using UnityEngine.Graphing; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph { [Title ("Math/Vector/Transform")] public class TransformNode : AbstractMaterialNode, IGeneratesBodyCode, IMayRequireTangent, IMayRequireBitangent, IMayRequireNormal { [SerializeField] private SimpleMatrixType m_spaceListFrom; [SerializeField] private SimpleMatrixType m_spaceListTo; private const int InputSlotId = 0; private const int OutputSlotId = 1; private const string kInputSlotName = "Input"; private const string kOutputSlotName = "Output"; public SimpleMatrixType spaceFrom { get { return m_spaceListFrom; } set { if (m_spaceListFrom == value) return; m_spaceListFrom = value; if (onModified != null) { onModified(this, ModificationScope.Graph); } } } public override bool hasPreview { get { return false; } } public SimpleMatrixType spaceTo { get { return m_spaceListTo; } set { if (m_spaceListTo == value) return; m_spaceListTo = value; if (onModified != null) { onModified(this, ModificationScope.Graph); } } } public TransformNode () { name = "Transform"; UpdateNodeAfterDeserialization (); } public sealed override void UpdateNodeAfterDeserialization() { AddSlot(GetInputSlot()); AddSlot(GetOutputSlot()); RemoveSlotsNameNotMatching(validSlots); } protected int[] validSlots { get { return new[] {InputSlotId, OutputSlotId}; } } protected virtual MaterialSlot GetInputSlot() { return new MaterialSlot(InputSlotId, GetInputSlotName(), kInputSlotName, SlotType.Input, SlotValueType.Vector3,; } protected virtual MaterialSlot GetOutputSlot() { return new MaterialSlot(OutputSlotId, GetOutputSlotName(), kOutputSlotName, SlotType.Output, SlotValueType.Vector3,; } protected virtual string GetInputSlotName() { return "Input"; } protected virtual string GetOutputSlotName() { return "Output"; } public void GenerateNodeCode(ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode) { NodeUtils.SlotConfigurationExceptionIfBadConfiguration(this, new[] { InputSlotId }, new[] { OutputSlotId }); string inputValue = GetSlotValue(InputSlotId, generationMode); string transformString = ""; bool requiresTangentTransform = false; if(spaceFrom == SimpleMatrixType.World){ if (spaceTo == SimpleMatrixType.World) { transformString = inputValue; } else if (spaceTo == SimpleMatrixType.Local) { transformString = "mul(unity_WorldToObject, float4(" + inputValue + ", 0)).xyz"; } else if (spaceTo == SimpleMatrixType.Tangent) { requiresTangentTransform = true; transformString = "mul(tangentTransform, " + inputValue + ").xyz"; } else if (spaceTo == SimpleMatrixType.View) { transformString = "mul( UNITY_MATRIX_V, float4(" + inputValue + ", 0)).xyz"; } }else if(spaceFrom == SimpleMatrixType.Local){ if (spaceTo == SimpleMatrixType.World) { transformString = "mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, float4(" + inputValue + ", 0)).xyz"; } else if (spaceTo == SimpleMatrixType.Local) { transformString = inputValue; } else if (spaceTo == SimpleMatrixType.Tangent) { requiresTangentTransform = true; transformString = "mul( tangentTransform, mul( unity_ObjectToWorld, float4(" + inputValue + ", 0) ).xyz).xyz"; } else if (spaceTo == SimpleMatrixType.View) { transformString = "mul( UNITY_MATRIX_MV, float4(" + inputValue + ", 0)).xyz"; } }else if(spaceFrom == SimpleMatrixType.Tangent){ requiresTangentTransform = true; if (spaceTo == SimpleMatrixType.World) { transformString = "mul( " + inputValue + ", tangentTransform ).xyz"; } else if (spaceTo == SimpleMatrixType.Local) { transformString = "mul( unity_WorldToObject, float4(mul(" + inputValue + ", tangentTransform ),0) ).xyz"; } else if (spaceTo == SimpleMatrixType.Tangent) { transformString = inputValue; } else if (spaceTo == SimpleMatrixType.View) { transformString = "mul( UNITY_MATRIX_V, float4(mul(" + inputValue + ", tangentTransform ),0) ).xyz"; } }else if(spaceFrom == SimpleMatrixType.View){ if (spaceTo == SimpleMatrixType.World) { transformString = "mul( float4(" + inputValue + ", 0), UNITY_MATRIX_V ).xyz"; } else if (spaceTo == SimpleMatrixType.Local) { transformString = "mul( float4(" + inputValue + ", 0), UNITY_MATRIX_MV ).xyz"; } else if (spaceTo == SimpleMatrixType.Tangent) { requiresTangentTransform = true; transformString = "mul( tangentTransform, mul( float4(" + inputValue + ", 0), UNITY_MATRIX_V ).xyz ).xyz"; } else if (spaceTo == SimpleMatrixType.View) { transformString = inputValue; } } if(requiresTangentTransform) visitor.AddShaderChunk ("float3x3 tangentTransform = float3x3( worldSpaceTangent, worldSpaceBitangent, worldSpaceNormal);", false); visitor.AddShaderChunk(precision + outputDimension + " " + GetVariableNameForSlot(OutputSlotId) + " = " + transformString + ";", true); } //float3x3 tangentTransform = float3x3( i.tangentDir, i.bitangentDir, i.normalDir);------ //mul(unity_WorldToObject, float4(i.posWorld.rgb,0) ).xyz - world to local--------- //mul( tangentTransform, i.posWorld.rgb ).xyz - world to tangent----------------- //mul( UNITY_MATRIX_V, float4(i.posWorld.rgb,0) ).xyz - world to view------------- //mul( unity_ObjectToWorld, float4(i.posWorld.rgb,0) ).xyz - local to world-------- //mul( tangentTransform, mul( unity_ObjectToWorld, float4(i.posWorld.rgb,0) ).xyz - local to tangent------------ //mul( UNITY_MATRIX_MV, float4(i.posWorld.rgb,0) ).xyz - local to view-------------- //mul( i.posWorld.rgb, tangentTransform ).xyz - tangent to world--------- //mul( unity_WorldToObject, float4(mul( i.posWorld.rgb, tangentTransform ),0) ).xyz - tangent to local----- //mul( UNITY_MATRIX_V, float4(mul( i.posWorld.rgb, tangentTransform ),0) ).xyz - tangent to view------- //mul( float4(i.posWorld.rgb,0), UNITY_MATRIX_V ).xyz - view to world //mul( float4(i.posWorld.rgb,0), UNITY_MATRIX_MV ).xyz - view to local //mul( tangentTransform, mul( float4(i.posWorld.rgb,0), UNITY_MATRIX_V ).xyz ).xyz - view to tangent public string outputDimension { get { return ConvertConcreteSlotValueTypeToString(FindOutputSlot(OutputSlotId).concreteValueType); } } private string inputDimension { get { return ConvertConcreteSlotValueTypeToString(FindInputSlot(InputSlotId).concreteValueType); } } public bool RequiresTangent() { return true; } public bool RequiresBitangent() { return true; } public bool RequiresNormal(){ return true; } } }