#include "Decal.hlsl" DECLARE_DBUFFER_TEXTURE(_DBufferTexture); DecalData FetchDecal(uint start, uint i) { #ifdef LIGHTLOOP_TILE_PASS int j = FetchIndex(start, i); #else int j = start + i; #endif return _DecalDatas[j]; } void ApplyBlendNormal(inout float4 dst, inout int matMask, float2 texCoords, int sliceIndex, int mapMask, float3x3 decalToWorld, float blend) { float4 src; src.xyz = mul(decalToWorld, UnpackNormalmapRGorAG(SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY(_DecalAtlas, sampler_DecalAtlas, texCoords, sliceIndex))) * 0.5f + 0.5f; src.w = blend; dst.xyz = src.xyz * src.w + dst.xyz * (1.0f - src.w); dst.w = dst.w * (1.0f - src.w); matMask |= mapMask; } void ApplyBlendDiffuse(inout float4 dst, inout int matMask, float2 texCoords, int sliceIndex, int mapMask, float blend) { float4 src = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY(_DecalAtlas, sampler_DecalAtlas, texCoords, sliceIndex); src.w *= blend; dst.xyz = src.xyz * src.w + dst.xyz * (1.0f - src.w); dst.w = dst.w * (1.0f - src.w); matMask |= mapMask; } void ApplyBlendMask(inout float4 dst, inout int matMask, float2 texCoords, int sliceIndex, int mapMask, float blend) { float4 src = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY(_DecalAtlas, sampler_DecalAtlas, texCoords, sliceIndex); src.z = src.w; src.w = blend; dst.xyz = src.xyz * src.w + dst.xyz * (1.0f - src.w); dst.w = dst.w * (1.0f - src.w); matMask |= mapMask; } void AddDecalContribution(PositionInputs posInput, inout SurfaceData surfaceData) { if(_EnableDBuffer) { DecalSurfaceData decalSurfaceData; int mask = 0; // the code in the macros, gets moved inside the conditionals by the compiler FETCH_DBUFFER(DBuffer, _DBufferTexture, posInput.positionSS); #ifdef _SURFACE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT // forward transparent using clustered decals uint decalCount, decalStart; DBuffer0 = float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); DBuffer1 = float4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f); DBuffer2 = float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); #ifdef LIGHTLOOP_TILE_PASS GetCountAndStart(posInput, LIGHTCATEGORY_DECAL, decalStart, decalCount); #else decalCount = _DecalCount; decalStart = 0; #endif float3 positionWS = GetAbsolutePositionWS(posInput.positionWS); uint i = 0; for (i = 0; i < decalCount; i++) { DecalData decalData = FetchDecal(decalStart, i); float3 positionDS = mul(decalData.worldToDecal, float4(positionWS, 1.0)).xyz; positionDS = positionDS * float3(1.0, -1.0, 1.0) + float3(0.5, 0.0f, 0.5); float decalBlend = decalData.normalToWorld[0][3]; int diffuseIndex = decalData.normalToWorld[1][3]; int normalIndex = decalData.normalToWorld[2][3]; int maskIndex = decalData.normalToWorld[3][3]; if((all(positionDS.xyz > 0.0f) && all(1.0f - positionDS.xyz > 0.0f))) // clip to decal space { if(diffuseIndex != -1) { ApplyBlendDiffuse(DBuffer0, mask, positionDS.xz, diffuseIndex, DBUFFERHTILEBIT_DIFFUSE, decalBlend); } if(normalIndex != -1) { ApplyBlendNormal(DBuffer1, mask, positionDS.xz, normalIndex, DBUFFERHTILEBIT_NORMAL, (float3x3)decalData.normalToWorld, decalBlend); } if(maskIndex != -1) { ApplyBlendMask(DBuffer2, mask, positionDS.xz, maskIndex, DBUFFERHTILEBIT_MASK, decalBlend); } } } #else mask = UnpackByte(LOAD_TEXTURE2D(_DecalHTileTexture, posInput.positionSS / 8)); #endif DECODE_FROM_DBUFFER(DBuffer, decalSurfaceData); // using alpha compositing https://developer.nvidia.com/gpugems/GPUGems3/gpugems3_ch23.html if(mask & DBUFFERHTILEBIT_DIFFUSE) { surfaceData.baseColor.xyz = surfaceData.baseColor.xyz * decalSurfaceData.baseColor.w + decalSurfaceData.baseColor.xyz; } if(mask & DBUFFERHTILEBIT_NORMAL) { surfaceData.normalWS.xyz = normalize(surfaceData.normalWS.xyz * decalSurfaceData.normalWS.w + decalSurfaceData.normalWS.xyz); } if(mask & DBUFFERHTILEBIT_MASK) { surfaceData.metallic = surfaceData.metallic * decalSurfaceData.mask.w + decalSurfaceData.mask.x; surfaceData.ambientOcclusion = surfaceData.ambientOcclusion * decalSurfaceData.mask.w + decalSurfaceData.mask.y; surfaceData.perceptualSmoothness = surfaceData.perceptualSmoothness * decalSurfaceData.mask.w + decalSurfaceData.mask.z; } } }