// UNITY_SHADER_NO_UPGRADE #ifndef UNITY_SHADER_VARIABLES_INCLUDED #define UNITY_SHADER_VARIABLES_INCLUDED // CAUTION: // Currently the shaders compiler always include regualr Unity shaderVariables, so I get a conflict here were UNITY_SHADER_VARIABLES_INCLUDED is already define, this need to be fixed. // As I haven't change the variables name yet, I simply don't define anything, and I put the transform function at the end of the file outside the guard header. // This need to be fixed. float4x4 glstate_matrix_inv_projection; #define UNITY_MATRIX_M unity_ObjectToWorld // These are updated per eye in VR #define UNITY_MATRIX_V unity_MatrixV #define UNITY_MATRIX_P glstate_matrix_projection #define UNITY_MATRIX_VP unity_MatrixVP #ifdef UNITY_SINGLE_PASS_STEREO #define UNITY_MATRIX_MVP mul(unity_MatrixVP, unity_ObjectToWorld) #else #define UNITY_MATRIX_MVP glstate_matrix_mvp #endif // These use the camera center position in VR #define UNITY_MATRIX_MV glstate_matrix_modelview0 #define UNITY_MATRIX_T_MV glstate_matrix_transpose_modelview0 #define UNITY_MATRIX_IT_MV glstate_matrix_invtrans_modelview0 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CBUFFER_START(UnityPerCamera) // Time (t = time since current level load) values from Unity float4 _Time; // (t/20, t, t*2, t*3) float4 _SinTime; // sin(t/8), sin(t/4), sin(t/2), sin(t) float4 _CosTime; // cos(t/8), cos(t/4), cos(t/2), cos(t) float4 unity_DeltaTime; // dt, 1/dt, smoothdt, 1/smoothdt #ifndef UNITY_SINGLE_PASS_STEREO float3 _WorldSpaceCameraPos; #endif // x = 1 or -1 (-1 if projection is flipped) // y = near plane // z = far plane // w = 1/far plane float4 _ProjectionParams; // x = width // y = height // z = 1 + 1.0/width // w = 1 + 1.0/height float4 _ScreenParams; // Values used to linearize the Z buffer (http://www.humus.name/temp/Linearize%20depth.txt) // x = 1-far/near // y = far/near // z = x/far // w = y/far float4 _ZBufferParams; // x = orthographic camera's width // y = orthographic camera's height // z = unused // w = 1.0 if camera is ortho, 0.0 if perspective float4 unity_OrthoParams; CBUFFER_END CBUFFER_START(UnityPerCameraRare) float4 unity_CameraWorldClipPlanes[6]; // Projection matrices of the camera. Note that this might be different from projection matrix // that is set right now, e.g. while rendering shadows the matrices below are still the projection // of original camera. float4x4 unity_CameraProjection; float4x4 unity_CameraInvProjection; #ifndef UNITY_SINGLE_PASS_STEREO float4x4 unity_WorldToCamera; float4x4 unity_CameraToWorld; #endif CBUFFER_END // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CBUFFER_START(UnityPerDraw) #ifndef UNITY_SINGLE_PASS_STEREO float4x4 glstate_matrix_mvp; #endif // Use center position for stereo rendering float4x4 glstate_matrix_modelview0; float4x4 glstate_matrix_invtrans_modelview0; float4x4 unity_ObjectToWorld; float4x4 unity_WorldToObject; float4 unity_LODFade; // x is the fade value ranging within [0,1]. y is x quantized into 16 levels float4 unity_WorldTransformParams; // w is usually 1.0, or -1.0 for odd-negative scale transforms CBUFFER_END #ifdef UNITY_SINGLE_PASS_STEREO CBUFFER_START(UnityPerEye) float3 _WorldSpaceCameraPos; float4x4 glstate_matrix_projection; float4x4 unity_MatrixV; float4x4 unity_MatrixVP; float4x4 unity_WorldToCamera; float4x4 unity_CameraToWorld; CBUFFER_END #endif CBUFFER_START(UnityPerDrawRare) float4x4 glstate_matrix_transpose_modelview0; #ifdef UNITY_SINGLE_PASS_STEREO float4x4 glstate_matrix_mvp; #endif CBUFFER_END // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CBUFFER_START(UnityPerFrame) #ifndef UNITY_SINGLE_PASS_STEREO float4x4 glstate_matrix_projection; float4x4 unity_MatrixV; float4x4 unity_MatrixVP; #endif float4 glstate_lightmodel_ambient; float4 unity_AmbientSky; float4 unity_AmbientEquator; float4 unity_AmbientGround; float4 unity_IndirectSpecColor; CBUFFER_END // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- float4x4 GetObjectToWorldMatrix() { return unity_ObjectToWorld; } float4x4 GetWorldToObjectMatrix() { return unity_WorldToObject; } // Transform to homogenous clip space float4x4 GetWorldToHClipMatrix() { return unity_MatrixVP; } // Transform from clip space to homogenous world space float4x4 GetClipToHWorldMatrix() { return glstate_matrix_inv_projection; } float GetOdddNegativeScale() { return unity_WorldTransformParams.w; } float4x4 GetObjectToWorldViewMatrix() { return glstate_matrix_modelview0; } float3 TransformObjectToWorld(float3 positionOS) { return mul(GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), float4(positionOS, 1.0)).xyz; } float3 TransformObjectToView(float3 positionOS) { return mul(GetObjectToWorldViewMatrix(), float4(positionOS, 1.0)).xyz; } float3 TransformObjectToWorldDir(float3 dirOS) { // Normalize to support uniform scaling return normalize(mul((float3x3)GetObjectToWorldMatrix(), dirOS)); } // Transforms normal from object to world space float3 TransformObjectToWorldNormal(float3 normalOS) { #ifdef UNITY_ASSUME_UNIFORM_SCALING return UnityObjectToWorldDir(normalOS); #else // Normal need to be multiply by inverse transpose // mul(IT_M, norm) => mul(norm, I_M) => {dot(norm, I_M.col0), dot(norm, I_M.col1), dot(norm, I_M.col2)} return normalize(mul(normalOS, (float3x3)GetWorldToObjectMatrix())); #endif } // Tranforms position from world space to homogenous space float4 TransformWorldToHClip(float3 positionWS) { return mul(GetWorldToHClipMatrix(), float4(positionWS, 1.0)); } float3x3 CreateTangentToWorld(float3 normal, float3 tangent, float tangentSign) { // For odd-negative scale transforms we need to flip the sign float sign = tangentSign * GetOdddNegativeScale(); float3 binormal = cross(normal, tangent) * sign; return float3x3(tangent, binormal, normal); } // Computes world space view direction, from object space position float3 GetWorldSpaceNormalizeViewDir(float3 positionWS) { return normalize(_WorldSpaceCameraPos.xyz - positionWS); } #endif // UNITY_SHADER_VARIABLES_INCLUDED