#ifndef UNITY_ATMOSPHERIC_SCATTERING_INCLUDED #define UNITY_ATMOSPHERIC_SCATTERING_INCLUDED #include "ShaderLibrary/VolumeRendering.hlsl" #include "AtmosphericScattering.cs.hlsl" #include "../SkyVariables.hlsl" #include "../../ShaderVariables.hlsl" CBUFFER_START(AtmosphericScattering) float _AtmosphericScatteringType; // Common float _FogColorMode; float4 _FogColorDensity; // color in rgb, density in alpha float4 _MipFogParameters; // Linear fog float4 _LinearFogParameters; // Exp fog float4 _ExpFogParameters; CBUFFER_END #define _MipFogNear _MipFogParameters.x #define _MipFogFar _MipFogParameters.y #define _MipFogMaxMip _MipFogParameters.z #define _FogDensity _FogColorDensity.w #define _FogColor _FogColorDensity #define _LinearFogStart _LinearFogParameters.x #define _LinearFogEnd _LinearFogParameters.y #define _LinearFogOneOverRange _LinearFogParameters.z #define _ExpFogDistance _ExpFogParameters.x float3 GetFogColor(PositionInputs posInput) { if (_FogColorMode == FOGCOLORMODE_CONSTANT_COLOR) { return _FogColor.rgb; } else if (_FogColorMode == FOGCOLORMODE_SKY_COLOR) { // Based on Uncharted 4 "Mip Sky Fog" trick: http://advances.realtimerendering.com/other/2016/naughty_dog/NaughtyDog_TechArt_Final.pdf float mipLevel = (1.0 - _MipFogMaxMip * saturate((posInput.linearDepth - _MipFogNear) / (_MipFogFar - _MipFogNear))) * _SkyTextureMipCount; float3 dir = normalize(posInput.positionWS - GetPrimaryCameraPosition()); return SampleSkyTexture(dir, mipLevel).rgb; } else // Should not be possible. return float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } // Returns fog color in rgb and fog factor in alpha. float4 EvaluateAtmosphericScattering(PositionInputs posInput) { if (_AtmosphericScatteringType == FOGTYPE_EXPONENTIAL) { float3 fogColor = GetFogColor(posInput); float fogFactor = _FogDensity * (1.0f - Transmittance(OpticalDepthHomogeneous(1.0f / _ExpFogDistance, posInput.linearDepth))); return float4(fogColor, fogFactor); } else if (_AtmosphericScatteringType == FOGTYPE_LINEAR) { float3 fogColor = GetFogColor(posInput); float fogFactor = _FogDensity * saturate((posInput.linearDepth - _LinearFogStart) * _LinearFogOneOverRange); return float4(fogColor, fogFactor); } else // NONE { return float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } } #endif