using UnityEngine.Graphing; namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph { [Title("Procedural/AACheckerboard3d")] public class AACheckerboard3dNode : AnyNode { public class Definition : IAnyNodeDefinition { public string name { get { return "AACheckerboard3d"; } } public AnyNodeProperty[] properties { get { return new AnyNodeProperty[] { // slotId is the 'immutable' value we used to connect things new AnyNodeProperty { slotId= 0, name = "inUVs", description = "Input UVW coords", propertyType = PropertyType.Vector3, value =, state = AnyNodePropertyState.Slot }, new AnyNodeProperty { slotId= 1, name = "A", description = "color A", propertyType = PropertyType.Vector4, value= new Vector4(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f), state = AnyNodePropertyState.Constant }, new AnyNodeProperty { slotId= 2, name = "B", description = "color B", propertyType = PropertyType.Vector4, value= new Vector4(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f), state = AnyNodePropertyState.Constant }, new AnyNodeProperty { slotId= 3, name = "aaTweak", description = "AA Tweak", propertyType = PropertyType.Vector3, value= new Vector4(0.05f, 3.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),state = AnyNodePropertyState.Constant }, new AnyNodeProperty { slotId= 4, name = "frequency", description = "Frequency", propertyType = PropertyType.Vector3, value =, state = AnyNodePropertyState.Constant }, }; } } public AnyNodeSlot[] outputs { get { return new AnyNodeSlot[] { new AnyNodeSlot { slotId= 5, name = "outColor", description = "Output color", slotValueType = SlotValueType.Vector4, value = } }; } } public ShaderGlobal[] globals { get { return new ShaderGlobal[] { }; } } public string hlsl { get { return "float3 dx = ddx(inUVs);\n" + "float3 dy = ddy(inUVs);\n" + "float du= sqrt(dx.x * dx.x + dy.x * dy.x);\n" + "float dv= sqrt(dx.y * dx.y + dy.y * dy.y);\n" + "float dw= sqrt(dx.z * dx.z + dy.z * dy.z);\n" + "float3 distance3 = 2.0f * abs(frac(( + 0.5f) * - 0.5f) - 0.5f;\n" + "float3 scale = / float3(du, dv, dw);\n" + "float3 blend_out = saturate((scale - aaTweak.zzz) / (aaTweak.yyy - aaTweak.zzz));\n" + "float3 vectorAlpha = clamp(distance3 * *, -1.0f, 1.0f);\n" + "float alpha = saturate(0.5f + 0.5f * vectorAlpha.x * vectorAlpha.y * vectorAlpha.z);\n" + "outColor= lerp(A, B, alpha.xxxx);"; } } } } }