using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; #if UNITY_EDITOR using UnityEditor; #endif using UnityEngine.Graphing; namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph { /* [Serializable] [Title("Master/Remapper")] public class RemapMasterNode : AbstractMasterNode , IOnAssetEnabled { [SerializeField] private string m_SerialziedRemapGraph = string.Empty; [Serializable] private class RemapGraphHelper { public MaterialRemapAsset subGraph; } public override bool allowedInRemapGraph { get { return false; } } public override string GetFullShader(GenerationMode mode, string name, out List configuredTextures) { var shaderTemplateLocation = ShaderGenerator.GetTemplatePath("shader.template"); if (remapAsset == null || !File.Exists(shaderTemplateLocation)) { configuredTextures = new List(); return string.Empty; } var shaderPropertiesVisitor = new PropertyGenerator(); // Step 1: Set this node as the remap target // Pass in the shader properties visitor here as // high level properties are shared // this is only used for the header var subShaders = remapAsset.masterRemapGraph.GetSubShadersFor(this, mode, shaderPropertiesVisitor); var templateText = File.ReadAllText(shaderTemplateLocation); var resultShader = templateText.Replace("${ShaderName}", name); resultShader = resultShader.Replace("${ShaderPropertiesHeader}", shaderPropertiesVisitor.GetShaderString(2)); if (subShaders != null) resultShader = resultShader.Replace("${SubShader}", subShaders.Aggregate(string.Empty, (i, j) => i + Environment.NewLine + j)); else resultShader = resultShader.Replace("${SubShader}", string.Empty); configuredTextures = shaderPropertiesVisitor.GetConfiguredTexutres(); return Regex.Replace(resultShader, @"\r\n|\n\r|\n|\r", Environment.NewLine); } public override string GetSubShader(GenerationMode mode, PropertyGenerator shaderPropertiesVisitor) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override void CollectPreviewMaterialProperties(List properties) { base.CollectPreviewMaterialProperties(properties); if (remapAsset == null) return; remapAsset.masterRemapGraph.CollectPreviewMaterialProperties(properties); } #if UNITY_EDITOR public MaterialRemapAsset remapAsset { get { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_SerialziedRemapGraph)) return null; var helper = new RemapGraphHelper(); EditorJsonUtility.FromJsonOverwrite(m_SerialziedRemapGraph, helper); return helper.subGraph; } set { if (remapAsset == value) return; var helper = new RemapGraphHelper(); helper.subGraph = value; m_SerialziedRemapGraph = EditorJsonUtility.ToJson(helper, true); OnEnable(); if (onModified != null) onModified(this, ModificationScope.Topological); } } #else public MaterialSubGraphAsset subGraphAsset {get; set; } #endif public override PreviewMode previewMode { get { if (remapAsset == null) return PreviewMode.Preview2D; return PreviewMode.Preview3D; } } public RemapMasterNode() { name = "Remapper"; } public void OnEnable() { var validNames = new List(); if (remapAsset == null) { RemoveSlotsNameNotMatching(validNames); return; } var inputNode = remapAsset.masterRemapGraph.inputNode; foreach (var slot in inputNode.GetOutputSlots()) { AddSlot(new MaterialSlot(, slot.displayName, slot.shaderOutputName, SlotType.Input, slot.valueType, slot.defaultValue)); validNames.Add(; } RemoveSlotsNameNotMatching(validNames); } }*/ }