Pass { Tags{"LightMode" = "LightweightForward"} // Material options generated by graph ${Tags} ${Blending} ${Culling} ${ZTest} ${ZWrite} HLSLPROGRAM // Required to compile gles 2.0 with standard srp library #pragma prefer_hlslcc gles #pragma exclude_renderers d3d11_9x #pragma target 2.0 // ------------------------------------- // Lightweight Pipeline keywords #pragma multi_compile _ _ADDITIONAL_LIGHTS #pragma multi_compile _ _VERTEX_LIGHTS #pragma multi_compile _ _MIXED_LIGHTING_SUBTRACTIVE #pragma multi_compile _ _SHADOWS_ENABLED #pragma multi_compile _ _LOCAL_SHADOWS_ENABLED #pragma multi_compile _ _SHADOWS_SOFT #pragma multi_compile _ _SHADOWS_CASCADE // ------------------------------------- // Unity defined keywords #pragma multi_compile _ DIRLIGHTMAP_COMBINED #pragma multi_compile _ LIGHTMAP_ON #pragma multi_compile_fog //-------------------------------------- // GPU Instancing #pragma multi_compile_instancing #pragma vertex vert #pragma fragment frag // Defines generated by graph ${Defines} #include "LWRP/ShaderLibrary/Core.hlsl" #include "LWRP/ShaderLibrary/Lighting.hlsl" #include "CoreRP/ShaderLibrary/Color.hlsl" #include "CoreRP/ShaderLibrary/UnityInstancing.hlsl" #include "LWRP/ShaderLibrary/ShaderGraphFunctions.hlsl" ${Graph} struct GraphVertexOutput { float4 clipPos : SV_POSITION; DECLARE_LIGHTMAP_OR_SH(lightmapUV, vertexSH, 0); half4 fogFactorAndVertexLight : TEXCOORD1; // x: fogFactor, yzw: vertex light float4 shadowCoord : TEXCOORD2; // Interpolators defined by graph ${VertexOutputStruct} UNITY_VERTEX_INPUT_INSTANCE_ID UNITY_VERTEX_OUTPUT_STEREO }; GraphVertexOutput vert (GraphVertexInput v) { GraphVertexOutput o = (GraphVertexOutput)0; UNITY_SETUP_INSTANCE_ID(v); UNITY_TRANSFER_INSTANCE_ID(v, o); UNITY_INITIALIZE_VERTEX_OUTPUT_STEREO(o); // Vertex transformations performed by graph ${VertexShader} VertexDescriptionInputs vdi = (VertexDescriptionInputs)0; // Vertex description inputs defined by graph ${VertexShaderDescriptionInputs} VertexDescription vd = PopulateVertexData(vdi); = vd.Position; // Vertex shader outputs defined by graph ${VertexShaderOutputs} float3 lwWNormal = TransformObjectToWorldNormal(v.normal); float3 lwWorldPos = TransformObjectToWorld(; float4 clipPos = TransformWorldToHClip(lwWorldPos); // We either sample GI from lightmap or SH. // Lightmap UV and vertex SH coefficients use the same interpolator ("float2 lightmapUV" for lightmap or "half3 vertexSH" for SH) // see DECLARE_LIGHTMAP_OR_SH macro. // The following funcions initialize the correct variable with correct data OUTPUT_LIGHTMAP_UV(v.texcoord1, unity_LightmapST, o.lightmapUV); OUTPUT_SH(lwWNormal, o.vertexSH); half3 vertexLight = VertexLighting(lwWorldPos, lwWNormal); half fogFactor = ComputeFogFactor(clipPos.z); o.fogFactorAndVertexLight = half4(fogFactor, vertexLight); o.clipPos = clipPos; #ifdef _SHADOWS_ENABLED #if SHADOWS_SCREEN o.shadowCoord = ComputeShadowCoord(clipPos); #else o.shadowCoord = TransformWorldToShadowCoord(lwWorldPos); #endif #endif return o; } half4 frag (GraphVertexOutput IN ${FaceSign}) : SV_Target { UNITY_SETUP_INSTANCE_ID(IN); // Pixel transformations performed by graph ${PixelShader} SurfaceDescriptionInputs surfaceInput = (SurfaceDescriptionInputs)0; // Surface description inputs defined by graph ${PixelShaderSurfaceInputs} SurfaceDescription surf = PopulateSurfaceData(surfaceInput); float3 Albedo = float3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5); float3 Specular = float3(0, 0, 0); float Metallic = 1; float3 Normal = float3(0, 0, 1); float3 Emission = 0; float Smoothness = 0.5; float Occlusion = 1; float Alpha = 1; float AlphaClipThreshold = 0; // Surface description remap performed by graph ${PixelShaderSurfaceRemap} InputData inputData; inputData.positionWS = WorldSpacePosition; #ifdef _NORMALMAP inputData.normalWS = TangentToWorldNormal(Normal, WorldSpaceTangent, WorldSpaceBiTangent, WorldSpaceNormal); #else #if !SHADER_HINT_NICE_QUALITY inputData.normalWS = WorldSpaceNormal; #else inputData.normalWS = normalize(WorldSpaceNormal); #endif #endif #if !SHADER_HINT_NICE_QUALITY // viewDirection should be normalized here, but we avoid doing it as it's close enough and we save some ALU. inputData.viewDirectionWS = WorldSpaceViewDirection; #else inputData.viewDirectionWS = normalize(WorldSpaceViewDirection); #endif inputData.shadowCoord = IN.shadowCoord; inputData.fogCoord = IN.fogFactorAndVertexLight.x; inputData.vertexLighting = IN.fogFactorAndVertexLight.yzw; inputData.bakedGI = SAMPLE_GI(IN.lightmapUV, IN.vertexSH, inputData.normalWS); half4 color = LightweightFragmentPBR( inputData, Albedo, Metallic, Specular, Smoothness, Occlusion, Emission, Alpha); // Computes fog factor per-vertex ApplyFog(color.rgb, IN.fogFactorAndVertexLight.x); #if _AlphaClip clip(Alpha - AlphaClipThreshold); #endif return color; } ENDHLSL }