#ifndef UNITY_DEBUG_DISPLAY_INCLUDED #define UNITY_DEBUG_DISPLAY_INCLUDED #include "CoreRP/ShaderLibrary/Debug.hlsl" #include "DebugDisplay.cs.hlsl" #include "MaterialDebug.cs.hlsl" #include "LightingDebug.cs.hlsl" #include "MipMapDebug.cs.hlsl" #include "ColorPickerDebug.cs.hlsl" CBUFFER_START(UnityDebugDisplay) // Set of parameters available when switching to debug shader mode int _DebugLightingMode; // Match enum DebugLightingMode int _DebugViewMaterial; // Contain the id (define in various materialXXX.cs.hlsl) of the property to display int _DebugMipMapMode; // Match enum DebugMipMapMode float4 _DebugLightingAlbedo; // x == bool override, yzw = albedo for diffuse float4 _DebugLightingSmoothness; // x == bool override, y == override value float4 _DebugLightingNormal; // x == bool override float4 _MousePixelCoord; // xy unorm, zw norm float _DebugEnvironmentProxyDepthScale; CBUFFER_END TEXTURE2D(_DebugFont); // Debug font to write string in shader void GetPropertiesDataDebug(uint paramId, inout float3 result, inout bool needLinearToSRGB) { switch (paramId) { case DEBUGVIEWPROPERTIES_TESSELLATION: #ifdef TESSELLATION_ON result = float3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); #else result = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); #endif break; case DEBUGVIEWPROPERTIES_PIXEL_DISPLACEMENT: #ifdef _PIXEL_DISPLACEMENT // Caution: This define is related to a shader features (But it may become a standard features for HD) result = float3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); #else result = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); #endif break; case DEBUGVIEWPROPERTIES_VERTEX_DISPLACEMENT: #ifdef _VERTEX_DISPLACEMENT // Caution: This define is related to a shader features (But it may become a standard features for HD) result = float3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); #else result = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); #endif break; case DEBUGVIEWPROPERTIES_TESSELLATION_DISPLACEMENT: #ifdef _TESSELLATION_DISPLACEMENT // Caution: This define is related to a shader features (But it may become a standard features for HD) result = float3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); #else result = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); #endif break; case DEBUGVIEWPROPERTIES_DEPTH_OFFSET: #ifdef _DEPTHOFFSET_ON // Caution: This define is related to a shader features (But it may become a standard features for HD) result = float3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); #else result = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); #endif break; case DEBUGVIEWPROPERTIES_LIGHTMAP: #if defined(LIGHTMAP_ON) || defined (DIRLIGHTMAP_COMBINED) || defined(DYNAMICLIGHTMAP_ON) result = float3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); #else result = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); #endif break; case DEBUGVIEWPROPERTIES_INSTANCING: #if defined(UNITY_INSTANCING_ENABLED) result = float3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); #else result = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); #endif break; } } float3 GetTextureDataDebug(uint paramId, float2 uv, Texture2D tex, float4 texelSize, float4 mipInfo, float3 originalColor) { float3 outColor = originalColor; switch (paramId) { case DEBUGMIPMAPMODE_MIP_RATIO: outColor = GetDebugMipColorIncludingMipReduction(originalColor, tex, texelSize, uv, mipInfo); break; case DEBUGMIPMAPMODE_MIP_COUNT: outColor = GetDebugMipCountColor(originalColor, tex); break; case DEBUGMIPMAPMODE_MIP_COUNT_REDUCTION: outColor = GetDebugMipReductionColor(tex, mipInfo); break; case DEBUGMIPMAPMODE_STREAMING_MIP_BUDGET: outColor = GetDebugStreamingMipColor(tex, mipInfo); break; case DEBUGMIPMAPMODE_STREAMING_MIP: outColor = GetDebugStreamingMipColorBlended(originalColor, tex, mipInfo); break; } return outColor; } // DebugFont code assume black and white font with texture size 256x128 with bloc of 16x16 #define DEBUG_FONT_TEXT_WIDTH 16 #define DEBUG_FONT_TEXT_HEIGHT 16 #define DEBUG_FONT_TEXT_COUNT_X 16 #define DEBUG_FONT_TEXT_COUNT_Y 8 #define DEBUG_FONT_TEXT_ASCII_START 32 #define DEBUG_FONT_TEXT_SCALE_WIDTH 10 // This control the spacing between characters (if a character fill the text block it will overlap). // Only support ASCII symbol from DEBUG_FONT_TEXT_ASCII_START to 126 // return black or white depends if we hit font character or not // currentUnormCoord is current unormalized screen position // fixedUnormCoord is the position where we want to draw something, this will be incremented by block font size in provided direction // color is current screen color // color of the font to use // direction is 1 or -1 and indicate fixedUnormCoord block shift void DrawCharacter(uint asciiValue, float3 fontColor, uint2 currentUnormCoord, inout uint2 fixedUnormCoord, bool flipY, inout float3 color, int direction) { // Are we inside a font display block on the screen ? uint2 localCharCoord = currentUnormCoord - fixedUnormCoord; if (localCharCoord.x >= 0 && localCharCoord.x < DEBUG_FONT_TEXT_WIDTH && localCharCoord.y >= 0 && localCharCoord.y < DEBUG_FONT_TEXT_HEIGHT) { if (!flipY) localCharCoord.y = DEBUG_FONT_TEXT_HEIGHT - localCharCoord.y; asciiValue -= DEBUG_FONT_TEXT_ASCII_START; // Our font start at ASCII table 32; uint2 asciiCoord = uint2(asciiValue % DEBUG_FONT_TEXT_COUNT_X, asciiValue / DEBUG_FONT_TEXT_COUNT_X); // Unorm coordinate inside the font texture uint2 unormTexCoord = asciiCoord * uint2(DEBUG_FONT_TEXT_WIDTH, DEBUG_FONT_TEXT_HEIGHT) + localCharCoord; // normalized coordinate float2 normTexCoord = float2(unormTexCoord) / float2(DEBUG_FONT_TEXT_WIDTH * DEBUG_FONT_TEXT_COUNT_X, DEBUG_FONT_TEXT_HEIGHT * DEBUG_FONT_TEXT_COUNT_Y); #if UNITY_UV_STARTS_AT_TOP normTexCoord.y = 1.0 - normTexCoord.y; #endif float charColor = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_LOD(_DebugFont, s_point_clamp_sampler, normTexCoord, 0).r; color = color * (1.0 - charColor) + charColor * fontColor; } fixedUnormCoord.x += DEBUG_FONT_TEXT_SCALE_WIDTH * direction; } // Shortcut to not have to file direction void DrawCharacter(uint asciiValue, float3 fontColor, uint2 currentUnormCoord, inout uint2 fixedUnormCoord, bool flipY, inout float3 color) { DrawCharacter(asciiValue, fontColor, currentUnormCoord, fixedUnormCoord, flipY, color, 1); } // Draw a signed integer // Can't display more than 16 digit // The two following parameter are for float representation // leading0 is used when drawing frac part of a float to draw the leading 0 (call is in charge of it) // forceNegativeSign is used to force to display a negative sign as -0 is not recognize void DrawInteger(int intValue, float3 fontColor, uint2 currentUnormCoord, inout uint2 fixedUnormCoord, bool flipY, inout float3 color, int leading0, bool forceNegativeSign) { const uint maxStringSize = 16; uint absIntValue = abs(intValue); // 1. Get size of the number of display int numEntries = min((intValue == 0 ? 0 : log10(absIntValue)) + ((intValue < 0 || forceNegativeSign) ? 1 : 0) + leading0, maxStringSize); // 2. Shift curseur to last location as we will go reverse fixedUnormCoord.x += numEntries * DEBUG_FONT_TEXT_SCALE_WIDTH; // 3. Display the number for (uint j = 0; j < maxStringSize; ++j) { // Numeric value incurrent font start on the second row at 0 DrawCharacter((absIntValue % 10) + '0', fontColor, currentUnormCoord, fixedUnormCoord, flipY, color, -1); if (absIntValue < 10) break; absIntValue /= 10; } // 4. Display leading 0 #pragma warning(disable : 3557) // loop only executes for 0 iteration(s) for (int i = 0; i < leading0; ++i) { DrawCharacter('0', fontColor, currentUnormCoord, fixedUnormCoord, flipY, color, -1); } #pragma warning(default : 3557) // 5. Display sign if (intValue < 0 || forceNegativeSign) { DrawCharacter('-', fontColor, currentUnormCoord, fixedUnormCoord, flipY, color, -1); } // 6. Reset cursor at end location fixedUnormCoord.x += (numEntries + 2) * DEBUG_FONT_TEXT_SCALE_WIDTH; } void DrawInteger(int intValue, float3 fontColor, uint2 currentUnormCoord, inout uint2 fixedUnormCoord, bool flipY, inout float3 color) { DrawInteger(intValue, fontColor, currentUnormCoord, fixedUnormCoord, flipY, color, 0, false); } void DrawFloat(float floatValue, float3 fontColor, uint2 currentUnormCoord, inout uint2 fixedUnormCoord, bool flipY, inout float3 color) { if (IsNan(floatValue)) { DrawCharacter('N', fontColor, currentUnormCoord, fixedUnormCoord, flipY, color); DrawCharacter('a', fontColor, currentUnormCoord, fixedUnormCoord, flipY, color); DrawCharacter('N', fontColor, currentUnormCoord, fixedUnormCoord, flipY, color); } else { int intValue = int(floatValue); bool forceNegativeSign = floatValue >= 0.0f ? false : true; DrawInteger(intValue, fontColor, currentUnormCoord, fixedUnormCoord, flipY, color, 0, forceNegativeSign); DrawCharacter('.', fontColor, currentUnormCoord, fixedUnormCoord, flipY, color); int fracValue = int(frac(abs(floatValue)) * 1e6); // 6 digit int leading0 = 6 - (int(log10(fracValue)) + 1); // Counting leading0 to add in front of the float DrawInteger(fracValue, fontColor, currentUnormCoord, fixedUnormCoord, flipY, color, leading0, false); } } #endif