using UnityEngine; using System.Collections.Generic; #if UNITY_EDITOR using UnityEditor; #endif namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering { public class TextureCache2D : TextureCache { private Texture2DArray m_Cache; public override void TransferToSlice(int sliceIndex, Texture texture) { var mismatch = (m_Cache.width != texture.width) || (m_Cache.height != texture.height); if (texture is Texture2D) { mismatch |= (m_Cache.format != (texture as Texture2D).format); } if (mismatch) { if (!UnityEngine.Graphics.ConvertTexture(texture, 0, m_Cache, sliceIndex)) { Debug.LogErrorFormat(texture, "Unable to convert texture \"{0}\" to match renderloop settings ({1}x{2} {3})",, m_Cache.width, m_Cache.height, m_Cache.format); } } else { UnityEngine.Graphics.CopyTexture(texture, 0, m_Cache, sliceIndex); } } public override Texture GetTexCache() { return m_Cache; } public bool AllocTextureArray(int numTextures, int width, int height, TextureFormat format, bool isMipMapped) { var res = AllocTextureArray(numTextures); m_NumMipLevels = GetNumMips(width, height); m_Cache = new Texture2DArray(width, height, numTextures, format, isMipMapped) { hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave, wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp }; return res; } public void Release() { Texture.DestroyImmediate(m_Cache); // do I need this? } } public class TextureCacheCubemap : TextureCache { private CubemapArray m_Cache; // the member variables below are only in use when TextureCache.supportsCubemapArrayTextures is false private Texture2DArray m_CacheNoCubeArray; private RenderTexture[] m_StagingRTs; private int m_NumPanoMipLevels; private Material m_CubeBlitMaterial; private int m_CubeMipLevelPropName; private int m_cubeSrcTexPropName; public override void TransferToSlice(int sliceIndex, Texture texture) { if (!TextureCache.supportsCubemapArrayTextures) TransferToPanoCache(sliceIndex, texture); else { var mismatch = (m_Cache.width != texture.width) || (m_Cache.height != texture.height); if (texture is Cubemap) { mismatch |= (m_Cache.format != (texture as Cubemap).format); } if (mismatch) { bool failed = false; for (int f = 0; f < 6; f++) { if (!UnityEngine.Graphics.ConvertTexture(texture, f, m_Cache, 6 * sliceIndex + f)) { failed = true; break; } } if (failed) { Debug.LogErrorFormat(texture, "Unable to convert texture \"{0}\" to match renderloop settings ({1}x{2} {3})",, m_Cache.width, m_Cache.height, m_Cache.format); } } else { for (int f = 0; f < 6; f++) UnityEngine.Graphics.CopyTexture(texture, f, m_Cache, 6 * sliceIndex + f); } } } public override Texture GetTexCache() { return !TextureCache.supportsCubemapArrayTextures ? (Texture)m_CacheNoCubeArray : m_Cache; } public bool AllocTextureArray(int numCubeMaps, int width, TextureFormat format, bool isMipMapped) { var res = AllocTextureArray(numCubeMaps); m_NumMipLevels = GetNumMips(width, width); // will calculate same way whether we have cube array or not if (!TextureCache.supportsCubemapArrayTextures) { if (!m_CubeBlitMaterial) m_CubeBlitMaterial = new Material(Shader.Find("Hidden/CubeToPano")) { hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave }; int panoWidthTop = 4 * width; int panoHeightTop = 2 * width; // create panorama 2D array. Hardcoding the render target for now. No convenient way atm to // map from TextureFormat to RenderTextureFormat and don't want to deal with sRGB issues for now. m_CacheNoCubeArray = new Texture2DArray(panoWidthTop, panoHeightTop, numCubeMaps, TextureFormat.RGBAHalf, isMipMapped) { hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave, wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Repeat, wrapModeV = TextureWrapMode.Clamp, filterMode = FilterMode.Trilinear, anisoLevel = 0 }; m_NumPanoMipLevels = isMipMapped ? GetNumMips(panoWidthTop, panoHeightTop) : 1; m_StagingRTs = new RenderTexture[m_NumPanoMipLevels]; for (int m = 0; m < m_NumPanoMipLevels; m++) { m_StagingRTs[m] = new RenderTexture(Mathf.Max(1, panoWidthTop >> m), Mathf.Max(1, panoHeightTop >> m), 0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf) { hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave }; } if (m_CubeBlitMaterial) { m_CubeMipLevelPropName = Shader.PropertyToID("_cubeMipLvl"); m_cubeSrcTexPropName = Shader.PropertyToID("_srcCubeTexture"); } } else { m_Cache = new CubemapArray(width, numCubeMaps, format, isMipMapped) { hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave, wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp, filterMode = FilterMode.Trilinear, anisoLevel = 0 // It is important to set 0 here, else unity force anisotropy filtering }; } return res; } public void Release() { if (m_CacheNoCubeArray) { Texture.DestroyImmediate(m_CacheNoCubeArray); for (int m = 0; m < m_NumPanoMipLevels; m++) { m_StagingRTs[m].Release(); } m_StagingRTs = null; if (m_CubeBlitMaterial) Material.DestroyImmediate(m_CubeBlitMaterial); } if (m_Cache) Texture.DestroyImmediate(m_Cache); } private void TransferToPanoCache(int sliceIndex, Texture texture) { m_CubeBlitMaterial.SetTexture(m_cubeSrcTexPropName, texture); for (int m = 0; m < m_NumPanoMipLevels; m++) { m_CubeBlitMaterial.SetInt(m_CubeMipLevelPropName, Mathf.Min(m_NumMipLevels - 1, m)); UnityEngine.Graphics.SetRenderTarget(m_StagingRTs[m]); UnityEngine.Graphics.Blit(null, m_CubeBlitMaterial, 0); } for (int m = 0; m < m_NumPanoMipLevels; m++) UnityEngine.Graphics.CopyTexture(m_StagingRTs[m], 0, 0, m_CacheNoCubeArray, sliceIndex, m); } } public abstract class TextureCache { protected int m_NumMipLevels; public static bool isMobileBuildTarget { get { #if UNITY_EDITOR switch (EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget) { case BuildTarget.iOS: case BuildTarget.Android: case BuildTarget.Tizen: case BuildTarget.WSAPlayer: // Note: We return true on purpose even if Windows Store Apps are running on Desktop. return true; default: return false; } #else return Application.isMobilePlatform; #endif } } public static TextureFormat GetPreferredHdrCompressedTextureFormat { get { var format = TextureFormat.RGBAHalf; var probeFormat = TextureFormat.BC6H; // On editor the texture is uncompressed when operating against mobile build targets //#if UNITY_2017_2_OR_NEWER if (SystemInfo.SupportsTextureFormat(probeFormat) && !UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsSettings.HasShaderDefine(UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderDefine.UNITY_NO_DXT5nm)) format = probeFormat; //#else // if (SystemInfo.SupportsTextureFormat(probeFormat) && !TextureCache.isMobileBuildTarget) // format = probeFormat; //#endif return format; } } public static bool supportsCubemapArrayTextures { get { //#if UNITY_2017_2_OR_NEWER return !UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsSettings.HasShaderDefine(UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderDefine.UNITY_NO_CUBEMAP_ARRAY); //#else // return (SystemInfo.supportsCubemapArrayTextures && !TextureCache.isMobileBuildTarget); //#endif } } private struct SSliceEntry { public uint texId; public uint countLRU; #if UNITY_EDITOR public Hash128 hash; #endif }; private int m_NumTextures; private int[] m_SortedIdxArray; private SSliceEntry[] m_SliceArray; Dictionary m_LocatorInSliceArray; private static uint g_MaxFrameCount = unchecked((uint)(-1)); private static uint g_InvalidTexID = (uint)0; public int FetchSlice(Texture texture, bool forceReinject=false) { var sliceIndex = -1; if (texture == null) return sliceIndex; var texId = (uint)texture.GetInstanceID(); #if UNITY_EDITOR var hash = texture.imageContentsHash; #endif //assert(TexID!=g_InvalidTexID); if (texId == g_InvalidTexID) return 0; var bSwapSlice = forceReinject; var bFoundAvailOrExistingSlice = false; // search for existing copy int cachedSlice; if (m_LocatorInSliceArray.TryGetValue(texId, out cachedSlice)) { sliceIndex = cachedSlice; Debug.Assert(m_SliceArray[sliceIndex].texId == texId); bFoundAvailOrExistingSlice = true; #if UNITY_EDITOR bSwapSlice = bSwapSlice || (m_SliceArray[sliceIndex].hash != hash); #endif } // If no existing copy found in the array if (!bFoundAvailOrExistingSlice) { // look for first non zero entry. Will by the least recently used entry // since the array was pre-sorted (in linear time) in NewFrame() var bFound = false; int j = 0, idx = 0; while ((!bFound) && j < m_NumTextures) { idx = m_SortedIdxArray[j]; if (m_SliceArray[idx].countLRU == 0) ++j; // if entry already snagged by a new texture in this frame then ++j else bFound = true; } if (bFound) { // if we are replacing an existing entry delete it from m_locatorInSliceArray. if (m_SliceArray[idx].texId != g_InvalidTexID) { m_LocatorInSliceArray.Remove(m_SliceArray[idx].texId); } m_LocatorInSliceArray.Add(texId, idx); m_SliceArray[idx].texId = texId; sliceIndex = idx; bFoundAvailOrExistingSlice = true; bSwapSlice = true; } } // wrap up Debug.Assert(bFoundAvailOrExistingSlice, "The texture cache doesn't have enough space to store all textures. Please either increase the size of the texture cache, or use fewer unique textures."); if (bFoundAvailOrExistingSlice) { m_SliceArray[sliceIndex].countLRU = 0; // mark slice as in use this frame if (bSwapSlice) // if this was a miss { #if UNITY_EDITOR m_SliceArray[sliceIndex].hash = hash; #endif // transfer new slice to sliceIndex from source texture TransferToSlice(sliceIndex, texture); } } return sliceIndex; } private static List s_TempIntList = new List(); public void NewFrame() { var numNonZeros = 0; s_TempIntList.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < m_NumTextures; i++) { s_TempIntList.Add(m_SortedIdxArray[i]); // copy buffer if (m_SliceArray[m_SortedIdxArray[i]].countLRU != 0) ++numNonZeros; } int nonZerosBase = 0, zerosBase = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_NumTextures; i++) { if (m_SliceArray[s_TempIntList[i]].countLRU == 0) { m_SortedIdxArray[zerosBase + numNonZeros] = s_TempIntList[i]; ++zerosBase; } else { m_SortedIdxArray[nonZerosBase] = s_TempIntList[i]; ++nonZerosBase; } } for (int i = 0; i < m_NumTextures; i++) { if (m_SliceArray[i].countLRU < g_MaxFrameCount) ++m_SliceArray[i].countLRU; // next frame } //for(int q=1; q=m_SliceArray[m_SortedIdxArray[q]].CountLRU); } protected TextureCache() { m_NumTextures = 0; m_NumMipLevels = 0; } public virtual void TransferToSlice(int sliceIndex, Texture texture) { } public virtual Texture GetTexCache() { return null; } protected bool AllocTextureArray(int numTextures) { if (numTextures > 0) { m_SliceArray = new SSliceEntry[numTextures]; m_SortedIdxArray = new int[numTextures]; m_LocatorInSliceArray = new Dictionary(); m_NumTextures = numTextures; for (int i = 0; i < m_NumTextures; i++) { m_SliceArray[i].countLRU = g_MaxFrameCount; // never used before m_SliceArray[i].texId = g_InvalidTexID; m_SortedIdxArray[i] = i; } } //return m_SliceArray != NULL && m_SortedIdxArray != NULL && numTextures > 0; return numTextures > 0; } // should not really be used in general. Assuming lights are culled properly entries will automatically be replaced efficiently. public void RemoveEntryFromSlice(Texture texture) { var texId = (uint)texture.GetInstanceID(); //assert(TexID!=g_InvalidTexID); if (texId == g_InvalidTexID) return; // search for existing copy if (!m_LocatorInSliceArray.ContainsKey(texId)) return; var sliceIndex = m_LocatorInSliceArray[texId]; //assert(m_SliceArray[sliceIndex].TexID==TexID); // locate entry sorted by uCountLRU in m_pSortedIdxArray var foundIdxSortLRU = false; var i = 0; while ((!foundIdxSortLRU) && i < m_NumTextures) { if (m_SortedIdxArray[i] == sliceIndex) foundIdxSortLRU = true; else ++i; } if (!foundIdxSortLRU) return; // relocate sliceIndex to front of m_pSortedIdxArray since uCountLRU will be set to maximum. for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { m_SortedIdxArray[j + 1] = m_SortedIdxArray[j]; } m_SortedIdxArray[0] = sliceIndex; // delete from m_locatorInSliceArray and m_pSliceArray. m_LocatorInSliceArray.Remove(texId); m_SliceArray[sliceIndex].countLRU = g_MaxFrameCount; // never used before m_SliceArray[sliceIndex].texId = g_InvalidTexID; } protected int GetNumMips(int width, int height) { return GetNumMips(width > height ? width : height); } protected int GetNumMips(int dim) { var uDim = (uint)dim; var iNumMips = 0; while (uDim > 0) { ++iNumMips; uDim >>= 1; } return iNumMips; } } }