using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering; using UnityEngine.Rendering; namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline { public class DecalSystem { public const int kInvalidIndex = -1; public const int kNullMaterialIndex = int.MaxValue; public class DecalHandle { public DecalHandle(int index, int materialID) { m_MaterialID = materialID; m_Index = index; } public static bool IsValid(DecalHandle handle) { if (handle == null) return false; if (handle.m_Index == kInvalidIndex) return false; return true; } public int m_MaterialID; // identifies decal set public int m_Index; // identifies decal within the set } static DecalSystem m_Instance; static public DecalSystem instance { get { if (m_Instance == null) m_Instance = new DecalSystem(); return m_Instance; } } private const int kDefaultDrawDistance = 1000; public int DrawDistance { get { HDRenderPipelineAsset hdrp = GraphicsSettings.renderPipelineAsset as HDRenderPipelineAsset; if (hdrp != null) { return hdrp.renderPipelineSettings.decalSettings.drawDistance; } return kDefaultDrawDistance; } } public Camera CurrentCamera { get { return m_Camera; } set { m_Camera = value; } } private static MaterialPropertyBlock m_PropertyBlock = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); private const int kDecalBlockSize = 128; // to work on Vulkan Mobile? // Core\CoreRP\ShaderLibrary\UnityInstancing.hlsl // #if defined(SHADER_API_VULKAN) && defined(SHADER_API_MOBILE) // #define UNITY_INSTANCED_ARRAY_SIZE 250 private const int kDrawIndexedBatchSize = 250; // cube mesh bounds for decal static Vector4 kMin = new Vector4(-0.5f, -1.0f, -0.5f, 1.0f); static Vector4 kMax = new Vector4(0.5f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f); static public Mesh m_DecalMesh = null; // clustered draw data static public DecalData[] m_DecalDatas = new DecalData[kDecalBlockSize]; static public SFiniteLightBound[] m_Bounds = new SFiniteLightBound[kDecalBlockSize]; static public LightVolumeData[] m_LightVolumes = new LightVolumeData[kDecalBlockSize]; static public int m_DecalDatasCount = 0; static public float[] m_BoundingDistances = new float[1]; private Dictionary m_DecalSets = new Dictionary(); // current camera private Camera m_Camera; static public int m_DecalsVisibleThisFrame = 0; private Texture2DAtlas m_Atlas = null; public bool m_AllocationSuccess = true; public bool m_PrevAllocationSuccess = true; public Texture2DAtlas Atlas { get { if (m_Atlas == null) { m_Atlas = new Texture2DAtlas(HDUtils.hdrpSettings.decalSettings.atlasWidth, HDUtils.hdrpSettings.decalSettings.atlasHeight, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32); } return m_Atlas; } } public class TextureScaleBias : IComparable { public Texture m_Texture = null; public Vector4 m_ScaleBias =; public int CompareTo(object obj) { TextureScaleBias other = obj as TextureScaleBias; int size = m_Texture.width * m_Texture.height; int otherSize = other.m_Texture.width * other.m_Texture.height; if (size > otherSize) { return -1; } else if (size < otherSize) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } } private List m_TextureList = new List(); private class DecalSet { public void InitializeMaterialValues() { if (m_Material == null) return; m_Diffuse.m_Texture = m_Material.GetTexture("_BaseColorMap"); m_Normal.m_Texture = m_Material.GetTexture("_NormalMap"); m_Mask.m_Texture = m_Material.GetTexture("_MaskMap"); m_Blend = m_Material.GetFloat("_DecalBlend"); } public DecalSet(Material material) { m_Material = material; InitializeMaterialValues(); } private BoundingSphere GetDecalProjectBoundingSphere(Matrix4x4 decalToWorld) { Vector4 min = new Vector4(); Vector4 max = new Vector4(); min = decalToWorld * kMin; max = decalToWorld * kMax; BoundingSphere res = new BoundingSphere(); res.position = (max + min) / 2; res.radius = ((Vector3)(max - min)).magnitude / 2; return res; } public void UpdateCachedData(Transform transform, float drawDistance, float fadeScale, Vector4 uvScaleBias, DecalHandle handle) { if (m_Material == null) return; int index = handle.m_Index; m_CachedDecalToWorld[index] = transform.localToWorldMatrix; Matrix4x4 decalRotation = Matrix4x4.Rotate(transform.rotation); // z/y axis swap for normal to decal space, Unity is column major float y0 = decalRotation.m01; float y1 = decalRotation.m11; float y2 = decalRotation.m21; decalRotation.m01 = decalRotation.m02; decalRotation.m11 = decalRotation.m12; decalRotation.m21 = decalRotation.m22; decalRotation.m02 = y0; decalRotation.m12 = y1; decalRotation.m22 = y2; m_CachedNormalToWorld[index] = decalRotation; // draw distance can't be more than global draw distance m_CachedDrawDistances[index].x = drawDistance < instance.DrawDistance ? drawDistance : instance.DrawDistance; m_CachedDrawDistances[index].y = fadeScale; m_CachedUVScaleBias[index] = uvScaleBias; m_BoundingSpheres[index] = GetDecalProjectBoundingSphere(m_CachedDecalToWorld[index]); } public DecalHandle AddDecal(Transform transform, float drawDistance, float fadeScale, Vector4 uvScaleBias, int materialID) { // increase array size if no space left if (m_DecalsCount == m_Handles.Length) { DecalHandle[] newHandles = new DecalHandle[m_DecalsCount + kDecalBlockSize]; BoundingSphere[] newSpheres = new BoundingSphere[m_DecalsCount + kDecalBlockSize]; Matrix4x4[] newCachedTransforms = new Matrix4x4[m_DecalsCount + kDecalBlockSize]; Matrix4x4[] newCachedNormalToWorld = new Matrix4x4[m_DecalsCount + kDecalBlockSize]; Vector2[] newCachedDrawDistances = new Vector2[m_DecalsCount + kDecalBlockSize]; Vector4[] newCachedUVScaleBias = new Vector4[m_DecalsCount + kDecalBlockSize]; m_ResultIndices = new int[m_DecalsCount + kDecalBlockSize]; m_Handles.CopyTo(newHandles, 0); m_BoundingSpheres.CopyTo(newSpheres, 0); m_CachedDecalToWorld.CopyTo(newCachedTransforms, 0); m_CachedNormalToWorld.CopyTo(newCachedNormalToWorld, 0); m_CachedDrawDistances.CopyTo(newCachedDrawDistances, 0); m_CachedUVScaleBias.CopyTo(newCachedUVScaleBias, 0); m_Handles = newHandles; m_BoundingSpheres = newSpheres; m_CachedDecalToWorld = newCachedTransforms; m_CachedNormalToWorld = newCachedNormalToWorld; m_CachedDrawDistances = newCachedDrawDistances; m_CachedUVScaleBias = newCachedUVScaleBias; } DecalHandle decalHandle = new DecalHandle(m_DecalsCount, materialID); m_Handles[m_DecalsCount] = decalHandle; UpdateCachedData(transform, drawDistance, fadeScale, uvScaleBias, decalHandle); m_DecalsCount++; return decalHandle; } public void RemoveDecal(DecalHandle handle) { int removeAtIndex = handle.m_Index; // replace with last decal in the list and update index m_Handles[removeAtIndex] = m_Handles[m_DecalsCount - 1]; // move the last decal in list m_Handles[removeAtIndex].m_Index = removeAtIndex; m_Handles[m_DecalsCount - 1] = null; // update cached data m_BoundingSpheres[removeAtIndex] = m_BoundingSpheres[m_DecalsCount - 1]; m_CachedDecalToWorld[removeAtIndex] = m_CachedDecalToWorld[m_DecalsCount - 1]; m_CachedNormalToWorld[removeAtIndex] = m_CachedNormalToWorld[m_DecalsCount - 1]; m_CachedDrawDistances[removeAtIndex] = m_CachedDrawDistances[m_DecalsCount - 1]; m_CachedUVScaleBias[removeAtIndex] = m_CachedUVScaleBias[m_DecalsCount - 1]; m_DecalsCount--; handle.m_Index = kInvalidIndex; } public void BeginCull() { if (m_Material == null) return; if (m_CullingGroup != null) { Debug.LogError("Begin/EndCull() called out of sequence for decal projectors."); } // let the culling group code do some of the heavy lifting for global draw distance m_BoundingDistances[0] = DecalSystem.instance.DrawDistance; m_NumResults = 0; m_CullingGroup = new CullingGroup(); m_CullingGroup.targetCamera = instance.CurrentCamera; m_CullingGroup.SetDistanceReferencePoint(m_CullingGroup.targetCamera.transform.position); m_CullingGroup.SetBoundingDistances(m_BoundingDistances); m_CullingGroup.SetBoundingSpheres(m_BoundingSpheres); m_CullingGroup.SetBoundingSphereCount(m_DecalsCount); } public int QueryCullResults() { if (m_Material == null) return 0; m_NumResults = m_CullingGroup.QueryIndices(true, m_ResultIndices, 0); return m_NumResults; } private void GetDecalVolumeDataAndBound(Matrix4x4 decalToWorld, Matrix4x4 worldToView) { var influenceX = decalToWorld.GetColumn(0) * 0.5f; var influenceY = decalToWorld.GetColumn(1) * 0.5f; var influenceZ = decalToWorld.GetColumn(2) * 0.5f; var pos = decalToWorld.GetColumn(3) - influenceY; // decal cube mesh pivot is at 0,0,0, with bottom face at -1 on the y plane Vector3 influenceExtents = new Vector3(); influenceExtents.x = influenceX.magnitude; influenceExtents.y = influenceY.magnitude; influenceExtents.z = influenceZ.magnitude; // transform to camera space (becomes a left hand coordinate frame in Unity since Determinant(worldToView)<0) var influenceRightVS = worldToView.MultiplyVector(influenceX / influenceExtents.x); var influenceUpVS = worldToView.MultiplyVector(influenceY / influenceExtents.y); var influenceForwardVS = worldToView.MultiplyVector(influenceZ / influenceExtents.z); var influencePositionVS = worldToView.MultiplyPoint(pos); // place the mesh pivot in the center m_Bounds[m_DecalDatasCount].center = influencePositionVS; m_Bounds[m_DecalDatasCount].boxAxisX = influenceRightVS * influenceExtents.x; m_Bounds[m_DecalDatasCount].boxAxisY = influenceUpVS * influenceExtents.y; m_Bounds[m_DecalDatasCount].boxAxisZ = influenceForwardVS * influenceExtents.z; m_Bounds[m_DecalDatasCount].scaleXY.Set(1.0f, 1.0f); m_Bounds[m_DecalDatasCount].radius = influenceExtents.magnitude; // The culling system culls pixels that are further // than a threshold to the box influence extents. // So we use an arbitrary threshold here (k_BoxCullingExtentOffset) m_LightVolumes[m_DecalDatasCount].lightCategory = (uint)LightCategory.Decal; m_LightVolumes[m_DecalDatasCount].lightVolume = (uint)LightVolumeType.Box; m_LightVolumes[m_DecalDatasCount].featureFlags = (uint)LightFeatureFlags.Env; m_LightVolumes[m_DecalDatasCount].lightPos = influencePositionVS; m_LightVolumes[m_DecalDatasCount].lightAxisX = influenceRightVS; m_LightVolumes[m_DecalDatasCount].lightAxisY = influenceUpVS; m_LightVolumes[m_DecalDatasCount].lightAxisZ = influenceForwardVS; m_LightVolumes[m_DecalDatasCount].boxInnerDist = influenceExtents - LightLoop.k_BoxCullingExtentThreshold; m_LightVolumes[m_DecalDatasCount].boxInvRange.Set(1.0f / LightLoop.k_BoxCullingExtentThreshold.x, 1.0f / LightLoop.k_BoxCullingExtentThreshold.y, 1.0f / LightLoop.k_BoxCullingExtentThreshold.z); } private void AssignCurrentBatches(ref Matrix4x4[] decalToWorldBatch, ref Matrix4x4[] normalToWorldBatch, int batchCount) { if (m_DecalToWorld.Count == batchCount) { decalToWorldBatch = new Matrix4x4[kDrawIndexedBatchSize]; m_DecalToWorld.Add(decalToWorldBatch); normalToWorldBatch = new Matrix4x4[kDrawIndexedBatchSize]; m_NormalToWorld.Add(normalToWorldBatch); } else { decalToWorldBatch = m_DecalToWorld[batchCount]; normalToWorldBatch = m_NormalToWorld[batchCount]; } } public void CreateDrawData() { if (m_Material == null) return; if (m_NumResults == 0) return; // only add if anything in this decal set is visible. AddToTextureList(ref instance.m_TextureList); int instanceCount = 0; int batchCount = 0; Matrix4x4[] decalToWorldBatch = null; Matrix4x4[] normalToWorldBatch = null; AssignCurrentBatches(ref decalToWorldBatch, ref normalToWorldBatch, batchCount); Vector3 cameraPos = instance.CurrentCamera.transform.position; Matrix4x4 worldToView = LightLoop.WorldToCamera(instance.CurrentCamera); for (int resultIndex = 0; resultIndex < m_NumResults; resultIndex++) { int decalIndex = m_ResultIndices[resultIndex]; // do additional culling based on individual decal draw distances float distanceToDecal = (cameraPos - m_BoundingSpheres[decalIndex].position).magnitude; float cullDistance = m_CachedDrawDistances[decalIndex].x + m_BoundingSpheres[decalIndex].radius; if (distanceToDecal < cullDistance) { // d-buffer data decalToWorldBatch[instanceCount] = m_CachedDecalToWorld[decalIndex]; normalToWorldBatch[instanceCount] = m_CachedNormalToWorld[decalIndex]; float fadeFactor = Mathf.Clamp((cullDistance - distanceToDecal) / (cullDistance * (1.0f - m_CachedDrawDistances[decalIndex].y)), 0.0f, 1.0f); normalToWorldBatch[instanceCount].m03 = fadeFactor * m_Blend; // vector3 rotation matrix so bottom row and last column can be used for other data to save space normalToWorldBatch[instanceCount].SetRow(3, m_CachedUVScaleBias[decalIndex]); // clustered forward data m_DecalDatas[m_DecalDatasCount].worldToDecal = decalToWorldBatch[instanceCount].inverse; m_DecalDatas[m_DecalDatasCount].normalToWorld = normalToWorldBatch[instanceCount]; m_DecalDatas[m_DecalDatasCount].diffuseScaleBias = m_Diffuse.m_ScaleBias; m_DecalDatas[m_DecalDatasCount].normalScaleBias = m_Normal.m_ScaleBias; m_DecalDatas[m_DecalDatasCount].maskScaleBias = m_Mask.m_ScaleBias; GetDecalVolumeDataAndBound(decalToWorldBatch[instanceCount], worldToView); m_DecalDatasCount++; instanceCount++; if (instanceCount == kDrawIndexedBatchSize) { instanceCount = 0; batchCount++; AssignCurrentBatches(ref decalToWorldBatch, ref normalToWorldBatch, batchCount); } } } } public void EndCull() { if (m_Material == null) return; if (m_CullingGroup == null) { Debug.LogError("Begin/EndCull() called out of sequence for decal projectors."); } else { m_CullingGroup.Dispose(); m_CullingGroup = null; } } public void AddToTextureList(ref List textureList) { if (m_Diffuse.m_Texture != null) { textureList.Add(m_Diffuse); } if (m_Normal.m_Texture != null) { textureList.Add(m_Normal); } if (m_Mask.m_Texture != null) { textureList.Add(m_Mask); } } public void RenderIntoDBuffer(CommandBuffer cmd) { if (m_Material == null) return; if (m_NumResults == 0) return; int batchIndex = 0; int totalToDraw = m_NumResults; for (; batchIndex < m_NumResults / kDrawIndexedBatchSize; batchIndex++) { m_PropertyBlock.SetMatrixArray(HDShaderIDs._NormalToWorldID, m_NormalToWorld[batchIndex]); cmd.DrawMeshInstanced(m_DecalMesh, 0, KeyMaterial, 0, m_DecalToWorld[batchIndex], kDrawIndexedBatchSize, m_PropertyBlock); totalToDraw -= kDrawIndexedBatchSize; } if (totalToDraw > 0) { m_PropertyBlock.SetMatrixArray(HDShaderIDs._NormalToWorldID, m_NormalToWorld[batchIndex]); cmd.DrawMeshInstanced(m_DecalMesh, 0, KeyMaterial, 0, m_DecalToWorld[batchIndex], totalToDraw, m_PropertyBlock); } } public Material KeyMaterial { get { return this.m_Material; } } public int Count { get { return this.m_DecalsCount; } } private List m_DecalToWorld = new List(); private List m_NormalToWorld = new List(); private CullingGroup m_CullingGroup = null; private BoundingSphere[] m_BoundingSpheres = new BoundingSphere[kDecalBlockSize]; private DecalHandle[] m_Handles = new DecalHandle[kDecalBlockSize]; private int[] m_ResultIndices = new int[kDecalBlockSize]; private int m_NumResults = 0; private int m_DecalsCount = 0; private Matrix4x4[] m_CachedDecalToWorld = new Matrix4x4[kDecalBlockSize]; private Matrix4x4[] m_CachedNormalToWorld = new Matrix4x4[kDecalBlockSize]; private Vector2[] m_CachedDrawDistances = new Vector2[kDecalBlockSize]; // x - draw distance, y - fade scale private Vector4[] m_CachedUVScaleBias = new Vector4[kDecalBlockSize]; // xy - scale, zw bias private Material m_Material; private float m_Blend = 0; TextureScaleBias m_Diffuse = new TextureScaleBias(); TextureScaleBias m_Normal = new TextureScaleBias(); TextureScaleBias m_Mask = new TextureScaleBias(); } public DecalHandle AddDecal(Transform transform, float drawDistance, float fadeScale, Vector4 uvScaleBias, Material material) { DecalSet decalSet = null; int key = material != null ? material.GetInstanceID() : kNullMaterialIndex; if (!m_DecalSets.TryGetValue(key, out decalSet)) { decalSet = new DecalSet(material); m_DecalSets.Add(key, decalSet); } return decalSet.AddDecal(transform, drawDistance, fadeScale, uvScaleBias, key); } public void RemoveDecal(DecalHandle handle) { if (!DecalHandle.IsValid(handle)) return; DecalSet decalSet = null; int key = handle.m_MaterialID; if (m_DecalSets.TryGetValue(key, out decalSet)) { decalSet.RemoveDecal(handle); if (decalSet.Count == 0) { m_DecalSets.Remove(key); } } } public void UpdateCachedData(Transform transform, float drawDistance, float fadeScale, Vector4 uvScaleBias, DecalHandle handle) { if (!DecalHandle.IsValid(handle)) return; DecalSet decalSet = null; int key = handle.m_MaterialID; if (m_DecalSets.TryGetValue(key, out decalSet)) { decalSet.UpdateCachedData(transform, drawDistance, fadeScale, uvScaleBias, handle); } } public void BeginCull() { foreach (var pair in m_DecalSets) { pair.Value.BeginCull(); } } private int QueryCullResults() { int totalVisibleDecals = 0; foreach (var pair in m_DecalSets) { totalVisibleDecals += pair.Value.QueryCullResults(); } return totalVisibleDecals; } public void EndCull() { m_DecalsVisibleThisFrame = QueryCullResults(); foreach (var pair in m_DecalSets) { pair.Value.EndCull(); } } public void RenderIntoDBuffer(CommandBuffer cmd) { if (m_DecalMesh == null) m_DecalMesh = CoreUtils.CreateCubeMesh(kMin, kMax); foreach (var pair in m_DecalSets) { pair.Value.RenderIntoDBuffer(cmd); } } public void SetAtlas(CommandBuffer cmd) { cmd.SetGlobalTexture(HDShaderIDs._DecalAtlas2DID, Atlas.AtlasTexture); } public void AddTexture(CommandBuffer cmd, TextureScaleBias textureScaleBias) { if (textureScaleBias.m_Texture != null) { if (!Atlas.AddTexture(cmd, ref textureScaleBias.m_ScaleBias, textureScaleBias.m_Texture)) { m_AllocationSuccess = false; } } else { textureScaleBias.m_ScaleBias =; } } // updates textures, texture atlas indices and blend value public void UpdateCachedMaterialData() { m_TextureList.Clear(); foreach (var pair in m_DecalSets) { pair.Value.InitializeMaterialValues(); } } public void UpdateTextureAtlas(CommandBuffer cmd) { m_AllocationSuccess = true; foreach (TextureScaleBias textureScaleBias in m_TextureList) { AddTexture(cmd, textureScaleBias); } if (!m_AllocationSuccess) // texture failed to find space in the atlas { m_TextureList.Sort(); // sort the texture list largest to smallest for better packing Atlas.ResetAllocator(); // clear all allocations // try again m_AllocationSuccess = true; foreach (TextureScaleBias textureScaleBias in m_TextureList) { AddTexture(cmd, textureScaleBias); } if (!m_AllocationSuccess && m_PrevAllocationSuccess) // still failed to allocate, decal atlas size needs to increase, debounce so that we don't spam the console with warnings { Debug.LogWarning("Decal texture atlas out of space, decals on transparent geometry might not render correctly, atlas size can be changed in HDRenderPipelineAsset"); } } m_PrevAllocationSuccess = m_AllocationSuccess; } public void CreateDrawData() { m_DecalDatasCount = 0; // reallocate if needed if (m_DecalsVisibleThisFrame > m_DecalDatas.Length) { int newDecalDatasSize = ((m_DecalsVisibleThisFrame + kDecalBlockSize - 1) / kDecalBlockSize) * kDecalBlockSize; m_DecalDatas = new DecalData[newDecalDatasSize]; m_Bounds = new SFiniteLightBound[newDecalDatasSize]; m_LightVolumes = new LightVolumeData[newDecalDatasSize]; } foreach (var pair in m_DecalSets) { pair.Value.CreateDrawData(); } } public void Cleanup() { if (m_Atlas != null) m_Atlas.Release(); CoreUtils.Destroy(m_DecalMesh); // set to null so that they get recreated m_DecalMesh = null; m_Atlas = null; } public void RenderDebugOverlay(HDCamera hdCamera, CommandBuffer cmd, DebugDisplaySettings debugDisplaySettings, ref float x, ref float y, float overlaySize, float width) { if (debugDisplaySettings.decalsDebugSettings.m_DisplayAtlas) { using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "Display Decal Atlas", CustomSamplerId.DisplayDebugDecalsAtlas.GetSampler())) { cmd.SetViewport(new Rect(x, y, overlaySize, overlaySize)); HDUtils.BlitQuad(cmd, Atlas.AtlasTexture, new Vector4(1, 1, 0 , 0), new Vector4(1, 1, 0, 0), (int)debugDisplaySettings.decalsDebugSettings.m_MipLevel, true); HDUtils.NextOverlayCoord(ref x, ref y, overlaySize, overlaySize, hdCamera.actualWidth); } } } } }