using System; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.RMGUI; namespace RMGUI.GraphView { public class SelectionDragger : Dragger { public SelectionDragger() { activators.Add(new ManipActivator {button = MouseButton.LeftMouse}); panSpeed = new Vector2(1, 1); clampToParentEdges = false; } public override EventPropagation HandleEvent(Event evt, VisualElement finalTarget) { if (finalTarget == target && !this.HasCapture()) return EventPropagation.Continue; var graphView = target as GraphView; if (graphView == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Manipulator can only be added to a GraphView"); } switch (evt.type) { case EventType.MouseDown: if (CanStartManipulation(evt)) { // avoid starting a manipulation on a non movable object var ce = finalTarget as GraphElement; if (ce == null) { ce = finalTarget.GetFirstAncestorOfType(); if (ce == null) return EventPropagation.Continue; } GraphElementPresenter presenter = ce.presenter; if (presenter != null && ((ce.presenter.capabilities & Capabilities.Movable) != Capabilities.Movable)) return EventPropagation.Continue; this.TakeCapture(); return EventPropagation.Stop; } break; case EventType.MouseDrag: if (this.HasCapture()) { foreach (ISelectable s in graphView.selection) { GraphElement ce = s as GraphElement; if (ce == null || ce.presenter == null) continue; GraphElementPresenter presenter = ce.presenter; if ((ce.presenter.capabilities & Capabilities.Movable) != Capabilities.Movable) continue; Matrix4x4 g = ce.globalTransform; var scale = new Vector3(g.m00, g.m11, g.m22); presenter.position = CalculatePosition(presenter.position.x + * panSpeed.x / scale.x, presenter.position.y + * panSpeed.y / scale.y, presenter.position.width, presenter.position.height); } return EventPropagation.Stop; } break; case EventType.MouseUp: if (CanStopManipulation(evt)) { foreach (var presenter in graphView.selection.OfType() .Select(ge => ge.presenter) .Where(pr => pr != null)) { presenter.CommitChanges(); } this.ReleaseCapture(); return EventPropagation.Stop; } break; } return EventPropagation.Continue; } } }