using System; using System.Linq; using UnityEditor.MaterialGraph.Drawing.Controls; #if UNITY_EDITOR using UnityEditor; #endif using UnityEngine.Graphing; namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph { [Title("Sub-graph/Sub-graph Node")] public class SubGraphNode : AbstractSubGraphNode , IGeneratesBodyCode { [SerializeField] private string m_SerializedSubGraph = string.Empty; [Serializable] private class SubGraphHelper { public MaterialSubGraphAsset subGraph; } protected override AbstractSubGraph referencedGraph { get { if (subGraphAsset == null) return null; return subGraphAsset.subGraph; } } #if UNITY_EDITOR [ObjectControl("Subgraph")] public MaterialSubGraphAsset subGraphAsset { get { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_SerializedSubGraph)) return null; var helper = new SubGraphHelper(); EditorJsonUtility.FromJsonOverwrite(m_SerializedSubGraph, helper); return helper.subGraph; } set { if (subGraphAsset == value) return; var helper = new SubGraphHelper(); helper.subGraph = value; m_SerializedSubGraph = EditorJsonUtility.ToJson(helper, true); UpdateSlots(); if (onModified != null) onModified(this, ModificationScope.Topological); } } #else public MaterialSubGraphAsset subGraphAsset {get; set; } #endif public override INode outputNode { get { if (subGraphAsset != null && subGraphAsset.subGraph != null) return subGraphAsset.subGraph.outputNode; return null; } } public SubGraphNode() { name = "SubGraph"; } public void GenerateNodeCode(ShaderGenerator shaderBodyVisitor, GenerationMode generationMode) { if (referencedGraph == null) return; var outputString = new ShaderGenerator(); outputString.AddShaderChunk("// Subgraph for node " + GetVariableNameForNode(), false); // Step 1... // find out which output slots are actually used //var validOutputSlots = NodeUtils.GetSlotsThatOutputToNodeRecurse(this, (graph as BaseMaterialGraph).masterNode); foreach (var slot in GetOutputSlots()) { var outDimension = ConvertConcreteSlotValueTypeToString(precision, slot.concreteValueType); outputString.AddShaderChunk(string.Format("{0} {1} = 0;", outDimension, GetVariableNameForSlot(, false); } // Step 2... // Go into the subgraph outputString.AddShaderChunk("{", false); outputString.Indent(); // Step 3... // For each input that is used and connects through we want to generate code. // First we assign the input variables to the subgraph // we do this by renaming the properties to be the names of where the variables come from // weird, but works. var sSubGraph = SerializationHelper.Serialize(subGraphAsset.subGraph); var dSubGraph = SerializationHelper.Deserialize(sSubGraph, null); var subGraphInputs =; var propertyGen = new PropertyCollector(); dSubGraph.CollectShaderProperties(propertyGen, GenerationMode.ForReals); foreach (var prop in subGraphInputs) { var inSlotId = prop.guid.GetHashCode(); var inSlot = FindInputSlot(inSlotId); var edges = owner.GetEdges(inSlot.slotReference).ToArray(); string varValue = inSlot.GetDefaultValue(generationMode); if (edges.Any()) { var fromSocketRef = edges[0].outputSlot; var fromNode = owner.GetNodeFromGuid(fromSocketRef.nodeGuid); if (fromNode != null) { var slot = fromNode.FindOutputSlot(fromSocketRef.slotId); if (slot != null) prop.overrideReferenceName = fromNode.GetSlotValue(, generationMode); } } else if (inSlot.concreteValueType == ConcreteSlotValueType.Texture2D) { prop.overrideReferenceName = Texture2DMaterialSlot.DefaultTextureName; } else { var varName = prop.referenceName; outputString.AddShaderChunk( ConvertConcreteSlotValueTypeToString(precision, inSlot.concreteValueType) + " " + varName + " = " + varValue + ";", false); } } // Step 4... // Using the inputs we can now generate the shader body :) var bodyGenerator = new ShaderGenerator(); dSubGraph.GenerateNodeCode(bodyGenerator, GenerationMode.ForReals); var subGraphOutputNode = dSubGraph.outputNode; outputString.AddShaderChunk(bodyGenerator.GetShaderString(0), false); // Step 5... // Copy the outputs to the parent context name); foreach (var slot in GetOutputSlots()) { var inputValue = subGraphOutputNode.GetSlotValue(, GenerationMode.ForReals); outputString.AddShaderChunk( GetVariableNameForSlot( + " = " + inputValue + ";", false); } outputString.Deindent(); outputString.AddShaderChunk("}", false); outputString.AddShaderChunk("// Subgraph ends", false); shaderBodyVisitor.AddShaderChunk(outputString.GetShaderString(0), true); } } }