using System.Collections.Generic; namespace UnityEngine.Experimental { #if UNITY_EDITOR using UnityEditor; public class InputManagerEntry { public enum Kind { KeyOrButton, Mouse, Axis } public enum Axis { X, Y, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eigth } public enum Joy { All, First, Second } public string name = ""; public string desc = ""; public string btnNegative = ""; public string btnPositive = ""; public string altBtnNegative = ""; public string altBtnPositive = ""; public float gravity = 0.0f; public float deadZone = 0.0f; public float sensitivity = 0.0f; public bool snap = false; public bool invert = false; public Kind kind = Kind.Axis; public Axis axis = Axis.X; public Joy joystick = Joy.All; } public class InputRegistering { static bool InputAlreadyRegistered(string name, InputManagerEntry.Kind kind, SerializedProperty spAxes) { for (var i = 0; i < spAxes.arraySize; ++i) { var spAxis = spAxes.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i); var axisName = spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("m_Name").stringValue; var kindValue = spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("type").intValue; if (axisName == name && (int)kind == kindValue) return true; } return false; } static void WriteEntry(SerializedProperty spAxes, InputManagerEntry entry) { if (InputAlreadyRegistered(, entry.kind, spAxes)) return; spAxes.InsertArrayElementAtIndex(spAxes.arraySize); var spAxis = spAxes.GetArrayElementAtIndex(spAxes.arraySize - 1); spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("m_Name").stringValue =; spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("descriptiveName").stringValue = entry.desc; spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("negativeButton").stringValue = entry.btnNegative; spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("altNegativeButton").stringValue = entry.altBtnNegative; spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("positiveButton").stringValue = entry.btnPositive; spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("altPositiveButton").stringValue = entry.altBtnPositive; spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("gravity").floatValue = entry.gravity; spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("dead").floatValue = entry.deadZone; spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("sensitivity").floatValue = entry.sensitivity; spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("snap").boolValue = entry.snap; spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("invert").boolValue = entry.invert; spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("type").intValue = (int)entry.kind; spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("axis").intValue = (int)entry.axis; spAxis.FindPropertyRelative("joyNum").intValue = (int)entry.joystick; } public static void RegisterInputs(List entries) { // Grab reference to input manager var assets = AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetsAtPath("ProjectSettings/InputManager.asset"); // Temporary fix. This happens some time with HDRP init when it's called before asset database is initialized (probably related to package load order). if (assets.Length == 0) return; var inputManager = assets[0]; // Wrap in serialized object var soInputManager = new SerializedObject(inputManager); var spAxes = soInputManager.FindProperty("m_Axes"); foreach (InputManagerEntry entry in entries) { WriteEntry(spAxes, entry); } // Commit soInputManager.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } } #endif }