should always be there if RT was declared correctly. if(category == RTCategory.Regular && m_RTs[(int)RTCategory.Regular] == null) { var refRT = m_RTs[(int)RTCategory.MSAA]; Debug.Assert(refRT != null); referenceSize = new Vector2Int(m_Owner.maxWidthRegular, m_Owner.maxHeightRegular); var scaledSize = GetScaledSize(referenceSize); var newRT = new RenderTexture(scaledSize.x, scaledSize.y, refRT.depth, refRT.format, refRT.sRGB ? RenderTextureReadWrite.sRGB : RenderTextureReadWrite.Linear) { hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave, volumeDepth = refRT.volumeDepth, filterMode = refRT.filterMode, wrapMode = refRT.wrapMode, dimension = refRT.dimension, enableRandomWrite = m_EnableRandomWrite, // We cannot take the info from the msaa rt since we force it to 1 useMipMap = refRT.useMipMap, autoGenerateMips = refRT.autoGenerateMips, anisoLevel = refRT.anisoLevel, mipMapBias = refRT.mipMapBias, antiAliasing = 1, // No MSAA for the regular version of the texture. bindTextureMS = false, // Somehow, this can be true even if antiAliasing == 1. Leads to Unity-internal binding errors. useDynamicScale = refRT.useDynamicScale, vrUsage = refRT.vrUsage, memorylessMode = refRT.memorylessMode, name = CoreUtils.GetRenderTargetAutoName(refRT.width, refRT.height, refRT.volumeDepth, refRT.format, m_Name, mips : refRT.useMipMap) }; newRT.Create(); m_RTs[(int)RTCategory.Regular] = newRT; m_NameIDs[(int)RTCategory.Regular] = new RenderTargetIdentifier(newRT); } } public void Release() { m_Owner.m_AutoSizedRTs.Remove(this); for (int i = 0; i < (int)RTCategory.Count; ++i) { CoreUtils.Destroy(m_RTs[i]); m_NameIDs[i] = BuiltinRenderTextureType.None; m_RTs[i] = null; } } public Vector2Int GetScaledSize(Vector2Int refSize) { if (scaleFunc != null) { return scaleFunc(refSize); } else { return new Vector2Int( x: Mathf.RoundToInt(scaleFactor.x * refSize.x), y: Mathf.RoundToInt(scaleFactor.y * refSize.y) ); } } } } }