using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Rendering; using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering; using UnityObject = UnityEngine.Object; namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.ScriptableRenderLoop { [Flags] public enum ClearFlag { ClearNone = 0, ClearColor = 1, ClearDepth = 2 } public class Utilities { public const RendererConfiguration kRendererConfigurationBakedLighting = RendererConfiguration.PerObjectLightProbe | RendererConfiguration.PerObjectReflectionProbes | RendererConfiguration.PerObjectLightmaps | RendererConfiguration.PerObjectLightProbeProxyVolume; // Render Target Management. public const ClearFlag kClearAll = ClearFlag.ClearDepth | ClearFlag.ClearColor; public static void SetRenderTarget(RenderLoop renderLoop, RenderTargetIdentifier buffer, int miplevel = 0, CubemapFace cubemapFace = CubemapFace.Unknown) { var cmd = new CommandBuffer(); = ""; cmd.SetRenderTarget(buffer, miplevel, cubemapFace); renderLoop.ExecuteCommandBuffer(cmd); cmd.Dispose(); } public static void SetRenderTarget(RenderLoop renderLoop, RenderTargetIdentifier colorBuffer, RenderTargetIdentifier depthBuffer, int miplevel = 0, CubemapFace cubemapFace = CubemapFace.Unknown) { SetRenderTarget(renderLoop, colorBuffer, depthBuffer, ClearFlag.ClearNone, new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), miplevel, cubemapFace); } public static void SetRenderTarget(RenderLoop renderLoop, RenderTargetIdentifier colorBuffer, RenderTargetIdentifier depthBuffer, ClearFlag clearFlag, int miplevel = 0, CubemapFace cubemapFace = CubemapFace.Unknown) { SetRenderTarget(renderLoop, colorBuffer, depthBuffer, clearFlag, new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), miplevel, cubemapFace); } public static void SetRenderTarget(RenderLoop renderLoop, RenderTargetIdentifier colorBuffer, RenderTargetIdentifier depthBuffer, ClearFlag clearFlag, Color clearColor, int miplevel = 0, CubemapFace cubemapFace = CubemapFace.Unknown) { var cmd = new CommandBuffer(); = ""; cmd.SetRenderTarget(colorBuffer, depthBuffer, miplevel, cubemapFace); if (clearFlag != ClearFlag.ClearNone) cmd.ClearRenderTarget((clearFlag & ClearFlag.ClearDepth) != 0, (clearFlag & ClearFlag.ClearColor) != 0, clearColor); renderLoop.ExecuteCommandBuffer(cmd); cmd.Dispose(); } public static void SetRenderTarget(RenderLoop renderLoop, RenderTargetIdentifier[] colorBuffers, RenderTargetIdentifier depthBuffer) { SetRenderTarget(renderLoop, colorBuffers, depthBuffer, ClearFlag.ClearNone,; } public static void SetRenderTarget(RenderLoop renderLoop, RenderTargetIdentifier[] colorBuffers, RenderTargetIdentifier depthBuffer, ClearFlag clearFlag = ClearFlag.ClearNone) { SetRenderTarget(renderLoop, colorBuffers, depthBuffer, clearFlag,; } public static void SetRenderTarget(RenderLoop renderLoop, RenderTargetIdentifier[] colorBuffers, RenderTargetIdentifier depthBuffer, ClearFlag clearFlag, Color clearColor) { var cmd = new CommandBuffer(); = ""; cmd.SetRenderTarget(colorBuffers, depthBuffer); if (clearFlag != ClearFlag.ClearNone) cmd.ClearRenderTarget((clearFlag & ClearFlag.ClearDepth) != 0, (clearFlag & ClearFlag.ClearColor) != 0, clearColor); renderLoop.ExecuteCommandBuffer(cmd); cmd.Dispose(); } // Miscellanous public static Material CreateEngineMaterial(string shaderPath) { var mat = new Material(Shader.Find(shaderPath)) { hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave }; return mat; } public static void Destroy(UnityObject obj) { if (obj != null) { #if UNITY_EDITOR if (Application.isPlaying) UnityObject.Destroy(obj); else UnityObject.DestroyImmediate(obj); #else UnityObject.Destroy(obj); #endif obj = null; } } public static void SafeRelease(ComputeBuffer buffer) { if (buffer != null) { buffer.Release(); buffer = null; } } public class ProfilingSample : IDisposable { bool disposed = false; RenderLoop renderLoop; string name; public ProfilingSample(string _name, RenderLoop _renderloop) { renderLoop = _renderloop; name = _name; CommandBuffer cmd = new CommandBuffer(); = ""; cmd.BeginSample(name); renderLoop.ExecuteCommandBuffer(cmd); cmd.Dispose(); } ~ProfilingSample() { Dispose(false); } public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); } // Protected implementation of Dispose pattern. protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposed) return; if (disposing) { CommandBuffer cmd = new CommandBuffer(); = ""; cmd.EndSample(name); renderLoop.ExecuteCommandBuffer(cmd); cmd.Dispose(); } disposed = true; } } public static Matrix4x4 GetViewProjectionMatrix(Matrix4x4 worldToViewMatrix, Matrix4x4 projectionMatrix) { // The actual projection matrix used in shaders is actually massaged a bit to work across all platforms // (different Z value ranges etc.) var gpuProj = GL.GetGPUProjectionMatrix(projectionMatrix, false); var gpuVP = gpuProj * worldToViewMatrix * Matrix4x4.Scale(new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f)); // Need to scale -1.0 on Z to match what is being done in the camera.wolrdToCameraMatrix API. return gpuVP; } public static Matrix4x4 GetViewProjectionMatrix(Camera camera) { // The actual projection matrix used in shaders is actually massaged a bit to work across all platforms // (different Z value ranges etc.) var gpuProj = GL.GetGPUProjectionMatrix(camera.projectionMatrix, false); var gpuVP = gpuProj * camera.worldToCameraMatrix; return gpuVP; } public static Vector4 ComputeScreenSize(Camera camera) { return new Vector4(camera.pixelWidth, camera.pixelHeight, 1.0f / camera.pixelWidth, 1.0f / camera.pixelHeight); } // TEMP: These functions should be implemented C++ side, for now do it in C# public static void SetMatrixCS(CommandBuffer cmd, ComputeShader shadercs, string name, Matrix4x4 mat) { var data = new float[16]; for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++) for (int r = 0; r < 4; r++) data[4 * c + r] = mat[r, c]; cmd.SetComputeFloatParams(shadercs, name, data); } public static void SetMatrixArrayCS(CommandBuffer cmd, ComputeShader shadercs, string name, Matrix4x4[] matArray) { int numMatrices = matArray.Length; var data = new float[numMatrices * 16]; for (int n = 0; n < numMatrices; n++) for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++) for (int r = 0; r < 4; r++) data[16 * n + 4 * c + r] = matArray[n][r, c]; cmd.SetComputeFloatParams(shadercs, name, data); } public static void SetVectorArrayCS(CommandBuffer cmd, ComputeShader shadercs, string name, Vector4[] vecArray) { int numVectors = vecArray.Length; var data = new float[numVectors * 4]; for (int n = 0; n < numVectors; n++) for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) data[4 * n + i] = vecArray[n][i]; cmd.SetComputeFloatParams(shadercs, name, data); } public static void SetKeyword(Material m, string keyword, bool state) { if (state) m.EnableKeyword(keyword); else m.DisableKeyword(keyword); } } }