using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering { [ExecuteInEditMode] public class Volume : MonoBehaviour { [Tooltip("A global volume is applied to the whole scene.")] public bool isGlobal = false; [Tooltip("Volume priority in the stack. Higher number means higher priority. Negative values are supported.")] public float priority = 0f; [Tooltip("Outer distance to start blending from. A value of 0 means no blending and the volume overrides will be applied immediately upon entry.")] public float blendDistance = 0f; [Range(0f, 1f), Tooltip("Total weight of this volume in the scene. 0 means it won't do anything, 1 means full effect.")] public float weight = 1f; public List components = new List(); // Editor-only [NonSerialized] public bool isDirty; // Needed for state tracking (see the comments in Update) int m_PreviousLayer; float m_PreviousPriority; void OnEnable() { // Make sure every setting is valid. If a profile holds a script that doesn't exist // anymore, nuke it to keep the volume clean. Note that if you delete a script that is // currently in use in a volume you'll still get a one-time error in the console, it's // harmless and happens because Unity does a redraw of the editor (and thus the current // frame) before the recompilation step. components.RemoveAll(x => x == null); m_PreviousLayer = gameObject.layer; VolumeManager.instance.Register(this, m_PreviousLayer); } void OnDisable() { VolumeManager.instance.Unregister(this, gameObject.layer); } void Reset() { isDirty = true; } void Update() { // Unfortunately we need to track the current layer to update the volume manager in // real-time as the user could change it at any time in the editor or at runtime. // Because no event is raised when the layer changes, we have to track it on every // frame :/ int layer = gameObject.layer; if (layer != m_PreviousLayer) { VolumeManager.instance.UpdateVolumeLayer(this, m_PreviousLayer, layer); m_PreviousLayer = layer; } // Same for priority. We could use a property instead, but it doesn't play nice with the // serialization system. Using a custom Attribute/PropertyDrawer for a property is // possible but it doesn't work with Undo/Redo in the editor, which makes it useless for // our case. if (priority != m_PreviousPriority) { VolumeManager.instance.SetLayerDirty(layer); m_PreviousPriority = priority; } } public T Add(bool overrides = false) where T : VolumeComponent { if (Has()) throw new InvalidOperationException("Component already exists in the volume"); var component = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(); component.SetAllOverridesTo(overrides); components.Add(component); isDirty = true; return component; } public void Remove() where T : VolumeComponent { int toRemove = -1; var type = typeof(T); for (int i = 0; i < components.Count; i++) { if (components[i].GetType() == type) { toRemove = i; break; } } if (toRemove >= 0) { components.RemoveAt(toRemove); isDirty = true; } } public bool Has() where T : VolumeComponent { var type = typeof(T); foreach (var component in components) { if (component.GetType() == type) return true; } return false; } public bool TryGet(out T component) where T : VolumeComponent { var type = typeof(T); component = null; foreach (var comp in components) { if (comp.GetType() == type) { component = (T)comp; return true; } } return false; } #if UNITY_EDITOR // TODO: Look into a better volume previsualization system List m_TempColliders; void OnDrawGizmos() { if (m_TempColliders == null) m_TempColliders = new List(); var colliders = m_TempColliders; GetComponents(colliders); if (isGlobal || colliders == null) return; var scale = transform.localScale; var invScale = new Vector3(1f / scale.x, 1f / scale.y, 1f / scale.z); Gizmos.matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(transform.position, transform.rotation, scale); Gizmos.color = new Color(0f, 1f, 0.1f, 0.6f); // Draw a separate gizmo for each collider foreach (var collider in colliders) { if (!collider.enabled) continue; // We'll just use scaling as an approximation for volume skin. It's far from being // correct (and is completely wrong in some cases). Ultimately we'd use a distance // field or at least a tesselate + push modifier on the collider's mesh to get a // better approximation, but the current Gizmo system is a bit limited and because // everything is dynamic in Unity and can be changed at anytime, it's hard to keep // track of changes in an elegant way (which we'd need to implement a nice cache // system for generated volume meshes). var type = collider.GetType(); if (type == typeof(BoxCollider)) { var c = (BoxCollider)collider; Gizmos.DrawCube(, c.size); Gizmos.DrawWireCube(, c.size + invScale * blendDistance * 2f); } else if (type == typeof(SphereCollider)) { var c = (SphereCollider)collider; Gizmos.DrawSphere(, c.radius); Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(, c.radius + invScale.x * blendDistance); } else if (type == typeof(MeshCollider)) { var c = (MeshCollider)collider; // Only convex mesh colliders are allowed if (!c.convex) c.convex = true; // Mesh pivot should be centered or this won't work Gizmos.DrawMesh(c.sharedMesh); Gizmos.DrawWireMesh(c.sharedMesh,, Quaternion.identity, + invScale * blendDistance * 2f); } // Nothing for capsule (DrawCapsule isn't exposed in Gizmo), terrain, wheel and // other colliders... } colliders.Clear(); } #endif } }