using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Assertions; using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering; namespace UnityEditor.Experimental.Rendering { [CustomEditor(typeof(Volume))] public sealed class VolumeEditor : Editor { SerializedProperty m_IsGlobal; SerializedProperty m_BlendRadius; SerializedProperty m_Weight; SerializedProperty m_Priority; SerializedProperty m_Components; Dictionary m_EditorTypes; // Component type => Editor type List m_Editors; static VolumeComponent s_ClipboardContent; Volume actualTarget { get { return target as Volume; } } void OnEnable() { var o = new PropertyFetcher(serializedObject); m_IsGlobal = o.Find(x => x.isGlobal); m_BlendRadius = o.Find(x => x.blendDistance); m_Weight = o.Find(x => x.weight); m_Priority = o.Find(x => x.priority); m_Components = o.Find(x => x.components); m_EditorTypes = new Dictionary(); m_Editors = new List(); // Gets the list of all available component editors var editorTypes = CoreUtils.GetAllAssemblyTypes() .Where( t => t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(VolumeComponentEditor)) && t.IsDefined(typeof(VolumeComponentEditorAttribute), false) && !t.IsAbstract ); // Map them to their corresponding component type foreach (var editorType in editorTypes) { var attribute = (VolumeComponentEditorAttribute)editorType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(VolumeComponentEditorAttribute), false)[0]; m_EditorTypes.Add(attribute.componentType, editorType); } // Create editors for existing components var components = actualTarget.components; for (int i = 0; i < components.Count; i++) CreateEditor(components[i], m_Components.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i)); // Keep track of undo/redo to redraw the inspector when that happens Undo.undoRedoPerformed += OnUndoRedoPerformed; } void OnDisable() { Undo.undoRedoPerformed -= OnUndoRedoPerformed; if (m_Editors == null) return; // Hasn't been inited yet foreach (var editor in m_Editors) editor.OnDisable(); m_Editors.Clear(); m_EditorTypes.Clear(); } public override void OnInspectorGUI() { serializedObject.Update(); if (actualTarget.isDirty) { RefreshEditors(); actualTarget.isDirty = false; } using (var scope = new EditorGUILayout.VerticalScope()) { EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_IsGlobal); if (!m_IsGlobal.boolValue) // Blend radius is not needed for global volumes { EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_BlendRadius); m_BlendRadius.floatValue = Mathf.Max(m_BlendRadius.floatValue, 0f); } EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_Weight); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_Priority); EditorGUILayout.Space(); // Component list for (int i = 0; i < m_Editors.Count; i++) { var editor = m_Editors[i]; string title = editor.GetDisplayTitle(); int id = i; // Needed for closure capture below CoreEditorUtils.DrawSplitter(); bool displayContent = CoreEditorUtils.DrawHeaderToggle( title, editor.baseProperty, editor.activeProperty, pos => OnContextClick(pos,, id) ); if (displayContent) { using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(!editor.activeProperty.boolValue)) editor.OnInternalInspectorGUI(); } } if (m_Editors.Count > 0) CoreEditorUtils.DrawSplitter(); else EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("No override set on this volume.", MessageType.Info); using (new EditorGUILayout.HorizontalScope()) { GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); //if (GUILayout.Button(CoreEditorUtils.GetContent("Add Component"), GUILayout.Width(230f), GUILayout.Height(24f))) //{ //} GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); } // Handle components drag'n'drop var e = Event.current; if (e.type == EventType.DragUpdated) { if (IsDragValid(scope.rect, e.mousePosition)) { DragAndDrop.visualMode = DragAndDropVisualMode.Link; e.Use(); } else { DragAndDrop.visualMode = DragAndDropVisualMode.Rejected; } } else if (e.type == EventType.DragPerform) { if (IsDragValid(scope.rect, e.mousePosition)) { DragAndDrop.AcceptDrag(); var objs = DragAndDrop.objectReferences; foreach (var o in objs) { var compType = ((MonoScript)o).GetClass(); AddComponent(compType); } e.Use(); } } } serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } bool IsDragValid(Rect rect, Vector2 mousePos) { if (!rect.Contains(mousePos)) return false; var objs = DragAndDrop.objectReferences; foreach (var o in objs) { if (o.GetType() != typeof(MonoScript)) return false; var script = (MonoScript)o; var scriptType = script.GetClass(); if (!scriptType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(VolumeComponent)) || scriptType.IsAbstract) return false; if (actualTarget.components.Exists(t => t.GetType() == scriptType)) return false; } return true; } void RefreshEditors() { // Disable all editors first foreach (var editor in m_Editors) editor.OnDisable(); // Remove them m_Editors.Clear(); // Recreate editors for existing settings, if any for (int i = 0; i < actualTarget.components.Count; i++) CreateEditor(actualTarget.components[i], m_Components.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i)); } // index is only used when we need to re-create a component in a specific spot (e.g. reset) void CreateEditor(VolumeComponent settings, SerializedProperty property, int index = -1) { var settingsType = settings.GetType(); Type editorType; if (!m_EditorTypes.TryGetValue(settingsType, out editorType)) editorType = typeof(VolumeComponentEditor); var editor = (VolumeComponentEditor)Activator.CreateInstance(editorType); editor.Init(settings, this); editor.baseProperty = property.Copy(); if (index < 0) m_Editors.Add(editor); else m_Editors[index] = editor; } void AddComponent(Type type) { serializedObject.Update(); var component = (VolumeComponent)CreateInstance(type); Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(component, "Add Volume Component"); // Grow the list first, then add - that's how serialized lists work in Unity m_Components.arraySize++; var effectProp = m_Components.GetArrayElementAtIndex(m_Components.arraySize - 1); effectProp.objectReferenceValue = component; // Create & store the internal editor object for this effect CreateEditor(component, effectProp); serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } void RemoveComponent(int id) { // Huh. Hack to keep foldout state on the next element... bool nextFoldoutState = false; if (id < m_Editors.Count - 1) nextFoldoutState = m_Editors[id + 1].baseProperty.isExpanded; // Remove from the cached editors list m_Editors[id].OnDisable(); m_Editors.RemoveAt(id); serializedObject.Update(); var property = m_Components.GetArrayElementAtIndex(id); var effect = property.objectReferenceValue; // Unassign it (should be null already but serialization does funky things property.objectReferenceValue = null; // ...and remove the array index itself from the list m_Components.DeleteArrayElementAtIndex(id); // Finally refresh editor reference to the serialized settings list for (int i = 0; i < m_Editors.Count; i++) m_Editors[i].baseProperty = m_Components.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i).Copy(); // Set the proper foldout state if needed if (id < m_Editors.Count) m_Editors[id].baseProperty.isExpanded = nextFoldoutState; serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); // Destroy the setting object after ApplyModifiedProperties(). If we do it before, redo // actions will be in the wrong order and the reference to the setting object in the // list will be lost. Undo.DestroyObjectImmediate(effect); } // Reset is done by deleting and removing the object from the list and adding a new one in // the same spot as it was before void ResetComponent(Type type, int id) { // Remove from the cached editors list m_Editors[id].OnDisable(); m_Editors[id] = null; serializedObject.Update(); var property = m_Components.GetArrayElementAtIndex(id); var prevSettings = property.objectReferenceValue; // Unassign it but down remove it from the array to keep the index available property.objectReferenceValue = null; // Create a new object var newEffect = (VolumeComponent)CreateInstance(type); Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(newEffect, "Reset Volume Component"); // Put it in the reserved space property.objectReferenceValue = newEffect; // Create & store the internal editor object for this effect CreateEditor(newEffect, property, id); serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); // Same as RemoveComponent, destroy at the end so it's recreated first on Undo to make // sure the GUID exists before undoing the list state Undo.DestroyObjectImmediate(prevSettings); } void MoveComponent(int id, int offset) { // Move components serializedObject.Update(); m_Components.MoveArrayElement(id, id + offset); serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); // Move editors var prev = m_Editors[id + offset]; m_Editors[id + offset] = m_Editors[id]; m_Editors[id] = prev; } void OnContextClick(Vector2 position, VolumeComponent targetComponent, int id) { var menu = new GenericMenu(); if (id == 0) menu.AddDisabledItem(CoreEditorUtils.GetContent("Move Up")); else menu.AddItem(CoreEditorUtils.GetContent("Move Up"), false, () => MoveComponent(id, -1)); if (id == m_Editors.Count - 1) menu.AddDisabledItem(CoreEditorUtils.GetContent("Move Down")); else menu.AddItem(CoreEditorUtils.GetContent("Move Down"), false, () => MoveComponent(id, 1)); menu.AddSeparator(string.Empty); menu.AddItem(CoreEditorUtils.GetContent("Reset"), false, () => ResetComponent(targetComponent.GetType(), id)); menu.AddItem(CoreEditorUtils.GetContent("Remove"), false, () => RemoveComponent(id)); menu.AddSeparator(string.Empty); menu.AddItem(CoreEditorUtils.GetContent("Copy Settings"), false, () => CopySettings(targetComponent)); if (CanPaste(targetComponent)) menu.AddItem(CoreEditorUtils.GetContent("Paste Settings"), false, () => PasteSettings(targetComponent)); else menu.AddDisabledItem(CoreEditorUtils.GetContent("Paste Settings")); menu.AddSeparator(string.Empty); menu.AddItem(CoreEditorUtils.GetContent("Toggle All"), false, () => m_Editors[id].SetAllOverridesTo(true)); menu.AddItem(CoreEditorUtils.GetContent("Toggle None"), false, () => m_Editors[id].SetAllOverridesTo(false)); menu.DropDown(new Rect(position,; } // Copy/pasting is simply done by creating an in memory copy of the selected component and // copying over the serialized data to another; it doesn't use nor affect the OS clipboard bool CanPaste(VolumeComponent targetComponent) { return s_ClipboardContent != null && s_ClipboardContent.GetType() == targetComponent.GetType(); } void CopySettings(VolumeComponent targetComponent) { if (s_ClipboardContent != null) { CoreUtils.Destroy(s_ClipboardContent); s_ClipboardContent = null; } s_ClipboardContent = (VolumeComponent)CreateInstance(targetComponent.GetType()); EditorUtility.CopySerializedIfDifferent(targetComponent, s_ClipboardContent); } void PasteSettings(VolumeComponent targetComponent) { Assert.IsNotNull(s_ClipboardContent); Assert.AreEqual(s_ClipboardContent.GetType(), targetComponent.GetType()); Undo.RecordObject(targetComponent, "Paste Settings"); EditorUtility.CopySerializedIfDifferent(s_ClipboardContent, targetComponent); } void OnUndoRedoPerformed() { actualTarget.isDirty = true; // Dumb hack to make sure the serialized object is up to date on undo serializedObject.Update(); serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); // Seems like there's an issue with the inspector not repainting after some undo events // This will take care of that Repaint(); } } }