using System; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering; namespace UnityEditor.Experimental.Rendering { [Serializable] public abstract class DebugState : ScriptableObject { [SerializeField] protected string m_QueryPath; // We need this to keep track of the state modified in the current frame. // This helps reduces the cost of re-applying states to original widgets and is also needed // when two states point to the same value (e.g. when using split enums like HDRP does for // the `fullscreenDebugMode`. internal static DebugState m_CurrentDirtyState; public string queryPath { get { return m_QueryPath; } internal set { m_QueryPath = value; } } public abstract object GetValue(); public abstract void SetValue(object value, DebugUI.IValueField field); public virtual void OnEnable() { hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave; } } [Serializable] public class DebugState : DebugState { [SerializeField] protected T m_Value; public virtual T value { get { return m_Value; } set { m_Value = value; } } public override object GetValue() { return value; } public override void SetValue(object value, DebugUI.IValueField field) { this.value = (T)field.ValidateValue(value); } public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { int hash = 13; hash = hash * 23 + m_QueryPath.GetHashCode(); hash = hash * 23 + m_Value.GetHashCode(); return hash; } } } public sealed class DebugStateAttribute : Attribute { public readonly Type[] types; public DebugStateAttribute(params Type[] types) { this.types = types; } } // Builtins [Serializable, DebugState(typeof(DebugUI.BoolField), typeof(DebugUI.Foldout))] public sealed class DebugStateBool : DebugState {} [Serializable, DebugState(typeof(DebugUI.IntField), typeof(DebugUI.EnumField))] public sealed class DebugStateInt : DebugState {} [Serializable, DebugState(typeof(DebugUI.UIntField))] public sealed class DebugStateUInt : DebugState {} [Serializable, DebugState(typeof(DebugUI.FloatField))] public sealed class DebugStateFloat : DebugState {} [Serializable, DebugState(typeof(DebugUI.ColorField))] public sealed class DebugStateColor : DebugState {} [Serializable, DebugState(typeof(DebugUI.Vector2Field))] public sealed class DebugStateVector2 : DebugState {} [Serializable, DebugState(typeof(DebugUI.Vector3Field))] public sealed class DebugStateVector3 : DebugState {} [Serializable, DebugState(typeof(DebugUI.Vector4Field))] public sealed class DebugStateVector4 : DebugState {} }