// Wait for a fix from Trunk #error not supported yet /* #define REQUIRE_DEFINED(X_) \ #ifndef X_ \ #error X_ must be defined (in) the platform include \ #endif X_ \ REQUIRE_DEFINED(UNITY_UV_STARTS_AT_TOP) REQUIRE_DEFINED(UNITY_REVERSED_Z) REQUIRE_DEFINED(UNITY_NEAR_CLIP_VALUE) REQUIRE_DEFINED(FACE) REQUIRE_DEFINED(CBUFFER_START) REQUIRE_DEFINED(CBUFFER_END) REQUIRE_DEFINED(INITIALIZE_OUTPUT) */ // Default values for things that have not been defined in the platform headers // default flow control attributes #ifndef UNITY_BRANCH # define UNITY_BRANCH #endif #ifndef UNITY_FLATTEN # define UNITY_FLATTEN #endif #ifndef UNITY_UNROLL # define UNITY_UNROLL #endif #ifndef UNITY_UNROLLX # define UNITY_UNROLLX(_x) #endif #ifndef UNITY_LOOP # define UNITY_LOOP #endif