using System; #if UNITY_EDITOR using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline; #endif using UnityEngine.Serialization; namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline { // This enum extent the original LightType enum with new light type from HD public enum LightTypeExtent { Punctual, // Fallback on LightShape type Rectangle, Line, // Sphere, // Disc, }; public enum SpotLightShape { Cone, Pyramid, Box }; public enum LightUnit { Lumen, Candela, Lux, Luminance, Ev100, } // Light layering public enum LightLayerEnum { Nothing = 0, // Custom name for "Nothing" option LightLayerDefault = 1 << 0, LightLayer1 = 1 << 1, LightLayer2 = 1 << 2, LightLayer3 = 1 << 3, LightLayer4 = 1 << 4, LightLayer5 = 1 << 5, LightLayer6 = 1 << 6, LightLayer7 = 1 << 7, Everything = 0xFF, // Custom name for "Everything" option } // This structure contains all the old values for every recordable fields from the HD light editor // so we can force timeline to record changes on other fields from the LateUpdate function (editor only) struct TimelineWorkaround { public float oldDisplayLightIntensity; public float oldSpotAngle; public bool oldEnableSpotReflector; public Color oldLightColor; public Vector3 oldLocalScale; public bool oldDisplayAreaLightEmissiveMesh; public LightTypeExtent oldLightTypeExtent; public float oldLightColorTemperature; public Vector3 oldShape; } //@TODO: We should continuously move these values // into the engine when we can see them being generally useful [RequireComponent(typeof(Light))] [ExecuteInEditMode] public class HDAdditionalLightData : MonoBehaviour, ISerializationCallbackReceiver { private const int currentVersion = 2; [HideInInspector, SerializeField] [FormerlySerializedAs("m_Version")] [System.Obsolete("version is deprecated, use m_Version instead")] private float version = currentVersion; // Currently m_Version is not used and produce a warning, remove these pragmas at the next version incrementation #pragma warning disable 414 [SerializeField] private int m_Version = currentVersion; #pragma warning restore 414 // To be able to have correct default values for our lights and to also control the conversion of intensity from the light editor (so it is compatible with GI) // we add intensity (for each type of light we want to manage). [System.Obsolete("directionalIntensity is deprecated, use intensity and lightUnit instead")] public float directionalIntensity = Mathf.PI; // In Lux [System.Obsolete("punctualIntensity is deprecated, use intensity and lightUnit instead")] public float punctualIntensity = 600.0f; // Light default to 600 lumen, i.e ~48 candela [System.Obsolete("areaIntensity is deprecated, use intensity and lightUnit instead")] public float areaIntensity = 200.0f; // Light default to 200 lumen to better match point light public const float k_DefaultDirectionalLightIntensity = Mathf.PI; // In lux public const float k_DefaultPunctualLightIntensity = 600.0f; // In lumens public const float k_DefaultAreaLightIntensity = 200.0f; // In lumens public float intensity { get { return displayLightIntensity; } set { SetLightIntensity(value); } } // Only for Spotlight, should be hide for other light public bool enableSpotReflector = false; [Range(0.0f, 100.0f)] public float m_InnerSpotPercent = 0.0f; // To display this field in the UI this need to be public public float GetInnerSpotPercent01() { return Mathf.Clamp(m_InnerSpotPercent, 0.0f, 100.0f) / 100.0f; } [Range(0.0f, 1.0f)] public float lightDimmer = 1.0f; [Range(0.0f, 1.0f)] public float volumetricDimmer = 1.0f; // Used internally to convert any light unit input into light intensity public LightUnit lightUnit; // Not used for directional lights. public float fadeDistance = 10000.0f; public bool affectDiffuse = true; public bool affectSpecular = true; // This property work only with shadow mask and allow to say we don't render any lightMapped object in the shadow map public bool nonLightmappedOnly = false; public LightTypeExtent lightTypeExtent = LightTypeExtent.Punctual; // Only for Spotlight, should be hide for other light public SpotLightShape spotLightShape = SpotLightShape.Cone; // Only for Rectangle/Line/box projector lights public float shapeWidth = 0.5f; // Only for Rectangle/box projector lights public float shapeHeight = 0.5f; // Only for pyramid projector public float aspectRatio = 1.0f; // Only for Sphere/Disc public float shapeRadius = 0.0f; // Only for Spot/Point - use to cheaply fake specular spherical area light [Range(0.0f, 1.0f)] public float maxSmoothness = 1.0f; // If true, we apply the smooth attenuation factor on the range attenuation to get 0 value, else the attenuation is just inverse square and never reach 0 public bool applyRangeAttenuation = true; // This is specific for the LightEditor GUI and not use at runtime public bool useOldInspector = false; public bool featuresFoldout = true; public bool showAdditionalSettings = false; public float displayLightIntensity; // When true, a mesh will be display to represent the area light (Can only be change in editor, component is added in Editor) public bool displayAreaLightEmissiveMesh = false; // Duplication of HDLightEditor.k_MinAreaWidth, maybe do something about that const float k_MinAreaWidth = 0.01f; // Provide a small size of 1cm for line light public LightLayerEnum lightLayers = LightLayerEnum.LightLayerDefault; // This function return a mask of light layers as uint and handle the case of Everything as being 0xFF and not -1 public uint GetLightLayers() { int value = Convert.ToInt32(lightLayers); return value < 0 ? (uint)LightLayerEnum.Everything : (uint)value; } #if UNITY_EDITOR // We need these old states to make timeline and the animator record the intensity value and the emissive mesh changes (editor-only) [System.NonSerialized] TimelineWorkaround timelineWorkaround; #endif // For light that used the old intensity system we update them [System.NonSerialized] bool needsIntensityUpdate_1_0 = false; // Runtime datas used to compute light intensity Light _light; Light m_Light { get { if (_light == null) _light = GetComponent(); return _light; } } void SetLightIntensity(float intensity) { displayLightIntensity = intensity; if (lightUnit == LightUnit.Lumen) { if (lightTypeExtent == LightTypeExtent.Punctual) SetLightIntensityPunctual(intensity); else m_Light.intensity = LightUtils.ConvertAreaLightLumenToLuminance(lightTypeExtent, intensity, shapeWidth, shapeHeight); } else if (lightUnit == LightUnit.Ev100) { m_Light.intensity = LightUtils.ConvertEvToLuminance(intensity); } else m_Light.intensity = intensity; #if UNITY_EDITOR m_Light.SetLightDirty(); // Should be apply only to parameter that's affect GI, but make the code cleaner #endif } void SetLightIntensityPunctual(float intensity) { switch (m_Light.type) { case LightType.Directional: m_Light.intensity = intensity; // Always in lux break; case LightType.Point: if (lightUnit == LightUnit.Candela) m_Light.intensity = intensity; else m_Light.intensity = LightUtils.ConvertPointLightLumenToCandela(intensity); break; case LightType.Spot: if (lightUnit == LightUnit.Candela) { // When using candela, reflector don't have any effect. Our intensity is candela = lumens/steradian and the user // provide desired value for an angle of 1 steradian. m_Light.intensity = intensity; } else // lumen { if (enableSpotReflector) { // If reflector is enabled all the lighting from the sphere is focus inside the solid angle of current shape if (spotLightShape == SpotLightShape.Cone) { m_Light.intensity = LightUtils.ConvertSpotLightLumenToCandela(intensity, m_Light.spotAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad, true); } else if (spotLightShape == SpotLightShape.Pyramid) { float angleA, angleB; LightUtils.CalculateAnglesForPyramid(aspectRatio, m_Light.spotAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad, out angleA, out angleB); m_Light.intensity = LightUtils.ConvertFrustrumLightLumenToCandela(intensity, angleA, angleB); } else // Box shape, fallback to punctual light. { m_Light.intensity = LightUtils.ConvertPointLightLumenToCandela(intensity); } } else { // No reflector, angle act as occlusion of point light. m_Light.intensity = LightUtils.ConvertPointLightLumenToCandela(intensity); } } break; } } #if UNITY_EDITOR // Force to retrieve color light's m_UseColorTemperature because it's private [System.NonSerialized] SerializedProperty useColorTemperatureProperty; [System.NonSerialized] SerializedObject lightSerializedObject; public bool useColorTemperature { get { if (useColorTemperatureProperty == null) { lightSerializedObject = new SerializedObject(m_Light); useColorTemperatureProperty = lightSerializedObject.FindProperty("m_UseColorTemperature"); } lightSerializedObject.Update(); return useColorTemperatureProperty.boolValue; } } private void DrawGizmos(bool selected) { var light = gameObject.GetComponent(); var gizmoColor = light.color; gizmoColor.a = selected ? 1.0f : 0.3f; // Fade for the gizmo Gizmos.color = Handles.color = gizmoColor; if (lightTypeExtent == LightTypeExtent.Punctual) { switch (light.type) { case LightType.Directional: HDLightEditorUtilities.DrawDirectionalLightGizmo(light); break; case LightType.Point: HDLightEditorUtilities.DrawPointlightGizmo(light, selected); break; case LightType.Spot: if (spotLightShape == SpotLightShape.Cone) HDLightEditorUtilities.DrawSpotlightGizmo(light, selected); else if (spotLightShape == SpotLightShape.Pyramid) HDLightEditorUtilities.DrawFrustumlightGizmo(light); else if (spotLightShape == SpotLightShape.Box) HDLightEditorUtilities.DrawFrustumlightGizmo(light); break; } } else { switch (lightTypeExtent) { case LightTypeExtent.Rectangle: HDLightEditorUtilities.DrawArealightGizmo(light); break; case LightTypeExtent.Line: HDLightEditorUtilities.DrawArealightGizmo(light); break; } } if (selected) { DrawVerticalRay(); } } // Trace a ray down to better locate the light location private void DrawVerticalRay() { Ray ray = new Ray(transform.position, Vector3.down); RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit)) { Handles.color =; Handles.zTest = UnityEngine.Rendering.CompareFunction.LessEqual; Handles.DrawLine(transform.position, hit.point); Handles.DrawWireDisc(hit.point, hit.normal, 0.5f); Handles.color =; Handles.zTest = UnityEngine.Rendering.CompareFunction.Greater; Handles.DrawLine(transform.position, hit.point); Handles.DrawWireDisc(hit.point, hit.normal, 0.5f); } } private void OnDrawGizmos() { // DrawGizmos(false); } private void OnDrawGizmosSelected() { DrawGizmos(true); } // TODO: There are a lot of old != current checks and assignation in this function, maybe think about using another system ? void LateUpdate() { Vector3 shape = new Vector3(shapeWidth, shapeHeight, shapeRadius); // Check if the intensity have been changed by the inspector or an animator if (timelineWorkaround.oldDisplayLightIntensity != displayLightIntensity || lightTypeExtent != timelineWorkaround.oldLightTypeExtent || transform.localScale != timelineWorkaround.oldLocalScale || shape != timelineWorkaround.oldShape || m_Light.colorTemperature != timelineWorkaround.oldLightColorTemperature) { RefreshLigthIntensity(); UpdateAreaLightEmissiveMesh(); timelineWorkaround.oldDisplayLightIntensity = displayLightIntensity; timelineWorkaround.oldLocalScale = transform.localScale; timelineWorkaround.oldLightTypeExtent = lightTypeExtent; timelineWorkaround.oldLightColorTemperature = m_Light.colorTemperature; timelineWorkaround.oldShape = shape; } // Same check for light angle to update intensity using spot angle if (m_Light.type == LightType.Spot && (timelineWorkaround.oldSpotAngle != m_Light.spotAngle || timelineWorkaround.oldEnableSpotReflector != enableSpotReflector)) { RefreshLigthIntensity(); timelineWorkaround.oldSpotAngle = m_Light.spotAngle; timelineWorkaround.oldEnableSpotReflector = enableSpotReflector; } if (m_Light.color != timelineWorkaround.oldLightColor || transform.localScale !=timelineWorkaround.oldLocalScale || displayAreaLightEmissiveMesh != timelineWorkaround.oldDisplayAreaLightEmissiveMesh || lightTypeExtent !=timelineWorkaround.oldLightTypeExtent || m_Light.colorTemperature != timelineWorkaround.oldLightColorTemperature) { UpdateAreaLightEmissiveMesh(); timelineWorkaround.oldLightColor = m_Light.color; timelineWorkaround.oldLocalScale = transform.localScale; timelineWorkaround.oldDisplayAreaLightEmissiveMesh = displayAreaLightEmissiveMesh; timelineWorkaround.oldLightTypeExtent = lightTypeExtent; timelineWorkaround.oldLightColorTemperature = m_Light.colorTemperature; } } // The editor can only access displayLightIntensity (because of SerializedProperties) so we update the intensity to get the real value void RefreshLigthIntensity() { intensity = displayLightIntensity; } public static bool IsAreaLight(LightTypeExtent lightType) { return lightType != LightTypeExtent.Punctual; } public static bool IsAreaLight(SerializedProperty lightType) { return IsAreaLight((LightTypeExtent)lightType.enumValueIndex); } public void UpdateAreaLightEmissiveMesh() { MeshRenderer emissiveMeshRenderer = GetComponent(); MeshFilter emissiveMeshFilter = GetComponent(); bool displayEmissiveMesh = IsAreaLight(lightTypeExtent) && lightTypeExtent != LightTypeExtent.Line && displayAreaLightEmissiveMesh; // Ensure that the emissive mesh components are here if (displayEmissiveMesh) { if (emissiveMeshRenderer == null) emissiveMeshRenderer = gameObject.AddComponent(); if (emissiveMeshFilter == null) emissiveMeshFilter = gameObject.AddComponent(); } else // Or remove them if the option is disabled { if (emissiveMeshRenderer != null) DestroyImmediate(emissiveMeshRenderer); if (emissiveMeshFilter != null) DestroyImmediate(emissiveMeshFilter); // We don't have anything to do left if the dislay emissive mesh option is disabled return ; } Vector3 lightSize; // Update light area size from GameObject transform scale if the transform have changed // else we update the light size from the shape fields if (timelineWorkaround.oldLocalScale != transform.localScale) lightSize = transform.localScale; else lightSize = new Vector3(shapeWidth, shapeHeight, 0); lightSize = Vector3.Max( * k_MinAreaWidth, lightSize); m_Light.transform.localScale = lightSize; m_Light.areaSize = lightSize; switch (lightTypeExtent) { case LightTypeExtent.Rectangle: shapeWidth = lightSize.x; shapeHeight = lightSize.y; break; default: break; } if (emissiveMeshRenderer.sharedMaterial == null) emissiveMeshRenderer.material = new Material(Shader.Find("HDRenderPipeline/Unlit")); // Update Mesh emissive properties emissiveMeshRenderer.sharedMaterial.SetColor("_UnlitColor",; // m_Light.intensity is in luminance which is the value we need for emissive color Color value = m_Light.color.linear * m_Light.intensity; if (useColorTemperature) value *= LightUtils.CorrelatedColorTemperatureToRGB(m_Light.colorTemperature); emissiveMeshRenderer.sharedMaterial.SetColor("_EmissiveColor", value); } #endif // As we have our own default value, we need to initialize the light intensity correctly public static void InitDefaultHDAdditionalLightData(HDAdditionalLightData lightData) { // Special treatment for Unity built-in area light. Change it to our rectangle light var light = lightData.gameObject.GetComponent(); // Set light intensity and unit using its type switch (light.type) { case LightType.Directional: lightData.lightUnit = LightUnit.Lux; lightData.intensity = k_DefaultDirectionalLightIntensity; break; case LightType.Rectangle: // Rectangle by default when light is created lightData.lightUnit = LightUnit.Lumen; lightData.intensity = k_DefaultAreaLightIntensity; break; case LightType.Point: case LightType.Spot: lightData.lightUnit = LightUnit.Lumen; lightData.intensity = k_DefaultPunctualLightIntensity; break; } // Sanity check: lightData.lightTypeExtent is init to LightTypeExtent.Punctual (in case for unknow reasons we recreate additional data on an existing line) if (light.type == LightType.Rectangle && lightData.lightTypeExtent == LightTypeExtent.Punctual) { lightData.lightTypeExtent = LightTypeExtent.Rectangle; light.type = LightType.Point; // Same as in HDLightEditor #if UNITY_EDITOR light.lightmapBakeType = LightmapBakeType.Realtime; #endif } // We don't use the global settings of shadow mask by default light.lightShadowCasterMode = LightShadowCasterMode.Everything; } public void OnBeforeSerialize() {} public void OnAfterDeserialize() { // Note: the field version is deprecated but we keep it for retro-compatibility reasons, you should use m_Version instead #pragma warning disable 0618 if (version <= 1.0f) #pragma warning restore 0618 { // Note: We can't access to the light component in OnAfterSerialize as it is not init() yet, // so instead we use a boolean to do the upgrade in OnEnable(). // However OnEnable is not call when the light is disabled, so the HDLightEditor also call // the UpgradeLight() code in this case needsIntensityUpdate_1_0 = true; } } private void OnEnable() { UpgradeLight(); } public void UpgradeLight() { // Disable the warning generated by deprecated fields (areaIntensity, directionalIntensity, ...) #pragma warning disable 0618 // If we are deserializing an old version, convert the light intensity to the new system if (needsIntensityUpdate_1_0) { switch (lightTypeExtent) { case LightTypeExtent.Punctual: switch (m_Light.type) { case LightType.Directional: lightUnit = LightUnit.Lux; intensity = directionalIntensity; break; case LightType.Spot: case LightType.Point: lightUnit = LightUnit.Lumen; intensity = punctualIntensity; break; } break; case LightTypeExtent.Line: case LightTypeExtent.Rectangle: lightUnit = LightUnit.Lumen; intensity = areaIntensity; break; } needsIntensityUpdate_1_0 = false; } m_Version = currentVersion; version = currentVersion; #pragma warning restore 0618 } } }