using UnityEngine.Serialization; namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline { // The HDRenderPipeline assumes linear lighting. Doesn't work with gamma. public class HDRenderPipelineAsset : RenderPipelineAsset, ISerializationCallbackReceiver { HDRenderPipelineAsset() { } protected override IRenderPipeline InternalCreatePipeline() { return new HDRenderPipeline(this); } [SerializeField] RenderPipelineResources m_RenderPipelineResources; public RenderPipelineResources renderPipelineResources { get { return m_RenderPipelineResources; } set { m_RenderPipelineResources = value; } } // To be able to turn on/off FrameSettings properties at runtime for debugging purpose without affecting the original one // we create a runtime copy (m_ActiveFrameSettings that is used, and any parametrization is done on serialized frameSettings) [SerializeField] [FormerlySerializedAs("serializedFrameSettings")] FrameSettings m_FrameSettings = new FrameSettings(); // This are the defaultFrameSettings for all the camera and apply to sceneView, public to be visible in the inspector // Not serialized, not visible, the settings effectively used FrameSettings m_FrameSettingsRuntime = new FrameSettings(); bool m_frameSettingsIsDirty = true; public bool frameSettingsIsDirty { get { return m_frameSettingsIsDirty; } } public FrameSettings GetFrameSettings() { return m_FrameSettingsRuntime; } // See comment in FrameSettings.UpdateDirtyFrameSettings() // for detail about this function public void UpdateDirtyFrameSettings() { if (m_frameSettingsIsDirty) { m_FrameSettings.CopyTo(m_FrameSettingsRuntime); m_frameSettingsIsDirty = false; } } // Store the various RenderPipelineSettings for each platform (for now only one) public RenderPipelineSettings renderPipelineSettings = new RenderPipelineSettings(); // Return the current use RenderPipelineSettings (i.e for the current platform) public RenderPipelineSettings GetRenderPipelineSettings() { return renderPipelineSettings; } [SerializeField] public DiffusionProfileSettings diffusionProfileSettings; public override Shader GetDefaultShader() { return m_RenderPipelineResources.defaultShader; } public override Material GetDefaultMaterial() { return m_RenderPipelineResources.defaultDiffuseMaterial; } // Note: This function is HD specific public Material GetDefaultDecalMaterial() { return m_RenderPipelineResources.defaultDecalMaterial; } public override Material GetDefaultParticleMaterial() { return null; } public override Material GetDefaultLineMaterial() { return null; } public override Material GetDefaultTerrainMaterial() { return null; } public override Material GetDefaultUIMaterial() { return null; } public override Material GetDefaultUIOverdrawMaterial() { return null; } public override Material GetDefaultUIETC1SupportedMaterial() { return null; } public override Material GetDefault2DMaterial() { return null; } void ISerializationCallbackReceiver.OnBeforeSerialize() { } void ISerializationCallbackReceiver.OnAfterDeserialize() { // This is call on load or when this settings are change. // When FrameSettings are manipulated we reset them to reflect the change, discarding all the Debug Windows change. // Tag as dirty so frameSettings are correctly initialize at next HDRenderPipeline.Render() call m_frameSettingsIsDirty = true; } } }