using System; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEditor.Graphing; using UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.Drawing; using UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.Drawing.Controls; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements; namespace UnityEditor.ShaderGraph { [Serializable] [Title("Master", "Unlit")] public class UnlitMasterNode : MasterNode, IMayRequirePosition { public const string ColorSlotName = "Color"; public const string AlphaSlotName = "Alpha"; public const string AlphaClipThresholdSlotName = "AlphaClipThreshold"; public const string PositionName = "Position"; public const int ColorSlotId = 0; public const int AlphaSlotId = 7; public const int AlphaThresholdSlotId = 8; public const int PositionSlotId = 9; [SerializeField] SurfaceType m_SurfaceType; public SurfaceType surfaceType { get { return m_SurfaceType; } set { if (m_SurfaceType == value) return; m_SurfaceType = value; Dirty(ModificationScope.Graph); } } [SerializeField] AlphaMode m_AlphaMode; public AlphaMode alphaMode { get { return m_AlphaMode; } set { if (m_AlphaMode == value) return; m_AlphaMode = value; Dirty(ModificationScope.Graph); } } [SerializeField] bool m_TwoSided; public ToggleData twoSided { get { return new ToggleData(m_TwoSided); } set { if (m_TwoSided == value.isOn) return; m_TwoSided = value.isOn; Dirty(ModificationScope.Graph); } } public UnlitMasterNode() { UpdateNodeAfterDeserialization(); } public override string documentationURL { get { return ""; } } public sealed override void UpdateNodeAfterDeserialization() { base.UpdateNodeAfterDeserialization(); name = "Unlit Master"; AddSlot(new PositionMaterialSlot(PositionSlotId, PositionName, PositionName, CoordinateSpace.Object, ShaderStageCapability.Vertex)); AddSlot(new ColorRGBMaterialSlot(ColorSlotId, ColorSlotName, ColorSlotName, SlotType.Input, Color.grey, ShaderStageCapability.Fragment)); AddSlot(new Vector1MaterialSlot(AlphaSlotId, AlphaSlotName, AlphaSlotName, SlotType.Input, 1, ShaderStageCapability.Fragment)); AddSlot(new Vector1MaterialSlot(AlphaThresholdSlotId, AlphaClipThresholdSlotName, AlphaClipThresholdSlotName, SlotType.Input, 0f, ShaderStageCapability.Fragment)); // clear out slot names that do not match the slots // we support RemoveSlotsNameNotMatching( new[] { PositionSlotId, ColorSlotId, AlphaSlotId, AlphaThresholdSlotId }); } protected override VisualElement CreateCommonSettingsElement() { return new UnlitSettingsView(this); } public NeededCoordinateSpace RequiresPosition(ShaderStageCapability stageCapability) { List slots = new List(); GetSlots(slots); List validSlots = new List(); for(int i = 0; i < slots.Count; i++) { if(slots[i].stageCapability != ShaderStageCapability.All && slots[i].stageCapability != stageCapability) continue; validSlots.Add(slots[i]); } return validSlots.OfType().Aggregate(NeededCoordinateSpace.None, (mask, node) => mask | node.RequiresPosition(stageCapability)); } } }