using System; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.RMGUI; namespace RMGUI.GraphView { public class ClickSelector : MouseManipulator { public ClickSelector() { // snoop events before children phaseInterest = EventPhase.Capture; activateButton = MouseButton.LeftMouse; } public override EventPropagation HandleEvent(Event evt, VisualElement finalTarget) { var selectable = finalTarget.GetFirstOfType(); if (selectable == null || !selectable.IsSelectable()) { return EventPropagation.Continue; } var graphView = target as GraphView; if (graphView == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Manipulator can only be added to a GraphView"); } switch (evt.type) { case EventType.MouseDown: if (CanStartManipulation(evt)) { if (graphView.selection.Contains(selectable)) { if (evt.control) { graphView.RemoveFromSelection(selectable); return EventPropagation.Stop; } break; } var ve = selectable as VisualElement; if (ve != null && ve.parent == graphView.contentViewContainer) { if (!evt.control) graphView.ClearSelection(); graphView.AddToSelection(selectable); } } break; } return EventPropagation.Continue; } } }