#ifndef UNITY_FILTERING_INCLUDED #define UNITY_FILTERING_INCLUDED // Cardinal (interpolating) B-Spline of the 2nd degree (3rd order). Support = 3x3. // The fractional coordinate of each part is assumed to be in the [0, 1] range (centered on 0.5). // https://www.desmos.com/calculator/47j9r9lolm real2 BSpline2IntLeft(real2 x) { return 0.5 * x * x; } real2 BSpline2IntMiddle(real2 x) { return (1 - x) * x + 0.5; } real2 BSpline2IntRight(real2 x) { return (0.5 * x - 1) * x + 0.5; } // Compute weights & offsets for 4x bilinear taps for the biquadratic B-Spline filter. // The fractional coordinate should be in the [0, 1] range (centered on 0.5). // Inspired by: http://vec3.ca/bicubic-filtering-in-fewer-taps/ void BiquadraticFilter(real2 fracCoord, out real2 weights[2], out real2 offsets[2]) { real2 l = BSpline2IntLeft(fracCoord); real2 m = BSpline2IntMiddle(fracCoord); real2 r = 1 - l - m; // Compute offsets for 4x bilinear taps for the quadratic B-Spline reconstruction kernel. // 0: lerp between left and middle // 1: lerp between middle and right weights[0] = l + 0.5 * m; weights[1] = r + 0.5 * m; offsets[0] = -0.5 + 0.5 * m * rcp(weights[0]); offsets[1] = 0.5 + r * rcp(weights[1]); } #endif // UNITY_FILTERING_INCLUDED