using UnityEngine; namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering { // Class that users need to extend for runtime debug menu item UI public abstract class DebugItemUI { protected GameObject m_Root = null; protected DebugItem m_DebugItem = null; public bool dynamicDisplay { get { return (m_DebugItem.flags & DebugItemFlag.DynamicDisplay) != 0; } } public DebugItem debugItem { get { return m_DebugItem; } } protected DebugItemUI(DebugItem debugItem) { m_DebugItem = debugItem; } // Implement for selection specific beahavior (like changing color for example) public abstract void SetSelected(bool value); // Implement behavior when user execute the "Validate" action public abstract void OnValidate(); // Implement behavior when user execute the "Increment" action public abstract void OnIncrement(); // Implement behavior when user execute the "Decrement" action public abstract void OnDecrement(); // Implement this method to update the UI with current item value. // User must call it whenever Validate/Increment/Decrement is called. It will also be automatically called for dynamically displayed items. public abstract void Update(); } public class DebugSimpleItemUI : DebugItemUI { protected GameObject m_Name = null; protected GameObject m_Value = null; protected DebugSimpleItemUI(GameObject parent, DebugItem debugItem, string name) : base(debugItem) { m_Root = DebugMenuUI.CreateHorizontalLayoutGroup("", true, true, false, false, parent); m_Name = DebugMenuUI.CreateTextElement(, name, 10, TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, m_Root); var layoutElem = m_Name.AddComponent(); layoutElem.minWidth = DebugMenuUI.kDebugItemNameWidth; m_Value = DebugMenuUI.CreateTextElement(string.Format("{0} value", name), "", 10, TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, m_Root); } public override void SetSelected(bool value) { m_Name.GetComponent().color = value ? DebugMenuUI.kColorSelected : DebugMenuUI.kColorUnSelected; m_Value.GetComponent().color = value ? DebugMenuUI.kColorSelected : DebugMenuUI.kColorUnSelected; } public override void OnValidate() { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); } public override void OnIncrement() { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); } public override void OnDecrement() { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); } public override void Update() { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); } } public class DebugBoolItemUI : DebugSimpleItemUI { public DebugBoolItemUI(GameObject parent, DebugItem debugItem, string name) : base(parent, debugItem, name) { Update(); } public override void Update() { m_Value.GetComponent().text = (bool)m_DebugItem.GetValue() ? "True" : "False"; } public override void OnValidate() { m_DebugItem.SetValue(!(bool)m_DebugItem.GetValue()); Update(); } public override void OnIncrement() { OnValidate(); } public override void OnDecrement() { OnValidate(); } } public class DebugFloatItemUI : DebugSimpleItemUI { bool m_SelectIncrementMode = false; int m_CurrentIncrementIndex = -1; public DebugFloatItemUI(GameObject parent, DebugItem debugItem, string name) : base(parent, debugItem, name) { Update(); } public override void Update() { float currentValue = (float)m_DebugItem.GetValue(); bool isNegative = currentValue < 0.0f; // Easier to format the string without caring about the '-' sign. We add it back at the end currentValue = Mathf.Abs(currentValue); char separator = System.Convert.ToChar(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator); // Start with the maximum amount of trailing zeros string valueWithMaxDecimals = string.Format("{0:0.00000}", currentValue); // Remove trailing zeros until we reach the separator or we reach the decimal we are currently editing. int separatorIndex = valueWithMaxDecimals.LastIndexOf(separator); int index = valueWithMaxDecimals.Length - 1; while ( valueWithMaxDecimals[index] == '0' // Remove trailing zeros && index > (separatorIndex + 1) // until we reach the separator && index > (System.Math.Abs(m_CurrentIncrementIndex) + separatorIndex)) // Or it's the index of the current decimal being edited (so as to display the last trailing zero in this case) { index--; } string finalValue = new string(valueWithMaxDecimals.ToCharArray(), 0, index + 1); // Add leading zeros until we reach where the current order is being edited. if (m_CurrentIncrementIndex > 0) { float incrementValue = Mathf.Pow(10.0f, (float)m_CurrentIncrementIndex); if (incrementValue > currentValue) { float compareValue = currentValue + 1.0f; // Start at 1.0f because we know that we are going to increment by 10 or more while (incrementValue > compareValue) { finalValue = finalValue.Insert(0, "0"); compareValue *= 10.0f; } } } // When selecting which decimal/order you want to edit, we show brackets around the figure to show the user. if (m_SelectIncrementMode) { separatorIndex = finalValue.LastIndexOf(separator); // separator may have changed place if we added leading zeros int bracketIndex = separatorIndex - m_CurrentIncrementIndex; if (m_CurrentIncrementIndex >= 0) // Skip separator bracketIndex -= 1; finalValue = finalValue.Insert(bracketIndex, "["); finalValue = finalValue.Insert(bracketIndex + 2, "]"); } if (isNegative) finalValue = finalValue.Insert(0, "-"); m_Value.GetComponent().text = finalValue; } public override void OnValidate() { m_SelectIncrementMode = !m_SelectIncrementMode; Update(); } public override void OnIncrement() { if (!m_SelectIncrementMode) { m_DebugItem.SetValue((float)m_DebugItem.GetValue() + Mathf.Pow(10.0f, (float)m_CurrentIncrementIndex)); } else { m_CurrentIncrementIndex -= 1; // * 0.1 (10^m_CurrentIncrementIndex) m_CurrentIncrementIndex = System.Math.Max(-5, m_CurrentIncrementIndex); } Update(); } public override void OnDecrement() { if (!m_SelectIncrementMode) { m_DebugItem.SetValue((float)m_DebugItem.GetValue() - Mathf.Pow(10.0f, (float)m_CurrentIncrementIndex)); } else { m_CurrentIncrementIndex += 1; // * 10 (10^m_CurrentIncrementIndex) } Update(); } } // Everything is done with int. We don't really care about values > 2b for debugging. public class DebugIntegerItemUI : DebugSimpleItemUI { bool m_SelectIncrementMode = false; int m_CurrentIncrementIndex = 0; public DebugIntegerItemUI(GameObject parent, DebugItem debugItem, string name) : base(parent, debugItem, name) { } protected void UpdateText(int value) { bool isNegative = value < 0f; // Easier to format the string without caring about the '-' sign. We add it back at the end value = System.Math.Abs(value); string finalValue = string.Format("{0}", value); // Add leading zeros until we reach where the current order is being edited. if (m_CurrentIncrementIndex > 0) { int incrementValue = (int)System.Math.Pow(10, m_CurrentIncrementIndex); if (incrementValue > value) { int compareValue = System.Math.Max(value, 1); while (incrementValue > compareValue) { finalValue = finalValue.Insert(0, "0"); compareValue *= 10; } } } // When selecting which decimal/order you want to edit, we show brackets around the figure to show the user. if (m_SelectIncrementMode) { int bracketIndex = finalValue.Length - 1 - m_CurrentIncrementIndex; finalValue = finalValue.Insert(bracketIndex, "["); finalValue = finalValue.Insert(bracketIndex + 2, "]"); } if (isNegative) finalValue = finalValue.Insert(0, "-"); m_Value.GetComponent().text = finalValue; } protected virtual int GetIntegerValue() { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); } protected virtual void SetIntegerValue(int value) { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); } public override void Update() { UpdateText(GetIntegerValue()); } public override void OnValidate() { m_SelectIncrementMode = !m_SelectIncrementMode; Update(); } public override void OnIncrement() { if (!m_SelectIncrementMode) { SetIntegerValue(GetIntegerValue() + (int)Mathf.Pow(10.0f, (float)m_CurrentIncrementIndex)); } else { m_CurrentIncrementIndex -= 1; // *= 0.1 (10^m_CurrentIncrementIndex) m_CurrentIncrementIndex = System.Math.Max(0, m_CurrentIncrementIndex); } Update(); } public override void OnDecrement() { if (!m_SelectIncrementMode) { SetIntegerValue(GetIntegerValue() - (int)Mathf.Pow(10.0f, (float)m_CurrentIncrementIndex)); } else { m_CurrentIncrementIndex += 1; // *= 10 (10^m_CurrentIncrementIndex) m_CurrentIncrementIndex = System.Math.Max(0, m_CurrentIncrementIndex); } Update(); } } public class DebugIntItemUI : DebugIntegerItemUI { public DebugIntItemUI(GameObject parent, DebugItem debugItem, string name) : base(parent, debugItem, name) { UpdateText((int)m_DebugItem.GetValue()); } protected override int GetIntegerValue() { return (int)m_DebugItem.GetValue(); } protected override void SetIntegerValue(int value) { m_DebugItem.SetValue(value); } } public class DebugUIntItemUI : DebugIntegerItemUI { public DebugUIntItemUI(GameObject parent, DebugItem debugItem, string name) : base(parent, debugItem, name) { UpdateText((int)(uint)m_DebugItem.GetValue()); } protected override int GetIntegerValue() { return (int)(uint)m_DebugItem.GetValue(); } protected override void SetIntegerValue(int value) { m_DebugItem.SetValue((uint)System.Math.Max(0, value)); } } public class DebugEnumItemUI : DebugSimpleItemUI { int m_CurrentValueIndex = 0; GUIContent[] m_ValueNames; int[] m_Values; public DebugEnumItemUI(GameObject parent, DebugItem debugItem, string name, GUIContent[] valueNames, int[] values) : base(parent, debugItem, name) { m_Values = values; m_ValueNames = valueNames; m_CurrentValueIndex = FindIndexForValue((int)m_DebugItem.GetValue()); Update(); } private int FindIndexForValue(int value) { for (int i = 0; i < m_Values.Length; ++i) { if (m_Values[i] == value) return i; } return -1; } public override void Update() { if (m_CurrentValueIndex != -1) { m_Value.GetComponent().text = m_ValueNames[m_CurrentValueIndex].text; } } public override void OnValidate() { OnIncrement(); } public override void OnIncrement() { m_CurrentValueIndex = (m_CurrentValueIndex + 1) % m_Values.Length; m_DebugItem.SetValue(m_Values[m_CurrentValueIndex]); Update(); } public override void OnDecrement() { m_CurrentValueIndex -= 1; if (m_CurrentValueIndex < 0) m_CurrentValueIndex = m_Values.Length - 1; m_DebugItem.SetValue(m_Values[m_CurrentValueIndex]); Update(); } } public class DebugColorItemUI : DebugItemUI { protected GameObject m_Name = null; protected GameObject m_ColorRect = null; public DebugColorItemUI(GameObject parent, DebugItem debugItem, string name) : base(debugItem) { m_DebugItem = debugItem; m_Root = DebugMenuUI.CreateHorizontalLayoutGroup(name, true, true, false, false, parent); m_Name = DebugMenuUI.CreateTextElement(, name, 10, TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, m_Root); var layoutElemName = m_Name.AddComponent(); layoutElemName.minWidth = DebugMenuUI.kDebugItemNameWidth; // Force layout because we need the right height for the color rect element afterward. UI.LayoutRebuilder.ForceRebuildLayoutImmediate(m_Root.GetComponent()); RectTransform nameRect = m_Name.GetComponent(); m_ColorRect = new GameObject(); m_ColorRect.transform.SetParent(m_Root.transform, false); m_ColorRect.AddComponent(); UI.LayoutElement layoutElem = m_ColorRect.AddComponent(); // We need to set min width/height because without an image, the size would be zero. layoutElem.minHeight = nameRect.rect.height; layoutElem.minWidth = 40.0f; Update(); } public override void Update() { Color currentValue = (Color)m_DebugItem.GetValue(); UI.Image image = m_ColorRect.GetComponent(); image.color = currentValue; } public override void SetSelected(bool value) { m_Name.GetComponent().color = value ? DebugMenuUI.kColorSelected : DebugMenuUI.kColorUnSelected; } // TODO: Edit mode! public override void OnValidate() { } public override void OnIncrement() { } public override void OnDecrement() { } } }