using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using UnityEditor.Graphing; using UnityEditor.ShaderGraph; namespace UnityEditor.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline { // [Serializable] ?? public class HDUnlitSubShader : IUnlitSubShader { Pass m_PassDepthOnly = new Pass() { Name = "Depth prepass", LightMode = "DepthForwardOnly", TemplateName = "HDUnlitPassForward.template", ShaderPassName = "SHADERPASS_DEPTH_ONLY", ZWriteOverride = "ZWrite On", Includes = new List() { "#include \"HDRP/ShaderPass/ShaderPassDepthOnly.hlsl\"", }, PixelShaderSlots = new List() { UnlitMasterNode.AlphaSlotId, UnlitMasterNode.AlphaThresholdSlotId } }; Pass m_PassForward = new Pass() { Name = "Forward Unlit", LightMode = "ForwardOnly", TemplateName = "HDUnlitPassForward.template", ShaderPassName = "SHADERPASS_FORWARD_UNLIT", ExtraDefines = new List() { "#pragma multi_compile _ DEBUG_DISPLAY" }, Includes = new List() { "#include \"HDRP/ShaderPass/ShaderPassForwardUnlit.hlsl\"", }, PixelShaderSlots = new List() { UnlitMasterNode.ColorSlotId, UnlitMasterNode.AlphaSlotId, UnlitMasterNode.AlphaThresholdSlotId } }; Pass m_PassMETA = new Pass() { Name = "META", LightMode = "Meta", TemplateName = "HDUnlitPassForward.template", ShaderPassName = "SHADERPASS_LIGHT_TRANSPORT", CullOverride = "Cull Off", Includes = new List() { "#include \"HDRP/ShaderPass/ShaderPassLightTransport.hlsl\"", }, RequiredFields = new List() { "AttributesMesh.normalOS", "AttributesMesh.tangentOS", // Always present as we require it also in case of anisotropic lighting "AttributesMesh.uv0", "AttributesMesh.uv1", "AttributesMesh.color", "AttributesMesh.uv2", // SHADERPASS_LIGHT_TRANSPORT always uses uv2 }, PixelShaderSlots = new List() { UnlitMasterNode.ColorSlotId, UnlitMasterNode.AlphaSlotId, UnlitMasterNode.AlphaThresholdSlotId } }; Pass m_PassDistortion = new Pass() { Name = "Distortion", LightMode = "DistortionVectors", TemplateName = "HDUnlitPassForward.template", ShaderPassName = "SHADERPASS_DISTORTION", BlendOverride = "Blend One One, One One", // [_DistortionSrcBlend] [_DistortionDstBlend], [_DistortionBlurSrcBlend] [_DistortionBlurDstBlend] BlendOpOverride = "BlendOp Add, Add", // Add, [_DistortionBlurBlendOp] ZTestOverride = "ZTest LEqual", // [_ZTestModeDistortion] ZWriteOverride = "ZWrite Off", Includes = new List() { "#include \"HDRP/ShaderPass/ShaderPassDistortion.hlsl\"", }, PixelShaderSlots = new List() { PBRMasterNode.AlphaSlotId, PBRMasterNode.AlphaThresholdSlotId } }; private static string GetVariantDefines(UnlitMasterNode masterNode) { ShaderGenerator defines = new ShaderGenerator(); // #pragma shader_feature _ALPHATEST_ON float constantAlpha = 0.0f; if (masterNode.IsSlotConnected(PBRMasterNode.AlphaThresholdSlotId) || (float.TryParse(masterNode.GetSlotValue(PBRMasterNode.AlphaThresholdSlotId, GenerationMode.ForReals), out constantAlpha) && (constantAlpha > 0.0f))) { defines.AddShaderChunk("#define _ALPHATEST_ON 1", true); } // if (kTesselationMode != TessellationMode.None) // { // defines.AddShaderChunk("#define _TESSELLATION_PHONG 1", true); // } // #pragma shader_feature _ _VERTEX_DISPLACEMENT _PIXEL_DISPLACEMENT // switch (kDisplacementMode) // { // case DisplacementMode.None: // break; // case DisplacementMode.Vertex: // defines.AddShaderChunk("#define _VERTEX_DISPLACEMENT 1", true); // break; // case DisplacementMode.Pixel: // defines.AddShaderChunk("#define _PIXEL_DISPLACEMENT 1", true); // Depth offset is only enabled if per pixel displacement is // if (kDepthOffsetEnable) // { // // #pragma shader_feature _DEPTHOFFSET_ON // defines.AddShaderChunk("#define _DEPTHOFFSET_ON 1", true); // } // break; // case DisplacementMode.Tessellation: // if (kTessellationEnabled) // { // defines.AddShaderChunk("#define _TESSELLATION_DISPLACEMENT 1", true); // } // break; // } // #pragma shader_feature _VERTEX_DISPLACEMENT_LOCK_OBJECT_SCALE // #pragma shader_feature _DISPLACEMENT_LOCK_TILING_SCALE // #pragma shader_feature _PIXEL_DISPLACEMENT_LOCK_OBJECT_SCALE // #pragma shader_feature _VERTEX_WIND // #pragma shader_feature _ _REFRACTION_PLANE _REFRACTION_SPHERE // // #pragma shader_feature _ _MAPPING_PLANAR _MAPPING_TRIPLANAR // MOVE to a node // #pragma shader_feature _NORMALMAP_TANGENT_SPACE // #pragma shader_feature _ _REQUIRE_UV2 _REQUIRE_UV3 // #pragma shader_feature _MASKMAP // #pragma shader_feature _BENTNORMALMAP // #pragma shader_feature _EMISSIVE_COLOR_MAP // #pragma shader_feature _ENABLESPECULAROCCLUSION // #pragma shader_feature _HEIGHTMAP // #pragma shader_feature _TANGENTMAP // #pragma shader_feature _ANISOTROPYMAP // #pragma shader_feature _DETAIL_MAP // MOVE to a node // #pragma shader_feature _SUBSURFACE_RADIUS_MAP // #pragma shader_feature _THICKNESSMAP // #pragma shader_feature _SPECULARCOLORMAP // #pragma shader_feature _TRANSMITTANCECOLORMAP // Keywords for transparent // #pragma shader_feature _SURFACE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT if (masterNode.surfaceType != SurfaceType.Opaque) { // transparent-only defines defines.AddShaderChunk("#define _SURFACE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT 1", true); // #pragma shader_feature _ _BLENDMODE_ALPHA _BLENDMODE_ADD _BLENDMODE_PRE_MULTIPLY if (masterNode.alphaMode == AlphaMode.Alpha) { defines.AddShaderChunk("#define _BLENDMODE_ALPHA 1", true); } else if (masterNode.alphaMode == AlphaMode.Additive) { defines.AddShaderChunk("#define _BLENDMODE_ADD 1", true); } // else if (masterNode.alphaMode == PBRMasterNode.AlphaMode.PremultiplyAlpha) // TODO // { // defines.AddShaderChunk("#define _BLENDMODE_PRE_MULTIPLY 1", true); // } // #pragma shader_feature _BLENDMODE_PRESERVE_SPECULAR_LIGHTING // if (kEnableBlendModePreserveSpecularLighting) // { // defines.AddShaderChunk("#define _BLENDMODE_PRESERVE_SPECULAR_LIGHTING 1", true); // } // #pragma shader_feature _ENABLE_FOG_ON_TRANSPARENT // if (kEnableFogOnTransparent) // { // defines.AddShaderChunk("#define _ENABLE_FOG_ON_TRANSPARENT 1", true); // } } else { // opaque-only defines } // enable dithering LOD crossfade // #pragma multi_compile _ LOD_FADE_CROSSFADE // TODO: We should have this keyword only if VelocityInGBuffer is enable, how to do that ? //#pragma multi_compile VELOCITYOUTPUT_OFF VELOCITYOUTPUT_ON return defines.GetShaderString(2); } private static bool GenerateShaderPass(UnlitMasterNode masterNode, Pass pass, GenerationMode mode, SurfaceMaterialOptions materialOptions, ShaderGenerator result) { var templateLocation = ShaderGenerator.GetTemplatePath(pass.TemplateName); if (!File.Exists(templateLocation)) { // TODO: produce error here return false; } // grab all of the active nodes var activeNodeList = ListPool.Get(); NodeUtils.DepthFirstCollectNodesFromNode(activeNodeList, masterNode, NodeUtils.IncludeSelf.Include, pass.PixelShaderSlots); // graph requirements describe what the graph itself requires var graphRequirements = ShaderGraphRequirements.FromNodes(activeNodeList, ShaderStageCapability.All, true, true); ShaderStringBuilder graphNodeFunctions = new ShaderStringBuilder(); graphNodeFunctions.IncreaseIndent(); var functionRegistry = new FunctionRegistry(graphNodeFunctions); // Build the list of active slots based on what the pass requires // TODO: this can be a shared function -- From here through GraphUtil.GenerateSurfaceDescription(..) var activeSlots = new List(); foreach (var id in pass.PixelShaderSlots) { MaterialSlot slot = masterNode.FindSlot(id); if (slot != null) { activeSlots.Add(slot); } } // build the graph outputs structure to hold the results of each active slots (and fill out activeFields to indicate they are active) string graphInputStructName = "SurfaceDescriptionInputs"; string graphOutputStructName = "SurfaceDescription"; string graphEvalFunctionName = "SurfaceDescriptionFunction"; var graphEvalFunction = new ShaderStringBuilder(); var graphOutputs = new ShaderStringBuilder(); PropertyCollector graphProperties = new PropertyCollector(); // build the graph outputs structure, and populate activeFields with the fields of that structure HashSet activeFields = new HashSet(); GraphUtil.GenerateSurfaceDescriptionStruct(graphOutputs, activeSlots, true); // Build the graph evaluation code, to evaluate the specified slots GraphUtil.GenerateSurfaceDescriptionFunction( activeNodeList, masterNode, masterNode.owner as AbstractMaterialGraph, graphEvalFunction, functionRegistry, graphProperties, graphRequirements, // TODO : REMOVE UNUSED mode, graphEvalFunctionName, graphOutputStructName, null, activeSlots, graphInputStructName); var blendCode = new ShaderStringBuilder(); var cullCode = new ShaderStringBuilder(); var zTestCode = new ShaderStringBuilder(); var zWriteCode = new ShaderStringBuilder(); var stencilCode = new ShaderStringBuilder(); var colorMaskCode = new ShaderStringBuilder(); HDSubShaderUtilities.BuildRenderStatesFromPassAndMaterialOptions(pass, materialOptions, blendCode, cullCode, zTestCode, zWriteCode, stencilCode, colorMaskCode); if (masterNode.twoSided.isOn) { activeFields.Add("DoubleSided"); if (pass.ShaderPassName != "SHADERPASS_VELOCITY") // HACK to get around lack of a good interpolator dependency system { // we need to be able to build interpolators using multiple input structs // also: should only require isFrontFace if Normals are required... activeFields.Add("DoubleSided.Mirror"); // TODO: change this depending on what kind of normal flip you want.. activeFields.Add("FragInputs.isFrontFace"); // will need this for determining normal flip mode } } if (pass.PixelShaderSlots != null) { foreach (var slotId in pass.PixelShaderSlots) { var slot = masterNode.FindSlot(slotId); if (slot != null) { var rawSlotName = slot.RawDisplayName().ToString(); var descriptionVar = string.Format("{0}.{1}", graphOutputStructName, rawSlotName); activeFields.Add(descriptionVar); } } } var packedInterpolatorCode = new ShaderGenerator(); var graphInputs = new ShaderGenerator(); HDRPShaderStructs.Generate( packedInterpolatorCode, graphInputs, graphRequirements, pass.RequiredFields, CoordinateSpace.World, activeFields); // debug output all active fields var interpolatorDefines = new ShaderGenerator(); { interpolatorDefines.AddShaderChunk("// ACTIVE FIELDS:"); foreach (string f in activeFields) { interpolatorDefines.AddShaderChunk("// " + f); } } ShaderGenerator defines = new ShaderGenerator(); { defines.AddShaderChunk(string.Format("#define SHADERPASS {0}", pass.ShaderPassName), true); if (pass.ExtraDefines != null) { foreach (var define in pass.ExtraDefines) defines.AddShaderChunk(define); } defines.AddGenerator(interpolatorDefines); } var shaderPassIncludes = new ShaderGenerator(); if (pass.Includes != null) { foreach (var include in pass.Includes) shaderPassIncludes.AddShaderChunk(include); } // build graph code var graph = new ShaderGenerator(); graph.AddShaderChunk("// Graph Inputs"); graph.Indent(); graph.AddGenerator(graphInputs); graph.Deindent(); graph.AddShaderChunk("// Graph Outputs"); graph.Indent(); graph.AddShaderChunk(graphOutputs.ToString()); //graph.AddGenerator(graphOutputs); graph.Deindent(); graph.AddShaderChunk("// Graph Properties (uniform inputs)"); graph.AddShaderChunk(graphProperties.GetPropertiesDeclaration(1)); graph.AddShaderChunk("// Graph Node Functions"); graph.AddShaderChunk(graphNodeFunctions.ToString()); graph.AddShaderChunk("// Graph Evaluation"); graph.Indent(); graph.AddShaderChunk(graphEvalFunction.ToString()); //graph.AddGenerator(graphEvalFunction); graph.Deindent(); // build the hash table of all named fragments TODO: could make this Dictionary ? Dictionary namedFragments = new Dictionary(); namedFragments.Add("${Defines}", defines.GetShaderString(2, false)); namedFragments.Add("${Graph}", graph.GetShaderString(2, false)); namedFragments.Add("${LightMode}", pass.LightMode); namedFragments.Add("${PassName}", pass.Name); namedFragments.Add("${Includes}", shaderPassIncludes.GetShaderString(2, false)); namedFragments.Add("${InterpolatorPacking}", packedInterpolatorCode.GetShaderString(2, false)); namedFragments.Add("${Blending}", blendCode.ToString()); namedFragments.Add("${Culling}", cullCode.ToString()); namedFragments.Add("${ZTest}", zTestCode.ToString()); namedFragments.Add("${ZWrite}", zWriteCode.ToString()); namedFragments.Add("${Stencil}", stencilCode.ToString()); namedFragments.Add("${ColorMask}", colorMaskCode.ToString()); namedFragments.Add("${LOD}", materialOptions.lod.ToString()); namedFragments.Add("${VariantDefines}", GetVariantDefines(masterNode)); // process the template to generate the shader code for this pass TODO: could make this a shared function string[] templateLines = File.ReadAllLines(templateLocation); System.Text.StringBuilder builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); foreach (string line in templateLines) { ShaderSpliceUtil.PreprocessShaderCode(line, activeFields, namedFragments, builder); builder.AppendLine(); } result.AddShaderChunk(builder.ToString(), false); return true; } public string GetSubshader(IMasterNode inMasterNode, GenerationMode mode) { var masterNode = inMasterNode as UnlitMasterNode; var subShader = new ShaderGenerator(); subShader.AddShaderChunk("SubShader", true); subShader.AddShaderChunk("{", true); subShader.Indent(); { SurfaceMaterialOptions materialOptions = HDSubShaderUtilities.BuildMaterialOptions(masterNode.surfaceType, masterNode.alphaMode, masterNode.twoSided.isOn); // Add tags at the SubShader level { var tagsVisitor = new ShaderStringBuilder(); materialOptions.GetTags(tagsVisitor); subShader.AddShaderChunk(tagsVisitor.ToString(), false); } // generate the necessary shader passes // bool opaque = (masterNode.surfaceType == SurfaceType.Opaque); // bool transparent = (masterNode.surfaceType != SurfaceType.Opaque); bool distortionActive = false; GenerateShaderPass(masterNode, m_PassDepthOnly, mode, materialOptions, subShader); GenerateShaderPass(masterNode, m_PassForward, mode, materialOptions, subShader); GenerateShaderPass(masterNode, m_PassMETA, mode, materialOptions, subShader); if (distortionActive) { GenerateShaderPass(masterNode, m_PassDistortion, mode, materialOptions, subShader); } } subShader.Deindent(); subShader.AddShaderChunk("}", true); return subShader.GetShaderString(0); } } }