using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering; using UnityEngine.Rendering; namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline { public class DecalSystem { static DecalSystem m_Instance; static public DecalSystem instance { get { if (m_Instance == null) m_Instance = new DecalSystem(); return m_Instance; } } private const int kDefaultDrawDistance = 1000; public int DrawDistance { get { HDRenderPipelineAsset hdrp = GraphicsSettings.renderPipelineAsset as HDRenderPipelineAsset; if (hdrp != null) { return hdrp.renderPipelineSettings.decalSettings.drawDistance; } return kDefaultDrawDistance; } } public TextureCache2D TextureAtlas { get { if (m_DecalAtlas == null) { m_DecalAtlas = new TextureCache2D(); m_DecalAtlas.AllocTextureArray(2048, 128, 128, TextureFormat.RGBA32, true); } return m_DecalAtlas; } } private static readonly int m_NormalToWorldID = Shader.PropertyToID("normalToWorld"); private static readonly int m_DecalAtlasID = Shader.PropertyToID("_DecalAtlas"); private static MaterialPropertyBlock m_PropertyBlock = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); private const int kDecalBlockSize = 128; // to work on Vulkan Mobile? // Core\CoreRP\ShaderLibrary\UnityInstancing.hlsl // #if defined(SHADER_API_VULKAN) && defined(SHADER_API_MOBILE) // #define UNITY_INSTANCED_ARRAY_SIZE 250 private const int kDrawIndexedBatchSize = 250; // cube mesh bounds for decal static Vector4 kMin = new Vector4(-0.5f, -1.0f, -0.5f, 1.0f); static Vector4 kMax = new Vector4( 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f); static public Mesh m_DecalMesh = null; static public Matrix4x4[] m_InstanceMatrices = new Matrix4x4[kDrawIndexedBatchSize]; static public Matrix4x4[] m_InstanceNormalToWorld = new Matrix4x4[kDrawIndexedBatchSize]; static public float[] m_BoundingDistances = new float[1]; private Dictionary m_DecalSets = new Dictionary(); private TextureCache2D m_DecalAtlas = null; private class DecalSet { private void InitializeMaterialValues() { m_DiffuseTexture = m_Material.GetTexture("_BaseColorMap"); m_NormalTexture = m_Material.GetTexture("_NormalMap"); m_MaskTexture = m_Material.GetTexture("_MaskMap"); m_Blend = m_Material.GetFloat("_DecalBlend"); } public DecalSet(Material material) { m_Material = material; InitializeMaterialValues(); } private BoundingSphere GetDecalProjectBoundingSphere(Matrix4x4 decalToWorld) { Vector4 min = new Vector4(); Vector4 max = new Vector4(); min = decalToWorld * kMin; max = decalToWorld * kMax; BoundingSphere res = new BoundingSphere(); res.position = (max + min) / 2; res.radius = ((Vector3) (max - min)).magnitude / 2; return res; } public void UpdateCachedData(DecalProjectorComponent decal) { m_CachedTransforms[decal.CullIndex] = decal.transform.localToWorldMatrix; Matrix4x4 decalRotation = Matrix4x4.Rotate(decal.transform.rotation); // z/y axis swap for normal to decal space, Unity is column major float y0 = decalRotation.m01; float y1 = decalRotation.m11; float y2 = decalRotation.m21; decalRotation.m01 = decalRotation.m02; decalRotation.m11 = decalRotation.m12; decalRotation.m21 = decalRotation.m22; decalRotation.m02 = y0; decalRotation.m12 = y1; decalRotation.m22 = y2; m_CachedNormalToWorld[decal.CullIndex] = decalRotation; // draw distance can't be more than global draw distance m_CachedDrawDistances[decal.CullIndex].x = decal.m_DrawDistance < instance.DrawDistance ? decal.m_DrawDistance : instance.DrawDistance; m_CachedDrawDistances[decal.CullIndex].y = decal.m_FadeScale; m_BoundingSpheres[decal.CullIndex] = GetDecalProjectBoundingSphere(m_CachedTransforms[decal.CullIndex]); } public void AddDecal(DecalProjectorComponent decal) { // increase array size if no space left if (m_DecalsCount == m_Decals.Length) { DecalProjectorComponent[] newDecals = new DecalProjectorComponent[m_DecalsCount + kDecalBlockSize]; BoundingSphere[] newSpheres = new BoundingSphere[m_DecalsCount + kDecalBlockSize]; Matrix4x4[] newCachedTransforms = new Matrix4x4[m_DecalsCount + kDecalBlockSize]; Matrix4x4[] newCachedNormalToWorld = new Matrix4x4[m_DecalsCount + kDecalBlockSize]; Vector2[] newCachedDrawDistances = new Vector2[m_DecalsCount + kDecalBlockSize]; m_ResultIndices = new int[m_DecalsCount + kDecalBlockSize]; m_Decals.CopyTo(newDecals, 0); m_BoundingSpheres.CopyTo(newSpheres, 0); m_CachedTransforms.CopyTo(newCachedTransforms, 0); m_CachedNormalToWorld.CopyTo(newCachedNormalToWorld, 0); m_CachedDrawDistances.CopyTo(newCachedDrawDistances, 0); m_Decals = newDecals; m_BoundingSpheres = newSpheres; m_CachedTransforms = newCachedTransforms; m_CachedNormalToWorld = newCachedNormalToWorld; m_CachedDrawDistances = newCachedDrawDistances; } m_Decals[m_DecalsCount] = decal; m_Decals[m_DecalsCount].CullIndex = m_DecalsCount; UpdateCachedData(m_Decals[m_DecalsCount]); m_DecalsCount++; } public void RemoveDecal(DecalProjectorComponent decal) { int removeAtIndex = decal.CullIndex; // replace with last decal in the list and update index m_Decals[removeAtIndex] = m_Decals[m_DecalsCount - 1]; // move the last decal in list m_Decals[removeAtIndex].CullIndex = removeAtIndex; m_Decals[m_DecalsCount - 1] = null; // update the bounding spheres array m_BoundingSpheres[removeAtIndex] = m_BoundingSpheres[m_DecalsCount - 1]; m_CachedTransforms[removeAtIndex] = m_CachedTransforms[m_DecalsCount - 1]; m_CachedNormalToWorld[removeAtIndex] = m_CachedNormalToWorld[m_DecalsCount - 1]; m_CachedDrawDistances[removeAtIndex] = m_CachedDrawDistances[m_DecalsCount - 1]; m_DecalsCount--; decal.CullIndex = DecalProjectorComponent.kInvalidIndex; } public void BeginCull(Camera camera) { if (m_CullingGroup != null) { Debug.LogError("Begin/EndCull() called out of sequence for decal projectors."); } // let the culling group code do some of the heavy lifting for global draw distance m_BoundingDistances[0] = DecalSystem.instance.DrawDistance; m_NumResults = 0; m_CullingGroup = new CullingGroup(); m_CullingGroup.targetCamera = camera; m_CullingGroup.SetDistanceReferencePoint(camera.transform.position); m_CullingGroup.SetBoundingDistances(m_BoundingDistances); m_CullingGroup.SetBoundingSpheres(m_BoundingSpheres); m_CullingGroup.SetBoundingSphereCount(m_DecalsCount); } public int QueryCullResults() { m_NumResults = m_CullingGroup.QueryIndices(true, m_ResultIndices, 0); return m_NumResults; } public void EndCull() { if (m_CullingGroup == null) { Debug.LogError("Begin/EndCull() called out of sequence for decal projectors."); } else { m_CullingGroup.Dispose(); m_CullingGroup = null; } } void UpdateTextureCache(CommandBuffer cmd) { if ((m_DiffuseTexIndex == -1) && (m_DiffuseTexture != null)) { m_DiffuseTexIndex = instance.TextureAtlas.FetchSlice(cmd, m_DiffuseTexture); } if ((m_NormalTexIndex == -1) && (m_NormalTexture != null)) { m_NormalTexIndex = instance.TextureAtlas.FetchSlice(cmd, m_NormalTexture); } if ((m_MaskTexIndex == -1) && (m_MaskTexture != null)) { m_MaskTexIndex = instance.TextureAtlas.FetchSlice(cmd, m_MaskTexture); } } public void RemoveFromTextureCache() { if (m_DiffuseTexture != null) { instance.TextureAtlas.RemoveEntryFromSlice(m_DiffuseTexture); } if (m_NormalTexture != null) { instance.TextureAtlas.RemoveEntryFromSlice(m_NormalTexture); } if (m_MaskTexture != null) { instance.TextureAtlas.RemoveEntryFromSlice(m_MaskTexture); } } public void Render(ScriptableRenderContext renderContext, HDCamera camera, CommandBuffer cmd, LightLoop lightLoop) { if(m_NumResults == 0) return; InitializeMaterialValues(); // refresh in case they changed in the UI UpdateTextureCache(cmd); var worldToView = Matrix4x4.Scale(new Vector3(1, 1, -1)) *; int instanceCount = 0; Vector3 cameraPos = camera.cameraPos; for (int resultIndex = 0; resultIndex < m_NumResults; resultIndex++) { int decalIndex = m_ResultIndices[resultIndex]; // do additional culling based on individual decal draw distances float distanceToDecal = (cameraPos - m_BoundingSpheres[decalIndex].position).magnitude; float cullDistance = m_CachedDrawDistances[decalIndex].x + m_BoundingSpheres[decalIndex].radius; if (distanceToDecal < cullDistance) { m_InstanceMatrices[instanceCount] = m_CachedTransforms[decalIndex]; m_InstanceNormalToWorld[instanceCount] = m_CachedNormalToWorld[decalIndex]; float fadeFactor = Mathf.Clamp((cullDistance - distanceToDecal) / (cullDistance * (1.0f - m_CachedDrawDistances[decalIndex].y)), 0.0f, 1.0f); m_InstanceNormalToWorld[instanceCount].m03 = fadeFactor * m_Blend; // rotation only matrix so 3rd column can be used to pass some values m_InstanceNormalToWorld[instanceCount].m13 = m_DiffuseTexIndex; m_InstanceNormalToWorld[instanceCount].m23 = m_NormalTexIndex; m_InstanceNormalToWorld[instanceCount].m33 = m_MaskTexIndex; DecalData decalData = new DecalData(); decalData.worldToDecal = m_CachedTransforms[decalIndex].inverse; decalData.normalToWorld = m_InstanceNormalToWorld[instanceCount]; lightLoop.GetDecalVolumeDataAndBound(decalData, m_CachedTransforms[decalIndex], worldToView); instanceCount++; if (instanceCount == kDrawIndexedBatchSize) { m_PropertyBlock.SetMatrixArray(m_NormalToWorldID, m_InstanceNormalToWorld); cmd.DrawMeshInstanced(m_DecalMesh, 0, KeyMaterial, 0, m_InstanceMatrices, kDrawIndexedBatchSize, m_PropertyBlock); instanceCount = 0; } } } if (instanceCount > 0) { m_PropertyBlock.SetMatrixArray(m_NormalToWorldID, m_InstanceNormalToWorld); cmd.DrawMeshInstanced(m_DecalMesh, 0, KeyMaterial, 0, m_InstanceMatrices, instanceCount, m_PropertyBlock); } } public Material KeyMaterial { get { return this.m_Material; } } public int Count { get { return this.m_DecalsCount; } } private CullingGroup m_CullingGroup = null; private BoundingSphere[] m_BoundingSpheres = new BoundingSphere[kDecalBlockSize]; private DecalProjectorComponent[] m_Decals = new DecalProjectorComponent[kDecalBlockSize]; private int[] m_ResultIndices = new int[kDecalBlockSize]; private int m_NumResults = 0; private int m_DecalsCount = 0; private Matrix4x4[] m_CachedTransforms = new Matrix4x4[kDecalBlockSize]; private Matrix4x4[] m_CachedNormalToWorld = new Matrix4x4[kDecalBlockSize]; private Vector2[] m_CachedDrawDistances = new Vector2[kDecalBlockSize]; // x - draw distance, y - fade scale private Material m_Material; private Texture m_DiffuseTexture = null; private Texture m_NormalTexture = null; private Texture m_MaskTexture = null; private float m_Blend = 0; private int m_DiffuseTexIndex = -1; private int m_NormalTexIndex = -1; private int m_MaskTexIndex = -1; } public void AddDecal(DecalProjectorComponent decal) { if (decal.CullIndex != DecalProjectorComponent.kInvalidIndex) //do not add the same decal more than once return; if(!decal.IsValid()) return; DecalSet decalSet = null; int key = decal.m_Material.GetInstanceID(); if (!m_DecalSets.TryGetValue(key, out decalSet)) { decalSet = new DecalSet(decal.m_Material); m_DecalSets.Add(key, decalSet); } decalSet.AddDecal(decal); } public void RemoveDecal(DecalProjectorComponent decal) { if (decal.CullIndex == DecalProjectorComponent.kInvalidIndex) // check if we have this decal return; DecalSet decalSet = null; int key = decal.m_Material.GetInstanceID(); if (m_DecalSets.TryGetValue(key, out decalSet)) { decalSet.RemoveDecal(decal); if (decalSet.Count == 0) { decalSet.RemoveFromTextureCache(); m_DecalSets.Remove(key); } } } public void UpdateCachedData(DecalProjectorComponent decal) { if (decal.CullIndex == DecalProjectorComponent.kInvalidIndex) // check if we have this decal return; DecalSet decalSet = null; int key = decal.m_Material.GetInstanceID(); if (m_DecalSets.TryGetValue(key, out decalSet)) { decalSet.UpdateCachedData(decal); } } public void BeginCull(Camera camera) { foreach (var pair in m_DecalSets) { pair.Value.BeginCull(camera); } } public int QueryCullResults() { int totalVisibleDecals = 0; foreach (var pair in m_DecalSets) { totalVisibleDecals += pair.Value.QueryCullResults(); } return totalVisibleDecals; } public void EndCull() { foreach (var pair in m_DecalSets) { pair.Value.EndCull(); } } // need a better way than passing light loop here public void Render(ScriptableRenderContext renderContext, HDCamera camera, CommandBuffer cmd, LightLoop lightLoop) { if (m_DecalMesh == null) m_DecalMesh = CoreUtils.CreateCubeMesh(kMin, kMax); foreach (var pair in m_DecalSets) { pair.Value.Render(renderContext, camera, cmd, lightLoop); } } public void SetAtlas(CommandBuffer cmd) { cmd.SetGlobalTexture(m_DecalAtlasID, m_DecalAtlas.GetTexCache()); } } }