using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine.Rendering; namespace UnityEngine.PostProcessing { using DebugMode = BuiltinDebugViewsModel.Mode; #if UNITY_5_4_OR_NEWER [ImageEffectAllowedInSceneView] #endif [RequireComponent(typeof(Camera)), DisallowMultipleComponent, ExecuteInEditMode] [AddComponentMenu("Effects/Post-Processing Behaviour", -1)] public class PostProcessingBehaviour : MonoBehaviour { // Inspector fields public PostProcessingProfile profile; public Func jitteredMatrixFunc; // Internal helpers Dictionary> m_CommandBuffers; List m_Components; Dictionary m_ComponentStates; MaterialFactory m_MaterialFactory; RenderTextureFactory m_RenderTextureFactory; PostProcessingContext m_Context; Camera m_Camera; PostProcessingProfile m_PreviousProfile; bool m_RenderingInSceneView = false; // Effect components BuiltinDebugViewsComponent m_DebugViews; AmbientOcclusionComponent m_AmbientOcclusion; ScreenSpaceReflectionComponent m_ScreenSpaceReflection; FogComponent m_FogComponent; MotionBlurComponent m_MotionBlur; TaaComponent m_Taa; EyeAdaptationComponent m_EyeAdaptation; DepthOfFieldComponent m_DepthOfField; BloomComponent m_Bloom; ChromaticAberrationComponent m_ChromaticAberration; ColorGradingComponent m_ColorGrading; UserLutComponent m_UserLut; GrainComponent m_Grain; VignetteComponent m_Vignette; DitheringComponent m_Dithering; FxaaComponent m_Fxaa; void OnEnable() { m_CommandBuffers = new Dictionary>(); m_MaterialFactory = new MaterialFactory(); m_RenderTextureFactory = new RenderTextureFactory(); m_Context = new PostProcessingContext(); // Keep a list of all post-fx for automation purposes m_Components = new List(); // Component list m_DebugViews = AddComponent(new BuiltinDebugViewsComponent()); m_AmbientOcclusion = AddComponent(new AmbientOcclusionComponent()); m_ScreenSpaceReflection = AddComponent(new ScreenSpaceReflectionComponent()); m_FogComponent = AddComponent(new FogComponent()); m_MotionBlur = AddComponent(new MotionBlurComponent()); m_Taa = AddComponent(new TaaComponent()); m_EyeAdaptation = AddComponent(new EyeAdaptationComponent()); m_DepthOfField = AddComponent(new DepthOfFieldComponent()); m_Bloom = AddComponent(new BloomComponent()); m_ChromaticAberration = AddComponent(new ChromaticAberrationComponent()); m_ColorGrading = AddComponent(new ColorGradingComponent()); m_UserLut = AddComponent(new UserLutComponent()); m_Grain = AddComponent(new GrainComponent()); m_Vignette = AddComponent(new VignetteComponent()); m_Dithering = AddComponent(new DitheringComponent()); m_Fxaa = AddComponent(new FxaaComponent()); // Prepare state observers m_ComponentStates = new Dictionary(); foreach (var component in m_Components) m_ComponentStates.Add(component, false); useGUILayout = false; } void OnPreCull() { // All the per-frame initialization logic has to be done in OnPreCull instead of Update // because [ImageEffectAllowedInSceneView] doesn't trigger Update events... m_Camera = GetComponent(); if (profile == null || m_Camera == null) return; #if UNITY_EDITOR // Track the scene view camera to disable some effects we don't want to see in the // scene view // Currently disabled effects : // - Temporal Antialiasing // - Depth of Field // - Motion blur m_RenderingInSceneView = UnityEditor.SceneView.currentDrawingSceneView != null && == m_Camera; #endif // Prepare context var context = m_Context.Reset(); context.profile = profile; context.renderTextureFactory = m_RenderTextureFactory; context.materialFactory = m_MaterialFactory; = m_Camera; // Prepare components m_DebugViews.Init(context, profile.debugViews); m_AmbientOcclusion.Init(context, profile.ambientOcclusion); m_ScreenSpaceReflection.Init(context, profile.screenSpaceReflection); m_FogComponent.Init(context, profile.fog); m_MotionBlur.Init(context, profile.motionBlur); m_Taa.Init(context, profile.antialiasing); m_EyeAdaptation.Init(context, profile.eyeAdaptation); m_DepthOfField.Init(context, profile.depthOfField); m_Bloom.Init(context, profile.bloom); m_ChromaticAberration.Init(context, profile.chromaticAberration); m_ColorGrading.Init(context, profile.colorGrading); m_UserLut.Init(context, profile.userLut); m_Grain.Init(context, profile.grain); m_Vignette.Init(context, profile.vignette); m_Dithering.Init(context, profile.dithering); m_Fxaa.Init(context, profile.antialiasing); // Handles profile change and 'enable' state observers if (m_PreviousProfile != profile) { DisableComponents(); m_PreviousProfile = profile; } CheckObservers(); // Find out which camera flags are needed before rendering begins // Note that motion vectors will only be available one frame after being enabled var flags = DepthTextureMode.None; foreach (var component in m_Components) { if ( flags |= component.GetCameraFlags(); } = flags; // Temporal antialiasing jittering, needs to happen before culling if (!m_RenderingInSceneView && && !profile.debugViews.willInterrupt) m_Taa.SetProjectionMatrix(jitteredMatrixFunc); } void OnPreRender() { if (profile == null) return; // Command buffer-based effects should be set-up here TryExecuteCommandBuffer(m_DebugViews); TryExecuteCommandBuffer(m_AmbientOcclusion); TryExecuteCommandBuffer(m_ScreenSpaceReflection); TryExecuteCommandBuffer(m_FogComponent); if (!m_RenderingInSceneView) TryExecuteCommandBuffer(m_MotionBlur); } void OnPostRender() { if (profile == null || m_Camera == null) return; if (!m_RenderingInSceneView && && !profile.debugViews.willInterrupt); } // Classic render target pipeline for RT-based effects // Note that any effect that happens after this stack will work in LDR [ImageEffectTransformsToLDR] void OnRenderImage(RenderTexture source, RenderTexture destination) { if (profile == null || m_Camera == null) { Graphics.Blit(source, destination); return; } // Uber shader setup bool uberActive = false; bool fxaaActive =; bool taaActive = && !m_RenderingInSceneView; bool dofActive = && !m_RenderingInSceneView; var uberMaterial = m_MaterialFactory.Get("Hidden/Post FX/Uber Shader"); uberMaterial.shaderKeywords = null; var src = source; var dst = destination; if (taaActive) { var tempRT = m_RenderTextureFactory.Get(src); m_Taa.Render(src, tempRT); src = tempRT; } #if UNITY_EDITOR // Render to a dedicated target when monitors are enabled so they can show information // about the final render. // At runtime the output will always be the backbuffer or whatever render target is // currently set on the camera. if (profile.monitors.onFrameEndEditorOnly != null) dst = m_RenderTextureFactory.Get(src); #endif Texture autoExposure = GraphicsUtils.whiteTexture; if ( { uberActive = true; autoExposure = m_EyeAdaptation.Prepare(src, uberMaterial); } uberMaterial.SetTexture("_AutoExposure", autoExposure); if (dofActive) { uberActive = true; m_DepthOfField.Prepare(src, uberMaterial, taaActive, m_Taa.jitterVector, m_Taa.model.settings.taaSettings.motionBlending); } if ( { uberActive = true; m_Bloom.Prepare(src, uberMaterial, autoExposure); } uberActive |= TryPrepareUberImageEffect(m_ChromaticAberration, uberMaterial); uberActive |= TryPrepareUberImageEffect(m_ColorGrading, uberMaterial); uberActive |= TryPrepareUberImageEffect(m_Vignette, uberMaterial); uberActive |= TryPrepareUberImageEffect(m_UserLut, uberMaterial); var fxaaMaterial = fxaaActive ? m_MaterialFactory.Get("Hidden/Post FX/FXAA") : null; if (fxaaActive) { fxaaMaterial.shaderKeywords = null; TryPrepareUberImageEffect(m_Grain, fxaaMaterial); TryPrepareUberImageEffect(m_Dithering, fxaaMaterial); if (uberActive) { var output = m_RenderTextureFactory.Get(src); Graphics.Blit(src, output, uberMaterial, 0); src = output; } m_Fxaa.Render(src, dst); } else { uberActive |= TryPrepareUberImageEffect(m_Grain, uberMaterial); uberActive |= TryPrepareUberImageEffect(m_Dithering, uberMaterial); if (uberActive) { if (!GraphicsUtils.isLinearColorSpace) uberMaterial.EnableKeyword("UNITY_COLORSPACE_GAMMA"); Graphics.Blit(src, dst, uberMaterial, 0); } } if (!uberActive && !fxaaActive) Graphics.Blit(src, dst); #if UNITY_EDITOR if (profile.monitors.onFrameEndEditorOnly != null) { Graphics.Blit(dst, destination); var oldRt =; profile.monitors.onFrameEndEditorOnly(dst); = oldRt; } #endif m_RenderTextureFactory.ReleaseAll(); } void OnGUI() { if (Event.current.type != EventType.Repaint) return; if (profile == null || m_Camera == null) return; if ( && profile.debugViews.IsModeActive(DebugMode.EyeAdaptation)) m_EyeAdaptation.OnGUI(); else if ( && profile.debugViews.IsModeActive(DebugMode.LogLut)) m_ColorGrading.OnGUI(); else if ( && profile.debugViews.IsModeActive(DebugMode.UserLut)) m_UserLut.OnGUI(); } void OnDisable() { // Clear command buffers foreach (var cb in m_CommandBuffers.Values) { m_Camera.RemoveCommandBuffer(cb.Key, cb.Value); cb.Value.Dispose(); } m_CommandBuffers.Clear(); // Clear components if (profile != null) DisableComponents(); m_Components.Clear(); // Reset camera mode if (m_Camera != null) m_Camera.depthTextureMode = DepthTextureMode.None; // Factories m_MaterialFactory.Dispose(); m_RenderTextureFactory.Dispose(); GraphicsUtils.Dispose(); } public void ResetTemporalEffects() { m_Taa.ResetHistory(); m_MotionBlur.ResetHistory(); m_EyeAdaptation.ResetHistory(); } #region State management List m_ComponentsToEnable = new List(); List m_ComponentsToDisable = new List(); void CheckObservers() { foreach (var cs in m_ComponentStates) { var component = cs.Key; var state = component.GetModel().enabled; if (state != cs.Value) { if (state) m_ComponentsToEnable.Add(component); else m_ComponentsToDisable.Add(component); } } for (int i = 0; i < m_ComponentsToDisable.Count; i++) { var c = m_ComponentsToDisable[i]; m_ComponentStates[c] = false; c.OnDisable(); } for (int i = 0; i < m_ComponentsToEnable.Count; i++) { var c = m_ComponentsToEnable[i]; m_ComponentStates[c] = true; c.OnEnable(); } m_ComponentsToDisable.Clear(); m_ComponentsToEnable.Clear(); } void DisableComponents() { foreach (var component in m_Components) { var model = component.GetModel(); if (model != null && model.enabled) component.OnDisable(); } } #endregion #region Command buffer handling & rendering helpers // Placeholders before the upcoming Scriptable Render Loop as command buffers will be // executed on the go so we won't need of all that stuff CommandBuffer AddCommandBuffer(CameraEvent evt, string name) where T : PostProcessingModel { var cb = new CommandBuffer { name = name }; var kvp = new KeyValuePair(evt, cb); m_CommandBuffers.Add(typeof(T), kvp); m_Camera.AddCommandBuffer(evt, kvp.Value); return kvp.Value; } void RemoveCommandBuffer() where T : PostProcessingModel { KeyValuePair kvp; var type = typeof(T); if (!m_CommandBuffers.TryGetValue(type, out kvp)) return; m_Camera.RemoveCommandBuffer(kvp.Key, kvp.Value); m_CommandBuffers.Remove(type); kvp.Value.Dispose(); } CommandBuffer GetCommandBuffer(CameraEvent evt, string name) where T : PostProcessingModel { CommandBuffer cb; KeyValuePair kvp; if (!m_CommandBuffers.TryGetValue(typeof(T), out kvp)) { cb = AddCommandBuffer(evt, name); } else if (kvp.Key != evt) { RemoveCommandBuffer(); cb = AddCommandBuffer(evt, name); } else cb = kvp.Value; return cb; } void TryExecuteCommandBuffer(PostProcessingComponentCommandBuffer component) where T : PostProcessingModel { if ( { var cb = GetCommandBuffer(component.GetCameraEvent(), component.GetName()); cb.Clear(); component.PopulateCommandBuffer(cb); } else RemoveCommandBuffer(); } bool TryPrepareUberImageEffect(PostProcessingComponentRenderTexture component, Material material) where T : PostProcessingModel { if (! return false; component.Prepare(material); return true; } T AddComponent(T component) where T : PostProcessingComponentBase { m_Components.Add(component); return component; } #endregion } }