//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // structure definition //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline { public class Builtin // Note: This particular class doesn't derive from RenderPipelineMaterial { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BuiltinData // This structure include common data that should be present in all material // and are independent from the BSDF parametrization. // Note: These parameters can be store in GBuffer if the writer wants //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [GenerateHLSL(PackingRules.Exact, false, true, 100)] public struct BuiltinData { [SurfaceDataAttributes("Opacity")] public float opacity; // These are lighting data. // We would prefer to split lighting and material information but for performance reasons, // those lighting information are fill // at the same time than material information. [SurfaceDataAttributes("Bake Diffuse Lighting", false, true)] public Vector3 bakeDiffuseLighting; // This is the result of sampling lightmap/lightprobe/proxyvolume // Use for float instead of vector4 to ease the debug (no performance impact) // Note: We have no way to remove these value automatically based on either SHADEROPTIONS_BAKED_SHADOW_MASK_ENABLE or s_BakedShadowMaskEnable here. Unless we make two structure... For now always keep this value [SurfaceDataAttributes("Shadow Mask 0")] public float shadowMask0; [SurfaceDataAttributes("Shadow Mask 1")] public float shadowMask1; [SurfaceDataAttributes("Shadow Mask 2")] public float shadowMask2; [SurfaceDataAttributes("Shadow Mask 3")] public float shadowMask3; [SurfaceDataAttributes("Emissive Color", false, false)] public Vector3 emissiveColor; // These is required for motion blur and temporalAA [SurfaceDataAttributes("Velocity")] public Vector2 velocity; // Distortion [SurfaceDataAttributes("Distortion")] public Vector2 distortion; [SurfaceDataAttributes("Distortion Blur")] public float distortionBlur; // Define the color buffer mipmap level to use // Depth [SurfaceDataAttributes("Depth Offset")] public float depthOffset; // define the depth in unity unit to add in Z forward direction }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LightTransportData // This struct is use to store information for Enlighten/Progressive light mapper. both at runtime or off line. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [GenerateHLSL(PackingRules.Exact, false, true, 150)] public struct LightTransportData { [SurfaceDataAttributes("", false, true)] public Vector3 diffuseColor; public Vector3 emissiveColor; // HDR value }; public static RenderTextureFormat GetShadowMaskBufferFormat() { return RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32; } public static bool GetShadowMaskSRGBFlag() { return false; } public static RenderTextureFormat GetVelocityBufferFormat() { return RenderTextureFormat.RGHalf; // TODO: We should use 16bit normalized instead, better precision // RGInt } public static bool GetVelocityBufferSRGBFlag() { return false; } public static RenderTextureFormat GetDistortionBufferFormat() { // TODO: // This format need to be additive blendable and include distortionBlur, blend mode different for alpha value return RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf; } public static bool GetDistortionBufferSRGBFlag() { return false; } } }