using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; using UnityEditorInternal; using UnityEditorInternal.Experimental; using Object = UnityEngine.Object; //#pragma warning disable 0414 //#pragma warning disable 0219 namespace UnityEditor.Experimental { public delegate bool CanvasEvent(CanvasElement element, Event e, Canvas2D parent); public delegate void ModalWindowProc(Canvas2D parent); public delegate void CanvasAnimationCallback(CanvasElement element, CanvasAnimation owner, object userData); public class Canvas2D : CanvasElement { protected List m_Elements = new List(); protected List m_Selection = new List(); private QuadTree m_QuadTree = new QuadTree(); private Rect m_CanvasRect; private Vector2 m_ViewOffset; private Vector2 m_ViewOffsetUnscaled; private bool m_ShowDebug; private string m_DebugEventName = ""; private RenderTexture m_RenderTexture; private float m_ScreenHeightOffset = 12; public Rect debugRect = new Rect(); public event CanvasEvent OnBackground; public event CanvasEvent OnOverlay; public event CanvasEvent OnLayout; private EditorWindow m_HostWindow; private ICanvasDataSource m_DataSource; private Rect m_ClientRectangle; private ModalWindowProc m_CurrentModalWindow; private Rect m_CurrentModalWindowRect; private List m_Animations = new List(); public ICanvasDataSource dataSource { get { return m_DataSource; } set { m_DataSource = value; } } internal class CaptureSession { public CanvasElement callbacks; public List targets = new List(); public IManipulate manipulator; public bool isRunning; public bool isEnding; } private CaptureSession m_CaptureSession; public Rect clientRect { get { return m_ClientRectangle; } } public Vector2 viewOffset { get { return m_ViewOffset; } } public Rect canvasRect { get { return m_CanvasRect; } } public List elements { get { return m_Children; } } public List selection { get { return m_Selection; } } public bool showQuadTree { get { return m_ShowDebug; } set { m_ShowDebug = value; } } public void ReleaseTextures() { if (m_RenderTexture) { m_RenderTexture.Release(); m_RenderTexture = null; } } public void RecreateRenderTexture() { if (m_RenderTexture) { if (m_RenderTexture.IsCreated()) return; m_RenderTexture.Release(); m_RenderTexture = null; } m_RenderTexture = new RenderTexture(1024, 1024, 24, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32); m_RenderTexture.useMipMap = true; m_RenderTexture.generateMips = true; m_RenderTexture.antiAliasing = 1; m_RenderTexture.filterMode = FilterMode.Trilinear; m_RenderTexture.Create(); } public void ReloadData() { if (m_DataSource == null) return; Clear(); CanvasElement[] elems = m_DataSource.FetchElements(); foreach (var e in elems) AddChild(e); ZSort(); } public override void Clear() { if (m_Elements != null) m_Elements.Clear(); if (m_Selection != null) m_Selection.Clear(); if (m_QuadTree != null) m_QuadTree.Clear(); m_Children.Clear(); if (m_Children != null) { /*foreach (CanvasElement e in m_Children) { e.Clear(); } m_Children.Clear();*/ } } public override void DeepInvalidate() { foreach (CanvasElement e in m_Children) { e.DeepInvalidate(); } } public Vector2 MouseToCanvas(Vector2 lhs) { return new Vector2((lhs.x - m_Translation.x) / m_Scale.x, (lhs.y - m_Translation.y) / m_Scale.y) + (m_ViewOffset / 2.0f); } public Vector2 CanvasToScreen(Vector2 lhs) { return new Vector2((lhs.x * m_Scale.x) + m_Translation.x, (lhs.y * m_Scale.y) + m_Translation.y); } public Rect CanvasToScreen(Rect r) { Vector3 t = m_Translation; t -= new Vector3(m_ViewOffsetUnscaled.x / 2.0f, m_ViewOffsetUnscaled.y / 2.0f, 0.0f); Matrix4x4 mm = Matrix4x4.TRS(t, Quaternion.identity, m_Scale); Vector3 offset = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); Vector3[] points = { new Vector3(r.xMin, r.yMin, 0.0f), new Vector3(r.xMax, r.yMin, 0.0f), new Vector3(r.xMax, r.yMax, 0.0f), new Vector3(r.xMin, r.yMax, 0.0f) }; for (int a = 0; a < 4; a++) { points[a] = mm.MultiplyPoint(points[a]); points[a] += offset; } return new Rect(points[0].x, points[0].y, points[2].x - points[0].x, points[2].y - points[0].y); } public Canvas2D(Object target, EditorWindow host, ICanvasDataSource dataSource) { MouseDown += NoOp; MouseUp += NoOp; DoubleClick += NoOp; ScrollWheel += NoOp; m_HostWindow = host; m_DataSource = dataSource; RecreateRenderTexture(); } public void Repaint() { m_HostWindow.Repaint(); } private bool NoOp(CanvasElement element, Event e, Canvas2D parent) { return true; } public void OnGUI(EditorWindow parent, Rect clientRectangle) { m_ClientRectangle = clientRectangle; Event evt = Event.current; /*Rect canvasGLArea = clientRectangle; canvasGLArea.height += canvasGLArea.y; GL.Viewport(canvasGLArea);*/ if (evt.type == EventType.Layout) { for (int a = 0; a < m_Animations.Count; a++) m_Animations[a].Tick(); if (OnLayout != null) OnLayout(this, Event.current, this); } if (evt.type == EventType.Repaint) { RecreateRenderTexture(); if (OnBackground != null) OnBackground(this, Event.current, this); OnRender(parent, clientRectangle); if (OnOverlay != null) OnOverlay(this, Event.current, this); if (m_CurrentModalWindow != null) { Handles.DrawSolidRectangleWithOutline(m_CurrentModalWindowRect, new Color(0.22f, 0.22f, 0.22f, 1.0f), new Color(0.22f, 0.22f, 0.22f, 1.0f)); GUI.BeginGroup(m_CurrentModalWindowRect); m_CurrentModalWindow(this); GUI.EndGroup(); } //m_ShowDebug = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(10, 55, 200, 50), m_ShowDebug, "Debug Info"); return; } if (evt.isMouse || evt.isKey) { if (!clientRectangle.Contains(evt.mousePosition)) return; } //m_ShowDebug = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(10, 55, 200, 50), m_ShowDebug, "Debug Info"); // sync selection globally on MouseUp and KeyEvents bool syncSelection = evt.type == EventType.MouseUp || evt.isKey; OnEvent(evt); if (syncSelection) { SyncUnitySelection(); } } private void SyncUnitySelection() { List targets = new List(); foreach (CanvasElement se in m_Selection) { if ( != null) { targets.Add(; } } if (targets.Count() == 1) { Selection.activeObject = targets[0]; } else if (targets.Count() > 1) { Selection.activeObject = null; } else if (targets.Count() == 0) { Selection.activeObject = target; } } private void OnRender(EditorWindow parent, Rect clientRectangle) { m_ScreenHeightOffset = clientRectangle.y - 42; // query quad tree for the list of elements visible Rect screenRect = new Rect(); screenRect.min = MouseToCanvas(new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f)); screenRect.max = MouseToCanvas(new Vector2(Screen.width, Screen.height)); List visibleElements = m_QuadTree.ContainedBy(screenRect).OrderBy(c => c.zIndex).ToList(); // update render textures RenderTexture prev =; = m_RenderTexture; Rect localCanvasRect = boundingRect; foreach (CanvasElement e in visibleElements) { if (e.PrepareRender()) { GL.Clear(true, true, new Color(0, 0, 0, 0)); GUI.BeginClip(new Rect(0, 0, e.boundingRect.width, e.boundingRect.height),,, true); e.Render(localCanvasRect, this); GUI.EndGroup(); e.EndRender(m_RenderTexture.height); } } = prev; Rect extents = clientRectangle; Matrix4x4 m = GUI.matrix; //m_Scale =; GUI.matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(m_Translation, Quaternion.identity, m_Scale); m_ViewOffset = new Vector2(0.0f, -(extents.yMin - m_ScreenHeightOffset) * (1.0f / m_Scale.y)); m_ViewOffsetUnscaled = new Vector2(0.0f, -(extents.yMin - m_ScreenHeightOffset)); GUI.BeginClip(extents,, m_ViewOffset, true); if (m_ShowDebug) { m_QuadTree.DebugDraw(); } OnRenderList(visibleElements, this); //m_ShowDebug = true; if (m_ShowDebug) { foreach (CanvasElement e in visibleElements) { e.DebugDraw(); } } GUI.EndClip(); GUI.matrix = m; if (m_ShowDebug) { Color c = GUI.color; GUI.color = new Color(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f); GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 75, 200, 32), "elements rendered:" + visibleElements.Count, GUIStyle.none); GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 100, 200, 32), "last event:" + m_DebugEventName, GUIStyle.none); if (m_CaptureSession != null) { string typesCaptured = ""; foreach (CanvasElement e in m_CaptureSession.targets) { typesCaptured += " [" + e.GetType() + "]"; } GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 85, 200, 32), m_CaptureSession.manipulator.GetType() + " captured elements: " + m_CaptureSession.targets.Count + " " + typesCaptured, GUIStyle.none); } GUI.color = c; Handles.DrawSolidRectangleWithOutline(debugRect, new Color(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f), new Color(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f)); } } public override void AddChild(CanvasElement e) { base.AddChild(e); RebuildQuadTree(); } public void RebuildQuadTree() { if (m_Children.Count == 0) return; m_CanvasRect = m_Children[0].boundingRect; foreach (CanvasElement c in m_Children) { Rect childRect = c.boundingRect; childRect = RectUtils.Inflate(childRect, 1.1f); m_CanvasRect = RectUtils.Encompass(m_CanvasRect, childRect); } m_QuadTree.SetSize(m_CanvasRect); m_QuadTree.Insert(m_Children); } public bool OnEvent(Event evt) { bool logEvent = false; if ((evt.type != EventType.Repaint) && (evt.type != EventType.Layout)) { logEvent = (!evt.isMouse) && m_ShowDebug; m_DebugEventName = evt.type.ToString(); } // if user clicks outside the current modal window, dismiss it if (evt.type == EventType.MouseDown && m_CurrentModalWindow != null) { if (!m_CurrentModalWindowRect.Contains(evt.mousePosition)) { m_CurrentModalWindow = null; } } if (m_CurrentModalWindow != null) { if (logEvent) { m_DebugEventName += " handled by modal window"; } GUI.BeginGroup(m_CurrentModalWindowRect); m_CurrentModalWindow(this); GUI.EndGroup(); return true; } // select elements that will receive the events // 1- Captured elements have precedence // 2- Then the selection // 3- If nothing is captured or selected, we raycast into the quadtree if (m_CaptureSession != null) { if (RunCaptureSession(evt)) { if (logEvent) { m_DebugEventName += " handled by capture session\n"; } evt.Use(); return true; } return false; } List elems = m_Selection.ToArray().ToList(); // special case for clicking outside of the selection if (evt.type == EventType.MouseDown) { bool collidesWithSelection = false; foreach (CanvasElement e in elems) { if (e.Contains(MouseToCanvas(evt.mousePosition))) { collidesWithSelection = true; break; } } if (!collidesWithSelection) { if (m_Selection.Count() > 0) { ClearSelection(); } //EditorGUI.EndEditingActiveTextField(); elems.Clear(); } } if (elems.Count == 0) { Vector2 canvasPosition = MouseToCanvas(evt.mousePosition); Rect mouseRect = new Rect(canvasPosition.x, canvasPosition.y, 10, 10); elems = m_QuadTree.ContainedBy(mouseRect); } EventType originalEvent = evt.type; bool usedByAtLeastOneChildren = false; foreach (CanvasElement e in elems) { if (e != this) { e.DispatchEvents(evt, this); // if the event was consumed by an element and we are not multiselecting, they we stop // propagation, otherwise we continue propagating the original event if (evt.type == EventType.Used && m_Selection.Count == 0) { if (logEvent) m_DebugEventName += " propagation stopped"; return true; } if (evt.type == EventType.Used) { usedByAtLeastOneChildren = true; evt.type = originalEvent; } } } if (usedByAtLeastOneChildren) { if (logEvent) m_DebugEventName += " used by children"; evt.Use(); return true; } if (logEvent) m_DebugEventName += " was ignored by all children, event falls back to main canvas"; // event was not handled by any of our children, so we fallback to ourselves (the main canvas2D) FireEvents(evt, this, this); return false; } public CanvasAnimation Animate(CanvasElement elem) { var anim = new CanvasAnimation(elem); m_Animations.Add(anim); return anim; } public void EndAnimation(CanvasAnimation a) { m_Animations.Remove(a); } public void LogInfo(string info) { if (m_ShowDebug) { m_DebugEventName += info; } } private bool RunCaptureSession(Event evt) { m_CaptureSession.isRunning = true; EventType originalEvent = evt.type; bool wasUsed = false; foreach (CanvasElement e in m_CaptureSession.targets) { m_CaptureSession.callbacks.FireEvents(evt, this, e); if (evt.type == EventType.Used) { wasUsed = true; } evt.type = originalEvent; } if (wasUsed) { evt.Use(); } m_CaptureSession.isRunning = false; if (m_CaptureSession.isEnding) { EndCapture(); } return wasUsed; } public void StartCapture(IManipulate manipulator, CanvasElement e) { m_CaptureSession = new CaptureSession(); m_CaptureSession.manipulator = manipulator; m_CaptureSession.callbacks = new CanvasElement(); manipulator.AttachTo(m_CaptureSession.callbacks); if (m_Selection.Count > 0 && manipulator.GetCaps(ManipulatorCapability.MultiSelection)) { m_CaptureSession.targets.AddRange(m_Selection); } else { m_CaptureSession.targets.Add(e); } } public void EndCapture() { if (m_CaptureSession == null) return; if (m_CaptureSession.isRunning == false) { foreach (CanvasElement e in m_CaptureSession.targets) { e.UpdateModel(UpdateType.Update); } m_CaptureSession = null; RebuildQuadTree(); return; } m_CaptureSession.isEnding = true; } public bool IsCaptured(IManipulate manipulator) { return m_CaptureSession == null ? false : m_CaptureSession.manipulator == manipulator; } public void AddToSelection(CanvasElement e) { if (e is Canvas2D) return; e.selected = true; m_Selection.Add(e); } public void ClearSelection() { foreach (CanvasElement e in m_Selection) { e.selected = false; } m_Selection.Clear(); RebuildQuadTree(); } public CanvasElement[] Pick(Rect area) { List elems = m_QuadTree.ContainedBy(area); List returnedElements = new List(); foreach (CanvasElement e in elems) { CanvasElement[] allTs = e.FindChildren(); foreach (CanvasElement c in allTs) { returnedElements.Add(c); } } return returnedElements.ToArray(); } public CanvasElement PickSingle(Vector2 position) { Vector2 canvasPosition = MouseToCanvas(position); Rect mouseRect = new Rect(canvasPosition.x, canvasPosition.y, 10, 10); List elems = m_QuadTree.ContainedBy(mouseRect); foreach (CanvasElement e in elems) { CanvasElement[] allTs = e.FindChildren(); foreach (CanvasElement c in allTs) { if (c.Contains(canvasPosition)) { return c; } } } return null; } public void RunModal(Rect rect, ModalWindowProc mwp) { if (m_CurrentModalWindow != null) return; m_CurrentModalWindow = mwp; m_CurrentModalWindowRect = rect; } public void EndModal() { m_CurrentModalWindow = null; Repaint(); } } }