using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering; namespace UnityEditor.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline { class StackLitGUI : BaseMaterialGUI { #region Strings protected const string k_DoubleSidedNormalMode = "_DoubleSidedNormalMode"; protected const string k_UVBase = "_UVBase"; // Base protected const string k_BaseColor = "_BaseColor"; protected const string k_BaseColorMap = "_BaseColorMap"; protected const string k_Metallic = "_Metallic"; protected const string k_MetallicMap = "_MetallicMap"; protected const string k_MetallicRemapMin = "_MetallicRemap"; protected const string k_Smoothness1 = "_SmoothnessA"; protected const string k_Smoothness1Map = "_SmoothnessAMap"; protected const string k_Smoothness1RemapMin = "_SmoothnessARemap"; protected const string k_NormalMap = "_NormalMap"; protected const string k_NormalScale = "_NormalScale"; // Emissive protected const string k_EmissiveColor = "_EmissiveColor"; protected const string k_EmissiveColorMap = "_EmissiveColorMap"; protected const string k_EmissiveIntensity = "_EmissiveIntensity"; protected const string k_AlbedoAffectEmissive = "_AlbedoAffectEmissive"; // SSS protected const string k_DiffusionProfileName = "_DiffusionProfile"; protected const string k_SubsurfaceMaskName = "_SubsurfaceMask"; protected const string k_SubsurfaceMaskMap = "_SubsurfaceMaskMap"; protected const string k_ThicknessName = "_Thickness"; protected const string k_ThicknessMapName = "_ThicknessMap"; protected const string k_ThicknessRemapName = "_ThicknessRemap"; // Second Lobe. protected const string k_Smoothness2 = "_SmoothnessB"; protected const string k_Smoothness2Map = "_SmoothnessBMap"; protected const string k_SmoothnessRemap2Min = "_SmoothnessBRemap"; protected const string k_LobeMix = "_LobeMix"; //// transparency params //protected MaterialProperty transmissionEnable = null; //protected const string kTransmissionEnable = "_TransmissionEnable"; //protected MaterialProperty ior = null; //protected const string kIor = "_Ior"; //protected MaterialProperty transmittanceColor = null; //protected const string kTransmittanceColor = "_TransmittanceColor"; //protected MaterialProperty transmittanceColorMap = null; //protected const string kTransmittanceColorMap = "_TransmittanceColorMap"; //protected MaterialProperty atDistance = null; //protected const string kATDistance = "_ATDistance"; //protected MaterialProperty thicknessMultiplier = null; //protected const string kThicknessMultiplier = "_ThicknessMultiplier"; //protected MaterialProperty refractionModel = null; //protected const string kRefractionModel = "_RefractionModel"; //protected MaterialProperty refractionSSRayModel = null; //protected const string kRefractionSSRayModel = "_RefractionSSRayModel"; #endregion // Add the properties into an array. private readonly GroupProperty _baseMaterialProperties = null; private readonly GroupProperty _materialProperties = null; public StackLitGUI() { _baseMaterialProperties = new GroupProperty(this, new BaseProperty[] { // JFFTODO: Find the proper condition, and proper way to display this. new Property(this, k_DoubleSidedNormalMode, "Normal mode", "This will modify the normal base on the selected mode. Mirror: Mirror the normal with vertex normal plane, Flip: Flip the normal.", false), }); _materialProperties = new GroupProperty(this, new BaseProperty[] { new GroupProperty(this, "Standard", new BaseProperty[] { new TextureProperty(this, k_BaseColorMap, k_BaseColor, "Base Color + Opacity", "Albedo (RGB) and Opacity (A)", false), new TextureProperty(this, k_MetallicMap, k_Metallic, "Metallic", "Metallic", false), new TextureProperty(this, k_Smoothness1Map, k_Smoothness1, "Smoothness", "Smoothness", false), // TODO: Special case for normal maps. new TextureProperty(this, k_NormalMap, k_NormalScale, "Normal TODO", "Normal Map", false, true), //new TextureProperty(this, k_BaseColorMap, k_BaseColor, "Dielectric IoR", "Index of Refraction for Dielectric", false), }), new GroupProperty(this, "Emissive", new BaseProperty[] { new TextureProperty(this, k_EmissiveColorMap, k_EmissiveColor, "Emissive Color", "Emissive", false), new Property(this, k_EmissiveIntensity, "Emissive Intensity", "Emissive", false), new Property(this, k_AlbedoAffectEmissive, "Albedo Affect Emissive", "Specifies whether or not the emissive color is multiplied by the albedo.", false), }), //new GroupProperty(this, "Coat", new BaseProperty[] //{ // new TextureProperty(this, k_BaseColorMap, k_BaseColor, "SmoothnessCoat", "smoothnessCoat", false), // new TextureProperty(this, k_BaseColorMap, k_BaseColor, "Index Of Refraction", "iorCoat", false), // new TextureProperty(this, k_BaseColorMap, k_BaseColor, "Normal", "normal Coat", false), //}), new GroupProperty(this, "Sub-Surface Scattering", new BaseProperty[] { new DiffusionProfileProperty(this, k_DiffusionProfileName, "Diffusion Profile", "A profile determines the shape of the SSS/transmission filter.", false), new TextureProperty(this, k_SubsurfaceMaskName, "Subsurface mask map (R)", "Determines the strength of the subsurface scattering effect.", false), }/*, _ => _materialId == MaterialId.SubSurfaceScattering*/), new GroupProperty(this, "Second Specular Lobe", new BaseProperty[] { new TextureProperty(this, k_Smoothness2Map, k_Smoothness2, "Smoothness2", "Smoothness2", false), new Property(this, k_LobeMix, "Lobe Mix", "Lobe Mix", false), }), //new GroupProperty(this, "Anisotropy", new BaseProperty[] //{ // new TextureProperty(this, k_BaseColorMap, k_BaseColor, "Anisotropy Strength", "anisotropy strength", false), // new TextureProperty(this, k_BaseColorMap, k_BaseColor, "Rotation", "rotation", false), // new TextureProperty(this, k_BaseColorMap, k_BaseColor, "Tangent", "tangent", false), //}), new GroupProperty(this, "Transmission", new BaseProperty[] { new DiffusionProfileProperty(this, k_DiffusionProfileName, "Diffusion Profile", "A profile determines the shape of the SSS/transmission filter.", false), new TextureProperty(this, k_ThicknessName, "Thickness", "If subsurface scattering is enabled, low values allow some light to be transmitted through the object.", false), }), //new GroupProperty(this, "Iridescence", new BaseProperty[] //{ // new TextureProperty(this, k_BaseColorMap, k_BaseColor, "Index of Refraction", "Index of Refraction for Iridescence", false), // new TextureProperty(this, k_BaseColorMap, k_BaseColor, "Thickness", "Thickness", false), //}), //new GroupProperty(this, "Glint", new BaseProperty[] //{ // new TextureProperty(this, k_BaseColorMap, k_BaseColor, "Density", "Density:", false), // new TextureProperty(this, k_BaseColorMap, k_BaseColor, "Tint", "Tint", false), //}), }); } protected override bool ShouldEmissionBeEnabled(Material material) { return material.GetFloat(k_EmissiveIntensity) > 0.0f; } protected override void FindBaseMaterialProperties(MaterialProperty[] props) { base.FindBaseMaterialProperties(props); _baseMaterialProperties.OnFindProperty(props); } protected override void FindMaterialProperties(MaterialProperty[] props) { //base.FindMaterialProperties(props); _materialProperties.OnFindProperty(props); } protected override void BaseMaterialPropertiesGUI() { base.BaseMaterialPropertiesGUI(); _baseMaterialProperties.OnGUI(); } protected override void MaterialPropertiesGUI(Material material) { _materialProperties.OnGUI(); } protected override void MaterialPropertiesAdvanceGUI(Material material) { } protected override void VertexAnimationPropertiesGUI() { } protected override void SetupMaterialKeywordsAndPassInternal(Material material) { SetupMaterialKeywordsAndPass(material); } // All Setup Keyword functions must be static. It allow to create script to automatically update the shaders with a script if code change static public void SetupMaterialKeywordsAndPass(Material material) { //TODO see BaseLitUI.cs:SetupBaseLitKeywords (stencil etc) SetupBaseUnlitKeywords(material); SetupBaseUnlitMaterialPass(material); bool doubleSidedEnable = material.GetFloat(kDoubleSidedEnable) > 0.0f; if (doubleSidedEnable) { BaseLitGUI.DoubleSidedNormalMode doubleSidedNormalMode = (BaseLitGUI.DoubleSidedNormalMode)material.GetFloat(k_DoubleSidedNormalMode); switch (doubleSidedNormalMode) { case BaseLitGUI.DoubleSidedNormalMode.Mirror: // Mirror mode (in tangent space) material.SetVector("_DoubleSidedConstants", new Vector4(1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f)); break; case BaseLitGUI.DoubleSidedNormalMode.Flip: // Flip mode (in tangent space) material.SetVector("_DoubleSidedConstants", new Vector4(-1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f)); break; case BaseLitGUI.DoubleSidedNormalMode.None: // None mode (in tangent space) material.SetVector("_DoubleSidedConstants", new Vector4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)); break; } } //NOTE: For SSS in forward and split lighting, obviously we don't have a gbuffer pass, // so no stencil tagging there, but velocity? To check... //TODO: stencil state, displacement, wind, depthoffset, tessellation SetupMainTexForAlphaTestGI("_BaseColorMap", "_BaseColor", material); //TODO: disable DBUFFER CoreUtils.SetKeyword(material, "_NORMALMAP_TANGENT_SPACE", true); CoreUtils.SetKeyword(material, "_NORMALMAP", material.GetTexture(k_NormalMap)); CoreUtils.SetKeyword(material, "_SMOOTHNESSMASKMAPA", material.GetTexture(k_Smoothness1Map)); CoreUtils.SetKeyword(material, "_SMOOTHNESSMASKMAPB", material.GetTexture(k_Smoothness2Map)); CoreUtils.SetKeyword(material, "_METALLICMAP", material.GetTexture(k_MetallicMap)); CoreUtils.SetKeyword(material, "_EMISSIVE_COLOR_MAP", material.GetTexture(k_EmissiveColorMap)); //bool needUV2 = (LitGUI.UVBaseMapping)material.GetFloat(k_UVBase) == LitGUI.UVBaseMapping.UV2; //bool needUV3 = (LitGUI.UVBaseMapping)material.GetFloat(k_UVBase) == LitGUI.UVBaseMapping.UV3; //if (needUV3) //{ // material.DisableKeyword("_REQUIRE_UV2"); // material.EnableKeyword("_REQUIRE_UV3"); //} //else if (needUV2) //{ // material.EnableKeyword("_REQUIRE_UV2"); // material.DisableKeyword("_REQUIRE_UV3"); //} //else //{ // material.DisableKeyword("_REQUIRE_UV2"); // material.DisableKeyword("_REQUIRE_UV3"); //} CoreUtils.SetKeyword(material, "_EMISSIVE_COLOR_MAP", material.GetTexture(k_EmissiveColorMap)); } } } // namespace UnityEditor